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Electrical activity in a planetary atmosphere enables chemical reactions that are not possible under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium. In both the Venus and terrestrial atmospheres, lightning forms nitric oxide. Despite the existence of an inventory of NO at Venus like the Earth’s, and despite observations of the signals expected from lightning at optical, VLF, and ELF frequencies, the existence of Venus lightning still is met with some skepticism. The Venus Express mission was equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer gradiometer system sampling at rates as high as 128 Hz, and making measurements as low as 200 km altitude above the north polar regions of Venus. However, significant noise levels are present on the Venus Express spacecraft. Cleaning techniques have been developed to remove spacecraft interference at DC, ULF, and ELF frequencies, revealing two types of electromagnetic waves, a transverse right-handed guided mode, and a linearly polarized compressional mode. The propagation of both types of signals is sensitive to the magnetic field in ways consistent with propagation from a distant source to the spacecraft. The linearly polarized compressional waves generally are at lower frequencies than the right-handed transverse waves. They appear to be crossing the usually horizontal magnetic field. At higher frequencies above the lower hybrid frequency, waves cannot enter the ionosphere from below when the field is horizontal. The arrival of signals at the spacecraft is controlled by the orientation of the magnetic field. When the field dips into the atmosphere, the higher frequency guided mode above the lower hybrid frequency can enter the ionosphere by propagating along the magnetic field in the whistler mode. These properties are illustrated with examples from five orbits during Venus Express’ first year in orbit. These properties observed are consistent with the linearly polarized compressional waves being produced at the solar wind interface and the transverse guided waves being produced in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Photoelectron flux in the energy range 6–70 eV coming from the sunlight conjugate ionosphere has been measured directly by the rocket borne low energy electron spectrometer in the altitude region of 210–350 km. Pitch angle distribution of the measured flux is nearly isotropic, the flux decreasing slightly with pitch angle. The photoelectron fluxes measured at 350 km at the energies of 15 and 30 eV are 3 × 106 and 1 × 106 (cm2 s str eV)?1 respectively which decrease to 1 × 106 and 1 × 105 at 250 km at the same energies. These values are consistent with the vertical profile of the 630 nm airglow intensity measured simultaneously. The fluxes obtained near apogee show peaks in the range 20–30 eV which also appear in the daytime photoelectron flux, indicating reduced loss of electrons during the passage from the conjugate ionosphere through the plasmasphere at the low geomagnetic latitude where observation was made. Photoelectron fluxes observed below the apogee height are compared to the calculated fluxes to investigate the interaction of electrons with the atmospheric species during the passage in the ionosphere. Calculated fluxes obtained by using continuous slowing-down approximation and neglecting pitch angle scattering are in good agreement with the observations although there still remain disagreements in detailed comparison which may be ascribed to the assumptions inherent in the calculation and/or to the uncertainties of the input data for the calculation.  相似文献   

The median values of the principal ionospheric quantities of the Venus dayside ionosphere are presented. The values are derived from the quantities measured by the Pioneer-Venus orbiter retarding potential analyzer over a period of two Earth yaers at solar cycle maximum. Quantities reported are total ion density, O+ density, O2+ density, sum density (NO+ + N2+ + CO+), CO2+ density, ion temperature, electron temperature, and plasma particle pressure. The data are organized to reveal altitude, solar zenith angle, solar longitude, and latitude dependences. The O+ density exhibits both a solar longitude and a latitude dependence which we suggest is caused by superrotation of the thermosphere and/or ionosphere. Asymmetry between the dawn and dusk terminator regions in the behavior of other quantities is also descibed.  相似文献   

