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Numerical simulation of the rock fragmentation process induced by indenters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rock fragmentation processes induced by single and double indenters were examined by a numerical method. The simulated results reproduce the progressive process of rock fragmentation in indentation. Rock deforms elastically at the initial loading stage. Then tensile cracks are initiated around the two corners of the truncated indenter and propagate in the well-known conical Hertzian manner. The rocks immediately under the indenter are in a highly tri-axial stress state, and some of them fail in the ductile cataclastic mode with the stress satisfying the ductile failure surface of the double elliptic strength criterion. With the tensile cone cracks and ductile cataclastic failure releasing the confining pressure, the rocks under the indenter are compressed into failure and the crushed zone gradually comes into being. With increasing loading displacement, the re-compaction behaviour of the crushed zone occurs. Side cracks initiated from the crushed zone or bifurcated from cone cracks are driven by tensile stress associated with the crushed zone to propagate in a curvilinear path and finally intersect with the free surface to form chips. It is pointed out that the curvilinear path is caused by heterogeneity. The simulated force-penetration curve is in fact the indication of the propagation of cracks, the crushing of microstructural grains and the formation of chips. It is found that the confining pressure has an important influence on the indentation results. With decreasing confining pressure, there is a decrease in the indentation strength and a change in the rock failure process from the formation of rock chips to a vertically axially splitting failure. The simulated fragmentation process in the double indenter test reproduces the side cracks, which are induced by two indenters, propagate, interact and finally coalesce, chipping the rock between the indenters. The line spacing is an important factor that affects the fragmentation efficiency in multiple indenter tests. It is pointed out that simultaneous loading with multiple indenters with an appropriate line spacing seems to provide a possibility of forming larger rock chips, controlling the direction of subsurface cracks and consuming a minimum total specific energy. According to the simulated results, it is believed that the numerical simulation method will contribute to an improved knowledge of rock fragmentation in indentation, which will in turn help to enhance mining and drilling efficiency through the improved design of mining tools and equipment.  相似文献   

拉伸载荷作用下混凝土蠕变-损伤破坏过程数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在材料破裂过程分析MFPA2D系统的基础上,考虑混凝土损伤过程的时间因素影响,引入混凝土细观单元蠕变本构方程,建立考虑流变效应的混凝土破裂过程蠕变-损伤相互作用的MFPA2D数值模型,并应用该模型模拟研究轴向拉伸恒定持续荷载作用下混凝土的蠕变破坏过程,数值模拟得到混凝土蠕变破裂的典型三个阶段:初始蠕变、稳定蠕变和加速蠕变阶段,模拟结果揭示了混凝土的宏观蠕变破坏实质上是细观层次上单元损伤累计的结果。模拟结果同实验室试验所观察到的试验现象吻合,这表明考虑流变效应的MFPA2D数值模型适用于模拟混凝土的蠕变破坏这一复杂的、非线性演化问题。上述数值结果对大坝混凝土工程的混凝土结构的工程设计施工及损伤断裂控制等的研究具有重要的理论指导和实践意义。  相似文献   

The virtual multidimensional internal bonds (VMIB) model and its predecessor, the virtual internal bond (VIB) model, belong to a special class of continuum mechanics methods that are aimed to simulate fractures with no additional fracture criterion apart from the constitutive laws of the material. However, in the simulation of the fracture subjected to compressive and shear stress field, the contact and friction effect of fracture faces is significant. To resolve this problem, the present paper, taking advantage of the geometrical characteristics of the three-node triangular element (TTE), develops a three-node contact element (TCE) based on the finite element method. A TCE consists of two contact pairs, through which the stiffness matrix of TCE is derived. The pre-existing fracture is represented by transforming the TTE intersected by fracture into the TCE, which allows the meshing procedure to proceed regardless of the pre-existing fractures. During the simulation process, the failure of an intact TTE yields a ‘micro’ fracture at the element level. These ‘micro’ fractures align to form a ‘macro’ fracture. To represent the newly generated fracture, the TTEs identified to fail are automatically transformed into the TCEs. As the TCE shares the common nodes with the intact TTE, the transformation from TTE to TCE is accomplished without any modification on the original mesh format, which makes the fracture simulation highly efficient and simple. The simulation examples indicate that the present method can efficiently simulate the fracture propagation subjected to shear and compressive stress.  相似文献   

