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为研究三种模式的供应链对交货率影响的系统行为,将系统动力学方法引入供应链系统行为研究中。根据三种模式供应链的特点,分别建立了系统动力学模型,然后以交货率作为研究对象,在相同参数、市场扰动和政策改变等情况下进行了系统行为的仿真对比分析。结果表明,推式供应链的交货稳定性最差,只有通过改变订货周期才可以提高交货率;拉式供应链对市场的响应表现在整条供应链上最敏感,可以通过改变订货周期或改变目标库存的方式来提高交货率;推拉结合式供应链的优势表现在对最终用户的交货率上,只有通过改变供应商的订货周期才能改变整条供应链的交货率。  相似文献   

双渠道多期供应链网络均衡模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为适应信息化和高度动态化的发展,研究了在实体和网上两种交易渠道下,由制造市场、零售市场和需求市场组成的三层动态供应链网络的均衡问题,在静态供应链网络均衡模型的基础上,考虑了库存和网上交易对供应链网络的影响.分别对制造市场、零售市场和需求市场的决策者的独立决策行为及其相互作用进行了分析,构建了各层市场的有限维变分不等式,并将变分不等式问题转化为等价的互补问题的形式,给出了经济解释,得到了最终的双渠道多期供应链网络均衡模型,并给出了箅例分析.求解得到的均衡产量、交易量、库存量和均衡价格对供应链上企业的经营具有指导意义.  相似文献   

双渠道两阶段供应链网络均衡模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了在电子商务环境下产品存在现货市场时,由供应商和制造商组成的两层供应链网络在两阶段交易情况下的均衡问题。模型考虑了供应链同一层次企业间存在竞争和不同层次企业间存在交易成本的情况,研究了两阶段交易网络均衡问题,建立了供应商和制造商的决策模型,给出了求解算法并做了算例分析。求解得到的均衡产量、订货量和均衡价格对供应链上企业决定生产规模和销售价格等,均有指导意义。  相似文献   

跨国供应链环境下的批量订货模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前供应链批量订货模型研究的不足,提出了跨国供应链环境下的非线性混合整数规划批量订货模型。与以往研究不同,除了传统的决策变量——订货次数外,模型的决策变量还包括转移价格和运输成本分配因子,目标函数为跨国供应链税后利润最大化。由于模型属于NP难题,求解不便,根据问题的具体特点将其转化成为若干个线性规划模型,然后利用MATLAB的优化工具箱进行了数据分析,计算结果表明,转让价格和运输费用分配的调整对跨国供应链最优订货批量及税后利润具有显著影响。  相似文献   

In this article, we study the design problem of a reliable stochastic supply chain network in the presence of random disruptions in the location of distribution centers (DCs) and the transportation modes. It is assumed that a disrupted DC does not necessarily fail the whole of its capacity, and may lose a fraction of that, and rest of demand can be served by other DCs. We introduce a new strategy called soft-hardening strategy where the fraction of the lost capacity depends on the amount of investment for opening and operating. Additionally, the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) approach is applied to control the risk of model. Finally, to solve the model, first we present an exact solution method by reformulating the problem as a second-order cone programming model, and second a hybrid algorithm combining tabu search and simulated annealing algorithms is developed.  相似文献   

为了减少内外部不确定性因素和多种提前期对供应链网络系统运作效率的影响,研究了一种模糊鲁棒控制策略。研究了含多提前期的供应链网络系统在不确定环境下的鲁棒运作问题。基于离散Takagi-Sugeno模糊控制系统,考虑生产能力、供应链结构、顾客需求等内外部不确定因素和供应链网络系统的运作提前期,建立了含多提前期的不确定动态供应链网络的离散Takagi-Sugeno模糊模型。通过在每个最大交叠规则组中构建一个离散型分段Lyapunov函数并应用并行分布补偿原理,提出针对该模型的模糊鲁棒H∞控制策略,该控制策略可以抑制不确定性因素和提前期对供应链网络的影响,保证供应链网络鲁棒运作。通过一个仿真算例验证了该控制策略能使供应链网络总成本达到理想状态,从而表明了所提方法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how the complete transformation of its supply chain strategy contributed to the global success of French tire manufacturer, Michelin Co.  相似文献   

