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坝上地区农田和恢复生境地表甲虫多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究采用陷阱法对河北坝上崇礼县农田、禁牧草地及再造林地3种常见生境中地表甲虫进行了取样调查,分别从鞘翅目分科、步甲分种两个分类水平比较分析了不同生境中的生物多样性状况以评估生境恢复状况及其对生物多样性的影响,并探索在以生物多样性为指标评估生境恢复状况过程中,研究结论是否受分类水平的影响。结果显示,草地和林地具有较为相似鞘翅目和步甲的结构组成,但均显著不同于农田。农田较再造林地和禁牧草地具有更多的鞘翅目科数及步甲物种数,且均显著高于林地;农田中步甲群落的Fisher's α多样性指数也显著地高于林地,但鞘翅目分科水平上的Fisher's α多样性指数在各生境中没有差异。结果说明:(1)再造林和草地禁牧的生境修复活动在当前状态下对生物多样性恢复的作用尚不明显,仅是表现出促进了景观尺度上较高的Beta和Gamma多样性,而农田则在维持当地较高的生物多样性中扮演重要角色;(2)在鞘翅目分科和步甲科分种研究数据所反映的不同生境条件下的多样性和组成状况基本相同,因此在需要快速评估生境恢复状况且物种水平鉴定存在困难的时候,可以采用鞘翅目分科的数据替代指示生境恢复的状况并反映生境恢复对生物多样性影响的趋势,从而减少分类的难度并提高工作效率。但是物种水平的多样性状况更能显著反映生境间的差异。  相似文献   

陈影  陈苏  马鸿岳  单岳  冯天朕 《生态科学》2021,40(4):223-228
近年来,随着社会发展,人类开始意识到保护河流河岸带的重要性.为明确河流及河岸带自然生境现状、甄别影响自然生境恢复的关键因子,需对特定的河流或河岸带自然生境进行评价,其评价结果可为河流的健康管理提供重要的依据,同时也可为河流河岸带的生境恢复、生态管理提供理论基础和借鉴意义.文章主要研究了河流河岸带自然生境的定义及内涵,综...  相似文献   

半自然农田边界与相邻农田步甲和蜘蛛的时空分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于小麦、玉米收获前后,采用陷阱法调查了华北地区典型农业景观中具有不同植被结构的农田边界及其相邻农田中两类重要天敌类群步甲和蜘蛛的多样性.通过比较农田生境及相邻农田边界间两类天敌群落的时空分布格局及其与相邻半自然生境植被群落的相关关系,探讨半自然农田边界对两类天敌类群的保护作用.结果表明: 整个取样季节农田边界处蜘蛛的多度显著高于农田内部;而步甲多样性在农田与边界间无显著性差异,仅呈现不同的群落结构;作物收获后蜘蛛分科数在边界处的增加以及在农田的减少,显示了蜘蛛在农田和边界之间的迁移活动.边界植被结构对蜘蛛和步甲多样性有不同影响:边界较高的草本层盖度和较低的乔木层盖度有利于增加农田中某些步甲优势种的多样性;而较高的草本层盖度有利于增加皿蛛科蜘蛛的多样性.因此,半自然生境的存在可以通过天敌在农田和边界之间的迁移运动促进农田天敌多样性的维持;但不同类型半自然生境植被群落结构可能影响其对不同天敌群落多样性的维持和保护作用.为促进农业景观对天敌的保护作用,提高其害虫控制功能,需要深入了解不同天敌的生境需求及食物需求,精心设计有利于天敌多样性维持的半自然生境.  相似文献   

