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H+-translocating, Mg2+-ATPase was solubilized from vacuolar membranes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the zwitterionic detergent N-tetradecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate and purified by glycerol density gradient centrifugation. Partially purified vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase, which had a specific activity of 18 units/mg of protein, was separated almost completely from acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. The purified enzyme required phospholipids for maximal activity and hydrolyzed ATP, GTP, UTP, and CTP, with this order of preference. Its Km value for Mg2+-ATP was determined to be 0.21 mM and its optimal pH was 6.9. ADP inhibited the enzyme activity competitively, with a Ki value of 0.31 mM. The activity of purified ATPase was strongly inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, tributyltin, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzoxazole, diethylstilbestrol, and quercetin, but was not affected by oligomycin, sodium azide, sodium vanadate, or miconazole. It was not inhibited at all by antiserum against mitochondrial F1-ATPase or mitochondrial F1-ATPase inhibitor protein. These results indicated that vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase is different from either yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase or mitochondrial F1-ATPase. The vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase was found to be composed of two major polypeptides a and b of Mr = 89,000 and 64,000, respectively, and a N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide binding polypeptide c of Mr = 19,500, whose polypeptide composition was also different from those of either plasma membrane H+-ATPase or mitochondrial F1-ATPase of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Subunit a of the vacuolar membrane H(+)-translocating adenosine triphosphatase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a catalytic site for ATP hydrolysis. N-terminal sequences of six tryptic peptides of the subunit were determined. Based on the peptide sequence information, a 39-base oligonucleotide probe was synthesized, and the gene encoding the subunit (VMA1) was isolated from a genomic DNA library by hybridization. The nucleotide sequence of the gene predicts a polypeptide of 1,071 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 118,635 daltons, which is much larger than the value 67 kDa estimated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. N- and C-terminal regions of the deduced sequence (residues 1-284 and 739-1,071) are very similar to those of the catalytic subunits of carrot (69 kDa) and Neurospora crassa (67 kDa) vacuolar membrane H(+)-ATPases (62 and 73% identity over 600 residues, respectively). The homologous regions also show about 25% sequence identity over 400 residues with beta-subunits of F0F1-ATPases. In contrast, the internal region containing 454 amino acid residues (residues 285-738) shows no detectable sequence similarities to any known ATPase subunits and instead is similar to a yeast endonuclease encoded by the HO gene. None of the six tryptic peptides is located in this internal region. Northern blotting analysis detected a single mRNA of 3.5 kilobases, indicating that the gene has no introns. Although the reason for the discrepancy in molecular mass is unclear at present, these results suggest that a novel processing mechanism, which might involve a post-translational excision of the internal region followed by peptide ligation, operates on the yeast VMA1 product. The VMA1 gene has proven to be the same gene as the TFP1 gene (Shih, C.-K., Wagner, R., Feinstein, S., Kanik-Ennulat, C., and Neff, N. (1988) Mol. Cell. Biol. 8, 3094-3103) whose dominant mutant allele (TFP1-408) confers a dominant trifluoperazine resistance and Ca2(+)-sensitive growth. This and our findings suggest that the vacuolar membrane H(+)-ATPase participates in maintenance of cytoplasmic Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Subunit alpha (Mr 89,000) from vacuolar membrane H+-translocating adenosine triphosphatase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was found to bind 8-azido[alpha-32P]adenosine triphosphate. Labeling by this photosensitive ATP derivative was saturable with an apparent dissociation constant of 10(-6) to 10(-5) M and decreased in the presence of ATP and ADP. The enzyme was inactivated by 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl), with about 1 microM causing half-maximal inactivation in the neutral pH range. This inactivation was prevented by the presence of ATP, ADP, or adenosyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP). The original activity was restored by treating the inactivated enzyme with 2-mercaptoethanol. Kinetic and chemical studies of the inactivation showed that the activity was lost on chemical modification of a single tyrosine residue per molecule of the enzyme. When the enzyme was inactivated with [14C]NBD-Cl, subunit alpha was specifically labeled, and this labeling was completely prevented by the presence of ATP, GTP, ADP, or AMP-PNP. From these results, it was concluded that subunit alpha of yeast vacuolar H+-ATPase has a catalytic site that contains a single, essential tyrosine residue. The kinetics of single site hydrolysis of [gamma-32P]ATP (Grubmeyer, C., Cross, R. L., and Penefsky, H. S. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12092-12100) indicated the formation of an enzyme-ATP complex and subsequent hydrolysis of bound ATP to ADP and Pi at the NBD-Cl-sensitive catalytic site. NBD-Cl inactivated the single site hydrolysis and inhibited the formation of an enzyme-ATP complex. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide did not affect the single site hydrolysis, but inhibited the enzyme activity under steady-state conditions.  相似文献   

