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The Precambrian/Cambrian (PC/C) boundary is one of the most important intervals for the evolution of life. However, the scarcity of well-preserved outcrops across the boundary leaves an obstacle in decoding surface environmental changes and patterns of biological evolution.In south China, strata through the PC/C boundary are almost continuously exposed and contain many fossils, suitable for study of environmental and biological change across the PC/C boundary. We undertook deep drilling at four sites in the Three Gorges area to obtain continuous and fresh samples without surface alteration and oxidation. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the fresh carbonate rocks, selected based on microscopic observation and geochemical signatures of Mn/Sr and Rb/Sr ratios, aluminum and silica contents, and δ13C and δ18O values, were measured with multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometric techniques.The chemostratigraphy of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the drilled samples displays a smooth curve and a large positive anomaly just below the PC/C boundary between the upper part of Baimatuo Member of the Dengying Formation and the lower part of the Yanjiahe Formation. The combination of chemostratigraphies of δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr indicates that the 87Sr/86Sr excursions preceded the δ13C negative excursion, and suggests that global regression or formation of the Gondwana supercontinent, possibly together with a high atmospheric pCO2, caused biological depression.  相似文献   

Variations in frequency of geomagnetic reversals through the Phanerozoic have been analyzed jointly with 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios in marine carbonate sediments. The time series of both parameters contain principal components with periods from 90 to 110 Ma and show a certain correlation. Namely, (i) both time series have five local minimums spaced at similar intervals (period lengths); (ii) the minimums in the Δ87Sr/86Sr curve follow in time those of the reversal frequency, with a lag from 12 Myr in the Ordovician to 38 Myr in the Cretaceous; (iii) the rate of heat transfer from processes at the core-mantle boundary (in D″ layer) which control the Earth's geological life was from 7 to 25 cm/yr in the Phanerozoic. This rate approaches the observed velocities of horizontal plate motion and the predicted mantle convection rates.  相似文献   

The sediments in Lake Huguang Maar in coastal South China were previously thought to originate mainly from wind-blown dust transported from North China, such that the lake sediments recorded the varying strength of the Asian winter monsoon. An alternative explanation was that the local pyroclastic rocks supplied the lake sediments, but the actual contributions from the different sources remained unclear. Geochemical analyses including 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd and trace elements support the local pyroclastic rock as the dominant source: < 22% of the total Sr in the lake sediments and  17% of the Nd arises from the distant source. Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf for the lake sediments are identical to those for the local rock but differ from the ratios for the wind-blown dust, and chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns for the lake sediments are similar to those for the local rock and soil, but differ from those for the distant source. The sediments in Lake Huguang Maar are probably input into the lake through runoff and thus controlled by the hydrology of the lake. Wind-blown dust transported by the Asian winter monsoon from arid North China is only a minor contribution to the sediments.  相似文献   