对冀西北坝上地区蛾类进行了逐日灯诱监测,以微软系统的Excel列表、作图,进行蛾类群落的种-多度曲线作图及群落多样性(H')、均匀度(J')、物种丰富度(S)和个体数(N)的时间和空间分布的处理,并做了多样性分析。结果表明:该区蛾类已知16科173属247种,夜蛾科是该区蛾类的优势类群,旋幽夜蛾、网锥蛾野螟(草地螟)和小菜蛾为当地优势种。从5月到9月蛾类多样性指数、物种丰富度和个体数基本呈上升趋势,多样性指数与均匀度(r=0.9477)、物种数(r=0.7785)、个体数(r=0.9704)相一致。不同月份间的蛾类相似程度差异较大,种-多度关系符合对数正态分布模型,研究认为坝上地区蛾类赖以生存的生态环境稳定,生态环境条件保持较好。  相似文献   

湖南永州地区不同生境条件下钙质土土壤动物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖南永州5种不同生境条件的钙质土土壤动物多样性进行了调查。共获得土壤动物2 024只,隶属于4门10纲30目,其中线虫类、蜱螨类、弹尾类为优势类群,占总捕量的66.10%;常见类群9类,占总捕量的27.17%。从水平分布上看,5种生境相似程度较大,其中尤以苗圃和杉木林、苗圃和柏树林、苗圃和荒地之间的相似程度较高。从垂直分布上看,5种生境中只有苗圃地较为明显,而各种生境中土壤动物具有明显的表聚性。苗圃、杉木林、柏树林3种生境土壤动物群落的多样性及均匀度呈基本一致趋势,且各生境间差别不大。  相似文献   

维护农业空间生态安全是国土综合整治与生态修复的重要目标,处于自然生境和人工生境过渡性地带的半自然生境是自然要素与人工要素强烈交互作用下形成的人与自然"共享空间",其以自然发展规律为核心,又依靠人类活动延续独特的结构、过程和功能,具有资源类型多样化、景观格局复杂化和生态功能多元化的特征,是保障和提升农业空间生态系统健康的关键区域。通过对半自然生境内涵与特征的解析,以四川省罗江区为例,基于格局视角对农业空间半自然生境进行识别,结果表明:(1)罗江区半自然生境比例达27.28%,主要聚集于农林混交区,城乡交错带次之,农业集中区半自然生境比例偏低,其内部存在生境面积微小、斑块细碎、连通阻断等问题;(2)生态型半自然生境比例为17.28%,主要分布于农业集中区边缘地带,人工型半自然生境比例为10.00%,主要分布于大型居民聚集区周边和用地混杂山区;(3)从整体空间上看,区域形成农业集中区-生态型半自然生境-人工型半自然生境-人工/自然生境的渐进分布格局,其景观格局可总结为"片核-环屏-廊道-斑块"4种模式;(4)在国土空间规划新时代,农业空间半自然生境研究需联动城镇空间与生态空间实现系统化保护修复,为我国当前粮食安全保障国策和生态文明建设战略约束下的国土空间管控提出适应性策略。  相似文献   

为探究生态恢复方式对苔藓植物的影响,研究了自然弃耕和退耕还林等生态恢复方式对重庆市中梁山喀斯特地区不同生境类型下苔藓植物物种组成特征的影响。结果表明,研究区有苔藓植物15科26属41种,其中藓类39种,苔类2种,美灰藓(Eurohypnum leptothollum)为主要优势物种;研究区石生藓类植物占比较大,生活型以平铺型和丛集型为主,各生境物种多样性及相似性指数整体偏低,但相比弃耕杂草地、灌木林和经济型林地,竹林和马尾松林中苔藓植物具有更高的物种多样性;冗余分析表明,郁闭度和光照强度是影响苔藓植物分布的关键环境因子,乔木林为苔藓植物的生长提供了更适宜的生境。因此,相比于自然恢复和经济性林地等恢复方式,退耕还林是喀斯特退化生境更为理想的生态恢复方式。  相似文献   

