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S. Nadal    J. I. Cubero    M. T. Moreno 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(1):110-112
Little is known about the levels of resistance to Orobanche crenata available in narbon vetch. A germplasm collection of 200 accessions of narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) originating from different countries was screened for resistance to crenate broomrape under field conditions. Thirteen accessions were selected for more detailed screening under controlled conditions and for additional field testing. Resistance to O. crenata was manifested by lower germination of broomrape seeds, reduced emergence of Orobanche shoots and fewer root attachments per narbon vetch plant. Differences in pod yield among narbon vetch accessions were also found in response to Orobanche infestation. Finally, eight accessions were selected and identified as new sources of narbon vetch resistant to broomrape.  相似文献   

The genetic nature of early blight resistance in tomato was studied in three crosses at seedling and adult plant stages. A six generation mean analysis of the cross Arka Saurabh (susceptible) × IHR1939 (resistance) and its reciprocal cross revealed that the resistance to early blight was conferred by recessive polygenes at both seedling and adult plant stages. This polygenic early blight resistance revealed the importance of additive and additive × additive gene effects at seedling stage and higher magnitude of dominance and dominance× dominance gene effects at adult plant stage. Evaluation of parents, F1, F2 and backcross generations of IHR1816 (resistance) × IHR1939 (resistance) revealed that the early blight resistance genes in IHR1816 (Lycopersicon esculentum NCEBR-1) and IHR1939 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium L4394) are independent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Preferential fertilization of ovules by male gametes carrying the dominant I allele for Fusarium resistance occurred when heterozygous Ii plants served as male parent. Pollination with a mechanical l:l mixture of I and i pollen gave the normally expected Mendelian ratio.No significant differences were found in vivo in growth rate or in final length of pollen tubes of genotypes I and i. The experiments indicated that preferential fertilization was mainly caused by prepollination events leading to production of unequal amounts of fertile pollen grains of the two types.  相似文献   

Racial evolution of sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cernua) has been very rapid in Spain during recent years, in which resistance has been overcome several times and there has been an important increase in areas infested with this parasitic angiosperm. In order to find resistance to a highly virulent population of sunflower broomrape that could be used directly in breeding programmes, three different sets of cultivated plant material composed of 429 entries were tested by artificial inoculation. All evaluated inbred lines from Moden, Canada, were fully susceptible. Out of the 240 P.I. accessions tested, only 10 segregated for resistance to broomrape, the rest being susceptible. From the 160 USDA breeding lines evaluated, 5% were resistant and 19% segregated for resistance to O. cernua. These lines traced back mainly to crosses of RHA 274 and RHA 801 with Russian, Turkish and Romanian hybrids. The origin of P.I. accessions that segregated for resistance were primarily derived from the former USSR and from Romania.  相似文献   

We have previously found an accession of Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. (`TO-937') that appeared to resist attack by the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch). L. pimpinellifolium is a very close relative of the cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and thereby a potential source of desirable traits that could be introgressed to the crop species. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetics of the resistance present in `TO-937'. Resistance to infestation by the spider mite was quantified in 24-plant plots of L. pimpinellifolium accessions `TO-937' and `PE-10', L. pennellii accession `PE-45', L. esculentum cultivars `Moneymaker', `Roma' and `Kalohi' (reported to be partially resistant: Stoner & Stringfellow, 1967), and the interspecific F1 cross, L. esculentum `Moneymaker' × L. pimpinellifolium `TO-937'. Only `TO-937', the F1, and`PE-45' were found to be resistant. Resistance of `TO-937' was complete when evaluated in two small greenhouses completely planted with `TO-937' so as to simulate the genotypic homogeneity usual in commercial crops. Generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1, and BC1P2) of a P1 (susceptible) × P2 (resistant) cross (`Moneymaker' × `TO-937') were studied for resistance in a single-plant per plot design. Resistance of `TO-937' was inherited with complete dominance and appeared to be controlled by either two or four genes according to whether segregation in the F2 or the BC1P1, respectively, were considered. However, calculation of the number of genes involved in the resistance was complicated by negative interplot interference due to the high frequency of resistant genotypes within most of the generations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse screening method for corky root (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici) resistance in the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is described in detail. In determining the reliability of the method, known resistance sources within wild asccessions, commerical cultivars and breeding lines were evaluated for resistance in fields naturally infested with corky root and their response compared under greenhouse conditions in soil heavily infested with corky root and artifically maintained at temperatures between 10–13°C. The procedure developed can be used year round and improves the efficiency of recovering resistant progeny in large segregrating populations.  相似文献   

