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Bellgard MI  Gojobori T 《Gene》1999,238(1):33-37
The relationship between the overall G+C content of the genome (GC) and the GC content at the third codon positions (GC3) of genes, which we refer to as a GC3-plot, was examined using 15 currently available complete genome sequences. A remarkably linear relationship was found between these two quantities, confirming previous observations of a strong positive correlation in the GC3-plot. In order to conduct a more detailed analysis of the GC3-plot, we examined the GC3 content by separating orthologous codons into three categories: synonymously different codons (namely identical amino acids, IA), different amino acids (DA), and identical codons (IC), for a pairwise comparison of two closely related species. When we took pairwise species comparisons between Mycoplasma genitalium (Mg) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Mp) and between Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) and Mycobacterium leprae (Ml) as examples, we found that for Mp and Ml, the GC3 for IA deviated the most from the linear expectation in the GC3-plot, whereas for Mg and Mt the deviation was minimal. These findings suggest that the major changes of GC content took place in Mp and Ml, but not in Mg and Mt. This analysis also enables us to predict the future direction of the evolutionary changes of the genomic GC content.  相似文献   

Past analyses of the genome of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have revealed substantial regional variation in G+C content. Important questions remain, though, as to the origin, nature, significance, and generality of this variation. We conducted an extensive analysis of the yeast genome to try to answer these questions. Our results indicate that open reading frames (ORFs) with similar G+C contents at silent codon positions are significantly clustered on chromosomes. This clustering can be explained by very short range correlations of silent-site G+C contents at neighboring ORFs. ORFs of high silent-site G+C content are disproportionately concentrated on shorter chromosomes, which causes a negative relationship between chromosome length and G+C content. Contrary to previous reports, there is no correlation between gene density and silent-site G+C content in yeast. Chromosome III is atypical in many regards, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

To date, the sequences of 45 Bradyrhizobium japonicum genes are known. This provides sufficient information to determine their codon usage and G+C content. Surprisingly, B. japonicum nodulation and NifA-regulated genes were found to have a less biased codon usage and a lower G+C content than genes not belonging to these two groups. Thus, the coding regions of nodulation genes and NifA-regulated genes could hardly be identified in codon preference plots whereas this was not difficult with other genes. The codon frequency table of the highly biased genes was used in a codon preference plot to analyze the RSRj9 sequence which is an insertion sequence (IS)-like element. The plot helped identify a new open reading frame (ORF355) that escaped previous detection because of two sequencing errors. These were now corrected. The deduced gene product of ORF355 in RSRj9 showed extensive similarity to a putative protein encoded by an ORF in the T-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The DNA sequences bordering both ORFs showed inverted repeats and potential target site duplications which supported the assumption that they were IS-like elements.  相似文献   

Summary The G+C content of DNA varies widely in different organisms, especially microorganisms. This variation is accompanied by changes in the nucleotide composition of silent positions in codons. (Silent positions are defined and explained in the text.) These changes are mostly neutral or near neutral, and appear to result from mutation pressure in the direction of increasing either A+T (AT pressure) or G+C(GC pressure) content. Variations in G+C content are also accompanied by substitutions at replacement positions in codons. These substituions produce changes in the amino acid content of homologous proteins. The examples studied were genes for 13 mitochondrial proteins in five species, and A and B genes for bacterial tryptophan synthase in four species.In microorganisms, varying AT and GC mutational pressures, presumably resulting from shifts in the DNA polymerase system, exert strong effects on molecular evolution by changing the G+C content of DNA. These effects may be greater than those of random drift. The effects of GC pressure on silent substitutions in the systems examined are several times as great as the effects on replacement substitutions.GC pressure is exerted on noncoding as well as coding regions in mitochondrial DNA. This is shown by the close correlation (correlation coefficient, 0.99) of the G+C content of the noncoding D loop of mitochondria with the G+C content of silent positions in the corresponding mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

Allelic recombination has previously been shown to increase the GC-content of the sequences of a wide variety of eukaryotic species. Ectopic recombination between clustered tandemly repeated genes has also been shown to increase their GC-content. Here we show that gene conversions between the dispersed genes found in the duplicated regions of the yeast and Arabidopsis genomes also increase their GC-content when these genes are more than 88% similar.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Forest soils are important carbon stores and considered as net CO2 sinks over decadal to centennial time scales. Intensive forest management is thought to reduce the carbon sequestration potential of forest soils. Here we study the effects of decades of forest management (as unmanaged forest, forest under selection cutting, forest under age class management) on the turnover of mineral associated soil organic matter (MOM) in German beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) dominated forests.