The Rb-Sr and U-Pb systematics are studied in carbonate deposits of the Satka and Suran formations corresponding to middle horizons of the Lower Riphean Burzyan Group in the Taratash and Yamantau anticlinoria, respectively, the southern Urals. The least altered rock samples retaining the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of sedimentation basin have been selected for analysis using the original method of leaching the secondary carbonate phases and based on strict geochemical criteria of the retentivity (Mn/Sr < 0.2, Fe/Sr < 5 and Mg/Ca < 0.024). The stepwise dissolution in 0.5 N HBr has been used to enrich samples in the primary carbonate phase before the Pb-Pb dating. Three (L-4 to L-6) of seven consecutive carbonate fractions obtained by the step-wise leaching are most enriched in the primary carbonate (in terms of the U-Pb systematics). In the 206Pb/204Pb-207Pb/204Pb diagram, data points of these fractions plot along an isochron determining age of 1550 ± 30 Ma (MSWD = 0.7) for the upper member of the Satka Formation. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the least altered limestones of this formation is within the range of 0.70460–0.70480. Generalization of the Sr isotopic data published for the Riphean carbonates from different continents showed that 1650–1350 Ma ago the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the world ocean was low, slightly ranging from 0.70456 to 0.70494 and suggesting the prevalent impact of mantle flux.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, with important discoveries from oil and gas exploration in the Dabashan foreland depression belt in the borderland between Shanxi and Sichuan provinces, the relationship between the formation and evolution of, and hydrocarbon accumulation in, this foreland thrust belt from the viewpoint of basin and oil and gas exploration has been studied. At the same time, there has been little research on the origin of fluids within the belt. Based on geochemical system analysis including Z values denoting salinity and research on δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes in the host rocks and veins, the origin of paleofluids in the foreland thrust belt is considered. There are four principal kinds of paleofluid, including deep mantle-derived, sedimentary, mixed and meteoric. For the deep mantle-derived fluid, the δ13C is generally less than ?5.0‰PDB, δ18O less than -10.0‰PDB, Z value less than 110 and 87Sr/86Sr less than 0.70600; the sedimentary fluid is mainly marine carbonate-derived, with the δ13C generally more than ?2.0‰PDB, δ18O less than ?10.0‰PDB, Z value more than 120 and 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.70800 to 0.71000; the mixed fluid consists mainly of marine carbonate fluid (including possibly a little mantle-derived fluid or meteoric water), with the δ13C generally ranging from ?2.0‰ to ?8.0‰PDB, δ18O from ?10.0‰ to ?18.0‰ PDB, Z value from 105 to 120 and 87Sr/86Sr from 0.70800 to 0.71000; the atmospheric fluid consists mainly of meteoric water, with the δ13C generally ranging from 0.0‰ to ?10.0‰PDB, δ18O less than ?8.0‰PDB, Z value less than 110 and 87Sr/86Sr more than 0.71000. The Chengkou fault belt encompasses the most complex origins, including all four types of paleofluid; the Zhenba and Pingba fault belts and stable areas contain a simple paleofluid mainly of sedimentary type; the Jimingsi fault belt contains mainly sedimentary and mixed fluids, both consisting of sedimentary fluid and meteoric water. Jurassic rocks of the foreland depression belt contain mainly meteoric fluid.  相似文献   

Among the Phanerozoic granitoids of East Asia, the most prevailing Cenozoic–Mesozoic rocks are reviewed with respect to gabbro/granite ratio, bulk composition of granitoids, redox state, and O- and Sr-isotopic ratios. Quaternary volcanic rocks, ranging from basalt to rhyolite, but typically felsic andesite in terms of bulk composition in island arcs, are oxidized type, possibly due to oxidants from subducting oceanic crust into the source regions. Miocene plutonic rocks in the back-arc of Japan could be a root zone for such volcanism but are more felsic in composition. Cenozoic–Mesozoic plutonic zones are classified by (1) the redox state (magnetite/ilmenite series), and (2) average bulk composition (granodiorite/granite). The granodioritic magnetite series occur with fairly abundant gabbro and diorite in the back-arc of island arcs (Greentuff Belt) and intercontinental rapture zones (Yangtze Block). These rocks are mostly juvenile in terms of the 87Sr/86SrI and δ18O values.The granitic magnetite series with some gabbroids occur in rapture zones along the continental coast (Gyeongsang Basin, Fujian Coast) and the back-arc of island arc (Sanin Belt). They were generated mostly in felsic continental crust, with the help of heat and magmas from upper mantle. The generated granitic magmas had little interaction with C- and S-bearing reducing materials, due probably to extensional tectonic settings. The δ18O value gives narrow ranges but the 87Sr/86SrI ratio varies greatly depending upon the age and composition of the continental crust. Granitic ilmenite-series are characterized by high δ18O values, implying much contribution of sediments. The 87Sr/86SrI ratios are low in island arcs but very high in continental interior settings. Amount of mafic magmas from the upper mantle seems a key to control the composition of granitoid series in island arc settings, while original composition of the protolith may be the key to control granitoid composition in continental interiors.  相似文献   

