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目的观察1007型萨勃机在心肺复苏中的临床效果。方法将我院收治的114例心跳骤停的患者随机分组,两组分别用萨勃机和标准心肺复苏,在药物应用等方面完全相同。结果萨勃机组较常规CPR组复苏成功率明显提高,具有显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论萨勃机使用方便,初期复苏成功率较标准方法明显提高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的观察1007型萨勃机在心肺复苏中的临床效果。方法将我院收治的114例心跳骤停的患者随机分组,两组分别用萨勃机和标准心肺复苏,在药物应用等方面完全相同。结果萨勃机组较常规CPR组复苏成功率明显提高,具有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论萨勃机使用方便,初期复苏成功率较标准方法明显提高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:观察萨勃心肺复苏机在急诊心肺复苏中的临床效果.方法:将我院2011年1月至2012年12月收治的123例心脏骤停用萨勃心肺复苏机(机械CPR组)的患者与2009年1月至2010年12月收治的108例用徒手心肺复苏(徒手CPR组)的患者进行对比分析.两组患者均同时使用电除颤和药物等治疗.结果:机械CPR组有效率47.2%,明显高于徒手CPR组,有效率29.6%(P<0.05);机械CPR组的平均动脉压、血氧分压、血氧饱和度明显高于徒手CPR组(P<0.01).结论:萨勃心肺复苏机在急诊心肺复苏中可以提高抢救成功率,降低不良反应.  相似文献   

萨勃心肺复苏机是一种全自动的、同步胸外心脏按压、间歇正压通气呼吸器。我院急诊科引进了一台由美国密执安仪器公司生产的1007型萨勃机,在实践中应用98例,通过与人工徒手心肺复苏对比具有明显的优越性,使用萨勃机的98例患者抢救成功48例,成功率为49%,而使用人工徒手心肺复苏的98例患者抢救成功23例,成功率为23.4%,现总结报告如下。  相似文献   

萨勃心肺复苏机对心肺复苏的效果观察(附214例报告)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李小燕  邓修建  李端明 《广西医学》2008,30(9):1339-1341
目的 比较萨勃心肺复苏机与标准心肺复苏恢复的心肺复苏效果.方法 将420例心肺复苏患者随机分为两组,分别用萨勃机(214例)和标准心肺复苏(206例),药物应用完全相同.其中超长心肺复苏患者86例,使用萨勃机心肺复苏仪46例,标准心肺复苏40例,排除就诊时间影响因素后,比较两种方法在抢救中对收缩压、血氧饱和度、心肺复苏成功率及存活率.结果 萨勃机组收缩压和血氧饱和度恢复明显优于标准心肺复苏组,萨勃心肺复苏机心肺复苏复苏成功率明显高于标准复苏机,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 萨勃机在心肺复苏中有重大意义,值得临床全面推广.  相似文献   

