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Pobel D  Robin J  Humbert JF 《Water research》2011,45(3):1005-1014
Sampling cyanobacteria in freshwater ecosystems is a crucial aspect of monitoring programs in both basic and applied research. Despite this, few papers have dealt with this aspect, and a high proportion of cyanobacteria monitoring programs are still based on monthly or twice-monthly water sampling, usually performed at a single location. In this study, we conducted high frequency spatial and temporal water sampling in a small eutrophic shallow lake that experiences cyanobacterial blooms every year. We demonstrate that the spatial and temporal aspects of the sampling strategy had a considerable impact on the findings of cyanobacteria monitoring in this lake. In particular, two peaks of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae cell abundances were usually not picked up by the various temporal sampling strategies tested. In contrast, sampling once a month was sufficient to provide a good overall estimation of the population dynamics of Microcystis aeruginosa. The spatial frequency of sampling was also important, and the choice in the location of the sampling points around the lake was very important if only two or three sampling points were used. When four or five sampling points were used, this reduced the impact of the choice of the location of the sampling points, and allowed to obtain fairly similar results than when six sampling points were used. These findings demonstrate the importance of the sampling strategy in cyanobacteria monitoring, and the fact that it is impossible to propose a single universal sampling strategy that is appropriate for all freshwater ecosystems and also for all cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

An existing volunteer monitoring network in the state of Michigan was exploited to conduct a statewide survey of the cyanobacterial toxin, microcystin, and to test hypotheses about the interactive influences of eutrophication and dreissenid mussel invasion. A total of 77 lakes were sampled by citizen volunteers for microcystin, total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a. Microcystin was measured in depth-integrated samples collected from the euphotic zone as well as in surface-water samples collected along the shoreline. Average microcystin in samples collected by volunteers was not different from samples collected side-by-side by professionals. Euphotic-zone microcystin was positively related to TP in lakes without dreissenids (uninvaded) but not in lakes with dreissenids (invaded). Regression-tree analysis indicated that euphotic-zone microcystin was eight times higher in the presence of dreissenids for lakes with TP between 5 and 10 μg L−1. In contrast, euphotic-zone microcystin was almost identical in invaded and uninvaded lakes with TP between 10 and 26 μg L−1. Across all lakes, microcystin concentrations at the surface were on average more than double, and in some cases an order-of-magnitude greater than, concentrations in the euphotic-zone. Given these results, it seems prudent to include dreissenid invasion status in forecasting models for microcystin, and to include shoreline sampling in monitoring programs aimed at assessing recreational exposure to cyanobacterial toxins.  相似文献   

The Algae Online Analyser (AOA) fluorometer simultaneously distinguishes four different phytoplankton groups by their specific fluorescence spectra and thus allows for real-time in-situ chlorophyll a measurements per algal group. This AOA was used for monitoring cyanobacterial chlorophyll a in the drinking water at the Bronis?awow Bay abstraction point in Sulejow Reservoir (Poland). The main goal of this research was to develop an early warning method for the detection of cyanobacterial biovolume in the source water, in order to establish an Alert Level Framework for the drinking water abstraction point in Sulejow Reservoir. A positive correlation between cyanobacterial biovolume, as determined by conventional methods, and cyanobacterial chlorophyll a, as measured by the AOA, was found (p < 0.05). The results of this study were used to determine threshold values for the Alert Level Framework, based on cyanobacterial chlorophyll a concentrations in the source water of Sulejow Reservoir. The presented threshold values are determined specifically for this abstraction point, but the principles can be applied to other locations.  相似文献   