在考虑碳排放和市场(运输价格、消费者需求和废旧品回收量)不确定的情况下,针对多层级、多产品的家电闭环供应链网络设计,建立包括生产商、分销商、消费者群以及回收中心和处置中心的网络规划模型。在政府针对使用低能耗产品的绿色消费者进行碳补贴的情况下,综合考虑闭环供应链总成本和总碳排放量的平衡,分析了不同补贴力度对消费者中绿色消费者比例浮动和整个闭环供应链网络规划设计的影响。通过算例证明了模型的有效性,为供应链网络设计者提供决策依据,并为政府针对消费者制定碳补贴政策实现减排的目的提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

不确定环境下跨国供应链生产计划研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了跨国供应链生产计划研究与不确定规划论在供应链计划研究中的应用;提出了包含模糊需求与随机生产能力的跨国供应链计划模型,模型中将运输成本分配因子与转让价格作为决策变量,根据随机机会约束规划等价类理论,将模型转化为模糊机会约束规划模型,并利用遗传算法与模糊模拟技术相结合的混合算法设计了模型的求解方案;最后,通过数据仿真说明了模型的有效性与适用性。  相似文献   

葛昌跃 《制造业自动化》2012,34(8):23-26,55
企业集群的网状供应链对企业集群起着基础性的作用.以浙江台州路桥汽车与汽车配件企业集群为例,在对企业集群和企业集群网状供应链分析的基础上,从节点企业、供应链和协同控制形成的三维视图对企业集群的网状供应链建模进行了一些初步研究.  相似文献   

针对现有可持续供应链网络中指标陈旧,且未能充分利用最新可持续指标对网络进行准确衡量与优化的问题,基于《CITI评价指南7.0》,提出一种将经济成本、合规整改与节能减排、绿色供应链、推动公众绿色选择、供应链沟通与透明5项指标进行层次分析加权整合的五位一体可持续闭环供应链网络模型,并设计了一种采用蒙特卡洛树搜索改进的分支定...  相似文献   

为了在以衍生服务外包为特征的服务型制造实施过程中均衡制造集成商、服务承包商和客户之间的关系,采用变分不等式构建了服务外包的产品服务供应链网络均衡模型,通过数值算例分析了产品服务关联度、客户异质性偏好和服务水平的变化对产品流、自营和外包服务流、以及价格决策的影响.研究结果表明,制造集成商在实施服务型制造过程中,倾向于选择与产品关联度低的服务外包,以实现降低服务成本的目的;选择与产品关联度高的服务自营,以实现服务价值的更大创造.此外,服务承包商通过提高服务水平,使得市场对制造集成商的服务偏好转移到自身,最终实现制造集成商、服务承包商及客户的三方价值共创.  相似文献   

为激励企业实施碳减排,考虑3种碳减排税收政策:统一碳排放税收政策、累进排放税政策和政府管控排放标准税收政策,构建由多个制造商和多个需求市场构成的供应链网络,分别量化不同碳税政策下制造商应支付的碳税,构建不同政策下供应链网络内不同成员企业的决策模型及均衡条件,进而提出不同碳税政策下供应链网络均衡模型,最后给出欧拉求解算法,并提出算例,一方面,分别分析不同碳税政策下税率对供应链网络成员企业间产品交易量、减排决策、碳税和利润均衡结果的影响;另一方面,将3种政策放在同一比较框架内,对比三种碳税政策对企业生产及减排行为的影响、对网络碳排放总量控制、成员企业支付碳税及成员企业利润的影响.  相似文献   

基于Petri网的虚拟供应链物流网络优化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了提高虚拟供应链中的物流运作效率,提出了一种基于Petri网的物流网络优化方法。该方法首先分析虚拟供应链物流的组成,确定库所、变迁及其属性;其次建立物流网络的Petri网模型图和数学规划模型;然后分析物流过程,找出瓶颈环节,并确定重要参数的取值,采用数学规划模型计算各物流指标的最优值。最后,给出了一个对陶瓷产品的虚拟供应链物流网络进行优化的案例。  相似文献   