We recently showed that silicon isotopic fractionation in banana (Musa acuminata Colla, cv Grande Naine) was related to phytolith production, and therefore to silica content in plant. The present study focuses on isotopic fractionation between the different plant parts. Silicon isotopic compositions were measured using a Nu plasma multicollector plasma source mass spectrometer (MC–ICP–MS) operating in dry plasma mode. The results are expressed as δ29Si relatively to the NBS28 standard, with an average precision and accuracy of ± 0.08‰ (± 2σ). On mature banana (Musa acuminata Colla, cv Grande Naine) from Cameroon, δ29Si ranged from + 0.13‰ in the petiole to + 0.49‰ in the lamina, yielding to a 0.36‰ change towards heavier isotopic composition in the upper parts of the plant. This strongly accords with results obtained on in vitro banana plantlets cultivated in hydroponics, where the δ29Si increase from pseudostems to lamina is 0.26‰. These preliminary results on in situ banana show a trend of intra-plant fractionation comparable with that of in vitro hydroponics banana plantlets and with previous data obtained on bamboo.  相似文献   

Sr isotope and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical compositions of freshwater ostracode tests separated from a sediment core represent the last 16 ka of sedimentation in Lake Constance, Central Europe. The chemical evolution of the paleowater's dissolved load of Lake Constance was estimated by correcting the ostracode data for Ca/Mg/Sr fractionation due to biogenic calcification. Since the Late Pleistocene deglaciation, the Ca/Sr molar ratios of paleowaters increased systematically from about 100 (a near marine signature) to about 200. Ca/Mg molar ratios varied in the range of 1–25. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate Late Pleistocene paleowater compositions of 0.7086–0.7091, significantly more radiogenic than present day waters (0.7085). Sr isotopes and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical data together show that weathering of Mesozoic evaporites consistently dominated the dissolved Sr load (80–90%). Carbonate and silicate weathering were less important (1–10%). Trends of Sr dissolved loads were therefore not related to Mg which was mainly mobilized by carbonate weathering. Biotite weathering was an important source of radiogenic Sr in the paleowaters. The short-term release (duration about 600–800 years) of radiogenic Sr during glacier retreat started 15.2 ka ago and was due to enhanced biotite weathering at the glacier base. Long-term release of radiogenic Sr was due to biotite weathering in glacial soils and silicate rocks, and has gradually declined since the Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

Rhyolitic pumices in the 26.5 ka Oruanui eruption (Taupo volcano, New Zealand) contain an average of 10 wt% crystals. About 2 wt% of the crystal population is feldspar crystals that display bluish–grey cloudy cores, the colour being imparted by exsolved needles of rutile. The volume of cloudy-cored feldspars thus amounts to ~1.0 km3 in a total magma volume of ~530 km3. The cored feldspars show great variability in detail, but in general have a rounded cloudy core bounded by a zone rich in glass and mineral inclusions, that was then overgrown by a euhedral clear rim. Sr-isotopic variations in eight representative crystals were measured on micromilled samples of selected growth zones in the cores and rims, and linked to feldspar compositions through microprobe traverses. The cloudy cores range from 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70547 to 0.70657, with compositions of An43 to An78. The overgrowth rims display wider variations: inner parts show extreme ranges in composition (maxima 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70764 and An78), while outer parts in seven of eight crystals are zoned, with outward-decreasing Sr-isotopic and An values to figures that are in accord with the bulk pumice and other, clear-feldspar values, respectively. The three parts of the crystals represent distinct regimes. The cloudy cores are inherited from an intermediate plutonic protolith that has been subjected to melting. The inner overgrowth rims were crystallised from a high temperature, relatively radiogenic melt derived from Mesozoic-Palaeozoic metasedimentary rocks (“greywacke”). The outer euhedral rims reflect mixing into and continued growth within the growing Oruanui magma body. The cloudy-cored feldspars also contain rare zircon inclusions. Twenty one zircons were recovered by HF digestion of a bulk sample of cloudy feldspars and analysed by SHRIMP for U–Th isotopes with which to calculate model ages. Eighteen of 21 crystals returned finite ages, the model-age spectrum of which is similar to the age spectra from free zircons in Oruanui pumices. Assembly of the Oruanui magma body was not only rapid (over ~40 kyr, as shown by other data) but involved a wide open system, with significant contributions from partly-melted intermediate-composition igneous intrusions (cloudy cores) and greywacke melts (inner overgrowths) being introduced into the magma body up to the point of eruption. Such open system behaviour contrasts with that proposed in models for comparably voluminous silicic magmas derived dominantly by fractionation (such as the Bishop Tuff) where the magma and its crystal cargo were better insulated thermally and chemically from country-rock interaction.  相似文献   

