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Contributions to the Thermal Behaviour of Sulfates. II. On the Thermal Dehydration of ZnSO4 · 7 H2O and the Effect of High Temperature upon Anhydrous ZnSO4 The dehydration of ZnSO4 · 7 H2O and effect of high temperature upon unhydrous ZnSO4 was examined by means of continous high temperature Guinier photographs. On heating in air ZnSO4 · 7 H2O decomposes stepwise to ZnSO4 · 6 H2O, to an unknown hydrate, to the monohydrate and finally to N? ZnSO4, which is the thermodynamically stable modification at S.T.P. At about 700°C a reversible transformation to H-ZnSO4 can be observed which can start from N? ZnSO4 or H-ZnSO4, proceeds to the oxide sulfate Zn3O(SO4)2 and finally to ZnO. ZnSO4 · 6 H2O crystallizes monoclinically in the hexahydrite structure with a25°C = 9.981 Å, b25°C = 7.250 Å, c25°C = 24.280 Å, β25°C = 98.45°, Z = 8, space group: C 2/c. Cubic H-ZnSO4 is the first A2+B6+O4 compound of H-Cristobalit structure; probable space group F 4 3 m with a700°C = 7.18 Å, Z =4, N-Zn3O(SO4)2 is monoclinic probable space group B 2 with a25°c=13.987 Å, b25°c=6.706 Å, c25°c =7.379 Å β25°c=90.69°, Z=4, Above 420°C N-Zn3(SO4)2 becomes orthorhombic where at first of all H′-Zn3O(SO4)2 which has a reversible transformation point to H-Zn3O(SO4)2 at 655°C is formed. The probable space group of H-Zn2O(SO4)2 is C 2221 with a 850°C = 7.36 Å, b350°C = 13.96 Å, c850°C = 6.79 Å Z = 4, The solid solution N? Cu1,5Zn1,5O(SO4)2 is isotypic with N? Zn3O(SO4)2 and has the lattice constants a25°C = 14.03 Å, b25°C = 6.62 Å, c25°C = 7.33 Å, β25°C = 90.58°, Transoformations into the non quenchable high temperature modifications H-ZnSO4, H′-Zn3O(SO4)2 and H-Zn3O(SO4)2 are displacive. The thermal expansion of N-ZnSO4 and H-ZnSO4 and H-ZnSO4 has been exa-mined.  相似文献   

On the Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Fluoro Chromates The thermal decomposition of the ammonium fluoro chromates (NH4)2[CrF5(H2O)], (NH4)3CrF6, and (NH4)2[Cr(H2O)6]F5 has been investigated by thermoanalytical and X-ray investigations. Steps of decomposition are the formation of (NH4)3CrF6 und NH4CrF4. Further the formation of a chromium fluoride ammoniate CrF3 · xNH3 (x ≥ 1) has been detected. The end product of decomposition is the rhomboedrical CrF3. The hydrolysis reactions have been suppressed by using quasi-isobaric conditions. As by-reaction a partial reduction of CrF3 has been detected leading to the formation of Cr2F5.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das beim Erhitzen von Salicylsäurechlorid (1), Isatosäureanhydrid (2), 2,4-Dioxo-1,3-benzodioxan (4) und ähnlichen Verbindungen auftretende Keten wird über seine Folgeprodukte IR-spektroskopisch nachgewiesen.
The thermal decomposition of salicyloylchloride (1), isatoic anhydride (2), 2.4-dioxo-1.3-benzodioxane (4) and similar compounds leads to ketenes identified by IR spectroscopic methods. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A3615129 00014

Thermal analysis supported by kinetic calculations was applied exhaustively to these compounds. Under dynamic conditions, tetrafluorometallates(III), which as intermediates, could not be isolated, for the first three compounds. In each case, the final step was the pure metal(III) fluoride. Ammonium hexafluorochromate(III) decomposed directly to the pure chromium(III) fluoride. The decomposition rate of all compounds slowed down towards the end, probably for kinetic reasons. Polymorphic transitions of ammonium hexafluorotitanate(III) were observed at 35 and 100°C. Ammoniumhexafluoroscandate(III) underwent polymorphic transition at 47°C. The decomposition patterns for all these compounds were similar. Conditions for the preparation of pure ammonium tetrafluorometallates(III) of Sc, Ti and V are described.  相似文献   

