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土聚水泥的物理力学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以煤系高岭土为原料,经粉磨、煅烧活化后加入碱性激发剂,在常温常压条件下制备出了土聚水泥.研究了土聚水泥砂浆和混凝土的力学性能及土聚水泥净浆和砂浆的黏结性能.研究表明:煤系高岭土经850℃煅烧-保温2 h,所得的处于无定性状态的偏高岭土经模数为1.2,掺量为9%Na2·nSiO2溶液的激发,在自然养护条件下制备出了具有黏结性能好、早强和高强性能的新型胶凝材料.最后分析了目前国内土聚水泥推广应用存在的主要问题,并结合自身的研究提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

In this study, production of mortars with disposable polyethylene bottles, but without cement, was investigated. The disposable polyethylene bottles were crushed and converted into fiber formation. Then fibers were molten with different types of sands at the temperature range of 180-200 °C. Some physical (e.g. water absorption and abrasion resistance) and some mechanical (e.g. bending strength, compressive strength, toughness) properties of mortars were tested. The results indicated that bending strength and toughness of mortars were improved. Besides, water absorption of mortar was negligible and abrasion was nearly equal to zero.  相似文献   

Physical and mechanical properties of chemically grouted sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally accepted that only chemical grouts or solutions are available to penetrate and fill narrow joints or soils with very small pore size. Over the last 30 years a few hundreds of different compounds have been used for this purpose showing a wide spectrum of properties. Epoxy resins are among the compounds that are commonly used in building restoration because of their high strength and durability against mechanical or physical erosion. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the improvement of the physical properties (water permeability, porosity and dry unit weight) and mechanical properties (compressive strength, elastic modulus, splitting tensile strength and strength under triaxial stress conditions) of fine sand mixed with a water-soluble two component epoxy resin is, since there is not any published data about the efficiency of such high strength material in ground improvement. The experiments were carried out using different solutions of epoxy resin, which had epoxy resin/water (ER/W) ratio of 2.0, 1.5, 1.0 and 0.5. Cylindrical specimens were prepared by mixing fine sand with an adequate quantity of epoxy resin and were used for compression, splitting tensile and triaxial strength tests. Development of compressive and splitting tensile strength was evaluated from tests at the ages of 3, 7 and 28 days whereas strength under triaxial conditions was determined on specimens cured for 28 days.The results of this study indicate that the epoxy resin solutions, especially the solutions with low water content resulted in higher strength, lower porosity and lower water permeability of the sand, improving significantly the physical and mechanical properties of the fine sand.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from a hydrothermal vent zone off Milos Island in the Aegean Sea were dated using the 210Pb method. The average unsupported 210Pb inventory in the cores was calculated to be 3256 Bq m(-2). The corresponding mean annual 210Pb flux of 105 Bq m(-2) year(-1) is comparable to estimates of the atmospheric flux given in the literature. 210Pb fluxes calculated from the unsupported 210Pb inventories in cores are also comparable with the 210Pb vertical fluxes determined from settling particles off the coast of Milos Island. The highest unsupported 210Pb concentrations (89 Bq kg(-1)) were measured in the sediments nearest to the hydrothermal vent area suggesting that the sedimentation rate is lowest at this site. Direct gamma measurements of 210Pb were used to date three sediment cores that are located at different distances from the vent zone: one is in the immediate vicinity of the vent; and others are outside the zone. Sedimentation rates for these cores, calculated using the CRS and CIC models, ranged from 0.088+/-0.008 cm year(-1) to 0.14+/-0.01 cm year(-1). Where both models were applicable, the results given by the two methods were in good agreement. 137Cs concentrations in all three cores generally declined with depth but showed no clear signal of either the period of maximum fallout from weapons testing or the Chernobyl accident. 210Po activities were also measured and the maximum 210Po concentration was in the sediment surface layer (166 Bq kg(-1)).  相似文献   