孙威  阎石  张莺 《混凝土》2008,(2):34-38
研究混凝土梁在损伤程度相同的情况下,损伤位置与压电陶瓷(PZT)距离同结构导纳的均方根(root-mean-square deviation,RMSD)之间的关系.以及在损伤位置与PZT距离相等的情况下,不同的损伤程度与RMSD指标之间的关系.运用大型有限元通用软件建立了贴有PZT传感器的混凝土损伤粱模型,并对混凝土梁在各种损伤前后的变化进行数值分析,利用RMSD指标评定其损伤程度.结果表明在损伤程度相同的情况下,损伤判定的RMSD指标随损伤位置与PZT之间的距离增大有减小的趋势;在损伤位置与PZT距离相同的情况下,RMSD指标随损伤程度的增加有增大的趋势.同时也证明了利用有限元软件对基于PZT传感器的混凝土结构损伤检测的数值模拟是可行的.  相似文献   

应用连续介质损伤力学和塑性流动理论,建立了基于能量耗散机制的塑性-损伤耦合模型。模型采用非关联塑性流动法则描述混凝土不可恢复变形的演化。模拟刚度退化的损伤变量演化函数则通过断裂能和应力-非弹性应变空间中的累积耗散能量建立。基于有限元程序ABAQUS,推导了增量格式的材料雅可比矩阵,构建了塑性-损伤模型的仿真分析程序。应用模型分析混凝土板平面内双轴受压试验、混凝土切口梁试验和钢筋混凝土梁受弯试验,计算获得的构件响应与试验结果吻合良好,能够反映多轴应力状态对混凝土抗压强度的影响,也能准确模拟损伤导致的构件非线性反应。  相似文献   

堆石体三轴剪切试验的三维细观数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从细观角度出发,采用随机模拟技术建立堆石体的三维随机颗粒模型,基于修正的增广Lagrangian算法的非线性接触算法模拟颗粒间的相互接触,采用损伤软化模型描述细观单元的应力应变关系,当细观单元的损伤度超过损伤阀值时删除该单元,采用Weibull概率分布描述堆石体材料物理力学性质的非均匀性。以水布垭面板堆石坝茅口组堆石为研究对象,进行其三轴剪切试验的变形体离散元细观数值模拟,采用应变控制加载,再现了堆石体的颗粒变形和运动规律。数值计算结果表明,数值模拟能够较好地反映堆石体三轴试验的变形规律,得到的轴向应变–偏应力曲线和轴向应变–体积应变曲线接近试验曲线。从能量角度分析了颗粒变形、颗粒间的摩擦、颗粒的损伤破碎、颗粒运动在加载过程中对系统的贡献。  相似文献   

Concrete filled steel tubes (CFST) have been widely used in constructing high-rise buildings, arch bridges and factories for the past few decades. In this research, numerical studies were carried out to investigate the flexural behaviour of CFST columns under both static and dynamic loads. The numerical models were calibrated and validated against a number of experimental data where the proposed models showed very good agreement with the test results. The results indicated that CFST columns showed good resistance against flexural loads under both static and dynamic loading conditions and therefore it has the potential to be widely used in these areas where potential blast attacks or frequent earthquakes are expected. The verified numerical model can also be extended to predict performances of concrete-infilled steel tubes under different loading conditions.  相似文献   