On the Kinetics of Chloride Catalyzed Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Nitrate The activation energies and frequency factors of thermal decomposition reactions of ammonium nitrate and mixtures of ammonium nitrate and chloride have been determined by volumetric measurement of the gaseous decomposition products evolved on linear hcating. The rate constants obtained from these values show that thermal stability and initial decomposition temperature of ammonium nitrate are considerably reduced by addition of small amounts of chloride.  相似文献   

Thermical Decomposition and Sublimation of NiI2 In a membran manometer the thermical decomposition and the sublimation of NiI2 was measured and in ampuls the sublimation of NiI2 studied. From the total pressure and the sublimation pressure the enthalpy of formation ΔH°(f,NiI2,f,298) = ?20 ± 2 kcal/mole and ΔH°(f,NiI2,g,298) = +31.2 ± 5 kcal/mole was derived. The entropy dates are: S°(NiI2,f,298) = 35 ± 2 cl, S°(NiI2,g,298) = 80 ± 1 cl and S°(Ni2I4,g,298) = 128 ± 3 cl respectively. The Ni formed with NiI2 an eutectical system.  相似文献   

On the Photochemistry of 2, 1-Benzisoxazoles (Anthraniles) and on the Thermal and Photochemical Decomposition of 2-Azido-acylbenzenes in Strongly Acidic Solution Anthranils 6 (Scheme 3), when irradiated with a mercury high-pressure lamp, in 96% sulfuric acid yielded, after work-up, 2-amino-5-hydroxy-acylbenzenes 8 and as side products 2-amino-3-hydroxy-acylbenzenes 9 (cf. Schemes 5–7 and Table 1). When C(5) of the anthranils 6 carries a methyl group a more complex reaction mixture is found after irradiation in 96% sulfuric acid (cf. Schemes 8 and 9): 3, 5-dimethyl-anthranil ( 6d ) yielded (after irradiation and acetylation) 2-acetyl- amino-5-methyl-acetophenone ( 15 ), 2-acetylamino-5-acetoxymethyl-acetophenone ( 18d ) and 2-acetylamino-5-acetoxy-6-methyl-acetophenone ( 12c ). The latter product was also formed after irradiation of 3, 4-dimethylanthranil ( 6c ) in 96% sulfuric acid. 3, 5, 7-Trimethyl-anthranil ( 6f ) formed under the same conditions 2-acetylamino-3, 5-dimethyl-acetophenone ( 15f ) and 2-acetylamino-5-acetoxymethyl-3-methyl-acetophenone ( 18f ). Since qualitatively the same product patterns were observed when the corresponding 2-azido-acetophenones 7 were decomposed in 96% sulfuric acid it is concluded that anthranilium ions (cf. 6b -H⊕, Scheme 11) on irradiation are transformed by cleavage of the N, O-bond into 2-acyl-phenylnitrenium ions (cf. 25b -H⊕) in the singlet ground state. The nitrenium ions are trapped directly by nucleophiles ( HSO ?4 in 96% sulfuric acid), thus, yielding the hydroxy-acetophenones 8 and 9 (Scheme 11). If C(5) is blocked by a methyl group a [1, 2]-rearrangement of the methyl group may occur (cf. Scheme 13) or loss of sulfuric acid can lead to quinomethane iminium ions (cf. 32-H⊕ , Scheme 13) which will react with HSO ?4 ions to yield, after hydrolysis and acetylation, the 5-acetoxymethyl substituted acetophenones 18d and 18f . It is assumed that the reduction products (2-acetylamino-acetophenones 15 ) are formed from the corresponding nitrenium ions in the triplet ground state.  相似文献   

