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深圳地区海岸复杂地形下大气输送与扩散模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用边界层预报模式提供的非定常的风场和湍流场,采用实用的考虑风切变的烟团模式模拟了海岸复杂地形下高架点源排放SO2的地面浓度变化特征。联接模式细致地考虑了地面反射,混合层穿透和反射。结果反映了风场湍流场的非均匀非定常对浓度分布有较大影响。  相似文献   

针对川东北复杂地形,设计了应急监测的系统架构和功能,研究了应急监测的关键技术,提出了利用Ad hoc网络、移动定位技术和生命体征监测技术等,可实时监测现场环境数据和现场第一应急人员的位置和生命特征参数,确保现场救援人员的生命安全,为指挥人员提供有效的信息支持.  相似文献   

复杂地形机械湍流扩散的粒子随机行走模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用粒子随机行走模拟方法模拟了高架点源在中性情况下在复杂地形上的排放,并将模拟结果与风洞实验进行了比较,二者能较好地吻合。虽然将该方法用于复杂地形大气扩散计算在技术上不存在什么困难,但是在确定模式基本参数等方面,还应该慎重考虑。   相似文献   

用差分方法解三维大气扩散方程 ,模拟了本溪地区SO2 浓度的时空分布。模拟计算表明 :本溪地区SO2 的污染很严重 ,且SO2 浓度的时空分布有明显的日变化。 1 0时以前的浓度值比较大 ;1 0时之后 ,浓度值逐渐减小 ;到 1 8时左右 ,浓度值又慢慢变大。  相似文献   

对复杂地形污染物扩散模式的国内外的研究成果作了回顾性的展望,在此基础上对各模式的适用性做出比较,最后,对今后有待改进的方面提出了一些意见。  相似文献   

通过对塔榆增压站输气管道喷射火灾模拟风险评价,定量分析喷射火的危害和引发次生灾害的可能性,以帮助运行单位制定事故应急预案。  相似文献   

影响复杂地形下气温分布与变化的因素很多,其中尤以海拔高度和地形的影响最显著。论文在前人研究的基础上,对以前的模型进行了一些改进,考虑了坡度、坡向和地形相互遮蔽作用对复杂地形下天文辐射的影响,基于数字高程模型(DEM)数据,研制了以复杂地形下天文辐射为起始数据的复杂地形下平均气温的分布式模型,在模型中还考虑了海拔高度、山区太阳总辐射、日照百分率。以地形复杂的贵州高原为例,应用100 m×100 m分辨率的DEM数据及气象站常规观测气象资料,计算了贵州高原复杂地形下各月及年的平均气温精细空间分布。结果表明:①坡度、坡向、地形遮蔽对平均气温的影响较大,由于局地地形因子的影响,复杂地形下平均气温的空间分布具有明显的地域分布特征,地形对平均气温的影响在计算时是不容忽视的,②季节不同,局地地形因子对复杂地形下平均气温空间分布的影响不同,冬半年大于夏半年。平均气温随海拔高度的增加而降低。南坡随坡度的增大而升高;北坡随坡度的增大而降低。在坡向影响上,1—5月、10—12月偏北坡月平均气温偏低,偏南坡月平均气温偏高;7—8月因太阳高度较高,因此出现相反的情况,北坡高于南坡。  相似文献   

通过对川东北地区钻完井事故资料的统计,分析了影响高含硫化氢气田钻完井安全的主要风险因素。  相似文献   

采用风险预测模型SEVEX,在各种不利气象条件下,对硫磺回收装置酸性气管线泄漏的硫化氢的扩散情况进行了模拟分析.结果表明:风险影响区域不仅与硫化氢泄漏的源强有关,而且与事故状态下的气象条件密切相关,在风速大、不稳定的气象条件下,硫化氢泄漏形成的高浓度区多分布在事故源的近距离处;而在静小风、稳定的气象条件下,高浓度区分布范围较大.据此,可以制定应急计划和撤离方案,减轻事故带来的不良影响.  相似文献   

