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利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR-2再分析资料和NOAA的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,比较分析了近60年来登陆我国大陆的两个4月台风9902(LEO,利奥)和0801(NEOGURI,浣熊)的生成发展背景、路径变化和风雨分布特征。结果表明:(1)4月台风"利奥"和"浣熊"均是在La Ni?a事件下发生,在此背景下南海地区偏强的对流活动、弱的水平风垂直切变和高层辐散条件有利于4月台风的形成;"利奥"由季风低压发展而成,"浣熊"由东风波演变而成;(2)"利奥"路径多变与大陆冷高压强盛和副热带高压偏弱多变有关;"浣熊"移动则受偏强且稳定的副高环流影响,路径以稳定西北行为主;(3)"利奥"和"浣熊"登陆时强度和地形条件相似,热带气旋带来的强降水量级差异主要受水汽输送和动力抬升大小及持续时间的影响。  相似文献   

Study was carried out on two landfall typhoons Haitang and Matsa, which affected Zhejiang province seriously in 2005. Firstly, the similarity and difference between the two typhoon-induced heavy rains were compared and it was pointed out that both of them brought strong large-scale precipitation and the maximum centers of rainfall were located on the north side of the landfall site. Making landfall on Fujian, Haitang was weaker than Matsa in intensity but surpassed it in rainfall. Then with focus on intensity, moving speed, structure of typhoon, circulation and terrain, the two typhoon-related heavy rains were compared and analyzed. Results show that the asymmetrical distribution of rainfall was closely related to the structure of typhoons themselves, moisture transportation and mesoscale terrain. In contrast to the south side, the north side was hotter and wetter and water vapor was also more abundant. The phenomenon of more rainfall induced by Haitang was in connection with the following reasons. Invading cold air led to rainfall increases, weakened dynamic field and slower movement both benefited precipitation. For the last part, the cold characteristic of air mass over Zhejiang was also a favorable factor for the rain.  相似文献   

Based on the Tropical Region Atmospheric Modeling System for South China Sea (TRAMS), Typhoon Roke (1115) and Sonca (1116) in 2011 which have large forecast errors in numerical operation prediction, have been selected for research focusing on the initial scheme and its influence on forecast. The purpose is to find a clue for model improvement and enhance the performance of the typhoon model. Several initialization schemes have been designed and the corresponding experiments have been done for Typhoon Roke and Sonca. The results show that the forecast error of both typhoons’ track and intensity are less using the initial scheme of relocation and bogus just for the weak Typhoon Sonca, compared with using the scheme for both typhoons. By analysis the influence of the scheme on weak typhoon vortex circulation may be the reason that leads to the improvement. All weak typhoons in 2011 to 2012 are selected for tests. It comes to the conclusion that the initial scheme of relocation and bogus can reduce the error of track and intensity forecast. Besides, the height of cloud top in typhoon vortex constructed by bogus is too high according to weak typhoon. It is feasible to develop a bogus which is suitable for weak typhoon.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONHeavyrainsassociatedwithtyphoonsareoneoftheimportantmeteorologicaldisastersintheFujianProvince,whichbringsaboutgreaterdamageinshort-lived,severeprecipitation.Muchdocumentationhasbeenreportedonthestudyofthemesoscaleconvectionsystemsandmesoscaleconvectivecomplex(MCC)andassociatedprecipitation[1-3].UsinglandfallcasesoftropicalcyclonesFrankie(No.9607),Gloria(No.9608),Joy(No.9610),Winnie(No.9714)andanunnamedtyphoon(No.9802)andhourlyinfraredcloudimagery,thecurrentworkstudiesth…  相似文献   

台风中尺度对流云团与中尺度暴雨相互关系的综合分析   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
选取1996-1998年5个登陆福建的台风,分析其中尺度暴雨时空分布规律;并通过对数学化处理的逐时红外卫星云图的研究,揭示台风中尺度对流系统发生发展的云图特征。分析表明台风中尺度暴雨的强度与中尺度对流云团的最冷云区温度和面积密切相关,常出现在中尺度对流云团偏东侧具有云顶温度梯度密集、云顶温度等值线曲率较大、云团处在发展阶段这些云图特征的区域。  相似文献   

河套地区4~5月雨量变化周期特征及其趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morlet子波分析表明,河套地区4-5月雨量明显存在7a,24a和3a周期,其中以7a周期为最强。用子波分析和周期图方法预测该地区4-5月在2000-2003年雨量将持续偏少,2004或2005年雨量可能会明显偏多。  相似文献   

In 1998, the annual frequency of typhoon (including tropical storms) genesis created a minimum value — 14, far lower than the minimum of 20 in 1950 over North-West Pacific, while in the Atlantic Ocean, the annual frequency of hurricanes (including the …  相似文献   

The analysis of the SPECTRUM (Special Experiment Concerning Typhoon Recurvature andUnusual Movement) data indicates that the structure of recurving target typhoons 9015 (Abe),9019(Flo) and 9020 (Gene) at different stages of moving processes showed different motion features.Ondifferent time scales,temporal variations of typhoon structure and motion speed displayed differentfeatures.  相似文献   

