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半红树植物是一类既可在海岸潮间带又可在陆地生长和繁殖的海陆两栖植物。夏季强光和高温是海岸带生境突出的特点,半红树植物如何在这样的自然生境中生存和繁衍是值得探讨的问题。该研究以具有较高应用价值的锦葵科(Malvaceae)木槿属(Hibiscus)的常绿半红树植物黄槿(H.tiliaceus)作为研究对象,采用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统(Li-Cor Inc.,USA)对南亚热带气候条件下的广东省珠海淇澳岛红树林自然保护区自然生长的黄槿在夏季高温季节的叶片气体交换特性进行测定,探讨了其在自然生境下的光合行为和相关的形态解剖特征,揭示其生境适应性的光合生理生态机制。结果表明:(1)黄槿净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间二氧化碳浓度和蒸腾速率的日变化均表现为单峰型曲线,中午未出现明显光抑制现象。(2)黄槿较高的净光合速率与其较高的气孔导度相关,而后者则可能与其较大的气孔密度和具有表皮毛等叶片解剖结构特征有关。(3)黄槿光饱和点、光补偿点、最大净光合速率和日均净光合速率均符合阳生植物特征,因而是一种阳生性树种。以上结果说明黄槿在自然环境中具有的快速生长特性可能与其较强和较稳定的光合能力有关,该研究结果为深入揭示黄槿以及其他半红树植物适应海岸带高温强光生境的生理生态机制提供了基础数据,为黄槿的合理栽培及造林实践提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

在温室内用自动控制装置模拟正规半日潮淹浸作用对老鼠簕种子发芽与幼苗生长的影响,设淹水0、3、6、9、12、15、18、21和24h·d-1共9个淹水时间梯度,人工海水盐度为2%,测定不同淹水时间下老鼠簕种子萌发、幼苗株高、叶面积、生物量以及幼苗叶脯氨酸含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、叶绿素含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性等生理生化指标.结果表明,长时间淹水(≥15 h·d-1)会推迟老鼠簕种子萌发的时间,并使发芽率和成苗率降低,淹水<15 h·d-1适宜老鼠簕种子的萌发.随着淹水时间的增长,脯氨酸含量、MDA含量和SOD活性均先下降后上升,叶绿素含量则逐渐降低.淹水≥3 h·d-1,幼苗生物量、单株叶面积、高生长和叶绿素含量与淹水时间均呈负相关.淹水0~3h·d-1,老鼠簕总叶绿素含量、根、茎、地上部分和总生物量积累均显著大于其他处理,淹水≥18 h·d-1,老鼠筋幼苗总生物量、叶面积、叶绿素含量显著降低,根冠比开始上升.在上述人工培养条件下,淹水0~3h·d-1是老鼠筋幼苗生长的最佳淹水时间,18h·d-1是老鼠簕幼苗生长的一个临界淹水时间,淹水≥18 h·d-1老鼠筋幼苗生长显著受到抑制.  相似文献   

选取半红树植物——海漆(Excoecaria agallocha)作为研究对象,采用简单重复序列(ISSR)分子标记技术,对不同地理位置、不同生境(潮间带和陆生)海漆居群的遗传多样性及遗传结构进行研究。结果表明,在同一地点,潮间带居群的遗传变异水平均高于其陆生居群。潮间带居群间的遗传分化水平(GST=0.191)略低于其陆生居群间的遗传分化(GST=0.218).表明潮间带居群间通过漂浮的种子进行的基因交流较陆生居群间频繁。AMOVA分析显示,由异质性生境造成的分子变异为15.13%,而采样不同地区间(相距181~759km)造成的分子变异却只有11.63%.暗示环境胁迫造成的选择压力导致海漆居群适应性进化。同时地理隔离、南海北部的西南季风漂流及中国沿岸流和遗传漂变对海漆居群的遗传分化均有着重要影响。  相似文献   

