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This paper addresses two important problems of interest for deep-space optical communications, quantum inter-chip/intra-chip optical communications and quantum-key distribution: 1) the problem of coded M-ary phase-shift keying optical coherent-state quantum communication in the absence of background radiation, and 2) the problem of coded binary coherent state communication in the presence of background radiation. In both cases large girth low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are used as channel codes. With girth-10 LDPC-code of rate 0.8 and BPSK, the bit-error ratio of 10- 8 can be achieved for average number of signal photons of 0.73, resulting in net-effective coding gain of 7.63 dB.  相似文献   

星间相干光通信技术的发展历程与趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对星间相干光通信体制和IM/DD体制进行了对比分析,总结了相干体制应用于卫星光通信的优势。介绍了国内外星间相干光通信的研究历程、目前的技术水平和发展趋势。  相似文献   

星间相干光通信中的光学锁相环   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在相干体制下,二进制相移键控(BPSK)信号调制的零差接收机可实现理论上的最高灵敏度,是星间相干光通信的研究和应用重点.零差接收机要求本振波和信号波严格相位同步,常用的相位同步技术是光学锁相环(OPLL).阐述了光学锁相环的基本原理,介绍了近20年来光学锁相环的发展,在此基础上总结了各种类型锁相环的性能和适用范围.回顾了欧洲国家在星间相干光通信计划中通信终端使用光学锁相环的情况.最后对光学锁相环技术进行了总结,对该技术的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

陈彦  胡渝 《光通信技术》2004,28(9):36-37
量子通信具有容量大、速度快和通信保密性极强的优点,理论上可以传输无限量的消息,因此光通信将面临量子通信的的严峻挑战。介绍了量子通信技术的特点和优势,并对量子通信技术的国内外研究状况和发展趋势做了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

We review recent experiments which utilize spectrum slicing of broadband coherent light from model-locked lasers or supercontinuum sources to achieve high-capacity transmission, high channel count, and optical code division multiple access systems.  相似文献   

本文参照相干态定义和合阻尼及无规力的朗之万方程定义了阻尼相干态,并应用于计算波包间的量子干涉。在一般情况下,对于一个合阻尼的系统,波包间产生的于涉条纹将很快消失而很难观察到,但当真空场被压缩时,就清楚地显示出波包间的量子干涉效应。  相似文献   

Heterodyne and Coherent Optical Fiber Communications: Recent Progress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The technical significance, history of research and development, relevant technical tasks, and recent progress in heterodyne and coherent optical fiber communications are described. The achievements of 1-MHz frequency stability (peak-to-peak) and 0.1-MHz spectral purity (3-dB spectral width) with semiconductor lasers have been two principal motivations that accelerated the research and development. Rapid progress in the single-polarization single-mode fiber technology is also encouraging. The bit-error rate of a PCM-ASK/heterodyne optical communication system has been measured as a function of the received signal level, showing a good error performance close to the quantum-noise limitation.  相似文献   

可光纤集成的相干态量子身份认证系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了可光纤集成相干态量子身份认证实验系统。该系统采用偏振相干态的斯托克斯矢量作为量子信号载体,采用动态偏振控制器作为信号调制器,利用固有的相干态量子噪声保证系统的安全性。自行设计了脉冲激光驱动电路、微弱窄脉冲激光探测电路、信号同步模块,采用Socket网络通信程序在TCP/IP局域网中实现了量子保密通信所需要的经典通信。该相干态量子身份认证系统采用的运行密钥为12位,每个光脉冲包含40000个光子,传输速率达到8kbit/s,合法用户间误码率(BER)小于10-4。每传输一个比特信息,攻击者所能窃取的信息量I(Alice,Eve)<10-14bit。  相似文献   

由于量子通信协议理论上可以发现任何窃听者的攻击行为,因此其天然具有抗量子计算机攻击的能力。高斯相干态光场相较于纠缠态光场更容易制备和实现,利用其实现量子通信网络更具经济价值和实用价值。该文提出一种利用连续变量(CV)相干态光场就可以实现的测量设备无关(MDI)Cluster态量子通信网络协议。在此网络上可以方便地执行量子秘密共享(QSS)协议和量子会议(QC)协议。该文提出了线型Cluster态实现任意部分用户间QSS协议、星型Cluster态四用户QSS协议和QC协议,并利用纠缠模型分析了选用对称和非对称网络结构时,每种协议密钥率和传输距离之间的变化关系。结论为在量子网络中利用相干态实现QSS和QC协议提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

自由空间相干光通信技术及发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对比了相干探测和直接探测,以及自由空间相干光通信和光纤相干通信,对相干自由空间激光通信系统的特点和关键技术进行了讨论,回顾了近年来国外在自由空间相干光通信领域内开展的有关研究计划.最后对相干光通信技术的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

The possibility of 10-Gb/s transmission over graded-index plastic optical fiber (GI-POF) using the orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and iteratively decodable codes is demonstrated by simulations. Several classes of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes suitable for use in LDPC-coded OFDM transmission over GI-POF are presented as well. Several power efficient OFDM schemes are introduced  相似文献   