A dynamical model of the Venus ionosphere reported in an earlier paper has been modified to yield better agreement between predictions and observations. The results are interpreted with respect to changes in the ionopause height and neutral atmosphere structure.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheric particles and the solar wind dynamic and magnetic pressure creates a pseudo-magnetosphere which deflects the solar wind flow around the planet (Schunk and Nagy, 1980). The combination of changing solar radiation and solar wind intensities leads to a highly variable structure and plasma composition of the ionosphere. The instrumentation of the Venus Express spacecraft allows to measure the magnetic field (MAG experiment) as well as the electron energy spectrum and the ion composition (ASPERA-4 experiment) of the upper ionosphere and ionopause. In contrast to the earlier Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) measurements which were conducted during solar maximum, the solar activity was very low in the period 2006-2009. A comparison with PVO allows for an investigation of ionospheric properties under different solar wind and EUV radiation conditions. Observations of MAG and ASPERA have been analyzed to determine the positions of the photoelectron boundary (PEB) and the “magnetopause” and their dependence on the solar zenith angle (SZA). The PEB was determined using the ELS observations of ionospheric photoelectrons, which can be identified by their specific energy range. It is of particular interest to explore the different magnetic states of the ionosphere, since these influence the local plasma conductivity, currents and probably the escape of electrons and ions. The penetration of magnetic fields into the ionosphere depends on the external conditions as well as on the ionospheric properties. By analyzing a large number of orbits, using a combination of two different methods, we define criteria to distinguish between the so-called magnetized and unmagnetized ionospheric states. Furthermore, we confirm that the average magnetic field inside the ionosphere shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field in the region directly above the PEB.  相似文献   

We have constructed a one-dimensional model of the nightside ionosphere of Venus in which it is assumed that the ionization is maintained by day-to-night transport of atomic ions. Downward fluxes of O+, C+ and N+ in the ratios measured on the dayside at high altitudes are imposed at the upper boundary of the model (about 235 km). We discuss the resulting sources and sinks of the molecular ions NO+,CO+,N2+,CO2+ and O2+. As the O+ flux is increased, the peak density of O+ increases proportionally and the altitude of the peak decreases. The O2+ peak density is approximately proportional to the square root of the O+ flux and the peak rises as the O+ flux increases. NO+ densities near the peak are relatively unaffected by changes in the O+ flux. If the ionosphere is maintained mostly by transport, the ratio of the peak densities of O+ and O2+ indicates the downward flux ofO+, independent of the absolute magnitudes of the densities. The densities of mass-28 ions are, however, still considered to be the most sensitive indicator of the importance of electron precipitation. We examine here the inbound and outbound portions of six early nightside orbits with low periapsis and use data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter ion mass spectrometer, the retarding potential analyzer and the electron temperature probe to determine the relative importance of ion transport and electron precipitation. For most of the orbits, precipitation is inferred to be of low to moderate importance. Only for orbit 65, which was the first nightside orbit published by Taylor et al. [J. geophys. Res. 85, 7765 (1980)] and for the inbound portion of orbit 73 does the ionization structure appear to be greatly affected by electron precipitation.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model of the ionosphere of Venus which simulates ionospheric dynamics by self-consistently solving the plasma equations of motion, including the inertial term, in finite difference form has been constructed. The model, which is applied over the solar zenith angle range extending from 60 to 140° and the altitude range 100 to 480 km, simulates the measured horizontal velocity field quite satisfactorily. The ion density field is somewhat overestimated on the dayside because of the choice model neutral atmosphere and underestimated on the nightside because of setting the ionopause height at too low an altitude. It is concluded that solar photoionization on the dayside and ion recombination on the nightside are the processes mainly responsible for accelerating the plasma to the observed velocities. The plasma flow appears to be sufficient to maintain the nightside ionosphere at or near the observed median level of ion densities.  相似文献   

A study of the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Venus nightside ionosphere is conducted by examining the configuration of the ionospheric trans-terminator flow around Venus and also the dawn-ward displacement of the region where most of the ionospheric holes and the electron density plateau profiles are observed (dawn meaning the west in the retrograde rotation of Venus and that corresponds to the trailing side in its orbital motion). The study describes the position of the holes and the density plateau profiles which occur at neighboring locations in a region that is scanned as the trajectory of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) sweeps through the nightside hemisphere with increasing orbit number. The holes are interpreted as crossings through plasma channels that extend downstream from the magnetic polar regions of the Venus ionosphere and the plateau profiles represent cases in which the electron density maintains nearly constant values in the upper ionosphere along the PVO trajectory. From a collection of PVO passes in which these profiles were observed it is found that they appear at neighboring positions of the ionospheric holes in a local solar time (LST) map including cases where only a density plateau profile or an ionospheric hole was detected. It is argued that the ionospheric holes and the density plateau profiles have a common origin at the magnetic polar regions where plasma channels are formed and that the density plateau profiles represent crossings through a friction layer that is adjacent to the plasma channels. It is further suggested that the dawn-dusk asymmetry in the position of both features in the nightside ionosphere results from a fluid dynamic force (Magnus force) that is produced by the combined effects of the trans-terminator flow and the rotational motion of the ionosphere that have been inferred from the PVO measurements.  相似文献   

