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介绍了一种基于MATLAB读取HDF格式遥感数据的方便,对我国FY3C有效载荷SBUS遥感HDF文件的获取实例表明该读取方法语言简洁、简单易学,非常有利于非专业人士对遥感信息的获取,且利用matlab强大的矩阵运算能力对遥感数据后期二次开发也有巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

在ASP.NET网站建设中,我们经常需要从Excel表格中读取一些相应的信息在页面上来显示,提供给用户方便的查看,怎样实现这一功能呢?Visual Studio 2005中有诸多的用来显示数据的控件,如DataGrid、Repeater、GridView等,这些控件由于各自的特点、属性的不同,因而都有自己独特的应用领域。本文就如何使用GridView显示控件来实现从Excel表格中读取数据进行研究和实现。  相似文献   

数据集作为ADO.NET对象模型的标志,作为一个不连接的数据源的副本提供服务.虽然使用数据集通过减少对数据库服务器的高花费的访问而提高了性能,但是它也带来了多个用户试图同时访问相同数据的可能性.现在,ADO.NET通过"开放式并发"的方法灵活地解决了该问题.本文说明了该方法的工作原理以及如何使应用程序在具有高度可伸缩性的环境中变得更加健壮.  相似文献   

该文从当前软件开发行业中的常用语言说起,阐述了ADO.NET的常用对象及其技术使用,并以访问SQLServer数据库为例探讨了ADO.NET对象在实际开发中的编程技术。  相似文献   

基于.NET的通用数据访问类   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
为提高数据库应用程序的设计效率,基于VS.NET开发平台,利用ADO.NET的强大数据访问功能,设计了一个适应访问不同数据库且具备基本数据访问应用功能的基类。介绍了ADO.NET技术和在设计中涉及的相关概念以及设计的思路和方法,利用此基类的派生类可方便地实现多种功能的数据访问。  相似文献   

ASP.NET中的TreeView控件可以以树型的方式显示数据,DataTable则可以存放数据集,着重介绍了在DataTable中构造文件目录数据,以及将它们在TreeView控件上表现出来的方法.  相似文献   

当今世界对数据的需求越来越迫切,无论采用任何软件编写程序访问数据库,都必须事先建立好数据库,用VB.NET访问数据库也是如此。在VB.NET中,微软推出了新的数据访问模型ADO.NET,它将成为构建数据感知.NET应用程序的基础。  相似文献   

基于ASP.NET的信息管理系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用ASP.NET和ADO.NET技术为兖矿集团公司开发了员工培训信息管理系统,实现了网络办公自动化管理,使得公司对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率.同时对系统的开发过程、系统的功能特点和设计方案进行了深入的探讨.  相似文献   

介绍新一代基于Web的数据存取技术ADO.Net以及控件的数据绑定技术,给出使用DataList控件对商品库存信息进行查询及修改的例子,并说明实现方法。  相似文献   

Capture.NET“简约但不简单”,它的功能与传统的抓图软件相比,很有些“另类”的感觉。这款软件集中了窗口抓取、区域抓取、颜色抓取、窗口尺、字体浏览、查看密码等多项功能,号称“六合一”。  相似文献   

An algorithm for extracting the spatial objects contained in raster image data is presented. Input to the algorithm is a Siemens computer-aided design (SICAD)-Hygris raster file representing a classification of the plane. Output of the algorithm is a SICAD geographic information system (GIS) external file containing the topologically complete definitions of all area objects and their constituents, such as arcs and nodes, as implied by the classification. The algorithm is based on a one-pass plane sweep that processes the input raster data in a strictly sequential order. Processing takes place only if certain color changes, also called events, occur. Each event triggers a well-defined sequence of simple actions  相似文献   

.NET开发平台通过ADO.NET对数据库操作的主要步骤:不同类型的数据库的连接,数据的查询、更新、删除。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的fMRI数据处理方法,融合了统计参数图(SPM)、独立成分分析(ICA)所提取的特征信息,实现脑功能激活区的准确提取。首先通过时段设计实验获取了反应不同握力条件下手运动相关皮层活动的fMRI数据,并且进行相应的预处理;然后采用SPM和ICA方法分别提取脑功能信息;研究了一种基于主成分分析的图像融合算法。最后,应用图像融合算法对SPM和ICA方法分别提取的脑功能信息进行融合。结果表明,该方法弥补了SPM和ICA两种方式的不足,是一种进行功能区定位更加有效的方法。  相似文献   

基于图像处理的高精度仪表判读方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了用图像技术对高精度指针式仪表自动判读的方法,关键问题是视差的检测和仪表图像坐标系统与仪表读数跟踪系统之间坐标的转换。采用脊波提取仪表图像中的直线,利用图像信息控制数控系统动作。实验表明:该读数方法绝对误差为零,非常适合于高精度指针式仪表自动跟踪判读。  相似文献   