利用华南精细数值天气预报模式,设计了无同化资料(CTRL)、同化雷达反演水汽(EXP1)以及同化雷达反演水汽、地面和探空资料(EXP2)三个试验,对2017年登陆广东沿海的四个台风降水预报与路径预报进行模拟,以评估资料同化对登陆台风短期降水预报、路径预报的影响。分析结果如下:雷达反演水汽同化后对未来24小时降水预报技巧均有正的改善,对台风路径预报影响不大;在此基础上同化地面、探空资料后对台风路径预报有改进,对降水预报改进不明显(与EXP1比)。通过诊断分析台风“玛娃”,发现模式初值场水汽的增量配合对流上升区有利于短时间内成云致雨,从而提高短时降水预报;地面及探空资料同化有利于登陆台风的短时路径预报。   相似文献   

影响中国台风的气候特征及其与环境场关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
分析了影响中国台风的气候特征,结果表明:5-11月是影响台风活跃季节,7-9月为集中期;1951—2004年影响台风的频数变化呈减少趋势,1970年代后期明显减少,近十年是影响台风频数最少的时期;近50余年影响台风中超强台风的频数减少显著;台风生成的源地有明显的年代际变化,1960年代-1970年代生成台风位置偏东、偏南,1980年代以后转为偏北、偏西。同时分析了影响台风与北太平洋海温及东亚夏季风环流的关系,认为北太平洋海温的年代际和年际变化与影响台风关系密切;影响台风偏多年和偏少年,其环流形势截然不同。  相似文献   

Three typhoons, Goni, Morakot and Etau which were generated in Western Pacific in 2009, are successfully simulated by the WRF model. The horizontal and vertical vorticity and their interaction are analyzed and diagnosed by using the simulation results. It is shown that their resultant vectors had a fixed pattern in the evolution process of the three typhoons: The horizontal vorticity converged to the tropical cyclone (TC) center below 900 hPa level, flowed out from it at around 900 to 800 hPa, and flowed in between 800 hPa and 700 hPa. If multiple maximum wind speed centers showed up, the horizontal vorticity converged to the center of the typhoon below the maximum wind speed center and diverged from the TC center above the maximum wind speed center. At low levels, the three typhoons interacted with each other through vertical circulation generated by the vortex tube. This circulation was mainly generated by the eastward or westward horizontal vorticity vectors. Clouds and precipitation were generated on the ascending branch of the vertical circulation. The vortex tubes often flowed toward the southwest of the right TC from the northeast of the left TC. According to the full vorticity equation, the horizontal vorticity converted into the vertical vorticity near the maximum wind speed center below 850 hPa level, and the period of most intense conversion was consistent with the intensification period of TC, while the vorticity advection was against the intensification. The vertical vorticity converted into the horizontal vorticity from 800 hPa to 600 hPa, and the wind speed decreased above the maximum wind speed region at low levels.  相似文献   

多台风的相互作用和水平涡度与垂直涡度的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用WRF模式较成功地模拟出2009年发生在西太平洋上的三个台风("天鹅"、"莫拉克"和"艾涛"),并在此基础上,对三个台风中的水平涡度、垂直涡度及它们的相互作用进行分析和诊断。结果发现,在这三个台风演变过程中,水平涡度与垂直涡度的合矢量有较固定的模式,在900 h Pa以下低层有水平涡度的辐合,900~800 h Pa左右有水平涡管的流出,800~700 h Pa有水平涡管的流入,当有多个风速中心存在时,在风速中心之下有水平涡管向台风中心辐合、之上有自中心向外的辐散。特别是在低层通过涡管形成的垂直环流相互作用,这种环流主要由自西向东、或自东向西的水平涡度矢量构成,其上升支有云和降水产生,多从左台风的东北部流向右台风的西南部。由完全涡度方程分析可见,在850 h Pa以下的最大风速中心附近有水平涡度向垂直涡度转化,其转化最剧烈的时期与台风的风速增长期一致,涡度平流的作用与之相反,起到减弱台风的作用。800~600 h Pa有垂直涡度向水平涡度转化,低层最大风速之上风速减小。  相似文献   

A quantitative scheme is put forward in our work of forecasting the storm rainfall of typhoons for specific sites.Using the initial parameters,weather situations and physical quantities as well as numerical weather prediction products,the scheme constructs multivariate,objective and similarity criteria for environmental factors for the time between the current and forthcoming moment within the domain of forecast.Through defining a non-linear similarity index,this work presents a comprehensive assessment of the similarity between historical samples of typhoons and those being forecast in terms of continuous dynamic states under the multivariate criteria in order to identify similar samples.The historical rainfall records of the similar samples are used to run weighted summarization of the similarity index to determine site-specific and quantitative forecasts of future typhoon rainfall.Samples resembling the typhoon being forecast are selected by defining a non-linear similarity index composed of multiple criteria.Trial tests have demonstrated that this scheme has positive prediction skill.  相似文献   