This paper studies the bit-error rate (BER) performance of partially coherent equal-gain combining reception of uncoded and low-density parity-check (LDPC)-coded binary and quaternary phase-shift keying signals over generalized ?? ? ?? fading channels. For the uncoded signal detection case the obtained numerical and simulation results illustrate the BER performance degradation due to the imperfect reference signal recovery, receiver unbalancing and fading. It is demonstrated that imperfect cophasing causes an irreducible BER performance. Furthermore, we design large girth quasi-cyclic LDPC code with high code rate, suitable for use in communications over generalized fading channels. The proposed LDPC code does not exhibit the error floor phenomena, in the region of interest, even in the presence of imperfect cophasing and receiver unbalances, and outperforms standard convolutional code of lower code rate in the observed impairments. The effects of number of iterations in decoding algorithm and codeword length on BER performance are also investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, coded multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication schemes for data transmission over the optical atmospheric turbulence channels are studied. Two strategies are proposed and compared. The first is based on repetition coding, and the second on space-time (ST) coding. Both approaches employ low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The LDPC codes are designed using the concept of pairwise balanced design (PBD), balanced incomplete block design (BIBBD), and block-circulant (array) codes. To improve the spectral efficiency, we employ a bit-interleaved (BI) LDPC-coded modulation based on the pulse amplitude modulation (PAM). A better bit error rate (BER) performance is achieved by the iteration of extrinsic information between a demapper and LDPC decoder. The simulations show that the LDPC-coded MIMO schemes can operate under a strong atmospheric turbulence and at the same time provide excellent coding gains compared with the transmission of uncoded data. To verify the efficiency of the proposed coding schemes, achievable information rates are computed when the turbulence is modeled by a gamma-gamma distribution.  相似文献   

讨论了红外相干激光雷达中光学介质对偏振光束的影响程度,包括光束分束片和反射镜片的影响,给出了定量的结果。表明在相干激光雷达系统中,光学镜片的选取与放置将影响激光束的偏振性质,在系统应用中应仔细考虑。  相似文献   

The performance of synchronous and asynchronous hybrid direct-sequence/slow-frequency-hopped spread-spectrum multiple-access communications over additive white Gaussian noise channels is examined. Systems employing binary or quaternary phase-shift-keying modulation with coherent demodulation are investigated. Both deterministic and random signature sequences and frequency-hopping patterns are considered and several possible assignments for them are discussed. It is shown that the multiple-access capability of hybrid spread-spectrum is superior to that of pure frequency-hopped spread-spectrum, and inferior to that of pure direct-sequence spread-spectrum for systems with identical bandwidth expansion which employ the same data modulation and demodulation scheme and random hopping patterns and signature sequences.  相似文献   

Free-Space Optical Communications   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With recent successes of laboratory, inatmosphere, and space demonstrations of free-space optical communications, there is no doubt that the technology is ready for operational deployment. While these successes have shown that there are no laws of physics against such systems, their estimated system costs are still much too high for serious considerations. Two types of development can reduce the cost dramatically. The first is via the improvement of physical-link communication efficiency by an order of magnitude using photon-counting receivers for vacuum channels, system complexity, weight, and power for space systems can be greatly reduced. The second is through the use of coherent systems in links where clear-air turbulence impairs communication efficiency, and in multiple access applications where coherent processing can reduce the level of interference, significant reduction in system costs can be realized  相似文献   

空间量子通信技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈彦  胡渝 《光子技术》2006,(1):35-40
利用卫星来分发单光子(或纠缠光子对)的方法为远程量子通信网络提供了一种独特的解决方案。这将克服现有的光纤和陆上自由空间链路所带来的距离限制,实现真正意义上的全球量子通信。本文对这种设想进行了分析,证明这种设想有很高可行性。  相似文献   

多路载波光纤通信   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在追述多路电缆通信技术之后,介绍三种实用的多路光纤通信方式和它们各自的应用。前两种是光载波的波分多路通信(WDM):路数少和间隔大的称为波分多路,用于沿线光放大的长途线路;路数多和间隔小的称为密集频分多路,用于区域光纤网的频分多址(FDMA)通信。第三种是电载波作为副载波的频分多路(SCM),由一个光载波传输,用于光纤有线电视(CATV)广播网。  相似文献   

量子保密术和保密通信   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
基于量子物理原理的量子密码术已被证明是保密通信中密钥安全分配的有效手段.本文介绍了量子密码的基本原理,探讨了实现量子密码的几种方案,并研究了各自的密钥分配机制.还讨论了量子密码通信的历史发展和指出现存在的问题以及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

OFDM for Optical Communications   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation technique which is now used in most new and emerging broadband wired and wireless communication systems because it is an effective solution to intersymbol interference caused by a dispersive channel. Very recently a number of researchers have shown that OFDM is also a promising technology for optical communications. This paper gives a tutorial overview of OFDM highlighting the aspects that are likely to be important in optical applications. To achieve good performance in optical systems OFDM must be adapted in various ways. The constraints imposed by single mode optical fiber, multimode optical fiber and optical wireless are discussed and the new forms of optical OFDM which have been developed are outlined. The main drawbacks of OFDM are its high peak to average power ratio and its sensitivity to phase noise and frequency offset. The impairments that these cause are described and their implications for optical systems discussed.   相似文献   

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