晚新元古代至早寒武世是地球演化历史上极其重要的时期,该时期地层年龄框架的厘定以及古海水、古大气、古气候等方面的研究一直是国际地学界的关注热点。Re-Os同位素测年法是近十几年来兴起的地层测年法,其对于晚新元古代至早寒武世重要时间节点上沉积的富有机质黑色页岩具有测年及示踪古环境的双重优势。本文以晚新元古代至早寒武世地层为例,阐述了Re-Os同位素测年法在年代地层学研究中的应用,通过与大量的、精确的锆石U-Pb年龄对比,论证了Re-Os同位素测定沉积地层年龄的可靠性。对于震旦系陡山沱组地层建阶及留茶坡组地层的年代学研究,黑色页岩Re-Os同位素测年法可发挥重要的作用。结合前人所做的Sr同位素变化曲线以及收集的晚新元古代—早寒武世Os同位素初始值的测试数据,阐述了Os同位素在该时段古环境演绎及Ni-Mo-V多金属层来源追溯上发挥的作用。黑色页岩难以进行~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr的分析,而Os同位素初始值能较好地弥补这一缺陷,二者的相互结合将为晚新元古代至早寒武世古环境演化的研究作出贡献。本文指出,随着Re-Os同位素分析技术的发展以及更多实验流程的建立,该项技术在未来年代地层学,尤其对一些古老地层的年代厘定具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Biodegraded oils are widely distributed in the Liaohe basin, China. In order to develop effective oil-source correlation tools specifically for the biodegraded oils, carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes from crude oils and their asphaltene pyrolysates have been determined using the gas chromatography–isotope ratio mass spectrometry technique. No significant fractionation in the stable carbon isotopic ratios of n-alkanes in the pyrolysates of oil asphaltenes was found for anhydrous pyrolysis carried out at temperatures below 340°C. This suggests that the stable carbon isotopic distribution of n-alkanes (particularly in the C16–C29 range) in the asphaltene pyrolysates can be used as a correlation tool for severely biodegraded oils from the Liaohe Basin. Comparison of the n-alkane isotopic compositions of the oils with those of asphaltene pyrolysates shows that this is a viable method for the differentiation of organic facies variation and post-generation alterations.  相似文献   

New data on Sr-and C-isotopic systematics of carbonate rocks from the Upper Riphean stratotype (Karatau Group of the southern Urals) are obtained for several southwestern sections of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium, which have not been studied before. The results obtained supplement the Sr-and C-isotopic information for the group upper horizons thus detailing chemostratigraphic characterization of the entire succession. Limestone and dolostone samples used to analyze the Sr isotope composition satisfy strict geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity and have been subjected to preliminary treatment in ammonium acetate to remove secondary carbonate phases. Data on 255 samples of carbonate rocks (171 studied for the first time) show that δ13C value varies in the Karatau Group succession from ?2.8 to +5.9 ‰ V-PDB with several in-phase excursions from the general trend in all the sections studied in the area 90 × 130 km. The δ13C variation trend demarcates several levels in the carbonate succession of the Karatau Group suitable for objectives of regional stratigraphy and for C-isotope chemostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Riphean. The results of Sr isotopic analysis of 121 samples (51 unstudied before) from the Karatau Group imply that rocks in its lower part (the Katav Formation and basal horizon of the Inzer Formation) experienced considerable secondary alterations, while limestones and dolostones of the overlying interval of the group are frequently unaltered. In the “best” samples satisfying geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity, the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio increases from 0.70521–0.70532 in the lower Inzer deposits to 0.70611 in the upper Min’yar carbonates, decreasing to <0.70600 near the top of the latter. Above the regional hiatus separating the Min’yar and Uk formation, this ratio grows from 0.70533 to 0.70605–0.70609 in the limestone succession of the last formation.  相似文献   