目的探讨萨勃心肺复苏机在心脏呼吸骤停患者进行心肺复苏(CPR)中的应用价值。方法将2008年2月-2011年3月使用萨勃心肺复苏机抢救心跳呼吸骤停(CA)患者158例作为试验组,2005年5月-2007年12月徒手心肺复苏抢救心脏呼吸骤停患者117例作为对照组。比较两组复苏中患者CPR至心跳恢复时间、撤机时间、CPR成功率及存活率;比较两组复苏成功后血氧饱和度、生命体征恢复情况。结果治疗组无论是心跳恢复时间、撤机时间、CPR成功率及存活率以及复苏成功后生命体征和血氧饱和度恢复情况都明显优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论萨勃心肺复苏机克服了徒手CPR中因为医护人员或患者影响复苏效果的因素,使心肺复苏更趋标准有效,在CPR中有重大意义,值得临床全面推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨ICU萨勃心肺复苏机临床应用的价值.方法:回顾性分析使用萨勃心肺复苏机抢救心脏呼吸骤停患者50例(试验组)及徒手心肺复苏抢救呼吸心跳骤停患者50例(对照组)的疗效,两组均同时应用高级生命支持手段,包括药物及电除颤治疗.结果:试验组复苏成功40例,成功率80%;对照组复苏成功25例,成功率50%,试验组复苏成功率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.890,P〈0.01).结论:ICU使用萨勃心肺复苏机抢救心脏呼吸骤停患者可以提高疗效,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的探讨萨勃心肺复苏机在心脏骤停患者抢救中的临床应用价值。方法选取桂林医学院附属医院急诊科2018年1~12月需行心肺复苏抢救的患者100例,依据随机原则分为人工心肺复苏组52例(A组)和萨勃心肺复苏组48例(B组),将两组复苏成功所需时间、复苏成功率、复苏有效后患者平均动脉压和血乳酸值进行比较。结果 B组复苏成功时间短于A组,复苏成功率、复苏有效后的平均动脉压高于A组,复苏成功后的血乳酸值低于A组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论萨勃心肺复苏机用于急诊科心脏骤停患者的抢救,可缩短心肺复苏成功的时间,极大提高了心肺复苏成功率。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨心肺复苏机Thumper-1005型在心脏呼吸骤停进行心肺复苏(CPR)时应用价值。【方法】101例患者行复苏前条件基本相同的情况下,分为两组,Thumper组运用心肺复苏机Thumper-1005型对急诊心脏呼吸骤停患者行机械心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resusitation,机械CPR)。对照组采用徒手标准心肺复苏(standard cardiopulmonary,SCPR),简称SCPR组。两组使用复苏药物及电击除颤等抢救措施应用基本相同。【结果】Thumper组在复苏时心肺复苏有效率明显高于SCPR组。【结论】采用机械-CPR可使复苏的有效率得到提高,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
Context  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines recommend target values for compressions, ventilations, and CPR-free intervals allowed for rhythm analysis and defibrillation. There is little information on adherence to these guidelines during advanced cardiac life support in the field. Objective  To measure the quality of out-of-hospital CPR performed by ambulance personnel, as measured by adherence to CPR guidelines. Design and Setting  Case series of 176 adult patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest treated by paramedics and nurse anesthetists in Stockholm, Sweden, London, England, and Akershus, Norway, between March 2002 and October 2003. The defibrillators recorded chest compressions via a sternal pad fitted with an accelerometer and ventilations by changes in thoracic impedance between the defibrillator pads, in addition to standard event and electrocardiographic recordings. Main Outcome Measure  Adherence to international guidelines for CPR. Results  Chest compressions were not given 48% (95% CI, 45%-51%) of the time without spontaneous circulation; this percentage was 38% (95% CI, 36%-41%) when subtracting the time necessary for electrocardiographic analysis and defibrillation. Combining these data with a mean compression rate of 121/min (95% CI, 118-124/min) when compressions were given resulted in a mean compression rate of 64/min (95% CI, 61-67/min). Mean compression depth was 34 mm (95% CI, 33-35 mm), 28% (95% CI, 24%-32%) of the compressions had a depth of 38 mm to 51 mm (guidelines recommendation), and the compression part of the duty cycle was 42% (95% CI, 41%-42%). A mean of 11 (95% CI, 11-12) ventilations were given per minute. Sixty-one patients (35%) had return of spontaneous circulation, and 5 of 6 patients discharged alive from the hospital had normal neurological outcomes. Conclusions  In this study of CPR during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, chest compressions were not delivered half of the time, and most compressions were too shallow. Electrocardiographic analysis and defibrillation accounted for only small parts of intervals without chest compressions.   相似文献   

Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
Context  The survival benefit of well-performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is well-documented, but little objective data exist regarding actual CPR quality during cardiac arrest. Recent studies have challenged the notion that CPR is uniformly performed according to established international guidelines. Objectives  To measure multiple parameters of in-hospital CPR quality and to determine compliance with published American Heart Association and international guidelines. Design and Setting  A prospective observational study of 67 patients who experienced in-hospital cardiac arrest at the University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Ill, between December 11, 2002, and April 5, 2004. Using a monitor/defibrillator with novel additional sensing capabilities, the parameters of CPR quality including chest compression rate, compression depth, ventilation rate, and the fraction of arrest time without chest compressions (no-flow fraction) were recorded. Main Outcome Measure  Adherence to American Heart Association and international CPR guidelines. Results  Analysis of the first 5 minutes of each resuscitation by 30-second segments revealed that chest compression rates were less than 90/min in 28.1% of segments. Compression depth was too shallow (defined as <38 mm) for 37.4% of compressions. Ventilation rates were high, with 60.9% of segments containing a rate of more than 20/min. Additionally, the mean (SD) no-flow fraction was 0.24 (0.18). A 10-second pause each minute of arrest would yield a no-flow fraction of 0.17. A total of 27 patients (40.3%) achieved return of spontaneous circulation and 7 (10.4%) were discharged from the hospital. Conclusions  In this study of in-hospital cardiac arrest, the quality of multiple parameters of CPR was inconsistent and often did not meet published guideline recommendations, even when performed by well-trained hospital staff. The importance of high-quality CPR suggests the need for rescuer feedback and monitoring of CPR quality during resuscitation efforts.   相似文献   

冯晓伟  付亚帅 《海南医学》2022,33(8):990-992
目的 探讨Lucas2心肺复苏仪器用于急诊科心脏骤停的临床效果.方法 选择2018年7月至2019年7月宝鸡市人民医院急诊科收治的200例心脏骤停患者为研究对象,根据复苏治疗的方式将患者分为观察组和对照组各100例,对照组患者给予徒手心肺复苏治疗,观察组患者采用Lucas2心肺复苏仪器治疗.比较两组患者的生命体征恢复情...  相似文献   

