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We propose a scheme to investigate the topological phase transition and the topological state transfer based on the small optomechanical lattice under the realistic parameters regime.We find that the optomechanical lattice can be equivalent to a topologically nontrivial Su-Schrieffer Heeger(SSH)model via designing the effective optomechanical coupling.Especially,the optomechanical lattice experiences the phase transition between topologically nontrivial SSH phase and topologically trivial SSH phase by controlling the decay of the cavity field and the opto mechanical coupling.We stress that the to pological phase transition is mainly induced by the decay of the cavity field,which is counter-intuitive since the dissipation is usually detrimental to the system.Also,we investigate the photonic state transfer between the two cavity fields via the topologically protected edge channel based on the small optomechanical lattice.We find that the quantum st ate transfer assisted by the topological zero energy mode can be achieved via implying the external lasers with the periodical driving amplitudes into the cavity fields.Our scheme provides the fundamental and the insightful explanations towards the mapping of the photonic topological insulator based on the micro-nano optomechanical quantum optical platform.  相似文献   

周博臻  周斌 《中国物理 B》2016,25(10):107401-107401
We investigate the topological properties of a ladder model of the dimerized Kitaev superconductor chains.The topological class of the system is determined by the relative phase θ between the inter-and intra-chain superconducting pairing.One topological class is the class BDI characterized by the Z index,and the other is the class D characterized by the Z_2 index.For the two different topological classes,the topological phase diagrams of the system are presented by calculating two different topological numbers,i.e.,the Z index winding number W and the Z_2 index Majorana number M,respectively.In the case of θ=0,the topological class belongs to the class BDI,multiple topological phase transitions accompanying the variation of the number of Majorana zero modes are observed.In the case of θ = π/2 it belongs to the class D.Our results show that for the given value of dimerization,the topologically nontrivial and trivial phases alternate with the variation of chemical potential.  相似文献   

杨圆  陈帅  李小兵 《物理学报》2018,67(23):237101-237101
本文研究了各向同性square-octagon晶格在内禀自旋轨道耦合、Rashba自旋轨道耦合和交换场作用下的拓扑相变,同时引入陈数和自旋陈数对系统进行拓扑分类.系统在自旋轨道耦合和交换场的影响下会出现许多拓扑非平庸态,包括时间反演对称破缺的量子自旋霍尔态和量子反常霍尔态.特别的是,在时间反演对称破缺的量子自旋霍尔效应中,无能隙螺旋边缘态依然能够完好存在.调节交换场或者填充因子的大小会导致系统发生从时间反演对称破缺的量子自旋霍尔态到自旋过滤的量子反常霍尔态的拓扑相变.边缘态能谱和自旋谱的性质与陈数和自旋陈数的拓扑刻画完全一致.这些研究成果为自旋量子操控提供了一个有趣的途径.  相似文献   

沈清玮  徐林  蒋建华 《物理学报》2017,66(22):224102-224102
二维圆环结构的三角晶格磁光光子晶体中可以呈现多重拓扑相.在不同的几何参数和磁场下,这些拓扑相包括正常光子带隙相、量子自旋霍尔相和反常量子霍尔相.与文献[1]类似,该结果展现了二维光子晶体丰富的拓扑相变现象.  相似文献   

汪萨克  汪军  刘军丰 《中国物理 B》2016,25(7):77305-077305
We study the possible topological phase in a one-dimensional(1D) quantum wire with an oscillating Rashba spin–orbital coupling in real space. It is shown that there are a pair of particle–hole symmetric gaps forming in the bulk energy band and fractional boundary states residing in the gap when the system has an inversion symmetry. These states are topologically nontrivial and can be characterized by a quantized Berry phase ±π or nonzero Chern number through dimensional extension. When the Rashba spin–orbital coupling varies slowly with time, the system can pump out 2 charges in a pumping cycle because of the spin flip effect. This quantized pumping is protected by topology and is robust against moderate disorders as long as the disorder strength does not exceed the opened energy gap.  相似文献   

戴希 《物理》2016,45(12):757-768
凝聚态物理中拓扑相变和拓扑物态的发现,获得了2016年度诺贝尔物理学奖。文章系统介绍了凝聚态物理中拓扑性的起源,并简要介绍了目前凝聚态物理中发现的主要几类拓扑态:拓扑绝缘体、量子反常霍尔效应、拓扑晶体绝缘体和拓扑半金属。  相似文献   

单传家 《物理学报》2012,61(22):51-55
本文首先对具有三体相互作用的一维自旋链系统的哈密顿量进行了对角化.然后通过一个旋转操作求解了系统基态的几何相位,通过数值计算几何相位及其导数随外界参数的变化,考虑三体相互作用对几何相位以及量子相变的影响,结果表明几何相位可以很好的用来表征该系统中的量子相变,并且发现三体相互作用不但引起相变点平移,而且可以产生新的临界点.  相似文献   