模拟项目在河谷复杂地形与山地复杂地形建设,并采用30 m×30 m精度地形数据和90 m×90 m精度地形数据使用AERMOD分别计算卫生防护距离,卫生防护距离为根据AERMOD模拟出的污染物扩散浓度,测量达到相关标准限值的最远距离得到.计算结果确定地形复杂程度和地形数据精度对卫生防护距离计算有较大影响,在山地地形中卫生防护距离计算结果比河谷地形小,河谷地形应采用90 m×90 m精度地形数据计算卫生防护距离,山地地形应采用30 m×30 m精度地形数据计算.  相似文献   

Environmental risk of high sulfur gas field exploitation has become one of the hot spots of environmental management studies. Severe gas H2S blowout accidents in recent years have shown that poor understanding and estimates of the poisonous gas movement could lead to dangerous evacuation delays. It is important to evaluate the real concentration of H2S, especially in complex terrain. Traditional experiential models are not valid in the case of rough terrain, especially in low-lying areas where the gas accumulates. This study, using high sulfur content gas field of Sichuan “Pu Guang gas field” as study object and adopting objective diagnosis of wind field of land following coordinate three dimensions, applied Lagrangian Puff Model and breaking up technique of puffs to simulate the H2S diffusion condition of blowout accidents produced in the high sulfur content gas field of complex terrain area. The results showed that the H2S distribution did not occur mainly in low wind direction, and due to the obstruction of the mountain’s body, it accumulated in front of mountain on produced turn over, flowed around submitted jumping type distribution. The mountain waist near the hilltop and low hollow river valley site rapture points simulating contrast showed that the higher the rapture point, the better the diffusing condition of pollutant, the distribution of risk sensitive point decided piping rupture environmental risk size combining the H2S diffusion result and residential area dispersing in the study area, synthetic judge located in the high rapture point environmental risk was smaller than the low hollow point, thus it was suggested to carryout laying of lining build of equal high line of higher terrain. According to simulation results, the environmental risk management measures aimed at putting down adverse effects were worked out.  相似文献   

上海市环境污染事故风险受体脆弱性评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛鹏丽  曾维华 《环境科学学报》2011,31(11):2556-2561
从环境风险受体敏感性和适应力两方面构建了脆弱性概念模型,在此基础上,考虑社会经济脆弱性和生态系统脆弱性,选取14个指标构建了上海市环境污染事故风险受体综合脆弱性评价指标体系.研究结果表明:上海市中心城区社会脆弱性较高,而崇明岛、南汇、奉贤的社会经济脆弱性最低;黄浦江上游水源保护区、崇明岛东滩湿地生态系统脆弱性较高,浦东...  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to investigate air flow and gas diffusion in neutrally and stably stratified flows over complex terrain, using a terrain model of Steptoe Butte in the U.S.A.The terrain model was made with an aluminium cast and cooled by using transistor thermo-modules in order to simulate a stably stratified flow over the complex terrain. The wind tunnel results for gas concentration were superposed by a computer using probability distributions for wind direction, wind velocity and atmospheric stability observed at Steptoe Butte, in order to compare the wind tunnel results with field data.Application of the superposition method provided better agreement with field data than the usual method without the superposition.  相似文献   

蒙特卡洛分析在氯气泄漏事故环境风险评价中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙燕君  钱瑜  张玉超 《环境科学学报》2011,31(11):2570-2577
气体泄漏事故环境风险系统中存在的不确定性问题影响了定量环境风险评价结果的科学性和实用性.因此,本研究采用蒙特卡洛分析方法对氯气泄漏事故风险系统中的6个风险变量进行分析,并进一步对气体泄漏过程进行仿真模拟,得到模拟结果及其概率分布.同时,将蒙特卡洛分析结果、毒性剂量反应指标和风险受体信息在地理信息系统中进行综合分析,以个...  相似文献   