洞庭湖四种优势湿地植物茎、叶通气组织的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对通气组织的解剖观察有助于了解湿地植物的生长、分布及对不同生境的适应。采用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下对洞庭湖湿地沿水位高程梯度分布的4种优势植物——荻Miscanthus sacchariflorus、水蓼Polygonum hydropiper、红穗苔草Carex argyi、虉草Phalaris arundinacea的茎和叶解剖结构进行了比较研究。结果表明:茎通气组织的形成部位主要在皮层、维管束和髓腔,其中髓腔所占比例最大(〉77%)。茎通气组织大小为:水蓼(57.8%)〉红穗苔草(45.5%)≥虉草(41.7%)≥荻(37.8%)。4种湿地植物的叶均在叶肉组织和(或)维管束内形成通气组织,如荻、虉草的形成部位是维管束,水蓼的是叶肉组织,而红穗苔草在叶肉组织和维管束内均可以形成,但以叶肉组织中为主,占99%。红穗苔草叶通气组织最发达,为33.8%,其它3种植物相对不发达,仅为0.13%~1.68%。除虉草外,其它3种植物通气组织大小与其分布位置具有很好的一致性。可见,湿地植物通气组织与其分布有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

广西西端海岸四种红树植物天然种群生境高程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘亮  范航清  李春干 《生态学报》2012,32(3):690-698
在广西防城港市东湾渔洲坪、石角、交东3个样地平行海面方向共设置18条剖面对4种红树植物白骨壤(Avicenniamarina)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorhiza)在沿海滩涂生长带高程测量和群落调查。调查结果表明:由于人类活动造成东湾渔洲坪和交东两个样地的坡度变化较大,分别从-0.37变化为-0.05和-0.72变化为-0.10,而地处北仑河口保护区内的石角样地受到保护,没有人为因素的影响,坡度从-0.23变化为-0.10变化不大。石角和交东两个样地中的桐花树集中出现在高程15至40 cm和33至36 cm范围内;秋茄集中出现在高程43至60 cm和37至51cm范围内;木榄集中出现在高程94至106 cm和111至119 cm范围内。所有样地中的白骨壤在高程60至80 cm范围内,树高最高达到220 cm,且分布密集;桐花树在高程20至40 cm范围内,树高最高达到200 cm,且分布密集;秋茄在高程40至80 cm范围内,树高最高达到200 cm,且分布密集;木榄在高程60至100 cm范围内,且分布密集,树高最高达280 cm。通过对各样地剖面上红树植物种类出现频度的分析和林木高度的测量,4种红树植物天然林临界滩涂高程分别为:桐花树为-7 cm;秋茄为+33 cm;白骨壤为+23和+26 cm;木榄为+44 cm。对应的浸淹时间分别为8.5、7.0、7.0、6.0h。在石角和交东分别有30.0%和56.7%的桐花树分布于平均海平面以下,秋茄也能分布在此高程下,平均株高也达1.75 m。根据现场实际调查结果,桐花树、秋茄可以大量生存在平均海平面以下的滩涂上。  相似文献   

植物胎生是指有性繁殖产生的后代在母体上直接萌发的现象, 在红树植物中最为常见。红树植物生长在热带亚热带海岸潮间带, 耐受高盐、高温、淹水缺氧和海浪冲击等复杂环境。胎生被认为是红树植物对这种特殊生境的重要适应方式。该文从形态发育、生理生化、分子水平、生态适应4个层次讨论红树植物胎生现象对复杂生境的适应性, 并指出现有研究存在的不足, 对将来的研究方向进行了展望。与非胎生胚胎发育相比, 红树植物胎生是一个遗传的程序, 在进化过程中形成了一些特殊的结构。植物激素对胎生发育起关键的调控作用, 繁殖体发育过程中, 其盐离子的种类与浓度的动态变化则是对海岸潮间带生境的重要适应特征。这种胎生繁殖体依靠在母体上完善的一系列功能性特征能更有效地适应落地后的滩涂环境。然而, 红树植物胎生发育过程的分子机理及调控机制还有待研究。理解胎生这一特殊适应性现象的本质及其进化过程将为红树林保护繁育、适应气候变化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过研究华南沿海珠江口深圳湾红树植物无瓣海桑、海桑和秋茄在不同海拔高度的滩面中的生长适应性,揭示红树植物对海水淹浸的适生特性.研究结果表明:(1)在一定的滩面高度范围内,红树植物无瓣海桑(滩面高度为-12~35.5 cm)、海桑(滩面高度为-1~24 cm)幼树的保存率和生长量随着滩面高度的降低(即海水淹浸程度的加强)而逐渐减低,秋茄(滩面高度为12~24 cm)的保存率和生长量则无明显差异.(2)随生长期的延长,各树种幼树的保存率逐渐减低.当生长期未超过1年时,幼树生长和成活极不稳定,保存率骤减;当生长期超过1年后,无瓣海桑和海桑保存率趋于相对稳定,秋茄保存率继续下降,极难长久保存和定居.(3)无瓣海桑能够忍耐海水淹浸的限度是滩面高度最低为10 cm,海桑是滩面高度最低为6.5 cm,秋茄是滩面高度至少在24 cm以上,在低于此海拔高度的滩面上各树种极难长期保存和定居.为了保证各树种正常生长发育,种植红树林要选择高于此滩面高度的泥滩区域.  相似文献   