生境因子对岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植被多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对舟山市已生态恢复的岩质边坡进行植物群落调查,记录了36个不同生境条件下边坡样地中的植物种及生境因子,计算了4个植物物种多样性指数,利用广义线性混合模型分析了生境因子与边坡植被多样性交化的关系,以揭示生境因子对岩质边坡生态恢复植被的影响.结果表明:从1 a到7 a的岩质边坡生态恢复过程中,坡位对边坡植被多样性的影响最显著(P<0.05),不同坡位的Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalef指数、物种丰富度差异明显,其变化呈现一致的趋势为下坡>中坡>上坡;坡向与Margalef指数显著相关(P<0.05),从阳坡、半阳坡、半阴坡到阴坡,植被多样性呈总体上升趋势;随着边坡恢复年限的延长,边坡植被多样性逐渐增加,但没有表现出统计学意义上的差异(P>0.05);坡度、海拔、土壤厚度对边坡植被多样性的变化无明显影响(P>0.05);Pielou均匀度指数与各个生境因子均无显著关系,在边坡植被恢复过程中基本保持稳定的状态.因此,坡位、坡向是影响岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植被多样性最重要的因子;Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数是岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植物群落变化的主要指示因子.  相似文献   

以青海高原2 300~4 000 m海拔范围的6处西北小檗(Berberis vernae)生境土壤为试材,采用高通量测序方法,分析不同海拔梯度西北小檗生境土壤微生物群落结构及多样性。研究结果表明:(1)在西北小檗生境土壤中,细菌群落组成主要包括10个细菌门21个细菌属,真菌群落由子囊菌门、担子菌门等8个真菌门59个真菌属组成。(2)低海拔位置的海东乐都1号样点(hdld1) 0~20 cm土层的细菌群落丰富性及多样性均最高,黄南泽库样点(hnzk) 0~20 cm土层的真菌群落丰富度最高,西宁大通样点(xndt) 0~20 cm土层的真菌群落多样性最高;随着海拔的升高,0~20 cm、40~60 cm土层的细菌群落丰富度及多样性呈现出先降低再升高再降低的趋势,20~40 cm土层的细菌群落丰富度及多样性则呈现出先升高后降低的趋势,0~20 cm、20~40 cm土层土壤微生物真菌群落丰富度呈现出先升高再降低再升高的趋势,0~20 cm、40~60 cm土层真菌群落多样性呈现先升高再降低的趋势,40~60 cm土层的真菌丰富度及20~40 cm土层的真菌多样性的变化趋势不明显。(3)硝态氮、速效磷和速效钾对土壤微生物群落的影响较明显。综上可知,高寒地区不同海拔梯度西北小檗生境土壤微生物群落结构多样性呈现出一定的海拔差异趋势,其海拔差异主要受到环境条件、土壤理化性质和植被分布的影响。  相似文献   

湿地作为水陆交替的过渡地带,承担着重要的生态服务功能,湿地植物是生态功能作用发挥的基础。不同积水生境与湿地植物物种组成和分布关系密切。黄河流域是国家的重要生态屏障,湿地面积广阔,河南黄河湿地作为黄河湿地的重要组成部分,其积水生境对植物多样性的影响尚不清晰。为研究河南黄河湿地植物的多样性现状以及积水生境对其植物多样性的影响,采用样方和样线相结合的方法对河南省7个黄河湿地自然保护区中的湿地植物进行调查,共设置样方981个。重点分析了不同积水生境湿地植物的主要群系和物种组成,研究了各生境物种多样性和群落多样性特征(α多样性),对比了的不同积水生境植物物种组成相似性和群落间相似程度(β多样性),明确了各生境的植物物种排序和指示种。结果表明:(1)河南黄河湿地植物群系以草本群系为主,共发现188种湿地植物,分属56科,138属;(2)不同积水状况湿地植物物种丰富度大小依次为:季节性积水 > 永久性积水 > 间歇性积水 > 季节性水涝,主要群系总数与物种丰富度趋势表现一致;(3)不同积水生境湿地植物的物种组成存在显著差异,季节性积水和永久性积水生境中植物物种组成相似性和群落间相似程度最高,各积水生境均有明显的优势种和指示种。河南黄河湿地积水生境在不同流段差异显著,不同积水生境下植物多样性和主要植物群系有明显区别,进行湿地生态建设时,建议优先保护季节性积水生境,减少季节性水涝生境的产生,以达到维持物种多样性,发挥湿地最大生态价值的目的。  相似文献   