Employing nonlocal homogenization approach, we investigate the properties of a metamaterial consisting of parallel metallic wires with dielectric coating. We demonstrate that manipulation of dielectric contrast between wire dielectric shell and host material at fixed frequency results in dynamic switching of metamaterial dispersion regime from elliptic to the hyperbolic one, i.e. the topological transition takes place. It is proved that such transition can be induced by the variation of the metamaterial temperature. Our findings thus pave a way to the implementation of a tunable ‘elliptic‐hyperbolic’ metamaterial.  相似文献   

王健  吴世巧  梅军 《物理学报》2017,66(22):224301-224301
构建了一种简单的二维声子晶体:由两个横截面为三角形的钢柱所组成的复式元胞按三角点阵的形式排列在空气中,等效地形成了一个蜂巢点阵结构.当三角形钢柱的取向与三角点阵的高对称方向一致时,整个体系具有C_(6v)对称性.研究发现:在保持钢柱填充率不变的条件下,只需要将所有三角柱绕着自己的中心旋转180°,就可实现二重简并的p态和d态在布里渊区中心Γ点处的频率反转,且该能带反转过程实质上是一个拓扑相变过程.通过利用Γ点的P态和d态的空间旋转对称性,构造了一个赝时反演对称性,并在声学系统中实现了类似于电子系统中量子自旋霍尔效应的赝自旋态.随后通过k·p微扰法导出了Γ点附近的有效哈密顿量,并分别计算了拓扑平庸和非平庸系统的自旋陈数,揭示了能带反转和拓扑相变的内在联系.最后通过数值模拟演示了受到拓扑不变量保护的声波边界态的单向传输行为和对缺陷的背向散射抑制.文中所研究的声波体系,尽管材料普通常见,但其拓扑带隙的相对宽度超过21%,比已报道的类似体系的带隙都要宽,且工作原理涵盖从次声波到超声波的很大频率范围,从而在实际应用上具有较大的优势和潜力.  相似文献   

陈西浩  王秀娟 《物理学报》2018,67(19):190301-190301
应用矩阵乘积态表示的无限虚时间演化块算法,研究了扩展的量子罗盘模型.为了深入研究该模型的长程拓扑序和量子相变,基于奇数键和偶数键,引入了奇数弦关联和偶数弦关联,计算了保真度、奇数弦关联、偶数弦关联、奇数弦关联饱和性与序参量.弦关联表现出三种截然不同的行为:衰减为零、单调饱和与振荡饱和.基于弦关联的以上特征,给出了量子罗盘模型的基态序参量相图.在临界区,局域磁化强度和单调奇弦序参量的临界指数β=1/8表明:相变的普适类是Ising类型.此外,保真度探测到的相变点、连续性与非连续性和序参量的结果一致.  相似文献   

铁基超导体表现出丰富的结构和物理性质,在多个典型体系中存在着结构相变和多重有序态之间的关联与竞争. 例如,母相化合物LaFeAsO在150K附近发生从四方相(P4/nmm)到正交相(Cmma)的结构相变,同时其电输运性质和磁化率也表现出明显的反常行为. 微结构分析发现,在CaFe2As2 样品中,存在准周期调制结构,而且在低温区,122体系存在丰富的孪晶畴结构,这种孪晶结构是结构相变的直接结果. 另外,在超导材料KxFe2-ySe2 (0.7≤x≤0.8, 0.2≤y≤0.4)中,Fe空位有序态和结构相分离是理解其结构,也是理解其磁性和输运性质的关键问题,特别是沿[130]晶体带轴方向的5倍超结构与系统的超导电性存在密切关系.  相似文献   

王青海  李锋  黄学勤  陆久阳  刘正猷 《物理学报》2017,66(22):224502-224502
基于Su-Schrieffer-Heeger模型,构造了一种一维非线性声子晶体,通过调控外加在声子晶体上的预紧力,可调控声子晶体的拓扑态,从而实现拓扑相变.利用这一效应,把该非线性声子晶体与另一线性声子晶体形成异质结构,可以实现一种新型声学开关:通过调节预紧力即调控非线性声子晶体的拓扑相,可以实现异质结构中界面态从无到有的转变,从而实现了开关效应.利用该效应可望开发新型声学器件,如可调谐振器、可调滤波器、可调隔振器等.  相似文献   

铁基超导体表现出丰富的结构和物理性质,在多个典型体系中存在着结构相变和多重有序态之间的关联与竞争.例如,母相化合物LaFeAsO在150K附近发生从四方相(P4/nmm)到正交相(Cmma)的结构相变,同时其电输运性质和磁化率也表现出明显的反常行为.微结构分析发现,在CaFe2As2样品中,存在准周期调制结构,而且在低温区,122体系存在丰富的孪晶畴结构,这种孪晶结构是结构相变的直接结果.另外,在超导材料KxFe2-ySe2(0.7≤x≤0.8,0.2≤y≤0.4)中,Fe空位有序态和结构相分离是理解其结构,也是理解其磁性和输运性质的关键问题,特别是沿[130]晶体带轴方向的5倍超结构与系统的超导电性存在密切关系.  相似文献   