Seed of BC1 progeny of an interspecific cross between a slow germinating Lycopersicon esculentum breeding line(NC84173; maternal and recurrent parent) and a fast germinating L.pimpinellifolium accession (LA722) were evaluated for germination under cold stress, salt stress and drought stress, and in each treatment the most rapidly germinating seeds (first 2%) were selected. Selected individuals were grown to maturity and self-pollinated to produce BC1S1 progeny families. The selected BC1S1 progeny from each experiment were evaluated for germination rate in each of a non stress (control),cold-, salt- and drought-stress treatment, and their performances were compared with those of a non selected BC1S1population in the same treatments. Results indicated that selection for rapid seed germination in each of the three stress treatments was effective and significantly improved progeny germination rate under all three stress conditions. The results support the suggestion that same genes might control the rate of seed germination under cold, salt and drought stress. Furthermore, selection in each of the three stress treatments resulted in improved progeny seed germination rate under nonstress conditions, suggesting that genetic mechanisms that facilitate rapid seed germination under stress conditions might also contribute to rapid germination under nonstress conditions. In practice, therefore, selection for rapid seed germination under a single stress environment may result in progeny with improved seed germination under a wide range of environmental conditions. Furthermore, to improve germination rate under nonstress conditions, it might be more efficient to make selections under stress conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Fruit rot disease caused by Phytophthora parasiticaDast. is a limiting factor in tomato production in Himachal Pradesh. 30 to 60 per cent fruits are damaged by this disease. Crosses were made between EC 54725 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium), a small tyuited type, resistant to fruit rot and four highly susceptible tomato commercial cultivars (Gola, Sioux, S12, and Lalmani). Studies of F1's, F2's and back crosses indicated that EC 54725 carries a dominant gene imparting resistance to fruit rot.  相似文献   

Three pot experiments were earned our to investigate the variation among geographic accessions of Orobanche crenata Forsk. in their ability to attack different stocks of Vicia faba L. Orobanche accessions were quite different in their influence on the performance of genetic lines of the host. However, host parasite relationships appeared to be dependent upon environmental conditions. The usefulness or host genotypes for differentiating between parasite accessions was rather limited. The number of Orobanche shoots per host plant does not appear 10 be a precise indicator of host tolerance although it has been frequently used for this purpose.  相似文献   

Summary Seven tomato cultivars and lines were studied under high temperature conditions. Fruit set varied between 77.3% in the heat tolerant cv. Hotset, 62% in cv. Gamad and 16.3% in the most sensitive cv. Hosen-Eilon. The characters contributing to low fruit set were bud drop, splitting of the antheridial cone, style exsertion and reduction of the quantity and/or functionality of the gametes. Employing the above characters as criteria for selection, fruit set of an F4 line, phenotypically similar to the sensitive parent, was improved to 63.1%. Improved fruit set, 87.6%, was also obtained in an F1 hybrid between Hotset and Gamad. The importance is discussed of various easily recognizable flower components contributing to satisfactory fruit set under high temperatures and their possible use in breeding is elaborated.  相似文献   

Summary An introduction is given to a series of papers on an investigation into the possibilities of using physiological characters in breeding tomato for low energy conditions.  相似文献   