为探讨红树植物光适应的生理生态策略,对6种真红树植物[无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)、卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum)]和2种半红树植物[银叶树(Heritiera littoralis)、黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus)]的1 a生幼苗在不同生长光强(自然光强的100%、45%、30%、10%)下的光合光响应特征进行了研究。结果表明,不同生长光强对红树植物光响应特征的影响因物种而异,遮荫显著提高了秋茄和木榄的最大净光合速率(Pmax),而对其他红树植物的Pmax没有显著影响;秋茄在45%光强下具有较高的Pmax,木榄的Pmax则在45%和30%光强下显著高于其他2个处理。随着生长光强的下降,秋茄幼苗叶片的光饱和点显著上升,木榄、老鼠簕和卤蕨的光补偿点呈下降趋势,木榄和卤蕨的表观量子效率升高的同时暗呼吸速率下降。木榄、老鼠簕和卤蕨具有较强的耐荫性,...  相似文献   

李萌姣  陈青  李婷  叶万辉  沈浩 《广西植物》2018,38(10):1261-1266
红树林由于受到入侵植物薇甘菊的危害发生大面积退化,而田野菟丝子寄生是防控薇甘菊的有效途径。为了探讨田野莬丝子寄生对红树植物的影响,该研究通过同质园控制试验,利用PAM-2100便携式调制叶绿素荧光仪,测定了三种真红树植物(老鼠簕、木榄、秋茄)和两种半红树植物(海芒果、银叶树)幼苗在田野菟丝子寄生及对照情况下的叶片叶绿素荧光参数。结果表明:田野菟丝子寄生对红树植物幼苗光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)最大光化学效率(F_v/F_m)没有显著影响;对更为敏感的红树植物幼苗PSⅡ潜在活性(F_v/F_o)同样也没有显著影响;试验后期发现田野菟丝子对红树植物幼苗无法成功寄生。由此可见,田野菟丝子用于红树林薇甘菊的防治是安全的。  相似文献   

几种红树植物的热值和灰分含量研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  

Metabolic changes during rooting in stem cuttings of five mangrove species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vegetative propagation through rooting in stem cuttings in five tree mangroves namely Bruguiera parviflora, Cynometra iripa, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes, and Thespesia populnea using IAA, IBA and NAA was reported. Spectacular increase in the root number was noted in the cuttings of H. fomes and C. iripa treated together with IBA (5000 ppm) and NAA (2500 ppm). The highest number of roots was obtained with IBA (2500 ppm) and NAA (500 ppm) in E. agallocha. B. parviflora and T. populnea responded better to IAA and IBA treatment. The species specific variation in the rooting response to exogenous application of auxins was reflected in the metabolic changes during initiation and development of roots in cuttings. Biochemical analysis showed increase of reducing sugar in the above-girdled tissues at initiation as well as subsequent development of roots which was further enhanced by the use of auxins. Decreases in the total sugar, total carbohydrate and polyphenols and increase in total nitrogen were recorded in the girdled tissues and the high C/N ratio at the initial stage helped in initiation of roots in all the species. Interaction of IBA and NAA promoted starch hydrolysis better than IAA and IBA during root development and subsequently reduced the C/N ratio and increased the protein-nitrogen activity during root development which suggest the auxin influenced mobilization of nitrogen to the rooting zone.Abbreviations IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - IBA Indole-butyric acid - NAA A-naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   