徐俊 《四川医学》2012,33(10):1750-1752
目的分析影响心肺骤停患者院前心肺复苏抢救的因素,探讨提高院前CPR成功率的方法。方法回顾笔者所在医院2006年1月~2011年7月院外心肺骤停患者的临床资料,探讨影响CPR成功的因素。结果院外CPR218例中,自主循环恢复4例,复苏成功率1.83%。急救反应时间平均15min。结论缩短急救半径,在群众中大力普及CPR,院前急救团队密切配合实施高质量的心肺复苏,才能提高院前心肺复苏的抢救成功率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨丁苯酞对窒息性心脏骤停大鼠早期心肺复苏的影响.方法:健康SD大鼠153,采用随机数字表法分为假手术组、心脏骤停复苏组、丁苯酞干预组,各53.监测各组大鼠血流动力学指标,采用免疫组织化学法检测炎症因子,采用流式细胞仪检测相关因子.结果:3组大鼠自主循环恢复后,随时间推移,心率、平均动脉压均呈现出明显增加态势(P<0.05~P<0.01),实验中不同时间点心率与平均动脉压增加幅度均为丁苯酞干预组>心脏骤停复苏组>假手术组(P<0.05~P<0.01).3组大鼠实验20 min时肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素-6、细胞黏附因子-1均较实验前增加(P<0.05),白细胞介素-10、超氧化物歧化酶均较实验前降低(P<0.05);实验20 min时肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素-6和细胞黏附因子-1均为假手术组大鼠>心脏骤停复苏组>丁苯酞干预组(P<0.01);实验20 min时白细胞介素-10和超氧化物歧化酶为丁苯酞干预组>心脏骤停复苏组>假手术组(P<0.05~P<0.01).结论:对窒息性心脏骤停大鼠实施早期心肺复苏时,丁苯酞可改善血流动力学指标,减轻炎症反应,能提高超氧化物歧化酶活性,抑制细胞黏附因子-1表达.  相似文献   

J B Sack  M B Kesselbrenner  D Bregman 《JAMA》1992,267(3):379-385
OBJECTIVE.--To determine whether interposed abdominal counterpulsation (IAC) during standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves outcome in patients experiencing in-hospital cardiac arrest. DESIGN AND SETTING.--Randomized controlled trial in a university-affiliated hospital. PATIENTS.--Patients experiencing in-hospital cardiac arrest during a 6-month period. INTERVENTIONS.--Patients were randomized to receive either IAC during CPR or standard CPR in the event of cardiac arrest. Abdominal compressions were performed during the relaxation phase of chest compression, corresponding to CPR diastole, at a rate of 80/min to 100/min. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES.--The three end points studied were (1) return of spontaneous circulation, (2) survival 24 hours after resuscitation, and (3) survival to hospital discharge. In addition, we examined neurological outcome in those patients surviving to hospital discharge. RESULTS.--During the study period there were 135 resuscitation attempts in 103 patients. Return of spontaneous circulation was significantly greater in the group receiving IAC during CPR than in the group receiving standard CPR (51% vs 27%, P = .007). At hospital discharge, a significantly greater proportion of patients was alive in the IAC group than in the control group (25% vs 7%, P = .02). Eight (17%) of 48 patients who received IAC during CPR survived to hospital discharge neurologically intact, compared with only three (6%) of 55 patients from the standard CPR group (not significant). CONCLUSIONS.--We conclude that the addition of IAC to standard CPR may improve meaningful survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest. The optimal use of this technique awaits further clinical trials.  相似文献   

Severe hyperkalemia is a potential life-threatening cardiac emergency especially in the patients who suffer from a defective renal capacity to excrete potassium such as the dialysis patient. Various conventional therapies including intravenous sodium bicarbonate, insulin with glucose and several beta-2 agonists are commonly employed as transient measures to enhance shift of potassium from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment. If the potassium load is massive and situation is critical, emergency hemodialysis may be useful. During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the external cardiac compression can support adequate blood flow for hemodialysis. We report a case of a 68-year-old woman who developed sudden cardiac arrest secondary to hyperkalemia with renal insufficiency. Despite 100 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and conventional treatment for hyperkalemia, the cardiac arrest still persisted. Hemodialysis was then initiated during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the patient restored spontaneous heart beat 20 minutes later. There was no neurologic sequela after her recovery. Hemodialysis should be considered early in the course of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in severe hyperkalemia induced cardiac arrest if conventional therapies were judged to be ineffective.  相似文献   

目的探讨心血管病病人围术期心跳骤停的原因和总结心肺复苏成功的经验.方法回顾性分析20例心血管病病人心跳骤停的原因,并总结心肺复苏成功经验.结果15例病人复苏成功,5例死亡.心跳骤停的原因为急性心包填塞、大血管破裂、急性心肌梗死、严重酸血症和低钾血症、麻醉深度不够疼痛刺激、冠状动脉旁路血管移植术后移植血管闭塞.复苏成功的经验是对无气管插管的心跳骤停病人立即施行气管插管,坚持胸外按压和机械通气,大剂量肾上腺素的应用.结论心血管病病人围术期心跳骤停的原因较多,如果能及时发现,针对原因处理,复苏容易成功.  相似文献   

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