Ishii H  Nishijima M  Abe T 《Water research》2004,38(11):2667-2676
A bacterium termed 7CY, capable of decomposing cyanobacterial toxins, was isolated from surface water sample of Lake Suwa and degradation of microcystin-RR and nodularin-Har was investigated. The isolated 7CY was a gram-negative, aerobic bacillus, and a member of a genus Sphingomonas. The strain degraded microcystin-LY, -LW, and -LF completely as well as microcystin-LR within 4 days after their addition (6 microg/ml) whereas degradation of nodularin-Har did not occur at all during experiment. On the contrary, the strain was capable of degrading nodularin-Har in the presence of microcystin-RR and both toxins were completely decomposed within 6 days. The strain scarcely degraded nodularin-Har in the presence of microcystin-RR when glucose and ammonium chloride were added to the medium. The degradation of nodularin-Har did not occur in the medium from which bacterial cells had been removed after degradation of microcystin-RR. Furthermore, when microcystin-RR and nodularin-Har were added to the cytoplasm fraction of 7CY cells, microcystin-RR was rapidly degraded within 18 h, but nodularin-Har was not. The strain 7CY may require an enzyme(s) induced during the degradation of microcystin-RR in order to utilize nodularin-Har as nutrition.  相似文献   

Different environmental conditions support optimal growth by Aphanizomenon and Microcystis in Ford Lake, Michigan, USA, based on weekly species biovolume and water chemistry measurements from June through October 2005-2007. Experimental withdrawal of hypolimnetic water through the outlet dam was conducted in 2006, with 2005 and 2007 acting as control years, to test theory regarding management of nuisance and toxic cyanobacteria. The dynamics of Aphanizomenon and Microcystis blooms in Ford Lake appear to be driven largely by NO3 concentrations, with higher levels shifting the advantage to Microcystis (P < 0.0001). Aphanizomenon was most successful with a mean TN:TP ratio (mol:mol) of 48.3:1, whereas Microcystis thrived with a mean ratio of 70.1:1. Withdrawal of hypolimnetic water successfully destabilized the water column and led to higher levels of NO3 and the near elimination of the Aphanizomenon bloom in 2006 (P < 0.0001). Selective withdrawal did not reduce Microcystis biovolume or microcystin toxicity. Microcystis biovolume and NO3 levels were positively correlated with microcystin toxin (P = 0.01) and jointly accounted for 30.5% of the variability in the data. Selective withdrawal may be a viable management option for improving water quality under certain circumstances. To fully address the problem of nuisance and toxic algal blooms in Ford Lake, however, an integrated approach is required that targets cyanobacteria biovolume dynamics as well as conditions suited for toxin production.  相似文献   

The dynamics and microcystins (MC) concentrations of a perennial Planktothrix agardhii bloom were investigated in a eutrophic lake (Viry-Chatillon, France). A weak relationship was observed between P. agardhii population biomass and the MC concentrations in a 1-year survey. To further investigate the causes of MC concentration changes, we concurrently conducted experiments on 41 strains isolated from this lake. We first checked the clonal diversity of P. agardhii population (i) by molecular techniques, to assess the presence of MC synthetase gene (mcyB), (ii) by biochemical assay (PP2A inhibition assay), for MC production, and (iii) by mass spectrometry (MS), to identify the MC chemotypes. Our results illustrated the diversity of genotype and MC chemotypes within a P. agardhii natural population. Eleven chemotypes among the 16 possible ones were found by MS. Furthermore, we noticed major differences in the MC content of isolated strains (from 0.02 to 1.86 microg equiv. MC-LR mg DW(-1), n=25). Growth and MC production of one MC-producing strain and one non-MC-producing strain were also assessed at two temperatures (10 and 20 degrees C). We showed that growth capacities of these strains were similar at the two tested temperatures, and that the MC production rate was correlated to the growth rate for the MC-producing strain. On the basis of these results, several hypotheses are discussed to explain the weakness of relationships between natural P. agardhii biomass and MC concentration. One of the main reasons could lie in the proportion of MC-producing clones and non-MC-producing clones that may change during the sampling period. Also, the MC-producing clones may present different intracellular MC content due to (i) MC chemotypes diversity, (ii) changes in MC variants proportions within a strain, and (iii) changes in MC rate production depending on the physiological state of cells. Finally, we concluded that various biological organization levels have to be considered (population, cellular and molecular), through an integrative approach, in order to provide a better understanding of P. agardhii in situ MC production.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria that produce the toxin microcystin have been isolated from many parts of the world. Most of these organisms are planktonic; however, we report on several microcystin-producing benthic filamentous cyanobacterial isolates from four drinking-water reservoirs in southern California (USA): Lake Mathews, Lake Skinner, Diamond Valley Lake (DVL), and Lake Perris. Some samples of benthic material from these reservoirs tested positive for microcystin by an ELISA tube assay, and all the positive samples had in common a green filamentous cyanobacterium 10-15microm in diameter. Seventeen unialgal strains of the organism were isolated and tested positive by ELISA, and 11 cultures of these strains were found to contain high concentrations of microcystin-LR (90-432microgL(-1)). The cultures were analyzed by protein phosphatase inhibition assay (PPIA) and HPLC with photodiode array detector (PDA) or liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Microcystin per unit carbon was determined for six cultures and ranged from 1.15 to 4.15microgmg(-1) C. Phylogenetic analysis of four cultures from Lake Skinner and DVL using cyanobacterial-specific PCR and sequencing of the partial 16S rRNA gene suggested the highest similarity to an unidentified cyanobacterium in the oscillatoriales, and to a Phormidium sp. Morphologically, some of the isolates were similar to Oscillatoria, and others resembled Lyngbya. The significance of these organisms lies in the relative scarcity of known toxin producers among freshwater benthic cyanobacteria, and also as a source of cell-bound microcystin in these reservoirs.  相似文献   