The Semna gold deposit is one of several vein-type gold occurrences in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, where gold-bearing quartz veins are confined to shear zones close to the boundaries of small granitoid stocks. The Semna gold deposit is related to a series of sub-parallel quartz veins along steeply dipping WNW-trending shear zones, which cut through tectonized metagabbro and granodiorite rocks. The orebodies exhibit a complex structure of massive and brecciated quartz consistent with a change of the paleostress field from tensional to simple shear regimes along the pre-existing fault segments. Textural, structural and mineralogical evidence, including open space structures, quartz stockwork and alteration assemblages, constrain on vein development during an active fault system. The ore mineral assemblage includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, subordinate arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite and gold. Hydrothermal chlorite, carbonate, pyrite, chalcopyrite and kaolinite are dominant in the altered metaggabro; whereas, quartz, sericite, pyrite, kaolinite and alunite characterize the granodiorite rocks in the alteration zones. Mixtures of alunite, vuggy silica and disseminated sulfides occupy the interstitial open spaces, common at fracture intersections. Partial recrystallization has rendered the brecciation and open space textures suggesting that the auriferous quartz veins were formed at moderately shallow depths in the transition zone between mesothermal and epithermal veins.Petrographic and microthermometric studies aided recognition of CO2-rich, H2O-rich and mixed H2O–CO2 fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins. The H2O–CO2 inclusions are dominant over the other two types and are characterized by variable vapor: liquid ratios. These inclusions are interpreted as products of partial mixing of two immiscible carbonic and aqueous fluids. The generally light δ34S of pyrite and chalcopyrite may suggest a magmatic source of sulfur. Spread in the final homogenization temperatures and bulk inclusion densities are likely due to trapping under pressure fluctuation through repeated fracture opening and sealing. Conditions of gold deposition are estimated on basis of the fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope data as 226–267 °C and 350–1100 bar, under conditions transitional between mesothermal and epithermal systems.The Semna gold deposit can be attributed to interplay of protracted volcanic activity (Dokhan Volcanics?), fluid mixing, wallrock sulfidation and a structural setting favoring gold deposition. Gold was transported as Au-bisulfide complexes under weak acid conditions concomitant with quartz–sericite–pyrite alteration, and precipitated through a decrease in gold solubility due to fluid cooling, mixing with meteoric waters and variations in pH and fO2.  相似文献   

We select four caves and their nearby cities in the monsoonal region of China for studying the relationships among precipitation, temperature, summer monsoon intensity and stalagmite δ18O. The instrumental, historic and stalagmite δ18O records from these areas show strong spatial disparities on annual to decadal scales, so that climatic conditions in a single location cannot represent these of the entire eastern China. On time scales <500 years, stronger summer monsoon may lead to higher rainfall in some locations but not over eastern China. Correlation between the summer monsoon strength and precipitation is not only location-dependent but also changes with time. One may not use the paleoclimatic pattern of cold–dry and warm–wet on glacial/interglacial ages throughout all time scales for climatic conditions in the monsoonal region. On centennial to millennial scales, stalagmite δ18O variation trend from eastern China resemble solar irradiance with lighter δ18O corresponding to increased solar irradiance, and vice versa. The similar trends may reflect climatic feedbacks link to solar forcing to cause changes in the summer monsoon intensity and/or in monsoonal circulation. Changes in monsoonal circulation and intensity affect (1) summer rainfall intensity, (2) summer/winter precipitation ratio, or (3) ratio of moisture from Indian/Pacific oceans, or a combination of the three. Thus, a speleothem δ18O record may not be proper to be used as a proxy of paleo-precipitation amount, especially on short time scales. Based on the four stalagmite δ18O records during the last 2000 years, EASM strength decreased from AD 200 to AD 500, and from AD 1300 to AD 1600 (the 1st half of the Little Ice Age), whereas EASM strength increased from AD 1600 to AD 1900 (the 2nd half of the Little Ice Age). The EASM strength has weakened since early 1900’s.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating and estimates of regional metamorphic PT conditions were carried out on the basement rocks of the Eastern Kunlun Mountains, Western China. Samples from the Jinshuikou, Xiaomiao, Kuhai, Wanbaogou, and Nachitai groups revealed distinct metamorphic events and four age groups. The age group in the range from 363 to 439 Ma is interpreted to represent cooling after Middle Silurian–Late Devonian granulite(?) and amphibolite facies metamorphism, which is dominated by low–middle pressure/high temperature conditions. This tectono-thermal event is related to the closure of an oceanic basin or marginal sea. An age group of 212–242 Ma represents cooling after Triassic metamorphic overprint, which is probably associated with magmatic intrusions. This thermal event, together with the Permo-Triassic ophiolite zone along the South Kunlun Fault, relates to the closure of a major ocean (between India and Eurasia) and the eventual N-ward accretion of the Qiangtang block in Permo-Triassic times. The significance of the age group of 104–172 Ma may be related to the ductile deformation along the Xidatan fault due to the northward-directed accretion of the Lhasa block. Biotites from Nachitai record a partial isotopic resetting at ca. 32 Ma that is interpreted to represent a late-stage exhumation caused by further crustal shortening.  相似文献   