Radiocarbon contents were determined by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in 79 Ah horizon MOM fractions of Cambisols (n?=?13), Luvisols (n?=?51) and Stagnosols (n?=?15). Mean residence times (MRTs) for soil organic carbon (SOC) were estimated with a 2-pool model using the litter input derived from a forest inventory.


MOM fractions from Ah horizons contained 64?±?8.8 % of the bulk SOC. The radiocarbon content of MOM fractions in Ah horizons, expressed as Δ14C, ranged between ?2.8?‰ and 114?‰ for the three soil groups. Almost all samples contained a detectable proportion of ‘bomb’ carbon fixed from the atmosphere since 1963. Under the assumption that depending on the soil texture between 19 % and 24 % of the SOC from the labile pool is transferred to the stable SOC pool, the corresponding MRTs ranged between 72 and 723 years, with a median of 164 years.


Our results indicate that the MOM fraction of Ah horizons from beech forests contained a high proportion of young carbon, but we did not find a significant decadal effect of forest management on the radiocarbon signature and related turnover times. Instead, both variables were controlled by clay contents and associated SOC concentrations (p?<?0.01). This underlines the importance of pedogenic properties for SOC turnover in the MOM fraction.  相似文献   

Sueoka N  Kawanishi Y 《Gene》2000,261(1):53-62
The human genome, as in other eukaryotes, has a wide heterogeneity in the DNA base composition. The evolutionary basis for this heterogeneity has been unknown. A previous study of the human genome (846 genes analyzed) has shown that, in the major range of the G+C content in the third codon position (0.25-0.75), biases from the Parity Rule 2 (PR2) among the synonymous codons of the four-codon amino acids are similar except in the highest G+C range (Sueoka, N., 1999. Translation-coupled violation of Parity Rule 2 in human genes is not the cause of heterogeneity of the DNA G+C content of third codon position. Gene 238, 53-58.). PR2 is an intra-strand rule where A=T and G=C are expected when there are no biases between the two complementary strands of DNA in mutation and selection rates (substitution rates). In this study, 14,026 human genes were analyzed. In addition, the third codon positions of two-codon amino acids were analyzed. New results show the following: (a) The G+C contents of the third codon position of human genes are scattered in the G+C range of 0.22-0.96 in the third codon position. (b) The PR2 biases are similar in the range of 0.25-0.75, whereas, in the high G+C range (0.75-0.96; 13% of the genes), the PR2-bias fingerprints are different from those of the major range. (c) Unlike the PR2 biases, the G+C contents of the third codon position for both four-codon and two-codon amino acids are all correlated almost perfectly with the G+C content of the third codon position over the total G+C ranges. These results support the notion that the directional mutation pressure, rather than the directional selection pressure, is mainly responsible for the heterogeneity of the G+C content of the third codon position.  相似文献   

Correlation was positive between the G + C content at the codon third position in genes of vertebrates and the G + C content of the genome portion surrounding each gene. Exons of genes with a high G + C% at the codon 3rd position are surrounded by G + C-rich introns and G + C-rich flanking sequences, and those with a low G + C% at the position by A + T-rich introns and flanking sequences. Analysis of G + C content distribution along DNA sequences using a DNA Sequence Data Bank supported the view that the vertebrate genome is a mosaic of regions with clear differences in their G + C content. The biological significance of the variation in G + C content throughout the vertebrate genome is discussed in connection with chromosomal banding.  相似文献   