The flooding tolerance of Carex species was studied in relation to their field distribution and their capacity to form root aerenchyma under controlled conditions. In an alpine meadow, six Carex species were selected which were distributed in a clear zonation correlating with water content of the soil. Carex sempervirens and C. ferruginea were only found on nonflooded soil, the latter species preferring moister conditions. Carex davalliana and C. nigra were both associated with water-saturated soil, whereas C. limosa and C. rostrata preferred partially submerged conditions. Carex davalliana and C. limosa were bound to flooded soils with a relatively high redox potential and horizontally flowing groundwater. Carex rostrata and C. nigra grew in stagnant soil-flooded conditions with low soil redox potentials. The amount of aerenchyma in the roots of all species increased when grown in oxygen-deficient stagnant agar. This increase in root porosity, combined with increased root diameter, presumably improved internal aeration of the roots. Although all species survived experimental soil flooding, partial submergence was lethal to C. sempervirens and, surprisingly, also to the wetland species C. davalliana. Carex ferruginea showed a reduced growth rate during partial submergence. The three other species, all wetland plants, reached highest biomass production under soil-flooded and partially submerged conditions, with slower growth on free-draining soil. It is concluded that aerenchyma is not constitutive in the Carex species under study, and is best developed in Carex species from wetlands. Species with less aerenchyma perform poorly when soil-flooded, but conditions of partial submergence could even affect species with a considerable amount of root aerenchyma.  相似文献   

Amounts of seed predation by grapsid crabs (Brachyura: Grapsidae) on two species of mangroves (Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina) were compared among different habitats in an Australian mangrove forest. For Avicennia, comparisons were between canopy gaps and the adjacent forest understory for six, mid intertidal, gaps of different sizes. For Aegiceras the comparisons were among canopy gaps in the high intertidal; open, accreting mud/sand banks where mangroves were colonizing in the low intertidal; and in the forest understory in both the high and low intertidal zones. These were repeated in the high salinity (35\%) downstream portion and the low salinity (0–5\%) upstream portion of a tidal river.Predation on Avicennia was significantly higher in the understory than in adjacent canopy gaps. Within a canopy opening, predation was greatest in the smallest gaps and lowest in the largest gaps. Predation on Aegiceras was greater in the high intertidal compared to the low intertidal, but no differences were found between river mouth and upstream locations. In the high intertidal zone of the forest, there were no differences in predation between canopy gap or forest understory sites for Aegiceras. In the low intertidal zone, however, significant differences in amount of predation were found between habitats. More Aegiceras propagules were consumed in the understory than on adjacent accreting sandbanks.Frequency of tidal inundation, which in turn affects the amount of time available to forage, is hypothesized to account for differences in predation between low and high intertidal forests and between small and large canopy gaps. Our results also suggest that shade intolerance in these two species may actually reflect an escape from predators, successful when the seeds are dispersed into open areas such as canopy gaps or mud banks.  相似文献   

The meiobenthos of five mangrove vegetation types in Gazi Bay,Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vertical distribution of meiofauna in the sediments ofAvicennia marina,Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,Ceriops tagal,Rhizophora mucronata andSonneratia alba at Gazi Bay (Kenya), is described. Seventeen taxa were observed, with highest densities in the sediments ofBruguiera (6707 ind. 10 cm–2), followed byRhizophora (3998 ind. 10 cm–2),Avicennia (3442 ind. 10 cm–2),Sonneratia (2889 ind. 10 cm–2) andCeriops (1976 ind. 10 cm–2). Nematodes accounted for up to 95% of total densities; other common taxa were copepods, turbellarians, oligochaetes, polychaetes, ostracods and rotifers. High densities occurred to about 20 cm depth in the sediment. EspeciallyCeriops sediments show still high densities of nematodes (342 ind. 10 cm–2) and copepods (11 ind. 10 cm–2) in the deepest layer (15–22 cm). Particle size and oxygen conditions were major factors influencing meiobenthic distribution;Uca burrows had a major impact on distribution and abundance of meiofauna.  相似文献   

A well-developed aerenchyma is a major characteristic of aquatic plants. However, because such tissues are also found in wetland and terrestrial plants, it is not always possible to use their presence or absence to distinguish aquatic species. Whereas patterns of aerenchyma in roots have been studied in detail, those of the shoots have not. We collected and tested 110 species of various aquatic and wetland plants, including ferns (5), basal angiosperms (5), monocots (65), and eudicots (35). Three common and two rare types of aerenchyma were observed in their roots (three schizogeny and two lysigeny), plus five types of schizogeny in their shoots. We re-confirmed that, although a well-developed aerenchyma is more common in most organs of aquatic plants than in wetland plants, this presence cannot be used as strict evidence for the aquatic quality of vascular plants. Here, aerenchyma patterns were stable at the genus level, and the consistency of pattern was stronger in the roots than in the shoots. Furthermore, significant trends were verified in several higher taxa, and those consistencies of patterns partially coincided with their phylogeny.  相似文献   