The relationship between tonoplast-bound ATPase activity and the magnitude of the electrochemical proton gradient has been investigated on tightly sealed vesicles prepared from rubber-tree (Hevea brasiliensis) latex. A variety of methods have been used to modify, either alone or together, the two components of the electrochemical proton gradient (delta mu H+). When the delta pH component was decreased either by titration with (NH4)2SO4 or by addition of protonophores or nigericin in the presence of K+, ATPase activity was stimulated. On the other hand, when the delta psi component was decreased either by addition of lipophilic cations or by addition of valinomycin in the presence of K+, ATPase activity decreased. It is concluded that activity of the tonoplast-bound ATPase is regulated by changes in the electrochemical proton gradient across the tonoplast, so that, once the maximum proton gradient is established across the tonoplast, any perturbation of the equilibrium state should result in the increased rate of ATP hydrolysis as the enzyme attempts to re-establish the initial gradient.  相似文献   

Golgi apparatus was prepared from rat liver, and enzymatic properties and the subunit structure of the H+-ATPase were characterized. GTP (and also ITP) was found to drive H+-transport with about 20% of the initial velocity as that of ATP. Bafilomycin, a specific inhibitor for vacuolar H+-ATPase, inhibited the activity at 2.5 nM. The H+-ATPase was completely inhibited in the cold in the presence of MgATP (5 mM) and NaNO3 (0.1 M). The cold inactivation of the H+-ATPase resulted in release of a set of polypeptides from Golgi membrane, with molecular masses almost identical to that of the hydrophilic sector of chromaffin granule H+-ATPase (72, 57, 41, 34, and 33 kDa). Three of these polypeptides (72, 57, and 34 kDa), cross-reacted with antibodies against the corresponding subunits of the chromaffin granule H+-ATPase. A counterpart of the 39-kDa hydrophobic component of chromaffin granule H+-ATPase was identified in the membrane, but no 115-kDa component was found. Hence, the Golgi H+-ATPase shows typical features of vacuolar H+-ATPase, in relatively low substrate specificity, its response to inhibitors, inactivation by cold treatment in the presence of MgATP, and subunit composition judged by antibody cross-reactivity.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and assembly of the peripheral sector (V1) of the vacuolar protontranslocating adenosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase) was studied in a bovine kidney epithelial cell line. Monolayer cultures of cells were metabolically radiolabeled with Tran 35S-label and the V-ATPase subsequently immunoprecipitated using a monoclonal antibody raised against the bovine brain-coated vesicle proton pump. The V-ATPase immunoprecipitated from the bovine kidney cell line has a subunit composition very similar to that of the bovine brain-coated vesicle proton pump and the V-ATPase prepared from other kidney tissues. Radiolabeling the cells for increasing times showed that the V1 or peripheral portion of the V-ATPase is assembled within 10–15 min; the intact V1V0 complex is also detectable within 10–15 min. Fractionation of the cells into cytosolic and membrane components prior to immunoprecipitation revealed that there is a significant pool of V1 in the cytosol; a similar complex is also found in bovine brain cytosol. Pulse-chase studies suggest that this cytosolic pool is not an obligate precursor for membranebound V1V0 and does not exchange with the membrane V1 population at later times. No qualitative differences in assembly were observed when pulse-chase studies were performed at 15°C or in the presence of brefeldin A. This suggests that assembly of V1V0 is probably completed in the endoplasmic reticulum prior to distribution of the enzyme throughout the cell, with a cytosolic pool of V1 of unknown function existing in parallel with the fully assembled complex. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The responses of the cytosolic pH of hepatocytes in suspension to agents affecting the activity of vacuolar adenosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase) and Na/H exchange have been studied. Changes of cytosolic pH were determined both with dual-wavelength excitation (500/440 nm) of the fluorescence of 2,7-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein and from the distribution of 14C-dimethyloxazolidinedione; both methods gave very similar results. Changes of vesicular pH were determined by comparing the fluorescence of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran and rhodamine B isothiocyanate-dextran taken up by endocytosis. Nitrate, which inhibits V-ATPase in isolated organelles, induced a concentration-dependent acidification of the cytosol and alkalinization of vesicles, with maximal effects at 25–37.5 mm in each case, indicating that V-ATPase contributes to removal of cytosolic protons. On continued exposure to nitrate, the acidification underwent an amiloride-inhibitable reversal. At the higher concentrations of NO 3 , both cytosolic acidification and vesicular alkalinization were reduced or absent. Bafilomycin A1 caused alkalinization of vesicular pH; cytosolic acidification was not observed, possibly because of other ionic exchanges. Recovery of cytosolic pH from an acid load (2 min exposure to 5% CO2) was sensitive to both 25 mm NO 3 and to ouabain. The pH dependence of the nitrate effect was tested with media of different pH; the activity was negligible at cytosolic pH 6.2 and rose to a maximum at cytosolic pH 7.3. Treatment of hepatocytes with 0.5–1.0 mm ouabain resulted in an initial alkalinization (0.5–2 min duration) of the cytosol, followed by a spontaneous reversal and, on occasion, further acidification. The alkalinization was blocked by 25 mm NO 3 , but not by 25 mm gluconate. The results suggest that the cytosolic alkalinization is caused by a stimulation of H+ uptake by V-ATPase activity. We conclude that V-ATPases make an important contribution to the regulation of the cytosolic pH of hepatocytes.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health B.R.S. Grant 507 RR05417 to Temple University.  相似文献   