本文报道产自云南的尺蛾科一中国新纪录种,即福纹尺蛾Epobeidia fumosa(Warren, 1893),并附有该种的成虫和雄性外生殖器图片。标本保存于华南农业大学昆虫学系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Abstract. Turnover in species composition of the extremely species‐rich family Geometridae (Lepidoptera) was investigated along an elevational gradient ranging from 1040 m to 2677 m above sea level. Moths were sampled using weak light traps (30 W) in three field periods in 1999 and 2000 in an Andean montane rainforest in the province of Zamora‐Chinchipe in southern Ecuador. A total of 13 938 specimens representing 1010 species were analysed. Similarities of ensembles of all geometrid moths and of the subfamilies Ennominae and Larentiinae were calculated using the NESS index (with mmax). Ordinations performed using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and correspondence analysis depicted a gradual change of the ensembles along the altitudinal gradient. Extracted ordination scores significantly correlate with altitude (?0.97 ≤ r ≤ ?0.95, P < 0.001) and with ambient air temperature (0.93 ≤ r ≤ 0.97, P < 0.001). Temperature is therefore assumed to be the most important abiotic determinant responsible for the species turnover among the moths. Matrix correlation tests were performed in order to compare faunal matrices with matrices derived from available environmental factors. Both tree diversity and vegetation structure significantly correlate with faunal data, but tree diversity explains considerably more of the data variability (range: Mantel r = 0.81–0.83, P < 0.001) than vegetation structure (range: Mantel r = 0.35, P < 0.005 to r = 0.43, P < 0.001). Tree diversity also changes gradually and scores of the first NMDS dimension are highly significantly correlated with altitude (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). A common underlying factor such as ambient temperature might also be responsible for such vegetation changes. Additionally, simulated model data was developed that assumed a constant turnover of moth species and equal elevational ranges of all species involved. Despite the simplicity of the models, they fit empirical data very well (Mantel r > 0.80 and P < 0.001 in all models).  相似文献   

Geometrid moths were investigated at 26 sites on 9 elevational levels along an elevational transect at Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), stretching from the fine‐grained mosaic of small agroforest plots with combined cultivation of trees, shrubs and crops at 1650 m through mountain rainforest to heathland at 3300 m. We sampled moths manually at light between 19 : 00 and 22 : 00 in the rainy seasons of March to May and October to January in the years 2000, 2001 and 2002. Along the transect, the composition of moth communities changed from a domination by Sterrhinae and Ennominae to a dominance of Larentiinae with increasing elevation. Overall, alpha diversity was very low compared to other tropical mountain regions. Fisher's alpha showed a maximum of 30 in the agroforest mosaic at 1650 m and decreased to values around 12 in the mountain rainforest. Communities of geometrid moths within the forest belt were significantly dissimilar from communities outside the forest. The diversity patterns on Mt. Kilimanjaro can be related to the young age, island‐like position and history of the mountain. These factors have led to the formation of a homogeneous upper mountain rainforest habitat which in turn houses homogeneous moth communities with a low diversity compared to habitats at lower elevations. Here, a heterogeneous habitat mosaic allowing the intrusion of savannah species into this former forest habitat may account for an increased diversity. In the heath zone above the forest, climatic conditions are very harsh, permitting only few specialists to thrive in this ericaceous woodland. Edge effects were discernible at the forest–heathland boundary where some moth species from heathland invaded the closed forest. At the boundary between agroforest and a forest mosaic of exotic Acacia and Eucalyptus forest plantations and natural mountain forest, diversity values remained low as the dominant species Chiasmia fuscataria accounted for far higher proportions than other dominant species in any of the other habitats.  相似文献   