Microcystis colonies are known to overwinter on the surface of the sediment of freshwater ecosystems. However, little is known about the genotypic and toxicological dynamics of Microcystis populations during this benthic life stage. In this study, we report a two-year-long survey of benthic populations of Microcystis, which had spent from a few days to more than six years in the sediment. In order to avoid any interaction with the planktonic proliferations, we chose two deeply buried benthic populations, which could be easily dated. Quantitative PCR on mcyB gene and protein phosphatase inhibition assays were performed to measure their toxic potential, and their genotypic structure was assessed by Capillary Electrophoresis-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (CE-SSCP), based on 16S-23S Intergenic Transcribed Spacer (ITS). The microcystin content of the cells seemed to change sharply during the first few months of benthic survival, whereas this content was low and decreased steadily after several years of benthic life. No genetic selection was observed in either the proportion of potentially toxic clones or the ITS sequences for any of the populations considered. From these results, the benthic life stage of Microcystis appears to preserve the structure and the composition of the population over a far larger time scale than classical overwintering period. Finally, some genotypes were common in both of the benthic populations, even though they originated from planktonic blooms that had developed five years apart, suggesting a major overlap of planktonic proliferations in successive years.  相似文献   

Costas E  Lopez-Rodas V 《Water research》2006,40(12):2447-2451
Works correlating fluctuating asymmetry with environmental stress or genetic damages have been largely reported in multicellular organisms but not in single-celled ones. We hypothesize that asymmetry analysis could also be applied to single-celled organisms, because the asymmetry between two sister cells originated from a cellular division event (same genotype in similar environment) must tend to zero in the absence of environmental or genetic perturbations. Laboratory experiments with copper sulphate and DCMU-herbicide treatments as well as experiments in a water reservoir after treatment with copper sulphate algaecide show that environmental stress increases asymmetry between sister cells of Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria). Even low Cu(2+) or DCMU doses, which were unable to reduce growth rate, considerably enlarge asymmetry with respect to untreated controls. Asymmetry between sister cells of cyanobacteria seems to be a reliable indicator of environmental perturbation. Analysis of asymmetry in single-celled organisms could become as important as fluctuating asymmetry of multicellular organisms is today.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) have positive effects on the toxin-producing cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa, at low phosphorus (P) concentrations, but negative effects on M. aeruginosa at high P, with a large-scale enclosure experiment in an oligotrophic lake. After three weeks, mussels had a significantly positive effect on M. aeruginosa at ambient P (total phosphorus, TP ∼10 μg L−1), and a significantly negative effect at high P (simulating a TP of ∼40 μg L−1 in lakes). Positive and negative effects were strong and very similar in magnitude. Thus, we were able to ameliorate a negative effect of Dreissena invasion on water quality (i.e., promotion of Microcystis) by adding P to water from an oligotrophic lake. Our results are congruent with many field observations of Microcystis response to Dreissena invasion across ecosystems of varying P availability.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness and life-strategies of freshwater lichens in colonizing newly constructed stone structures in low-elevation streams in a small nature reserve in northern Italy. Species richness, size of thalli, morphological and ontogenetic traits of the species were related to the age of restored habitats. Lichen colonization was surprisingly rapid, indicating the high potential of these organisms in colonizing restored habitats. However, the species pool found in the restored habitats was different than that found in natural sites in the same study area. The age of newly constructed habitats influenced both species richness and thallus size of the two most frequent Verrucaria species. Verrucaria aquatilis was a rapid colonizer invading the substrate by several small-sized and thin thalli which soon supported a large number of small perithecia whose development began in the earlier phase of thallus formation. V. elaeomelaena, on the contrary, developed according to a different strategy, establishing a thick thallus on which relatively large perithecia were formed much later than in V. aquatilis. As these taxa are important photoautotrophic components of freshwater ecosystems more ecological knowledge is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of different measures of river restoration on lichen communities. The main practical implication of our study is related to the value of small stone structures, such as riffles and ramps, for enhancing the establishment of pioneer freshwater lichens to rapidly colonize newly available substrata.  相似文献   