为了研究配筋率、升温曲线、多面受火、传热系数等因素对钢筋混凝土剪力墙温度场的影响,利用COMSOL多物理场建模与仿真软件对火灾下钢筋混凝土剪力墙温度场进行模拟,并得到不同因素变化条件下的剪力墙的温度场分布规律,模拟结果与试验结果符合良好.对温度场模拟中各参数对温度场的影响进行了讨论,结果表明:受火时间越长,钢筋混凝土剪...  相似文献   

混凝土材料的力学行为具有典型的非线性与随机性特征.而科学合理的本构模型是进行混凝土结构动力反应与抗震整体可靠性分析的基础.为深入研究该问题,采用三类不同的混凝土损伤本构模型,包括混凝土塑性损伤本构模型、混凝土细观随机断裂损伤模型和考虑拉压软化效应的混凝土细观随机断裂损伤模型,对1个9层钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构进行精细化动力...  相似文献   

In this experiment the effect of atmospheric exposure of epoxy and fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer concrete was investigated to evaluate its fracture properties, such as stress intensity factor, KIc,KIc, and fracture energy, GfGf. The deterioration and structural performance of polymer concrete were investigated in a real situation of exposure during a year period and compared the same formulation in laboratory conditions. The relationship between year period, exposure time and load-bearing capacity of deteriorated polymer concrete is studied and fracture mechanics of the specimens are discussed. From the tests results and discussion it is clear that the material studied, polymer concrete, suffers a high deterioration when subjected to aggressive environments.  相似文献   

混凝土骨料级配对抗压强度影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱浮声  徐爽  唐春安  陈欢 《混凝土》2007,(2):8-10,15
将混凝土粗骨料分档组配,并建立了9个不同组配比例的混凝土细观数值模型,以便模拟混凝土粗骨料在分档比例不同的情况下,对混凝土抗压强度的影响情况.利用有限元分析系统MFPA2D,模拟了混凝土在单轴受压状态下的破坏过程.结果显示,分档比例不同,会直接影响混凝土的抗压强度.通过与物理试验结果对比,验证了数值模拟方法的可行性.  相似文献   

基于改进的遗传算法和8邻域边界跟踪法,对混凝土断面的数字图像进行处理,得到二值图像并提取粗骨料的边界坐标;根据提取的坐标编写程序,生成浆体集料界面过渡区(ITZ),得到真实的混凝土细观模型;将得到的混凝土细观模型导入COMSOL软件,模拟海洋水下区氯离子侵入混凝土内部过程,得到不同时刻混凝土内部氯离子浓度云图。研究结果表明:使用的建模和模拟方法所得结果与长期实海暴露混凝土实验结果一致,可以用来研究和评价海洋环境下混凝土的耐久性能;ITZ的存在会加速氯离子向混凝土内部扩散,其厚度越大,扩散过程越快,界面区厚度增大1倍,混凝土表观氯离子扩散系数增大12.3%;对比真实混凝土细观模型与参数化生成的圆形随机骨料模型中氯离子传输模拟结果发现,圆形随机骨料模型中氯离子的浓度总是小于真实细观模型中氯离子的浓度。  相似文献   

为了研究综合管廊局部空间内电缆接头内热源作用下的着火过程,通过运用数值模拟软件FDS三维传热和热解模型对110 kV高压电缆接头着火过程建模分析.研究了内外热源对电缆着火过程的不同影响,分析了不同运行状态下的温度分布情况,对比了不同缆芯材料的热传导作用对电缆着火过程的影响.结果表明,正常运行和短时过载状态下,电缆的火灾...  相似文献   

岩石介质细观非均匀性对宏观破裂过程的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
运用岩石破裂过程分析系统 ,研究了岩石介质非均匀性对宏观力学行为的影响。通过对均质度系数m =1.5的 10个样本破裂过程的模拟 ,发现样本的宏观力学行为在变形初期只有微弱的统计涨落 ,但在失稳阶段表现出显著的样本个性行为。对 8种不同均质度系数的 80个样本破裂过程的模拟结果表明 ,岩石介质的非均匀性对岩样宏观强度和变形非线性行为有显著影响 ,而且也显著影响试样破裂模式。随着均质度系数的提高 ,宏观强度呈现指数规律上升 ,宏观变形的线性规律增强 ,主破裂呈脆断模式。  相似文献   