On the Thermal Decomposition of Mechanically Activated and γ-Radiation-treated, Pure and Doped Silver Oxalate Both on mechanical activating and on γ-radiation treating of silver oxalate, the concentration of Frenkel defects in the crystal lattice is strongly increased, leading to a facilitation of the electron transfer decomposition process and to an acceleration of the Ag° nucleation. At longer treating the reaction inhibition is almost completely compensated by nuclei formation. In the beginning of the decomposition, the nuclei grow 3-dimensionally, at a later stage, however, 1-dimensionally. Due to an increase of the surface in the case of mechanical treatment the range of 3-dimensional growth is more extended. On mechanical treating of variously Cu2+ doped silver oxalate two overlapping effects, acting contrarily on the thermal lattice stability, result.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die neu bestimmten Gitterparameter des Ag und Au sinda 25=4,08626±0,00004 (Ag) bzw. 4,07894±0,00005 Å (Au), die Brechungskorrektur+0,00035 einbezogen. Die Dichten beider Metalle sindd 25=10,4976±0,0003 (Ag) bzw. 19,2779±0,0018 (Au) g cm–3. Die thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten sind Ag=18.73·10-6 and Au=13.4·10-6°C-1 zwischen 10 und 65°. Beide Metalle weisen einen vollkommenen Aufbau (innerhalb der Fehlergrenzen) auf.Die vollständige Erholung der reinen, 99,999proz. Metalle von den Folgen der Kaltbearbeitung (Feilen) erfolgt sogar bei Zimmertemperatur: Ag-in ungefähr 24 Stdn., Au-in 5 Tagen. Die Verschiebung (Platzwechsel) der Atome wird stark durch Verunreinigungen verzögert.Der dicht unter dem Schmelzpunkt abgeschreckte Silberkristall zeigte eine geringe Dichte, die beim Tempern zunahm, was durch das Herausdiffundieren von Leerstellen erklärt werden kann.
Redetermination of lattice parameters, densities and thermal expansion coefficients of silver and gold, and the perfection of their structures
The redtermined lattice parameters of Ag and Au are as follows:a 25=4.08626±0.00004 and 4.07894±0.00005 Å, resp., including the refraction correction of 0.00035; the densities ared 25=10.4976±0.0003 and 19.2779±0.0018 gcm–3, resp. The thermal expansion coefficients between 10 and 65°C are: Ag=18.73·10-6 and Au=13.4·10-6°C-1. Both metals showed a perfect structure (within the error limits).A complete recovery of the 99.999% pure metals from the consequences of cold work (filing) occurred at room temperature in about 24 hr. (Ag) and in 5 days (Au). The displacement of atoms is strongly retarded by the presence of impurities.A silver crystal quenched just below the melting point showed a lower density which increased during the heat treatment. This behavior can be explained by vacancies diffusing out of the crystal.

Mit 2 Abbildungen

Herrn Prof. Dr.H. Nowotny gewidmet.

Mitteilung Nr. 132 aus dem GCMR, Univ. of Mo-Rolla.  相似文献   

The dehydration of 1-butanol and 2-butanol was studied in a microcatalytic reactor over refractory carbides (except Hf and Cr) in a temperature range between 40 and 500°C. The activity was comparable with that of oxides and salts. Varying the pulse size, the surface coverage — and the amount of reaction products—was found to be in good correlation with aLangmuir adsorption isotherm. Heats of adsorption and activation energies were calculated from experiments at different temperatures, the activation energies, using two different methods with good agreement. The activity of the refractory carbides increased in the periodic table of the elements from the left to the right and from bottom to top, as observed with salt-catalysts.

Mit 3 Abbildungen

Auszugsweise vorgetragen bei der 75. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie in Saarbrücken, 26. bis 29. Mai 1976.  相似文献   

The rates of decomposition and the energies of activation were determined for the thermal dissociation of NiSO4, CuSO4, Cu2(SO4)O, ZnSO4and Zn3(SO4)2O. Linear, parabolic and logarithmic rate laws were found. Kinetics are largely determined by the rate of energy transfer. The reasons for the formation of basic sulfate intermediates are discussed.  相似文献   

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