华南由扬子板块与华夏板块在新元古代拼合而成,其拼合时间与演化模式一直广受争议。江南造山带是其重要的拼合带,带内保留一系列新元古代沉积作用-岩浆活动记录,是研究扬子板块与华夏板块拼贴碰撞时间与演化机制的理想场所。本文针对江南造山带东段陈蔡地区花岗闪长岩,开展了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学、全岩主微量元素及Sr-Nd同位素地球化学研究。代表性样品的~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权平均年龄为838±5Ma和836±4Ma,为花岗闪长岩的原岩结晶年龄。样品K_2O含量为1.30%~2.57%,铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为1.01~1.54,为钙碱性过铝质花岗闪长岩。样品高Si O_2(63.38%~68.97%)、Al_2O_3(15.30%~16.70%)、Na_2O(3.89%~6.24%)、Sr(306×10~(-6)~628×10~(-6))、Sr/Y(26~80)和低Mg O含量(0.64%~1.99%)、K_2O/Na_2O(0.17~0.64)、低Y含量(3.38×10~(-6)~16.10×10~(-6))和Yb含量(0.42×10~(-6)~1.67×10~(-6)),δEu异常不明显,相对富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素、强烈亏损重稀土和高场强元素、低~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr初始值(0.7015~0.7022)和高ε_(Nd)(t)值(+4.10~+6.13),具有与高硅埃达克岩相似的特征。结合区域构造演化背景,认为陈蔡花岗闪长岩是扬子板块与华夏板块之间的古洋壳向双溪坞陆弧地体俯冲的过程中,俯冲板片熔体被少量地幔楔橄榄岩同化和交代的产物,暗示838~836Ma时江南造山带东段仍处于俯冲消减阶段,扬子与华夏尚未完成最终拼合。综合现有证据,认为扬子与华夏在江南造山带各区段于ca.825~820Ma完成拼合。  相似文献   

右江褶皱带地处扬子陆块和华夏陆块的结合部位,区内广泛发育以基性-超基性岩墙群和超酸性岩脉为主的燕山晚期双峰式岩浆活动。对桂中都安地区的金云钾镁煌斑岩脉进行了金云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar法测年,斑晶和基质金云母样品均给出了较一致的坪年龄,分别为93.6±0.6Ma和92.9±0.6Ma,相应的等时线年龄分别为93.4±0.9Ma和92.7±0.8Ma,上述年龄代表了岩脉的侵位年龄。结合区内报道的同期年代学资料,进一步证明右江褶皱带及其周缘晚白垩世双峰式岩浆活动响应了华南地区燕山晚期的构造转换事件及随后大规模的岩石圈伸展减薄。  相似文献   