福建漳江口红树林区秋茄幼苗生长动态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过福建漳江口红树林自然保护区内8个样方24个小样方人工种植600个秋茄胚轴,在3a时间内对秋茄胚轴建立、幼苗生长以及环境因子进行定期观测。研究结果表明:林缘空地的秋茄生长状况良好,白骨壤林内最不利于秋茄幼苗的生长。潮位、盐度、底质土壤理化因子不是造成该样地各样方间秋茄幼苗生长差异的主要原因。动物取食、光照状况以及种间竞争是限制秋茄生长的主要环境因子。秋茄胚轴在长根前易于随潮水漂走,底质土壤中自骨壤致密的根系抑制了秋茄胚轴的定植,导致白骨壤林内秋茄幼苗漂走的数量最多。昆虫和螃蟹等动物的取食是导致林内已经固着生长的秋茄幼苗大量死亡的最主要原因,而林外被取食的幼苗个体极少。此后秋茄幼苗能否继续成长,主要取决于幼苗所接受到的光照条件。3a后,在荫蔽的树冠下,秋茄幼苗无法存活;而在林外,秋茄幼苗已经长成幼树。在林外滩涂上迅速生长的互花米草,也将影响秋茄幼苗的更新和生长。  相似文献   

Large scale propagation of three mangrove species, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomesand Intsia bijugausing cuttings and air layering was attempted. The effect of auxins and season on rooting potential of these mangrove species was recorded. Maximum rooting was recorded when the cuttings and air layers were treated with IBA alone up to 2500ppm in all the three species. October was found to be best followed by January for the plantation of cuttings and initiation of air layers. All the plants were hardened and field transferred into the mangrove forests of Pichavaram, Tamilnadu, India.  相似文献   

Propagules of Kandelia candel collected from the Zhangjiang estuary were planted in mangrove habitats along the intertidal gradient. The rooting rates of K. candel propagules varied spatially. The lowest rate occurred in Avicennia marina forest (69.7%). The rates were higher in K. candel forest (90.0%), at the fringe of the mangrove forest (89.3%) and on the bare tidal flat outside the mangrove forest (82.7%). After one year, the survival rates of seedlings planted under A. marina forest, K. candel forest, at the fringe of the mangrove forest, and on the bare tidal flat were 13.7%, 54.7%, 76.0%, and 34.7%, respectively. Among the surviving K. candel seedlings, those at the fringe of the mangrove forest and on the bare tidal flat had greater height, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass than those under A. marina and K. candel forests. These results demonstrated that establishment and growth of K. candel seedlings occurred successfully at the fringe of the mangrove forest, but were the worst under A. marina forest. The performance of K. candel seedlings was independent of physico-chemical characters of sediment. However, interspecies competition, propagule predation by insects and crabs, and the incident light had significant effects on seedling survival and growth.  相似文献   

Zhang Y H  Wang W Q  Wu Q C  Fang B Z  Lin P 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1648-1655
Propagules of Kandelia candel collected from the Zhangjiang estuary were planted in mangrove habitats along the intertidal gradient. The rooting rates of K. candel propagules varied spatially. The lowest rate occurred in Avicennia marina forest (69.7%). The rates were higher in K. candel forest (90.0%), at the fringe of the mangrove forest (89.3%) and on the bare tidal flat outside the mangrove forest (82.7%). After one year, the survival rates of seedlings planted under A. marina forest, K. candel forest, at the fringe of the mangrove forest, and on the bare tidal flat were 13.7%, 54.7%, 76.0%, and 34.7%, respectively. Among the surviving K. candel seedlings, those at the fringe of the mangrove forest and on the bare tidal flat had greater height, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass than those under A. marina and K. candel forests. These results demonstrated that establishment and growth of K. candel seedlings occurred successfully at the fringe of the mangrove forest, but were the worst under A. marina forest. The performance of K. candel seedlings was independent of physico-chemical characters of sediment. However, interspecies competition, propagule predation by insects and crabs, and the incident light had significant effects on seedling survival and growth.  相似文献   

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