Topological physics in optical lattices have attracted much attention in recent years. The nonlinear effects on such optical systems remain well-explored and a large amount of progress has been achieved. In this paper, under the mean-field approximation for a nonlinearly optical coupled boson–hexagonal lattice system, we calculate the nonlinear Dirac cone and discuss its dependence on the parameters of the system. Due to the special structure of the cone, the Berry phase (two-dimensional Zak phase) acquired around these Dirac cones is quantized, and the critical value can be modulated by interactions between different lattices sites. We numerically calculate the overall Aharonov-Bohm (AB) phase and find that it is also quantized, which provides a possible topological number by which we can characterize the quantum phases. Furthermore, we find that topological phase transition occurs when the band gap closes at the nonlinear Dirac points. This is different from linear systems, in which the transition happens when the band gap closes and reopens at the Dirac points.  相似文献   

Xian-Dong Li 《中国物理 B》2022,31(11):110304-110304
The Janus monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) $MXY$ ($M={\rm Mo}$, W, $etc$. and $X, Y={\rm S}$, Se, $etc$.) have been successfully synthesized in recent years. The Rashba spin splitting in these compounds arises due to the breaking of out-of-plane mirror symmetry. Here we study the pairing symmetry of superconducting Janus monolayer TMDs within the weak-coupling framework near critical temperature $T_{\rm c}$, of which the Fermi surface (FS) sheets centered around both $ărGamma$ and $K (K')$ points. We find that the strong Rashba splitting produces two kinds of topological superconducting states which differ from that in its parent compounds. More specifically, at relatively high chemical potentials, we obtain a time-reversal invariant $s + f + p$-wave mixed superconducting state, which is fully gapped and topologically nontrivial, $i.e.$, a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological state. On the other hand, a time-reversal symmetry breaking $d + p + f$-wave superconducting state appears at lower chemical potentials. This state possess a large Chern number $|C|=6$ at appropriate pairing strength, demonstrating its nontrivial band topology. Our results suggest the Janus monolayer TMDs to be a promising candidate for the intrinsic helical and chiral topological superconductors.  相似文献   

张廷宪  郑志刚 《中国物理 B》2009,18(10):4187-4192
The behaviors of coupled oscillators, each of which has periodic motion with random natural frequency in the absence of coupling, are investigated when phase shifts are considered. In the system of coupled oscillators, phase shifts are the same between different oscillators. Synchronization and synchronization transition are revealed with different phase shifts. Phase shifts play an important role for this kind of system. When the phase shift α<0.5π, the synchronization state can be attained by increasing the coupling, and the system cannot reach the synchronization state while α≥q0.5π. A clear scaling between complete synchronization critical coupling strength K_pc and α-0.5π is found.  相似文献   

By use of the exact diagonalization method, the quantum phase transition and entanglement in a 6-Li atom system are studied. It is found that entanglement appears before the quantum phase transition and disappears after it in this exactly solvable quantum system. The present results show that the von Neumann entropy, as a measure of entanglement, may reveal the quantum phase transition in this model.  相似文献   

利用张量网络表示的无限矩阵乘积态算法研究了含有Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM)相互作用的键交替海森伯模型的量子相变和临界标度行为.基于矩阵乘积态的基态波函数计算了系统的量子纠缠熵及非局域拓扑序.数据表明,随着键交替强度变化,系统从拓扑有序的Haldane相转变为局域有序的二聚化相.同时DM相互作用抑制了系统的二聚化,并最终打破系统的完全二聚化.另外,通过对相变点附近二聚化序的一阶导数和长程弦序的数值拟合,分别得到了此模型相变的特征临界指数a和b的值.结果表明,随着DM相互作用强度的增强, a逐渐减小,同时b逐渐增大. DM相互作用强度影响着此模型的临界行为.针对此模型的临界性质的研究,揭示了量子自旋相互作用的彼此竞争机制,对今后研究含有DM相互作用的自旋多体系统中拓扑量子相变临界行为提供一定的借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

For an exactly soluble classical spin model with long-range inhomogeneous coupling it is proved that in the absence of external magnetic field the free energy is aC function of the temperature at the critical point.  相似文献   

Recent experimental results are reviewed of the transformation between ionic and neutral phases in tetrathiafulvalen-p-chloranil crystals, induced by exciting the electronic states of the crystal. Spectroscopic studies have revealed that N phase domains are formed in the ionic-host crystal only above threshold-excitation intensity in the case of charge-transfer excitation; the threshold intensity depends strongly on the wavelength. On the other hand, N-phase domains can be formed without threshold in the excitation intensity in the case of intra-molecular excitation. Also, femtosecond time-resolved study has shown the intensity-dependent dynamics of the N-phase domain formation, and revealed the presence of short-lived intermediate states prior forming the N-phase domain. The mechanism of the photo-induced phase transition in this crystal is discussed based on these results.  相似文献   

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