Venus and Earth display different hypsography. We use topographic profiles to search for well-understood terrestrial analogs to venusian features. Specifically, by using cross-correlation, we correlate average profiles for terrestrial rifts (slow and fast, “ultra-slow,” incipient and inactive) and also hotspots (oceanic and continental) with those for venusian chasmata and regiones, to draw inferences as to the processes responsible for shaping Venus’ surface. Correlations tend to improve with faster spreading rates; Venus’ correlations rank considerably lower than terrestrial ones, suggesting that if chasmata are analogous to terrestrial spreading centers, then spreading on Venus barely attains ultra-slow rates. Individual features’ normalized average profiles are correlated with profiles of other such features to establish the degree of similarity, which in turn allows for the construction of a covariance matrix. Principal component analysis of this covariance matrix shows that Yellowstone more strongly resembles Atla, Beta and W. Eistla regiones than it does the terrestrial oceanic hotspots, and that venusian chasmata, especially Ganis, most closely resemble the ultra-slow spreading Arctic ridge.  相似文献   

Plasma and field relationships observed across the nightside of Venus evidence a chaotic variety of interactions between the ionosphere and the combined effect of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field draped about the planet. Close examination of these data reveal within the chaos a number of repeatable signatures key to understanding fundamental field-plasma interactions. Observed from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, (PVO), nightside conditions range from extensive, full-up ionospheres with little evidence of dynamic or energetic perturbations, to an almost full depletion, sometimes described as disappearing ionospheres. Between these extremes, the ionospheric structure is often irregular, sometimes exhibiting well-defined density troughs, at other times complex intervals of either abundant or minimal plasma concentration. Consistently, large B-fields (typically exceeding 5–10 nanoteslas) coincide with plasma decreases, whereas stable, abundant plasma distributions are associated with very low-level field. We examine hundreds of nightside orbits, identifying close correlations between regions of elevated magnetic fields featuring polarity reversals, and (a) exclusive low-frequency or distinctive broadband noise, or both, in the electric field data, (b) turbulent, superthermal behavior of the the ions and electrons. We review extensive studies of nightside fields to show that the correlations observed are consistent with theoretical arguments that the presence of strong magnetic fields within normal ionospheric heights indicates the intrusion of magnetosheath fields and plasma within such regions. We find abundant evidence that the ionosphere is frequently disrupted by such events, exhibiting a chaotic, auroral-like complexity appearing over a wide range of altitude and local time. We show that field-plasma disturbances, widely suggested to be similar to conditions in the Earth's auroral regions, are tightly linked to the electric field noise otherwise attributed to lightning. Owing to the coincidence inherent in this relationship, we suggest that natural, predictable plasma instabilities associated with the plasma gradients and current sheets evident within these events produce the E-field noise. The data relationships argue for a more detailed investigation of solar wind induced E-field noise mechanisms as the appropriate scientific procedure for invoking sources for the noise previously attributed to lightning. Consistent with these views, we note that independent analyses have offered alternative explanations of the noise as arising from ionospheric disturbances, that repeated searches for optical evidence of lightning have found no such evidence, and that no accepted theoretical work has yet surfaced to support the inference of lightning at Venus.  相似文献   

Recent spacecraft observations of Venus permit a detailed model of sulfur chemistry in the atmosphere-lithosphere system. Pioneer Venus experiments confirm that, as predicted, COS and H2S are dominant over SO2 in the lower atmosphere, and that the equilibrium concentrations of S2 and S3 are significant. Many criteria serve to bracket the oxidation state of the crust: it is nearly certain that the S22?/SO42? buffer regulates the oxygen fucagity, and that FeO is at least as abundant as Fe2O3 in crustal silicates. A highly oxidized crust (as, for example, would result from O2 absorption complementary to escape of vast amounts of H2) is incompatible with the gas-phase sulfur chemistry. If the Pioneer Venus mass spectrometer estimates of the abundance of sulfur gases are correct, Earth-like models for the bulk composition of Venus are seriously in error, and a far lower FeO content is required for Venus.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional spectral model of energetics in the ionosphere of Venus has been constructed. The effects of horizontal bulk transport of heat and the heat flux saturation have been taken into account. The model is capable of explaining the observed high ion temperatures for solar zenith angles greater than 140°. An external heat input to ions of 1–2 × 10−4ergs cm−2sec−1 almost uniformly distributed over the entire planet gives good agreement with the average ion temperature data from the PVO retarding potential analyzer. The effects of varying the magnitude of the horizontal plasma velocity, including the vertical component of bulk velocity, changing the altitude dependence of the velocity profile, and making the ionopause height a function of solar zenith angle have been discussed.  相似文献   