The sesquiterpene zingiberene, present in leaf glandular trichomes, is reportedly responsible for the high level of arthropod resistance found in Lycopersicon hirsutum var. hirsutum. This paper reports on the inheritance of zingiberene contents and of the various types of glandular trichomes in the interspecific cross L. esculentum × Lycopersicon hirsutum var. hirsutum. Plants of L. esculentum ‘TOM-556’ (= P1), L. hirsutum var. hirsutum ‘PI-127826’(= P2), F1 (P1 × P2) and F2 (P1 ×P2) were evaluated for zingiberene contents and densitities of and glandular (types I, IV, VI and VII) trichomes. Broad sense heritabilities were high for all traits studied (0.678, 0.831, 0.996, 0.799 and 0.717 respectively for zingiberene and trichome types I, IV, VI, VII). There were significant positive genetic correlations between zingiberene contents and densities of trichomes types IV, VI and VII. Inheritance of zingiberenecontents can be explained mostly by the action of a single major locus, inwhich the allele from L. hirsutum that conditions high content is incompletely recessive over the allele from L. esculentum. Action of an incompleteley recessive allele in one major locus appears to be evident for densities of trichome types IV, VI and VII, but there is also evidence of the action of other epistatic loci for types IV and VI. F2 genotypes selected for high zingiberene levels showed higher levels of resistance to the silverleaf whitefly Bemisia argentifolii than L. esculentum ‘TOM-556’, levels that were comparable those found in L. hirsutum var. hirsutum ‘PI-127826’ and other whitefly resistant accessions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Consumer demands become increasingly strong in Western countries. Product quality has proven to be an important marketing tool to compete effectively on these saturated markets. Markets in developing countries are mostly producer dominated. Not much attention is paid to product quality. Agricultural researchers traditionally are producer-oriented, rather than consumer-oriented. Research on tomatoes in Indonesia has shown, that even in producer dominated markets, consumers have specific wishes regarding quality, which should be taken into consideration in order to develop demand and to enhance farmers' profitability. This paper sheds light on a research methodology to translate consumer preferences into an ideotype, a practical product profile consisting of optimal levels of relevant physical and chemical properties. This ideotype should be used to objectively evaluate agricultural research, aimed at improving product quality. In addition, a list of quality problems of current supply is presented. This priority list serves as a guideline for research planning. Finally, a method is presented to find out to what extend consumers are willing to pay a higher price for improved quality.This paper is a summarized version of a research report with the same title. The interested reader can obtain a copy from Dr. G. Grubben, CPRO, P.O. Box 16,6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, referring to LEHRI/ATA-365 Internal Communication No. 46.  相似文献   

Jan De Jong  S. Honma 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):405-414
Summary When screening populations segregating for resistance to Corynebacterium michiganense a rapid and reliable inoculation technique is needed. From the several techniques tested, inoculation of the petiole was found to give better differentiation of resistant and susceptible plants than did inoculation of the root or leaf. When petiole-inoculation was compared with stem-inoculation the latter showed the lowest environmental variation and is suggested for use in genetic studies. Stem-inoculation involved clipping the stems of 4 week old seedlings 1 cm above the cotyledonary leaves with scissors which had been dipped in inoculum.Petiole inoculation and, to a lesser degree, stem inoculation failed to produce uniform infection, resulting in variation in the expression of the disease. The scoring was therefore based on the presence, and not the degree, of wilting and stunting, or the size of the cankers. Plants free of all these symptoms were rated resistant. The coefficient of variation for vascular discoloration on individual plants was calculated to be 50%, which in part may be explained by the histopathology of the host.The virulent isolates cm 21 caused death of seedlings resistant to isolate H. However, cultivars resistant to isolate H in the seedling stage did not decrease in fruit weight as compared to susceptible cultivars when inoculated with isolate cm 21 at anthesis.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal No. 7424.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s powdery mildew, designated Oidium lycopersicum, frequently invaded the tomato crop in Western Europe. All commercial cultivars are susceptible. To screen for resistance in wild species a reliable and efficient disease test was developed. Young plants with two to three true leaves are inoculated at high relative humidity by spraying with a freshly prepared suspension of 2×104 conidia, ml–1. Symptoms are periodically evaluated according to a scale based on the percentage of leaf area with mycelium.One hundred and twenty seven accessions, representing eight wild Lycopersicon species, were screened for resistance to O. lycopersicum. A large variation in resistance was found between species. L. hirsutum was the most resistant species; L. pennellii was moderately resistant; species of the subgeneric group of L. esculentum and of the peruvianum-complex were all susceptible. L. parviflorum was classified separately due to a large variation between accessions. Except for this species, a low variation was found between accessions within species. High levels of resistance were observed in four accessions of L. hirsutum, in one of L. parviflorum and in one of L. peruvianum. This resistance is characterized by a very low disease incidence and a strongly restricted mycelium growth and lack of sporulation.  相似文献   