 灰绿色、红色泥岩在干旱或半干旱气候条件下形成,富含黏土矿物,遇水后物理力学性质发生显著变化,对工程建设的安全有重要影响,对其物理力学特性开展研究在地质灾害防治和工程设计施工中都具有重要意义。不同泥岩具有不同的物理力学性质,为进一步研究其差异,对甘肃省天水秦州区西河乡灰绿色泥岩以及天水花南村滑坡(310国道K1428+200段)滑带处红色泥岩进行了基本土工试验、矿物成分分析、易溶盐成分分析以及高含水率下的直接剪切试验。研究发现灰绿色泥岩级配更好,且含有较多的黏土矿物,而红色泥岩则含有较多的石英及原生矿物,二者的黏土矿物都以伊利石为主,高岭石次之,蒙脱石含量较少。2种泥岩遇水后都溶解出较多的Na+,K+, 以及少量的Ca2+,使土体颗粒水膜增厚,带电分子间的引力减弱,黏结力降低,并使矿物更易遭受破坏,灰绿色泥岩溶于水后的易溶盐总量相对较多。在高含水率情况下,2种泥岩的抗剪强度参数都随含水率及干密度发生变化,灰绿色泥岩的抗剪性能明显优于红色泥岩。当含水率达到25%时,红色泥岩抗剪强度较绿色泥岩显著降低,含水率超过30%后,二者都基本丧失抗剪能力。  相似文献   

潜嫂(或海女,Haenyeo)是在韩国济州岛生活的女性潜水人。她们通过屏住呼吸的潜水,以捕捉海洋动物和收割海藻为生。回应着潮水的起落,她们同时在海洋和陆地上耕耘,将所需的养料从一处传递给另一处来建立2种生态间的联系。基于主笔人康峻豪在潜嫂社区长达一年的景观实地考察,提出潜水都市主义(Submersible Urbanism):它作为一个有节律的、相互的、区域性的系统,其中的角色积极地在可耕种的陆地/海洋和建成环境之间,交换各自的产品和副产物。研究从城市、景观和建筑3个尺度,提出3个关于潜水都市主义的设计主张:建立岛屿和海洋间循环的营养系统,打造潜水步道,以及为扩展潜嫂社区提供新的公共资源系统。潜水都市主义的这些设计主张为气候变化和海平面上升的时代提供了一个弹性的生活模式。  相似文献   

深部围岩在开挖卸载过程中表现出的峰后复杂力学特性一直是工程界十分关注的问题,深入研究岩石峰后力学行为对深部资源开采工程具有重要意义。以深部立井马头门工程为依托,通过室内试验方法研究花岗岩峰后力学特性,采用非线性拟合方法获得花岗岩峰后软化模量与围压的指数关系式,假定岩石的剪胀角为恒定值,基于塑性理论构建考虑围压及剪胀角影响的岩石峰后应变软化模型;以FLAC3D为平台开发数学模型并进行验证,通过构建马头门巷道数值模型,分析深部围岩在应变软化条件下的破坏特征规律。通过研究可知,花岗岩峰后破坏具有脆–延性转化趋势,在高围压条件下,岩石峰后表现出塑性软化破坏特征,岩石峰后软化模量随着围压的增大而减小;通过FLAC3D进行数值验证可知,构建的应变软化模型与试验数据基本吻合,所建立的应变软化模型具有较高的可靠性;通过数值模拟方法分析深部马头门巷道围岩破坏特征可知,巷道拱顶及拱脚等局部区域出现了塑性剪切应变,与现场巷道围岩破损位置及深度基本相同。  相似文献   

Traditional urban dwelling patterns and architecture in the Cycladic islands are a result of long‐term cultural and historical processes. The vernacular built environment was created through the interaction of customary rules and formal laws concerning land ownership rights, the use of and access to property, and standards for new buildings. This paper explores the way in which Cycladic architecture developed. Crucial factors include the vulnerability of the islands due to their small size and natural harbours, sporadic invasions by pirates, and long‐term occupation by non‐indigenous governments. Resisting this, local populations continued with their own priorities through customary rules and habits related to land and buildings.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contents were investigated in different organ tissues of Red Pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) from the eastern Aegean Sea between May 1996 and July 1998. The concentrations of mercury in the muscle tissue ranged between 16 and 716, in liver 125-5451, in gonad 2.0-1858; cadmium in muscle nd-9.6, in liver 1.4-2245, in gonad nd-192; lead in muscle nd-1397, in liver 112-8311, in gonad nd-2927; zinc in muscle 1352-6693, in liver 2710-78705, in gonad 7273-168655; copper in muscle nd-383, in liver nd-21986, in gonad nd-20499 (microg/kg wet weight). The highest concentrations were generally found in the Southern Aegean Sea. All metal levels in muscle tissues are lower than the limits of European Dietary Standards and Guidelines. The metals ratios between liver and muscle indicated that the liver accumulated higher levels of metals than the muscle tissues. The bioaccumulation factor (BAFs) of metals was measured in muscle, liver and gonads. BAFs among the analysed elements showed the descending orders as Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb for muscle and gonads and Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb for liver.  相似文献   

Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 3, pp. 21–23, May–June, 1989.  相似文献   

Weathering and hydrothermal alteration of the granitic rocks in the Eastern Black Sea Region (NE Turkey) are important phenomena affecting the engineering projects in the region. The study investigated the probable paths of rock-forming mineral transformations due to weathering in the Harsit granitoid rocks, the changes of the major oxides as a consequence of weathering and the effects of weathering on the engineering properties. To identify the changes in the major oxides, the volume concentrations were considered in relation to the dry density. Chemical leaching during weathering was shown to be significant in changing the minerals. It was concluded that the engineering properties of the weathered granitic rocks can be most reliably predicted by P-wave velocity.   相似文献   

Stromboli island has a complex geological history with repeated changes in the volcanic activity alternating with destructive events, caldera collapses and flank landslides. The last activity resulted in the creation of the Sciara del Fuoco depression which was modified by the recent 2002–2003 landslide. The variation in lithology, degree of tectonization and disturbance has resulted in the presence of a wide spectrum of geotechnical materials. This paper summarises the physical and mechanical properties of Stromboli’s intact rocks, rock masses and loose deposits, based on field surveys and laboratory tests. A new classification of the rock succession is introduced and four lithotechnical units defined: Lava, Lava-Breccia, Breccia and Pyroclastic deposit. The range of variability in bulk volume, porosity, intact rock compressive strength and geological strength index is presented. The Hoek and Brown’s failure criterion was applied for each lithotechnical unit and the rock mass friction angle, apparent cohesion, tensile and compressive strength, global strength and modulus of deformation calculated in a specified stress range.   相似文献   

竹纤维与水泥等无机材料复合制备的加气混凝土,在相同工艺条件下会出现表观密度的下降。以相同表观密度为基准,通过竹纤维复合加气混凝土可以成为增强抗压强度和提高材料的吸音系数的方法之一。研究表明:当慈竹纤维含量达到7.17%时、毛竹纤维含量为5.94%时、绿竹纤维含量为7.93%时,增强效果达到峰值。三种竹纤维中慈竹纤维增强效果最好:抗压强度提高了12.5%;绿竹纤维复合增强抗压强度9.4%;毛竹纤维复合增强7.9%。另一方面,不同竹纤维复合的加气混凝土的吸音系数均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

Grouting is a common technical method with many applications, e.g. it is used for soil stabilization and strengthening, for reduction of water ingress to underground facilities or of the water loss through a dam foundation, etc. Grouts comprise several constituents, which are combined in many ways depending on the in situ conditions and the outcome desired. Superplasticizers, accelerators, antifreezers, air-entraining agents and many others are generally used to improve the quality of cement grouts and consequently, their effectiveness on strength (especially bond strength), durability, impermeability and resistance to chemical erosion of the grouted soil or rock mass. A comprehensive laboratory work was carried out in order to study the physical and mechanical properties of grouts prepared by using cement, clay, water in different percentages along with an amount of acrylic resin or methyl methacrylate co-polymer emulsion. Flowability, setting time, bleeding, compressive strength, elastic modulus, shear bond strength, resistance to wet–dry cycles and resistance to sulfate attack of the grouts were determined. The results of this study indicated that the addition of latexes improves significantly the compressive strength, shear bond strength, stability, resistance to wet–dry cycles and resistance to sulfate attack, especially for thick pure cement grouts. This improvement depends on the type of latex.  相似文献   

姚山  赵毕红  韩宁 《混凝土》2012,(6):91-95
采用常规的材料及通用的工艺力法,通过加入不同纤维、降低水胶比、去除粗骨料等方法配制抗压强度接近100 MPa的高性能纤维增强水泥基复合材料,并进行抗压强度、抗折强度、抗拉强度、静力弹性模量等力学性能试验,结果表明:高性能纤维增强水泥基复合材料不但具有较高抗压强度,其韧性及变形能力良好,适应现代工程结构的发展需要。  相似文献   