Using a quasi-two-dimensional model of the Venus ionosphere, we calculated the ion number densities and horizontal ion bulk velocities expected for a range of solar zenith angles near the terminator (80 to 100°), and compared them with data obtained from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter retarding potential analyzer. The calculated ion bulk velocity arises entirely from the solar EUV-induced plasma pressure gradient and has a magnitude consistent with observations; ionization by suprathermal electrons is neglected in those computations. We find that while photoionization is the dominant source of ionospheric plasma for solar zenith angles less than 92°, plasma transport from the dayside is the dominant plasma source for solar zenith angles greater than 95°. We also show that the main nightside plasma peak at approximately 140 km altitude is of the F2 type (i.e., is diffusion controlled). Its altitude and shape are thus quite insensitive to the altitude of the ion source.  相似文献   

Across the nightside of Venus, daily measurements from the PV Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer often indicate an ionosphere of relatively abundant concentration, with a composition characteristic of the dayside ionosphere. Such conditions are interspersed by other days on which the ionosphere appears to largely “disappear” down to about 200 km, with ion concentrations at lower heights also much reduced. These characteristics, coupled with observations of strong day to night flows of O+ in the upper ionosphere, support arguments that ion transport from the dayside is important for the maintenance of the nightside ionosphere. Also, U.S. and Soviet observations of nightside energetic electron fluxes have prompted consideration of impact ionization as an additional nightside ion source. The details of the ion and neutral composition at low altitudes on the nightside provide an important input for further analysis of the maintenance process. In the range 140–160 km, strong concentrations of O2+ and NO+ indicate that the ionization peak is at times composed of at least two prominent ion species. Nightside concentrations of O2+ and NO+ as large as 105 and 104/cm3, respectively, appear to require sources in addition to that provided by transport. The most probable sources are considered briefly, and no satisfactory explanation is yet found for the observed NO+ concentrations. Further analysis beyond the scope of this paper is required to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

The interpretation of unexpected characteristics of Pioneer Venus temperature measurements, and of the large difference between these and the Venera results, is aided by new Venus temperature profiles derived from engineering measurements of the Pioneer Venus Small-Probe Net Flux Radiometer (SNFR) instruments. To facilitate correction of a temperature-dependent radiometric response, these instruments monitored the temperatures of their deployed radiation detectors. The accurate calibration of the temperature sensors, and their strong thermal coupling to the atmosphere, make it possible to deduce atmospheric temperatures within 2°K (at most altitudes) using a simple two-component thermal model to account for lag effects. These independent temperature profiles generally confirm to high accuracy, the small-probe results of A. Seiff, D. B. Kirk, R. E. Young, R. C. Blanchard, J. T. Findlay, G. M. Kelly, and S. C. Sommer (1980a, J. Geophys. Res.85, pp. 7903–7933) concerning vertical structure and horizontal contrast in the lower atmosphere, although the stable layer below 25 km is found to be slightly more stable (by about 0.4°K/km) and absolute temperatures are an average of 2°K higher. The measured Day-Night thermal contrast is compatible with predicted responses to the diurnal variation in solar heating, except near the cloud base, where 3–5°K differences may be due to thermal radiative heating differences associated with different cloud opacities. Temperature contrasts between latitudes 30 and 60° are roughly consistent with cyclostrophic balance. But pressure and temperature measurements by the Pioneer Venus Sounder probe at 4° latitude, when compared to Small-probe results, imply unreasonably large equatorward accelerations of 100 (m/sec)/day. Poleward accelerations compatible with cyclostrophic balance can be obtained if Sounder-probe temperatures are increased by a scale-factor correction reaching 6–7°K at 13 km.  相似文献   

The similarity of atomic parameters for the CO2 atmosphere of Venus and that of the Earth is used to calculate the ionization and optical emission rate in the upper atmosphere of Venus resulting from a major solar cosmic ray event. The possibility of as much as 10 per cent of N2 in the atmospheric composition of Venus does not change these effects appreciably.  相似文献   