Genetic resistance to broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) race F in sunflower line J1, derived from the wild perennial species Helianthusgrosseserratus Martens and Helianthus divaricatus L., has been reported to be controlled by dominant alleles at a single locus, Or6. However, deviations from this monogenic inheritance have been observed. The objective of the present study was to gain insight into the inheritance of resistance to broomrape race F in the sunflower line J1. F1, F2, F3 and BC generations from crosses between J1 and three susceptible lines, P21, NR5 and HA821 were evaluated. F1 hybrids showed both resistant (R) and moderately resistant (MR) plants, the latter having a maximum of five broomrape stalks per plant compared with >10 in the susceptible parents. This indicated incomplete dominance of the Or6 alleles. F2 plants were classified as R, MR or susceptible (more than five broomrape stalks per plant). Three different segregation ratios were observed: 3 : 1, 13 : 3 and 15 : 1 (R + MR : S), suggesting the presence of a second gene, Or7, whose expression was influenced by the environment. A digenic model was confirmed, based on the evaluation of F2:3 families.  相似文献   

Broomrape (Orobanche cernua Loelf.) is a sunflower parasite which has become a potential threat to this crop in Spam with an increasing incidence in recent last years. In order to investigate the racial situation of the parasite in Spam and to evaluate the resistance of differentials and inbred lines currently used in breeding programmes, two experiments were carried out. In the first, two sets of European sunflower differentials were inoculated with three broomrape populations from different geographical origin. The second experiment studied the reaction to the parasite of 38 inbred lines in comparison with resistant and susceptible checks. Reactions of differential lines resistant to known European broomrape races ranged from complete immunity of lines P-1380-2A and ‘Jdanovski 8281’ to complete susceptibility of ‘Record’ and the universal suscepts. These results confirmed the existence of several physiological races of broomrape in Spain and a different racial composition from that of Eastern Europe. Results from the second experiment showed good resistance of half the restorer lines tested and 36 % of the maintainers and cms lines. This material together with the resistant differential lines constitutes good starting material to be used in developing cultivars resistant to broomrape populations in Spain.  相似文献   

Growth and photosynthetic performance were analyzed in alloplasmic tomato at a high- (25/17 °C; HTR) and low-temperature regime (12/6 °C; LTR) in order to establish the role of cytoplasmic variation on low-temperature tolerance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Four alloplasmic tomato lines, containing the nuclear genome of tomato and the plastome of L. hirsutum LA 1777 Humb. & Bonpl., an accession collected at high-altitude in Peru, were reciprocally crossed with 11 tomato entries with a high inbreeding level and a wide genetic variation, resulting in a set of 44 reciprocal crosses. Irrespective of growth temperature, alloplasmic families with alien chloroplasts of L. hirsutum (h) were on average characterized by a high shoot biomass, a large leaf area, and a low specific leaf area in comparison with their euplasmic counterparts. These results do not directly point to an advantageous effect of h-chloroplasts on biomass accumulation at low temperature but rather towards a small general beneficial effect on growth and/or distribution of assimilates. Significant chloroplast-related differences in photosynthetic performance, however, were not detected at both temperature regimes, indicating that h-chloroplasts can properly function in a variable nuclear background of L. esculentum. It is concluded that chloroplast substitution is not an effective method for breeding tomato plants with improved low-temperature tolerance. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Isozyme analyses have been used for the definitive identification of many plant cultivars, but not for cultivated tomatoes. Six isozyme systems, namely alcohol dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, phosphoglucomutase, esterase, phosphoglucoisomerase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase of tomato seed extracts were resolved by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gels with a narrow pH gradient. Nine alcohol dehydrogenase phenotypes were distinguished which, with three acid phosphatase phenotypes, identified twelve of the seventeen cultivars. Fewer differences were found for the other isozymes. Since this method could differentiate between breeding parents and their progeny it is concluded that further investigations are warranted.Abbreviations APS acid phosphatase - ADH alcohol dehydrogenase - EST esterase - IEF isoelectric focusing - PGI phosphoglucoisomerase - PGM phosphoglucomutase - 6-PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - VOPRI Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Research Institute  相似文献   

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