The global, rather than local, variation in G+C content along the nuclear DNA sequences of various organisms was studied using GenBank sequence data. When long DNA sequences of the genomes of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined, the levels of their G+C content (G+C%) were found to be within a narrow range around that of the whole genome. The G+C% levels for sequences of vertebrate genomes, however, were found to cover a wide range, showing that their genome is a mosaic of sequences with different G+C% levels, in each of which the sequence is fairly homogeneous in its G+C% for a very long distance. Through surveying a human genetic map and GenBank DNA sequences, the global variations in G+C% along the human genome DNA were found to be correlated with chromosome band structures.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of mutation and selection to the G+C content of DNA was analyzed in bacterial species having widely different G+C contents. The analysis used two methods that were developed previously. The first method was to plot the average G+C content of a set of nucleotides against the G+C content of the third codon position for each gene. This method was used to present the G+C distribution of the third codon position and to assess the relative neutrality of a set of nucleotides to that of the G+C content of the third codon position. The second method was to plot the intrastrand bias of the third codon position from Parity Rule 2 (PR2), where A=T and G=C. It was found that whereas intragenomic distributions of the DNA G+C content of these bacteria are narrow in the majority of species, in some species the G+C content of the minor class of genes distributes over wider ranges than the major class of genes. On the other hand, ubiquitous PR2 biases are amino acid specific and independent of the G+C content of DNA, so that when averaged over the amino acids, the biases are small and not correlated with the DNA G+C content. Therefore, translation coupled PR2-biases are unlikely to explain the wide range of G+C contents among different species. Considering all data available, it was concluded that the amino acid-specific PR2 bias has only a minor effect, if any, on the average G+C content. In addition, PR2 bias patterns of different species show phylogenetic relationships, and the pattern can be as a taxal fingerprint. Received: 5 November 1998 / Accepted: 1 March 1999  相似文献   

Summary We develop a mathematical model for estimating evolutionary distance from restriction enzyme maps, which incorporates non-uniformity of the rate of base substitution into the theory and allows for an arbitrary G+C content at equilibrium. When the G+C content differs significantly from 1/2, the traditional model of base changes can introduce a systematic bias which depends upon the base composition of the restriction site. In addition, the accuracy of estimated evolutionary distance depends heavily upon the choice of restriction enzyme in that the expected number of sites is also affected. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to check the validity of the present theoretical treatment and from which we draw several cautionary notes on estimation. An application is made to the available data on restriction enzyme maps of human mitochondrial DNA where the G+C content is approximately 1/3.Contribution No. 1372 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411 Japan  相似文献   

Endospore formation is a specific property found within bacteria belonging to the Gram-type-positive low G+C mol% branch (Firmicutes) of a phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA genes. Within the Gram-type-positive bacteria, endospore-formers and species without observed spore formation are widely intermingled. In the present study, a previously reported experimental method (PCR and Southern hybridization assays) and analysis of genome sequences from 52 bacteria and archaea representing sporulating, non-spore-forming, and asporogenic species were used to distinguish non-spore-forming (void of the majority of sporulation-specific genes) from asporogenic (contain the majority of sporulation-specific genes) bacteria. Several sporulating species lacked sequences similar to those of Bacillus subtilis sporulation genes. For some of the genes thought to be sporulation specific, sequences with weak similarity were identified in non-spore-forming bacteria outside of the Gram-type-positive phylogenetic branch and in archaea, rendering these genes unsuitable for the intended classification into sporulating, asporogenic, and non-spore-forming species. The obtained results raise questions regarding the evolution of sporulation among the Firmicutes.This paper is dedicated to Prof. H.G. Schlegel in honor of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The genes for isomaltosyltransferase (CtsY) and 6-glucosyltransferase (CtsZ), involved in synthesis of a cyclic tetrasaccharide from alpha-glucan, have been cloned from the genome of Bacillus globisporus C11. The amino-acid sequence deduced from the ctsY gene is composed of 1093 residues having a signal sequence of 29 residues in its N-terminus. The ctsZ gene encodes a protein consisting of 1284 residues with a signal sequence of 35 residues. Both of the gene products show similarities to alpha-glucosidases belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 31 and conserve two aspartic acids corresponding to the putative catalytic residues of these enzymes. The two genes are linked together, forming ctsYZ. The DNA sequence of 16,515 bp analyzed in this study contains four open reading frames (ORFs) upstream of ctsYZ and one ORF downstream. The first six ORFs, including ctsYZ, form a gene cluster, ctsUVWXYZ. The amino-acid sequences deduced from ctsUV are similar in to a sequence permease and a sugar-binding protein for the sugar transport system from Thermococcus sp. B1001. The third ctsW encodes a protein similar to CtsY, suggested to be another isomaltosyltransferase preferring panose to high-molecular-mass substrates.  相似文献   