Edge TA  Hill S 《Water research》2007,41(16):3585-3594
Multiple microbial source-tracking methods were investigated to determine the source of elevated Escherichia coli levels at Bayfront Park Beach in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario. E. coli concentrations were highest in wet foreshore sand (114,000 CFU/g dry sand) and ankle-depth water (177,000 CFU/100mL), declining rapidly in deeper waters. Many gull and geese droppings were enumerated each week on the foreshore sand within 2m of the waterline. Both antimicrobial resistance analysis and rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting of E. coli collected at the beach and nearby fecal pollution sources indicated that E. coli in sand and water samples were predominantly from bird droppings rather than from pet droppings or municipal wastewater. Both methods indicated a trend of decreasing bird contamination, and increasing wastewater contamination, moving offshore from the beach. When foreshore sand was treated as a reservoir and secondary source of E. coli, waterborne E. coli were found to be more similar to sand isolates than bird or wastewater isolates out to 150 m offshore. Multiple lines of evidence indicated the importance of bird droppings and foreshore sand as primary and secondary sources of E. coli contamination in beach water at Bayfront Park.  相似文献   

Campylobacter spp., mainly C. jejuni and C. coli, are recognized as significant human bacterial pathogens, being responsible for increasing numbers of gastroenteritis cases worldwide. Several reports have indicated that environmental waters are potential reservoirs and transmitting vehicles for these bacteria. The purpose of this study was thus to examine the occurrence of campylobacters in drinking and environmental water sources of South Africa, a country with a warmer climate and higher microbial pollution levels than those previously addressed in the Northern Hemisphere where similar investigations have been undertaken. Various types of water samples (five drinking water, four ground water, 11 surface water and four raw sewage) were collected from different parts of South Africa. Detection was by enrichment in Bolton broth prior to plating on both selective mCCDA or through a 0.6microm membrane filter on non-selective blood agar isolation media. Out of 100 initially selected Campylobacter-like isolates, only 22 did not grow aerobically and were subsequently identified as Campylobacter spp. by biochemical tests. However, the results obtained by 16S rRNA sequence analysis indicated that only three of these strains (13.6%) were Campylobacter jejuni and the remaining 19 strains were identified as Arcobacter butzleri. The spread of Arcobacter via water warrants further investigation, especially in view of the higher levels of detection and pathogenic nature of these bacteria.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the application of a new PCR assay to detect and differentiate human and ruminant sources of fecal pollution in natural water samples. We tested samples collected from Tillamook Bay, Oregon, which has a long history of fecal pollution levels that exceed acceptable standards. The most likely sources are from dairy operations and ineffective sewage treatment. Using a suite of three PCR primer pairs specific for human or ruminant bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA markers, we detected at least one marker in 17 of 22 samples. In general, host-specific fecal markers were detected in areas that are heavily impacted by anthropogenic activities. Nine out of 11 sites classified as either urban or near a sewage point source were positive for the human marker while only five of these same sites were positive for ruminant markers. Conversely, 12 out of 21 sites classified as rural or agricultural use were positive for ruminant markers, while only six of these sites were positive for human pollution. This suite of host-specific genetic markers holds promise for identifying non-point source fecal pollution in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Microbial monitoring was conducted over a period of more than 1 year at three full-scale riverbank filtration (RBF) facilities, located in the United States along the Ohio, Missouri, and Wabash Rivers. Results of this study demonstrated the potential for RBF to provide substantial reductions in microorganism concentrations relative to the raw water sources. Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected occasionally in the river waters but never in any of the well waters. Average concentrations and log reductions of Cryptosporidium and Giardia could not be accurately determined due to the low and variable concentrations in the river waters and the lack of detectable concentrations in the well waters. Average concentrations of aerobic and anaerobic spore-forming bacteria, which have both been proposed as potential surrogates for the protozoans, were reduced at the three facilities by 0.8 to > 3.1 logs and 0.4 to > 4.9 logs, respectively. Average concentrations of male-specific and somatic bacteriophage were reduced by > 2.1 logs and 3.2 logs, respectively. Total coliforms were rarely detected in the well waters, with 5.5 and 6.1 log reductions in average concentrations at the two wells at one of the sites relative to the river water. Average turbidity reductions upon RBF at the three sites were between 2.2 and 3.3 logs. Turbidity and microbial concentrations in the river waters generally tracked the river discharge; a similar relationship between the well water concentrations and river discharge was not observed, due to the low, relatively constant well water turbidities and lack of a significant number of detections of microorganisms in the well waters. Further research is needed to better understand the relationships among transport of pathogens (e.g., Cryptosporidium, Giardia, viruses) and potential surrogate parameters (including bacterial spores and bacteriophage) during RBF and the effects of water and sediment characteristics on removal efficiency.  相似文献   