A procedure for reconstitution of the transport function of the vacuolar H(+)-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (H(+)-PPase; EC prepared from etiolated hypocotyls of Vigna radiata (mung bean) is described. The method entails sequential extraction of isolated vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) vesicles with deoxycholate and CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate), combination of CHAPS-solubilized protein with phospholipid-cholesterol mixtures, dialysis, and glycerol density gradient centrifugation. The final proteoliposome preparation is 9-fold enriched for PPase activity and active in pyrophosphate (PPi)-energized electrogenic H(+)-translocation. Since both PPi hydrolysis and PPi-dependent H(+)-translocation by the proteoliposomes are indistinguishable from the corresponding activities of native tonoplast vesicles, the functional integrity of the H(+)-PPase appears to be conserved during solubilization and reconstitution. The high transport capacity and amenability of the reconstituted enzyme to both radiometric membrane filtration and fluorimetric H(+)-translocation assays, on the other hand, demonstrate its applicability to a broad range of transport studies. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the proteoliposomes reveals selective enrichment of the M(r) 66,000, substrate-binding subunit of the H(+)-PPase and two additional polypeptides of M(r) 21,000 and 20,000. Although the M(r) 21,000 and 20,000 polypeptides have not been described previously, all attempts to reconstitute H(+)-PPase lacking these components were unsuccessful. It is therefore tentatively proposed that the M(r) 21,000 and 20,000 polypeptides, as well as the M(r) 66,000 subunit, are required for the productive reconstitution of PPi-dependent H(+)-translocation.  相似文献   

A membrane fraction isolated from lactating murine mammary tissue and enriched for the Golgi membrane marker enzyme galactosyltransferase exhibited Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity (Ca-ATPase) in 20 microM-free Mg2+ and 10 microM-MgATP, with an apparent Km for Ca2+ of 0.8 microM. Exogenous calmodulin did not enhance Ca2+ stimulation, nor could Ca-ATPase activities be detected in millimolar total Mg2+ and ATP. When assayed with micromolar Mg2+ and MgATP the Ca-ATPases of skeletal-muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum and of calmodulin-enriched red blood cell plasma membranes were half-maximally activated by 0.1 microM- and 0.6 microM-Ca2+ respectively. All three Ca-ATPases were inhibited by similar micromolar concentrations of trifluoperazine, but the Golgi activity was unaffected by quercetin in concentrations which completely inhibited both the sarcoplasmic-reticulum and red-blood-cell enzymes. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the high-affinity Ca-ATPase is responsible for the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport exhibited by Golgi-enriched vesicles derived from lactating mammary gland [Neville, Selker, Semple & Watters (1981) J. Membr. Biol. 61, 97-105; West (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 673, 374-386].  相似文献   

1. ATPase isolated from Rhodospirillum rubrum by chloroform extraction and purified by gel filtration or affinity chromatography shows three bands (alpha, beta and gamma) upon electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate. 2. Ca2+-ATPase activity of the preparation is inhibited by aurovertin and efrapeptin but not by oligomycin. Activity may be inhibited by treatment with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan and subsequently restored by dithiothreitol. 3. The enzyme fails to reconstitute photophosphorylation in chromatophores depleted of ATPase by sonic irradiation. 4. Most of the active protein from the crude chloroform extract binds to an affinity chromatography column bearing an immobilised ADP analogue but not to a column bearing immobilised pyrophosphate. 5. In the absence of divalent cations, a component with a very high specific activity for Ca2+-ATPase is eluted from the column by 1.6 mM ATP. This protein migrates asa single band on 5% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and only possesses three subunits. At 12 mM ATP an inactive protein is eluted which does not run on acid or alkali polyacrylamide gels and shows a complex subunit structure. 6. ATPase preparations prepared by acetone extraction or by sonic irradiation of chromatophores may also be purified 10-fold by affinity chromatography. 7. The inclusion of 5 mM MgCl2 or CaCl2 during affinity chromatography of chloroform ATPase increases the capacity of the column for the enzyme and demands a higher eluting concentration of ATP. 8. When the enzyme is more than 90% inhibited by efrapeptin or 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan, the binding characteristics of the enzyme are not affected. 9. 10 mM Na2SO3, which greatly stimulates the Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity of the enzyme and increases Ki (ADP) for Ca2+-ATPase from 50 to 850 micron, prevents binding to the affinity column. Binding may be restored by the addition of divalent cations. 10. Na2SO3 increases the rate of ATP hydrolysis, ATP-driven H+ translocation and ATP-driven transhydrogenase in chromatophores. 11. It is proposed that anions such as sulphite convert the chromatophore ATPase into a form which is a more efficient energy transducer.  相似文献   