高通岭钼矿床位于海南岛中部的早白垩世—晚白垩世高通岭岩体中,是一个小型热液脉型钼矿床。作者对赋矿围岩黑云母钾长花岗岩进行了岩相学观察、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、锆石Lu-Hf同位素测试和锆石微量元素分析。结果显示:赋矿围岩矿物组合为钾长石(45%~60%)、石英(20%~30%)、斜长石(10%~20%)及黑云母(10%~15%);矿石矿物以辉钼矿为主,矿石类型主要为石英脉型,次为蚀变黑云母钾长花岗岩型和碎裂岩型;高通岭岩体中的锆石,具有清晰的振荡环带,显示其岩浆成因;锆石U-Pb年代学研究获得206U/238Pb加权平均年龄为(102.5±1.8)Ma,锆石的~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf比值为0.282 349~0.282 663,εHf(t)为-12.8~-1.7,二阶段地壳模式年龄(TCDM)为1976~1271 Ma,峰值为1450~1400 Ma,锆石稀土元素配分模式显示高通岭岩体的陆壳源区属性。地表取样的黑云母钾长花岗岩(GTL-03和GTL-04)具有较低Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)比值(160左右),反映了较低氧逸度,钻孔取样的黑云母钾长花岗岩具有较高Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)比值(平均值377)。高通岭岩体总体上氧逸度较低,暗示其大规模成矿潜力较低。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the metamorphic evolution of pelitic, semi-pelitic migmatites and mafic granulites of the Chafalote Metamorphic Suite (CMS), Uruguay, which represents the southernmost exposures of high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguain—Sul-Rio-Grandense shield, South America. This belt is one of the Brasiliano orogens that crop out along the Brazilian and Uruguayan Atlantic margin, and the CMS is one of several disconnected segments of supracrustal rock in a dominantly granitic terrain. Petrological evidence from CMS mafic granulites and semi-pelitic migmatites indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved only as inclusions in porphyroblasts of the peak-metamorphic (M2) assemblage. Peak-metamorphism was followed by near-isothermal decompression (M3), which resulted in symplectites and coronitic textures in the mafic granulites and compositional zoning of Ca in garnet (decreasing rimwards) and plagioclase (increasing rimwards) in the semi-pelitic migmatites. The retrograde metamorphic assemblage (M4) is represented by hydration reaction textures replacing minerals of the M2 and M3 assemblages. Average PT calculations using the program THERMOCALC and conventional thermobarometric methods yield peak-metamorphic (M2) PT conditions of 7–10 kbar and 830–950 °C, near-decompressional (M3) PT conditions of 4.8–5.5 kbar and 788–830 °C and M4 retrograde PT conditions of 3–6 kbar and 600–750 °C. The calculated PT path for the CMS rocks is ‘clockwise’ and incorporates a near-isothermal decompression segment followed by minor cooling, consistent with a history of crustal thickening followed by extensional collapse at ca. 650–600 Ma. The metamorphism recorded by rocks of this crustal segment may be correlated with 650 Ma metamorphism in the Coastal Terrane of the Kaoko Belt in Namibia, being the first unequivocal match between South America and Africa provided by crystalline rocks south of the Congo Craton.  相似文献   

Precise U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope tracing of zircon is combined with whole-rock geochemical and Sr and Nd isotope data in order to unravel processes affecting mafic to felsic calcalkaline magmas prior to and during their crystallization in crustal magma chambers along the southern border of Central Srednogorie tectonic zone in Bulgaria (SE Europe). ID-TIMS U–Pb dating of single zircons from felsic and mixed/mingled dioritic to gabbroic horizons of single plutons define crystallization ages of around 86.5–86.0, 85.0–84.5 and 82 Ma. Concordia age uncertainties are generally less than 0.3 Ma (0.35%–2σ), and as good as 0.08 Ma (0.1%), when the weighted mean 206Pb/238U value is used. Such precision allows the distinction of magma replenishment processes if separated by more than 0.6–1.0 Ma and when they are marked by newly saturated zircons. We interpret zircon dates from a single sample that do not overlap to reflect new zircon growth during magma recharge in a long-lived crustal chamber. Mingling/mixing of the basaltic magma with colder granitoid mush at mid- to upper-crustal levels is proposed to explain zircon saturation and fast crystallization of U- and REE-rich zircons in the hybrid gabbro.Major and trace-element distribution and Sr and Nd whole-rock isotope chemistry define island arc affinities for the studied plutons. Slab derived fluids and a sediment component are constrained as enrichment sources for the mantle wedge-derived magma, though Hf isotopes in zircon suggest crustal assimilation was also important. Inherited zircons, and their corresponding ε-Hf, from the hybrid gabbroic rocks trace the lower crust as possible source for enrichment of the mantle magma. These inherited zircons are about 440 Ma old with ε-Hf of − 7 at 82 Ma, whereas newly saturated concordant Upper Cretaceous zircons reveal mantle ε-Hf values of + 7.2 to + 10.1. The upper and middle crusts contribute in the generation of the granitoid rocks. Their zircon inheritance is Lower Palaeozoic or significantly older and crustal dominated with 82–85 Ma corrected ε-Hf values of − 28. The Cretaceous concordant zircons in the granitoids are mantle dominated with a ε-Hf values spreading from + 3.9 to + 7.  相似文献   

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