ECOTOX is an automatic early warning system to monitor potential pollution of freshwater, municipal or industrial waste waters or aquatic ecosystems. It is based on a real time image analysis of the motility and orientation parameters of the unicellular, photosynthetic flagellate Euglena gracilis. In order to widen the use of the device to marine habitats and saline waters nine marine flagellates were evaluated as putative bioassay organisms, viz. Dunaliella salina, Dunaliella viridis, Dunaliella bardawil, Prorocentrum minimum Kattegat, P. minimum Lissabon, Tetraselmis suecica, Heterocapsa triquetra, Gyrodinium dorsum and Cryptomonas maculata. Because of their slow growth the last three strains were excluded from further evaluation. Selection criteria were ease of culture, density of cell suspension, stability of motility and gravitactic orientation. The sensitivity toward toxins was tested using copper(II) ions. The instrument allows the user to automatically determine effect-concentration (EC) curves from which the EC(50) values can be calculated. For the interpretation of the EC curves a sigmoid logistic model was proposed which proved to be satisfactory for all tested strains. The inhibition of the motility was considered as the most appropriate movement parameter as an endpoint. The Dunaliella species had the lowest sensitivity to copper with EC(50) values of 220, 198 and 176 mg/L for D. salina, D. bardawil and D. viridis, respectively, followed by T. suecica with an EC(50) value of 40 mg/L. The Prorocentrum species were found to be the most sensitive with an EC(50) value of 13.5 mg/L for P. minimum Lissabon and 7.5 mg/L for P. minimum Kattegat.  相似文献   

DW Chang  P Hobson  M Burch  TF Lin 《Water research》2012,46(16):5037-5048
The effect of instrument calibration range, algal growth phase, chlorophyll-a and turbidity interference and colony size, on the measurement of phycocyanin by in-vivo fluoroscopy (IVF) was investigated. The cyanobacterial species Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7820, Anabaena circinalis and Planktothricoides raciborskii were used to investigate variation in phycocyanin content in the different cyanobacteria and growth phases. The green alga, Chodatella sp., and Kaolin particles were used as the sources of chlorophyll-a and turbidity respectively to determine how these factors can impact on phycocyanin measurements. Another cyanobacterium, M. aeruginosa PCC 7005, which forms large colonies, was used to investigate the relationships between colony size and phycocyanin concentration measured using IVF. Results showed that chlorophyll-a, turbidity, and the colonial status of the cyanobacteria significantly interfered with the measurement of phycocyanin fluorescence. Models were developed to compensate for the effect of chlorophyll-a, turbidity and colony size on the measurement. The models were successfully used to correct phycocyanin probe data collected from several reservoirs in Taiwan to establish good correlation between measurements made using the phycocyanin probe and microscopic cell counts.  相似文献   