太原煤化工区有毒气体泄漏环境风险分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对太原煤化工区氯气、氨气和光气这3种泄漏风险最高的有毒气体的事故条件,采用非定常的CALPUFF大气扩散模式进行了一整年的事故扩散模拟.获得逐时次事故扩散浓度场并分析3种污染物泄漏的全年平均风险及各季变化.结果定量描述了氯气、氨气和光气的致死浓度、中毒浓度和刺激浓度的全年及各季平均风险范围,并分析了不同有毒气体风险范围的差异及四季变化的原因.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel and towing-tank studies conducted over the past 10 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Fluid Modeling Facility (FMF) of flow and diffusion in complex terrain are reviewed. A primary impetus for this work was EPA's Complex Terrain Model Development Program (CTMDP)—designed to develop reliable atmospheric dispersion models applicable to large pollutant sources in complex terrain, with primary emphasis on plume impaction during night-time stable conditions. The FMF interacted closely with the model developers participating in the CTMDP and provided support in various ways through the conduct of a wide range of laboratory studies. Work at the FMF prior to the inception of the program provided the basic framework for the model—the dividing-streamline concept— and the focal point around which the field program was designed. At the beginning of the program, the FMF provided direct support as an aid to planning the details and strategies of the field experiments and testing the limits of applicability of the dividing-streamline concept. Later work included exercises of ‘filling in the gaps’ in the field data, furthering the understanding of the physical mechanisms important to plume impaction in complex terrain and in stably stratified flows in general, testing various modeling assumptions, providing data for ‘calibration’ of various modeling parameters, and testing the ability of the laboratory models to simulate full-scale conditions. Simultaneously, the FMF responded to the needs of the regulatory arm of EPA, the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), by providing guidance concerning expected terrain effects and by conducting demonstration studies. These latter studies were concerned primarily with simulation of diffusion in the neutral atmospheric boundary layer. Finally, several supplemental studies were conducted, broadening and expanding upon the specific requests of the model developers and the OAQPS. The highlights of the FMF complex-terrain research work are described herein.  相似文献   

The Thriassion plain is a heavily industrialized area to the west of the Athens basin, separated from it by Mount Aegaleo, a 468-m high ridge about 15 km long. Three field experiments were performed to determine the possibility of air pollutant transport into the Athens basin. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) was released from one of the stacks of the Hellenic Oil Refineries, situated in the eastern part of the Thriassion plain, together with several releases of tetroons. These experiments revealed two mechanisms of air mass transport from the Thriassion plain, a daytime mechanism, when the air mass is transported along the Mount Aegaleo ridge and through the passage between Mount Aegaleo and Mount Parnitha to the north, and a nighttime mechanism, when transport occurs over Mount Aegaleo. SF6 was released only during the night and although in all three occassions it reached the western suburbs of Athens, it did so by different simultaneous mechanisms. Furthermore its advection-diffusion once in the basin showed large variability, whose cause was the details of the flow field as it developed under the influence of the thermal stratification. The experiments demonstrate the complexity of the diffusion of air pollutants in complex terrain and the influence of both the details of the flow field and the stratification in determining the local ground-level concentrations. They also point out the need for simultaneous modelling of both factors, for the correct computation of pollution levels.  相似文献   

风险沟通在港口环境风险管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险沟通是风险管理中新兴起的领域,很快发展为风险管理中非常重要的内容。其对于促进事件处理、告知公众真相、增强政府威信、疏导公众情绪、维护社会稳定等都起到很大的作用。通过风险沟通内涵的探讨,建立了风险沟通模型,在分析美国、意大利等先进国家风险沟通经验以及研究进展分析的基础上,将风险沟通理论引入到我国港口环境风险管理中,从预防性沟通、应急性沟通和善后处理三方面讨论了我国港口发展过程中的风险沟通思路。  相似文献   

突发性水污染事故应急健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于US NAS健康风险评价理论,构建包括危害鉴别、剂量效应评价、暴露评价和风险表征4部分内容的突发性水污染事故应急健康风险评价技术体系.该技术体系充分考虑突发性水污染事故污染物对于人体健康“短时间、高剂量”的暴露特点,提出了突发性水污染事故污染物应急参考浓度的计算方法,以健康危害商值定性描述突发性水污染事故的健康风险,并通过统计推断健康危害商值的概率分布定量描述突发性水污染事故的健康风险,并实现风险分级.以松花江硝基苯水污染事故为例,对突发性水污染事故应急风险评价技术进行验证,计算获取的以保护成人和儿童的应急参考浓度分别为0.175,0.05mg/L,污染事故的健康风险值分别为29%和62%,分别隶属于中级和高级风险水平.实例表明应急健康风险评价技术体系能够有效表征突发性水污染事故的健康风险,在一定程度上可以为突发性水污染事故的应急管理提供依据.  相似文献   

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