Membrane pyrophosphatases (PPases), divided into K(+)-dependent and K(+)-independent subfamilies, were believed to pump H(+) across cell membranes until a recent demonstration that some K(+)-dependent PPases function as Na(+) pumps. Here, we have expressed seven evolutionarily important putative PPases in Escherichia coli and estimated their hydrolytic, Na(+) transport, and H(+) transport activities as well as their K(+) and Na(+) requirements in inner membrane vesicles. Four of these enzymes (from Anaerostipes caccae, Chlorobium limicola, Clostridium tetani, and Desulfuromonas acetoxidans) were identified as K(+)-dependent Na(+) transporters. Phylogenetic analysis led to the identification of a monophyletic clade comprising characterized and predicted Na(+)-transporting PPases (Na(+)-PPases) within the K(+)-dependent subfamily. H(+)-transporting PPases (H(+)-PPases) are more heterogeneous and form at least three independent clades in both subfamilies. These results suggest that rather than being a curious rarity, Na(+)-PPases predominantly constitute the K(+)-dependent subfamily. Furthermore, Na(+)-PPases possibly preceded H(+)-PPases in evolution, and transition from Na(+) to H(+) transport may have occurred in several independent enzyme lineages. Site-directed mutagenesis studies facilitated the identification of a specific Glu residue that appears to be central in the transport mechanism. This residue is located in the cytoplasm-membrane interface of transmembrane helix 6 in Na(+)-PPases but shifted to within the membrane or helix 5 in H(+)-PPases. These results contribute to the prediction of the transport specificity and K(+) dependence for a particular membrane PPase sequence based on its position in the phylogenetic tree, identity of residues in the K(+) dependence signature, and position of the membrane-located Glu residue.  相似文献   

Using the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 and gel-chromatography, an anion-sensitive ATPase was isolated from rat and rabbit erythrocyte membranes. The ATPase preparations possess no Na, K- or Mg, Ca-ATPase activities. ATPase from rat erythrocyte membranes is made up of five subunits with molecular weights of 58 000 (alpha), 50 000 (beta), 36 000 (gamma), 25 000 (delta) and 12 000 (epsilon) and can be represented by the formula alpha 3 beta 3 gamma delta epsilon.  相似文献   

An adenosine triphosphatase (ATP) activated by Ca2+ or Mg2+ is shown morphologically on the outer surface of non-secreting and secreting rat peritoneal mast cells. ATPase having the same properties is also seen on the external surface of the other peritoneal cells, i.e. macrophages, mononuclear cells and lymphocytes. When histamine release from the mast cells was induced by exposing them to antigen (anaphylactic reaction) or compound 48/80, ATPase activated by Ca2+ or Mg2+ could in addition be demonstrated in the granule membranes. Granule membrane ATPase is also shown in non-secreting mast cells after freezing and thawing. ATPase on the outer surface of the plasma membrane is seen in the secreting mast cells as in the non-secreting cells except in the areas where the plasma membrane fuses with the granule membrane. The role of ATPase in granule secretion process has been discussed.  相似文献   

The properties of the components of the mitochondrial ATPase which interact with modulators of energy transduction have been examined. The chromatographic behavior and the size of the components which bind trialkyl tins, carbodiimides and uncouplers, have been shown to be different. However, they all appear to be proteolipids with apparent molecular weights around 10,000. On this basis it is proposed that these inhibitors act at different sites in the membrane sector of the ATP synthase of rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Studies were made of the stimulation by 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) of an adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) in stromata of human erythrocytes. Activation by 2,4-dinitrophenol occurs in the range 10?5 to 10?3 M and was seen in whole cells, ghosts reconstituted with Mg and ATP, and in osmotic ghosts prepared at a low ratio of cells to water. Phloretin and phloridzin also activated the DNP sensitive system but inhibited it at higher concentrations. DNP increased the Km and Vmax values of the enzyme equally. The DNP sensitive and Na+ + K+ sensitive enzymes of the stromata were compared. The activities of the two ATPases are additive, require the presence of Mg++ and require that the substrate be located at the inner surface of the membrane. The two enzymes differ in their substrate specificity, in their sensitivity to inhibition by ouabain and phloretin and in their sensitivity to some factor in hemolysates. The possible roles of this system in the erythrocyte were discussed.  相似文献   

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