Wu X  Joyce EM  Mason TJ 《Water research》2012,46(9):2851-2858
Blooms of cyanobacteria are now considered to be a common environmental issue. They are hazardous to both domestic and wild animals and humans. Current treatments are unable to effectively control such blooms as they become tolerant to biocides and it is difficult to degrade cyanobacterial toxins in water. Alternative methods for control are currently under investigation. One potential effective method is ultrasonic irradiation. Ultrasound inactivates algal and cyanobacteria cells through cavitation by generating extreme conditions, resulting in a number of physical, mechanical and chemical effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasound at different frequencies on Microcystis aeruginosa. Flow cytometry was used to measure cyanobacterial metabolic cell viability in addition to the more commonly used haemocytometry, optical density and fluorimetry. Results indicate low frequency 20 kHz ultrasound with high intensity (0.0403 W cm−3) is effective for the inactivation of cyanobacterial cells. Higher frequencies of 580 kHz (0.0041 W cm−3) also resulted in an inactivation effect, but 1146 kHz (0.0018 W cm−3) showed a declumping effect as evidenced by flow cytometry. Ultrasonic treatment over time under different sonication conditions demonstrates the following:1. Acoustic cavitation via mechanical effects can induce sufficient shear forces to directly rupture cyanobacteria cells.2. At higher ultrasonic frequencies the mechanical energy of cavitation is less but a larger proportion of free radicals are produced from the ultrasonic degradation of water, which chemically attacks and weakens the cyanobacteria cell walls.3. At higher frequencies free radicals also damage chlorophyll a leading to a loss in photosynthetic cell viability.4. At low powers ultrasonic energy results in declumping of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The standard method for detecting Salmonella generally analyzes food or fecal samples. Salmonella often occur in relatively low concentrations in environmental waters. Therefore, some form of concentration and proliferation may be needed. This study compares three Salmonella analysis methods and develops a new Salmonella detection procedure for use in environmental water samples. The new procedure for Salmonella detection include water concentration, nutrient broth enrichment, selection of Salmonella containing broth by PCR, isolation of Salmonella strains by selective culture plates, detection of possible Salmonella isolate by PCR, and biochemical testing. Serological assay and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) can be used to identify Salmonella serotype and genotype, respectively. This study analyzed 116 raw water samples taken from 18 water plants and belonging to 5 watersheds. Of these 116, 10 water samples (8.6%) taken from 7 water plants and belonging to 4 watersheds were positive for a Salmonella-specific polymerase chain reaction targeting the invA gene. Guided by serological assay results, this study identified 7 cultured Salmonella isolates as Salmonella enterica serovar: Alnaby, Enteritidis, Houten, Montevideo, Newport, Paratyphi B var. Java, and Victoria. These seven Salmonella serovars were identified in clinical cases for the same geographical areas, but only one of them was 100% homologous with clinical cases in the PFGE pattern.  相似文献   

An experiment using nitrogen stable isotope tracer (15N) was conducted to track the fate of nitrogen derived from cyanobacterial blooms and the effectiveness with which the seasonal blooms are retained by vegetated and unvegetated sediment in a large shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China). 15N enriched Microcystis was injected into both unvegetated sediment and sediment occupied by common reed (Phragmites australis) in the littoral zone. Nutrient retention by the vegetated sediment was greater than by the unvegetated sediment, resulting in higher δ15N in the sediment nitrogen pool. The labeled Microcystis material was also distributed deeper into the vegetated sediment than the unvegetated sediment. A portion of the Microcystis-derived nitrogen was quickly assimilated, appearing first in the belowground biomass and subsequently in the aboveground biomass of the reed plants. The labeled nitrogen was found to support new growth as evidenced by 15N enrichment of new leaves. This study indicates that common reed beds in the littoral zone may play an important role in retention of sedimented planktonic materials.  相似文献   

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