Climatic characteristics of China-influencing typhoons (CIT) were analyzed in this paper. Main characteristics include: (1) CIT season is May-November, especially from July to September. (2) Frequency of the CIT shows a decreasing trend during 1951-2004, especially after the late period of the 1960s. (3)Strong CIT also shows an obvious decreasing trend. Meanwhile, there exist obvious interdecadal variations in the CIT genesis, being more southward and eastward than normal in 1960s-1970s, and more northward and westward than normal in the 1980s. In addition, the interrelations between CIT and its environmental factors show that CIT has close relationships with sea surface temperature and East Asian summer monsoon; the structure of the circulations in frequent CIT years is much different from that in infrequent CIT years.  相似文献   

Mesoscale waves in typhoons were diagnosed by using a simulated typhoon data in this paper. Through analyzing the structure of the waves in typhoons, we found that the waves possess the mixed features of gravity inertial waves and vortex Rossby waves. On the one hand, positive geopotential height perturbation is corresponding to negative vorticity perturbation and anticyclonic circulation. At the same time, negative geopotential height perturbation is corresponding to positive vorticity perturbation and cyclonic circulation. The maximum perturbation occurs near the radius of the maximum wind in the typhoon. On the other hand, the mesoscale waves possess the features of strong convergence and divergence and ageostrophic wind. Finally, the authors presented a concept model to explain a linkage mechanism between the mesoscale waves and the formation of polygonal eye wall in the typhoon.  相似文献   

9806号台风非对称结构形成及其高纬西折路径分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
对9806号台风在弱环境场中的向北移动,至强环境场中折向西行的物理机制进行了分析,得出在弱环境场中台风可形成不对称结构,其物理量如高度的变化在台风进入强环境场后与环境场叠加,从而改变台风移向,强弱环境场的更替,可能是9806号台风移向突变的重要原因。  相似文献   

1949-2007年登陆我国变性热带气旋的特征统计及合成分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用1949-2007年热带气旋年鉴等资料,统计分析登陆中国并在我国或附近变性的热带气旋的特征,着重分析不同区域及路径的变性气旋特征.分析结果得出,登陆我国的热带气旋很多,但在我国及附近沿海变性的却较少,大多数热带气旋变性后不发展或迅速衰减,只有约17%的变性热带气旋继续发展.热带气旋变性大多发生在114°E以东,移动...  相似文献   

Using OLR and 850 hPa and 200 hPa wind fields data (1979 – 2006), this paper diagnoses the characteristics of convection over the tropical area in preceding autumns and winters in association with April precipitation anomalies in Shandong province. It is found that preceding convection anomalies over the Western Pacific Warm Pool in December have close relationships with the April precipitation in Shandong. Further analysis of the relationship with the general circulation over the East Asia shows that the convection anomaly over the Western Pacific Warm Pool has close relationships with the Main East Asian Trough, the Hadley cell over East Asia and the Walker cell. The characteristics of East Asian atmospheric circulation anomalies accompanied with stronger (weaker) convection are consistent with those of less (more) April precipitation anomalies in Shandong. Therefore, the convection anomaly over the tropics in December may be an important indicator for April precipitation in Shandong.  相似文献   

“云娜”台风登陆后的路径和降水的诊断分析   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:26  
利用1°×1°的NCEP全球再分析资料和实时高空、地面加密探测等资料,综合分析了环流背景、冷空气活动和下垫面对"云娜"台风登陆后的路径和降水变化的影响,并对"云娜"登陆后的物理量特征进行了诊断分析.结果表明(1) 台风路径在登陆时发生西折的主要原因是由于在500 hPa副高调整为带状分布,台风北侧的东风气流明显加强,而且台风北侧最大东风风速与南侧的最大西风风速之差陡增;(2) 冷空气的入侵是"云娜"登陆后的台风低压在其路径折向西南的主要原因,表现为850 hPa台风西侧的北风加大,东侧的最大南风分量和西侧的最大北风分量的绝对值差变为负值;此外,冷空气在前期还有利于台风低压的维持,后期则使台风低压填塞;(3) "云娜"在进入鄱阳湖地区后其垂直运动、散度、水汽通量散度等各物理量场均表现出有利于降水加大的特征,这与下垫面的热量和水汽交换作用密切相关.  相似文献   

The track of Typhoon Haitang (0505), which passed through the Taiwan Island and landed again,has been successfully simulated by using the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MM5. Itsstructure is analyzed on the landing stage, and it is found that there exist good relationships between thetyphoon abnormal moving track and its asymmetry structure. The effect of terrain of Taiwan Island on thetyphoon Haitang, which made it rotate before landing and present a "V" type abnormal moving track inTaiwan straits, has also been simulated. Further analysis shows that the terrain of Taiwan Island not onlydirectly affects the typhoon moving track, but also changes the typhoon track by affecting its asymmetricstructure. Therefore, the typhoon asymmetric structure and the effect of terrain of Taiwan Island togetherresults in the abnormal rotating track. The terrain of Taiwan Island tends to increase the SW-NEasymmetric structure of the typhoon and has different effect on SE-NW asymmetric structure during thelandfall process of typhoon Haitang before entering and moving out of the Taiwan straits.  相似文献   

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