针对冲击危险巷道锚杆支护结构破坏特征及冲击载荷对锚杆–围岩支护系统的特殊要求,设计研发了新型防冲吸能锚杆(索)。基于塑性弯曲理论分析了吸能锚杆(索)的吸能原理,利用自主设计的静–动加载试验系统,进行吸能锚杆(索)的静力拉伸试验与冲击拉伸试验。结果表明:吸能锚杆(索)在拉伸过程中六角管衬里被挤压变形,同时给摩擦圆柱提供滑移阻力,六角管的管壁厚度、套筒内径及摩擦圆柱直径三者的装配参数对吸能阻力具有重要影响;无论是静力拉伸还是冲击拉伸,吸能锚杆(索)的轴力–位移曲线均存在轴力初始增长、轴力平稳和轴力突增—平稳3个阶段;在轴力平稳阶段内锚杆杆体基本处于弹性状态,摩擦滑移结束后,锚杆杆体开始受力屈服;吸能结构在吸收能量的同时很好的延迟或减缓了锚杆杆体受力屈服。与普通锚杆相比,吸能锚杆(索)具有良好的"自保护性"与"冲击适应性"。现场试验表明,吸能锚杆(索)能够有效削弱冲击能对巷道围岩的作用。  相似文献   

碳纳米管(MWCNT)在水性体系及水泥基体中的分散性直接影响MWCNT增强水泥基复合材料(MCNTRC)的宏观性能。本文以萘系磺酸盐甲醛缩合物(FDN)、甲基纤维素(MC)、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)三种表面活性剂(SAA)单独或复合作为MWCNT的水性分散剂,探讨MWCNT的分散效果;借助物理超声波分散和化学CTAB分散,混合浇筑法制备了六组不同掺量MWCNT的MCNTRC,之后对MCNTRC试件的抗折及抗压强度测试,断口SEM观察和能谱分析。结果表明:只有CTAB在w(CTAB):w(MWCNT)为1~3范围时对MWCNT分散效果最好;少量的MWCNT可较好地分散于水泥基体中,并发挥一定的桥联增韧作用,MCNTRC的抗折、抗压强度最高可分别提高17.0%、28.3%;相应SEM图也显示MWCNT在基体中分布均匀,两者结合界面良好。  相似文献   

针对混凝土高整体容器(HIC)用密封材料力学性能进行研究,探讨环氧乳液掺量对混凝土HIC用密封材料抗压强度、抗折强度及拉拔粘结强度的影响规律.研究结果表明:随着聚灰比的增大,混凝土HIC用密封材料的抗压、抗折及拉拔粘结强度均呈先提高后降低的趋势;当聚灰比为2%~8%时,混凝土HIC用密封材料在满足自流平灌注工艺要求的前提下,其力学性能均能符合正在编制的《低、中水平放射性废物高整体容器——混凝土容器》标准要求.并对其机理进行分析.  相似文献   

秦毅  朴应模 《混凝土》2012,(1):33-35
无熟料水泥混凝土(NSC)是用水淬高炉矿渣(GBFS)和激发剂的混合物作为胶凝材料而配制的新型混凝土,其性能取决于GBFS的碱度、化学成分、玻璃化率以及激发剂的种类和数量。为此,以磷石膏作为GBFS的激发剂来配制NSC后,采用与普通水泥混凝土(简称OPC)对比的方法、进行了和易性、强度及其与钢筋黏结强度的试验探讨。结果表明:NSC的和易性优于OPC;早期强度主要来源于钙矾石并接近OPC,长期强度则主要来源于C-S-H水化物且远远超过OPC。  相似文献   

研究了不同水泥剂量、不同养生条件和不同龄期对泡沫(乳化)沥青冷再生混合料劈裂强度和无侧限抗压强度的影响。研究表明,水泥含量对冷再生混合料的强度影响很大,直接影响冷再生混合料早期强度的形成;通过对比不同养生条件和不同龄期下冷再生混合料的强度发展规律,建立了室内养生条件与现场施工之间的关系。  相似文献   

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