针对供应链环境下的分布性、不确定性和动态性特征,基于本体与多Agent技术,构建了一种集成多种智能算法的可靠供应链网络设计模型。通过服务本体实现成员企业服务发布与发现,通过工作流本体实现订单任务动态分解,综合采用投招标策略和可靠性优化策略,实现可靠供应链网络的最优设计。其中,优化Agent由投标企业可靠性评估机制、目标可靠性预测机制以及基于可靠性的任务分配机制构成。通过一个应用实例验证了系统的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

With the fast development of information technology and the global market, collaboration between different functional units in a supply chain becomes one of the most critical factors for global companies to respond to rapid changes in customer needs and increase the efficiency of the whole supply chain. This supply chain environment requires a production-distribution planning system to enable the collaboration between production and distribution units more quickly and orderly. Generally, collaboration in a supply chain needs to resolve conflicts between two decentralised functional units, because each unit tries to locally minimise its own costs, not the overall supply chain costs. Also, there exists incomplete information sharing according to the information privacy of each functional unit. This paper proposes a decentralised production-distribution planning system using collaborative agents that can efficiently mediate the planning gaps between two decentralised planning functions: production and distribution. The validity of collaborative-agent model has been shown using some lemmas and numerical examples.  相似文献   

A supply chain is dynamic and involves the constant flow of information, production, services, and funds from suppliers to customers between different stages. In this paper, a memetic algorithm (MA, a hybrid genetic algorithm) is developed to find the strategy that can give the lowest cost of the physical distribution flow. The proposed MA is combined with the genetic algorithm (GA), a multi-greedy heuristic method (GH), three local search methods (LSMs): the pairwise exchange procedure (XP), the insert procedure (IP), and the remove procedure (RP), the Fibonacci number procedure, and the linear programming technique (LP) to improve the tradition genetic algorithm (GA). Preliminary computational experiments demonstrate the efficiency and performance of the proposed MA.  相似文献   

In recent years, many developments in logistics were connected to the need for information in an efficient supply chain flow. The supply chain is often represented as a network called a supply chain network (SCN) that is comprised of nodes that represent facilities (suppliers, plants, distribution centers and customers). Arcs connect these nodes along with the production flow. A multistage SCN (MSCN) is a sequence of multiple SCN stages. The flow can only be transferred between two consecutive stages. The MSCN problem involves the choice of facilities (plants and distribution centers) to be opened and the distribution network design must satisfy the demand with minimum cost. In this paper, a revised mathematical model is first proposed to correct the fatal error appearing in the existing models. An efficient hybrid heuristic algorithm (HHA) was developed by combining a greedy method (GM), the linear programming technique (LP) and three local search methods (LSMs) (always used in solving the scheduling problem). The pair-wise exchange procedure (XP), the insert procedure (IP) and the remove procedure (RP) to solve the MSCN problem. Preliminary computational experiments demonstrate the efficiency and performance of the proposed HHA.  相似文献   

In recent years, many developments in logistics were connected to the need for information in an efficient supply chain flow. The supply chain is often represented as a network called a supply chain network (SCN) that is comprised of nodes that represent facilities (suppliers, plants, distribution centers and customers). Arcs connect these nodes along with the production flow. A multistage SCN (MSCN) is a sequence of multiple SCN stages. The flow can only be transferred between two consecutive stages. The MSCN problem involves the choice of facilities (plants and distribution centers) to be opened and the distribution network design must satisfy the demand with minimum cost. In this paper, a revised mathematical model is first proposed to correct the fatal error appearing in the existing models. An efficient hybrid heuristic algorithm (HHA) was developed by combining a greedy method (GM), the linear programming technique (LP) and three local search methods (LSMs) (always used in solving the scheduling problem). The pair-wise exchange procedure (XP), the insert procedure (IP) and the remove procedure (RP) to solve the MSCN problem. Preliminary computational experiments demonstrate the efficiency and performance of the proposed HHA.  相似文献   

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