Aspartic proteases comprise a large group of enzymes involved in peptide proteolysis. This collection includes prominent enzymes globally categorized as pepsins, which are derived from pepsinogen precursors. Pepsins are involved in gastric digestion, a hallmark of vertebrate physiology. An important member among the pepsinogens is pepsinogen C (Pgc). A particular aspect of Pgc is its apparent single copy status, which contrasts with the numerous gene copies found for example in pepsinogen A (Pga). Although gene sequences with similarity to Pgc have been described in some vertebrate groups, no exhaustive evolutionary framework has been considered so far.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By combining phylogenetics and genomic analysis, we find an unexpected Pgc diversity in the vertebrate sub-phylum. We were able to reconstruct gene duplication timings relative to the divergence of major vertebrate clades. Before tetrapod divergence, a single Pgc gene tandemly expanded to produce two gene lineages (Pgbc and Pgc2). These have been differentially retained in various classes. Accordingly, we find Pgc2 in sauropsids, amphibians and marsupials, but not in eutherian mammals. Pgbc was retained in amphibians, but duplicated in the ancestor of amniotes giving rise to Pgb and Pgc1. The latter was retained in mammals and probably in reptiles and marsupials but not in birds. Pgb was kept in all of the amniote clade with independent episodes of loss in some mammalian species. Lineage specific expansions of Pgc2 and Pgbc have also occurred in marsupials and amphibians respectively. We find that teleost and tetrapod Pgc genes reside in distinct genomic regions hinting at a possible translocation.


We conclude that the repertoire of Pgc genes is larger than previously reported, and that tandem duplications have modelled the history of Pgc genes. We hypothesize that gene expansion lead to functional divergence in tetrapods, coincident with the invasion of terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

The cps cluster of Escherichia coli K-12 comprises genes involved in synthesis of capsular polysaccharide colanic acid. Part of the E. coli K-12 cps region has been cloned and sequenced and compared to its Salmonella enterica LT2 counterpart. The cps genes from the two organisms are homologous; in the case of the LT2 genes, with G+C content of 0.61 and codons characteristic of high G+C species, it seems clear that they have been acquired relatively recently by lateral transfer from a high G+C species. The K-12 form of these cps genes is closely related to those of LT2 so must derive from the same high G+C species, but it appears to have transferred much earlier such that random genetic drift has brought P3 (the corrected G+C content of codon base 3) down from 0.77 to 0.64, more than halfway to the E. coli average of 0.57. We estimate, using an equation developed by Sueoka, that the lateral transfer to E. coli took place approximately 45 million years ago. This is the first report we are aware of demonstrating the expected adjustment of P3 after lateral transfer between species with different G+C content DNA.   相似文献   

Malloff CA  Fernandez RC  Dullaghan EM  Stokes RW  Lam WL 《Gene》2002,292(1-2):205-211
Three highly mutable loci of the wall-less pathogens Mycoplasma bovis, Mycoplasma pulmonis and Mycoplasma agalactiae undergo high-frequency genomic rearrangements and generate extensive antigenic variation of major surface lipoproteins. Adjacent to each locus, an open reading frame exists as a single chromosomal copy and is predicted to encode a site-specific DNA recombinase exhibiting high homology to the recombinases XerD of Escherichia coli and CodV of Bacillus subtilis. Each of the mycoplasmal proteins are members of the lambda integrase family of tyrosine site-specific recombinases and likely mediates site-specific DNA inversions observed within the adjacent, variable loci.  相似文献   

The Thermus thermophilus HB8 mdh and ldh genes and the T. aquaticus EP00276 nox and mdh genes encoding the biotechnologically important enzymes NADH oxidase (EC, malate dehydrogenase (EC and lactate dehydrogenase (EC were cloned on the basis of known sequences from related species using the polymerase chain reaction. The nox and mdh genes were directly placed under the control of regulatory expression elements from Escherichia coli. When the 5'-portions of the re-cloned nox gene and the mdh gene of T. thermophilus HB8 were simultaneously altered, enzyme yields of 18–42% of the total soluble cellular protein were obtained as compared to 2–6% obtained from the unchanged genes. The high overproduction level upon the alterations can be explained by the occurrece of additional potential base pairs between nucleotides in the mRNA downstream of the start codon (downstream box) and the 16S rRNA. An universal translation initiation sequence providing such strong interactions may be of general use for high overproduction levels. Correspondence to: R. Kreutzer  相似文献   

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