Dependence of fracture ductility on thickness   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Yingbin Bao   《Thin》2004,42(8):1211-1230
Experimental and numerical study was performed on flat rectangular plates with a circular hole subjected to tensile load. Eighteen specimens with different thicknesses and different diameters of holes were tested all the way to fracture covering the range from plane stress to a full three-dimensional state of stress. These tests reveal that equivalent strain to fracture initiation increases with the ratio of thickness to ligament, reaches maximum and then decreases again. The effectiveness of shell elements in modeling fracture ductility was also evaluated. It is concluded that the shell element model is not suitable for plates with the ratio of thickness to ligament larger than 0.5. By comparing the results of tests and numerical simulations, some observations were made on the dependence of the equivalent strain to fracture on the stress triaxiality.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法,结合某装配有低位排烟系统的实体小室,分析了低位排烟作用下小室火灾的发展过程.结果表明,在低位排烟模式下,烟气层高度的界面比较低,通常都处在连续火焰区;大量的空气被排烟风机从下层空气层直接抽走,使得机械排烟效率大大降低;机械排烟效率随着火源功率的增加而增加;通过模拟得到低位排烟时的平均机械排烟效率约为27.3%.  相似文献   

采动影响下覆岩垮落过程的数值模拟   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
应用岩层破断过程分析SFPA2D系统 ,分析了采动影响下覆岩破坏的动态发展过程。数值模拟再现了上覆岩层离层、弯曲、沉降、开裂直至冒落的全过程 ,以及采动工作面推进过程中逐步演化的应力场和应变场。根据数值模拟的结果 ,初步探讨了覆岩破断机理 ,指出覆岩的破断特征受分步开挖引起的应力重新分布及其损伤积累以及岩梁的非均质性的影响。  相似文献   

内部爆炸条件下爆炸波受舱室壁面多次反射叠加作用,其破坏作用大大加强,破坏机理也与空中(自由场)爆炸有明显区别。对内部爆炸作用下舰船多舱室结构的破坏效果进行数值模拟分析,结果表明:舰船十字形舱室的舱壁和甲板对爆炸能量具有导向作用,爆轰产物压力分布与破坏范围均呈比较明显的十字形分布;内爆炸作用下爆点所在舱室的舱壁可能发生整体冲切破坏,在爆轰产物推动下,冲切破坏的舱壁能够达到较高的飞行速度,并在飞行过程中对相邻舱壁造成碰撞破坏;具有泄爆孔和外侧加强筋的舱壁其破坏程度可有效降低,而内侧加强筋对舱壁则无加强效果,同无配筋情况相比,设内侧加强筋的舱壁的破坏程度要稍大。  相似文献   

基于唯象损伤观点的混凝土冻害模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对混凝土冻害机理的认识大多是从材料学角度出发,集中在孔溶液对孔结构的作用上,是从原因学观点出发的物理解释。但鉴于混凝土冻害的复杂性,现在还未统一对混凝土冻害机理的物理认识。从混凝土受冻后宏观性能衰退的表现出发,结合已有的对混凝土冻害在细观上的认识,应用疲劳损伤观点在唯象学层面上理解混凝土冻害的机理是一个新的探索,也为解决现实冻害评估问题提供了定量化手段。本文在综述已有冻害机理的基础上,结合冻融试验及现场检测结果,从细观上分析冻害发展的过程,从宏观材料性能衰退的角度认识混凝土冻害机理,认为混凝土冻害是一个疲劳损伤的过程。最后给出了作者应用疲劳损伤机理建立的混凝土冻害模型,并与已有试验数据比较,验证了模型的合理性。  相似文献   

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