当前主流GIS软件以及互联网地图应用在WebGIS(网络地理信息系统)解决方案中都广泛采用地图切片(又称瓦片),切片处理服务是实现影像在WebGIS上快速无缝浏览的关键技术。针对目前传统算法以及商业GIS软件在大数据量栅格影像快速瓦片化方面的不足,提出一种名为ParaTile的高效栅格影像快速瓦片化方法,ParaTile基于MPI共享外存的并行技术,利用多进程对原始栅格影像进行数据划分,每个进程对其所划分的区域进行独立读写和计算,而后再按照TMS或者Google Tile定义的标准将瓦片进行编码输出。实验采用不同级别大小的遥感影像进行测试,结果表明ParaTile在面对不同规模的数据时,无论从速度还是算法稳定性上都较现有算法和工具具有显著优势,特别是当数据量越大时,这种优势愈加明显。  相似文献   

Spatially referenced methods of processing raster and vector data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors consider a general method of constructing addressing and arithmetic systems for two-dimensional image data using the hierarchy of ‘molecular’ tilings based on an original isohedral ‘atomic’ tiling. (Each molecular title at level k is formed from a constant number of tiles at level k−1; this is termed the ‘aperture’ property of the hierarchy.) In addition they present 11 objective criteria (which are of significance in cartographic image processing), by which these hierarchies and tilings may be described and compared.

Of the 11 topologically distinct types of isohedral tiling, three ([36], [44] and [63]) are composed of regular polygons, and two of these ([36] and[44]) satisfy the condition that all tiles have the same ‘orientation’. In general, although each level in a hierarchy is topologically equivalent, the tiles may differ in shape at different levels and only [63], [44], [4.82] and [4.6.12] are capable of giving rise to hierarchies in which the tiles at all levels are the same shape. The possible apertures of hierarchies obeying this condition are n2 (for any n > 1)in the cases of [63] and [44]; n2 or 2n2 in the case of [4.82]; and n2 or 3n2 in the case of [4.6.12].

In contrast the only tiling exhibiting the uniform ‘adjacency’ criterion is[36]. However, hierarchies based on this atomic tiling generate molecular tiles with different shapes at every level. If these disadvantages are accepted, hierarchies based on first-level molecular tiles referred to as the 4-shape, 4′-shape, 7-shape and 9-shape are generated. Of these the 4-shape and the 9-shape appear to satisfy many of the cartographically desirable properties in addition to having an atomic tiling which exhibits uniform adjacency.

In recent years the generalized balanced ternary addressing system has been developed to exploit the image processing power of the 7-shape. The authors have generalized and extended this system as ‘tesseral addressing and arithmetic’, showing how it can be used to render a 4-shape into a spatially correct linear quadtree.  相似文献   

Some authors have determined patch perimeters in raster image processing and geographic information systems by summing the number of pixels immediately surrounding the patches. We demonstrate that this method is inaccurate. When applied to satellite sensor imagery, errors ranged from overestimation of perimeter length by 34-5 per cent to underestimation by 41·7 per cent. Therefore. we developed a new method that is both accurate and relatively simple. This method determines perimeters using a standard 3 by 3 pixel moving window. The method can be used with most raster systems and has applications in landscape ecology for calculating such variables as the fractal dimension and ecotone dimensions  相似文献   

在开发系统软件过程中,经常需要对多种类型文件进行上传和读取操作,通常采用两种方法来存储不同类别的文件。文中对比了这两种方法的优缺点,并采用了基于ASP.NET和SQL Server数据库平台将不同类型的数据保存在数据库中的方法,详细介绍了如何在此平台下进行不同类型数据的上传和读取,给出了SQL数据结构及实现代码。  相似文献   

Topology has been an important tool for analyzing scalar data and flow fields in visualization. In this work, we analyze the topology of multivariate image and volume data sets with discontinuities in order to create an efficient, raster-based representation we call IStar. Specifically, the topology information is used to create a dual structure that contains nodes and connectivity information for every segmentable region in the original data set. This graph structure, along with a sampled representation of the segmented data set, is embedded into a standard raster image which can then be substantially downsampled and compressed. During rendering, the raster image is upsampled and the dual graph is used to reconstruct the original function. Unlike traditional raster approaches, our representation can preserve sharp discontinuities at any level of magnification, much like scalable vector graphics. However, because our representation is raster-based, it is well suited to the real-time rendering pipeline. We demonstrate this by reconstructing our data sets on graphics hardware at real-time rates.  相似文献   

基于数字图像的自适应非均匀矩形剖分,定义了一种数字图像的栅格矢量混合的文件格式,称之为RV文件格式,它是在给定剖分精度下,对图像的不同剖分层次自适应地采用不同的储存方式,层次高的以栅格方式储存,层次低的以矢量方式储存。其优势表现在可以节省空间,对数字图像有压缩效果。特别是对巨幅图像的存储,空间节省优势更为显著。对巨幅logo图像进行了压缩性能评价实验,结果表明数字图像的RV文件对大面积连续灰度的图像有显著的压缩效果。  相似文献   

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