A. Seiff  Donn B. Kirk 《Icarus》1982,49(1):49-70
Data on the thermal structure of the nightside middle atmosphere of Venus, from 84 to 137 km altitude, have been obtained from analysis of deceleration measurements from the third Pioneer Venus small probe, the night probe, which entered the atmosphere near the midnight meridian at 27°S latitude. Comparison of the midnight sounding with the morning sounding at 31°S latitude indicates that the temperature structure is essentially diurnally invariant up to 100 km, above which the nightside structure diverges sharply from the dayside toward lower temperatures. Very large diurnal pressure differences develop above 100 km with dayside pressure ten times that on the nightside at 126 km altitude. This has major implications for upper atmospheric dynamics. The data are compared with the measurements of G. M. Keating, J. Y. Nicholson, and L. R. Lake (1980, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 7941–7956) above 140 km with theoretical thermal structure models of Dickinson, and with data obtained by Russian Venera spacecraft below 100 km. Midnight temperatures are ~ 130°K, somewhat warmer than those reported by Keating et al.  相似文献   

Long-exposure spectroscopy of Mars and Venus with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) has revealed emissions of He 584 Å on both planets and He 537 Å/O+ 539 Å and He+ 304 Å on Venus. Our knowledge of the solar emission at 584 Å, eddy diffusion in Mars' upper atmosphere, electron energy distributions above Mars' ionopause, and hot oxygen densities in Mars' exosphere has been significantly improved since our analysis of the first EUVE observation of Mars [Krasnopolsky, Gladstone, 1996, Helium on Mars: EUVE and Phobos data and implications for Mars' evolution, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 15,765-15,772]. These new results and a more recent EUVE observation of Mars are the motivation for us to revisit the problem in this paper. We find that the abundance of helium in the upper atmosphere, where the main loss processes occur, is similar to that in the previous paper, though the mixing ratio in the lower and middle atmosphere is now better estimated at 10±6 ppm. Our estimate of the total loss of helium is almost unchanged at 8×1023 s−1, because a significant decrease in the loss by electron impact ionization above the ionopause is compensated by a higher loss in collisions with hot oxygen. We neglect the outgassing of helium produced by radioactive decay of U and Th because of the absence of current volcanism and a very low upper limit to the seepage of volcanic gases. The capture of solar wind α-particles is currently the only substantial source of helium on Mars, and its efficiency remains at 0.3. A similar analysis of EUV emissions from Venus results in a helium abundance in the upper atmosphere which is equal to the mean of the abundances measured previously with two optical and two mass spectrometers, and a derived helium mixing ratio in the middle and lower atmosphere of 9±6 ppm. Helium escape by ionization and sweeping out of helium ions by the solar wind above the ionopause is smaller than that calculated by Prather and McElroy [1983, Helium on Venus: implications for uranium and thorium, Science 220, 410-411] by a factor of 3. However, charge exchange of He+ ions with CO2 and N2 between the exobase and ionopause and collisions with hot oxygen ignored previously add to the total loss which appears to be at the level of 106 cm−2 s−1 predicted by Prather and McElroy [1983, Science 220, 410-411]. The loss of helium is compensated by outgassing of helium produced by radioactive decay of U and Th and by the capture of the solar wind α-particles with an efficiency of 0.1. We also compare our derived α-particle capture efficiencies for Mars and Venus with observed X-ray emissions resulting from the charge exchange of solar wind heavy ions with the extended atmospheres on both planets [Dennerl et al., 2002, Discovery of X-rays from Venus with Chandra, Astron. Astrophys. 386, 319-330; Dennerl, 2002, Discovery of X-rays from Mars with Chandra, Astron. Astrophys. 394, 1119-1128]. The emissions from both disk and halo on Mars agree with our calculated values; however, we do not see a reasonable explanation for the X-ray halo emission on Venus. The ratio of the charge exchange efficiencies derived from the disk X-ray emissions of Mars and Venus is similar to the ratio of the capture efficiencies for these planets. The surprisingly bright emission of He+ at 304 Å observed by EUVE and Venera 11 and 12 suggests that charge exchange in the flow of the solar wind α-particles around the ionopause is much stronger than in the flow of α-particles into the ionosphere.  相似文献   

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