A brief review of the geometrid fauna of the large island of Tasmania and a simple analysis of its conservation status and threats are presented. The fauna comprises 310 species of which Ennominae contribute slightly less than half the total and Larentiinae one third; 23% of the geometrid fauna is endemic at species level. Mixed eucalypt-rainforest is identified as the richest wet forest habitat in geometrid species. Using distribution data at 10  km resolution, the most widespread and most restricted taxa are identified. The conservation status of Lepidoptera living above 800 m is relatively good. However, coastal species and those associated with herb-rich native grasslands are under some pressure from habitat change. Three species of geometrid moths are listed as threatened in Tasmania’s Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 but several others may qualify for listing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Among forty species of the Korean Cidariini, a tribe of Larentiinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), nineteen species of ten genera are revised: Ecliptopera Warren, Lampropteryx Stephens, Eustroma Hübner, Eveeliptopera Inoue, Lobogonodes Bastelberger, Hysterura Warren, Sibatania Inoue, Eulithis Hiibner, Gandaritis Moore, and Electrophaes Prout. The diagnostic characters and monophyly of each genus are provided. Figures of adults including male and female genitalia, and distribution maps in Korea are also provided.  相似文献   

Habitats are now becoming increasingly fragmented throughout the world due to intense cultivation. As a consequence, populations of some animals with low mobility have become isolated, thus increasing the risk of inbreeding and local extinction. In Britain, weakly flying geometric moths of the genus Epirrita are a good model species with which to test the genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on insect populations. Genetic variation within and between populations of two Epirrita species captured using a network of light traps at two spatial scales (local and national) was assessed using allozyme electrophoresis, with particular reference to the local scale (the 330-ha arable farm estate at Rothamsted, Hertfordshire, in southern Britain). Populations sampled widely in England and Wales displayed low (but statistically significant) levels of genetic differentiation for both species ( F st  = 0.0051–0.0114 and 0.0226 for E. dilutata and E. christyi , respectively). However, analysis of large samples of E. dilutata from four small woods at Rothamsted revealed low ( F st  = 0.0046) but significant differentiation, indicating that gene flow was restricted, even at this very small scale. It was concluded that small intervening patches of farmland (often a few fields width) were enough to prevent genetic homogeneity. The close similarity between more distant Epirrita populations was considered to be a result of historical, rather than recurrent gene flow, as genetic equilibrium between drift and gene flow is unlikely over such scales.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 467–477.  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡制片技术和显微观察方法,对分布于青藏高原祁连山东部山地冷龙岭3600—4400 m不同海拔高度的蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum Hand-Mazz)、火绒草(Leontopodium leontopodioides(Willd.)Beauv)和美丽风毛菊(Saussurea superba Anthony)的叶片形态解剖结构进行了研究,并探讨了其对海拔高度的响应及生态适应性。结果表明:随海拔高度的升高,3种植物气孔器外拱盖内缘、角质层纹饰、气孔与表皮细胞的位置关系以及上、下表皮气孔器内缘呈现不同的变化趋势;火绒草上、下表皮气孔密度随海拔升高而增加,而蒲公英和美丽风毛菊的气孔密度则降低;3种植物上、下表皮气孔指数随海拔高度的增加均未出现规律性变化;3种植物叶片厚度、上下表皮厚度、上下角质层厚度、栅栏细胞系数均随海拔升高而增加;解剖学指标之间大多呈明显的协同进化;叶片结构,尤其是气孔密度对海拔高度变化表现出较大的可塑性。研究表明3种植物采取不同的响应机制来适应海拔高度的变化,植物对高原环境变化的适应具有多样性。  相似文献   

本文记述中国尺蛾亚科3新记录属及3新记录种: 羚尺蛾Absala dorcada Swinhoe,双弓尺蛾Calleremites subornata Warren,巨尺蛾Pachista superans (Butler)。总结了每个属、种的形态特征;为羚尺蛾 Absala dorcada Swinhoe和巨尺蛾 Pachista superans (Butler) 指定了选模。  相似文献   

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