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通过对目前宠物寄养存在的现状进行分析,针对传统宠物笼的不足,本课题旨在研究与设计一种智能宠物笼, 以智能控制装置为核心,采用WiFi 无线通信方式,完成对各个智能设备进行控制,实现对智能宠物笼的全方面实时监测控制, 方便主人与宠物的互动。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,饲养的宠物数量急剧增加.宠物数量庞大,使得社区管理人员的统计工作量不断增大.结合社区宠物管理的痛点,从需求入手,对社区宠物信息系统进行设计与分析.综合利用MySQL数据库、SSM框架,尝试能通过信息化、网络化的管理模式,来减少社区工作者的工作量,同时使得宠物管理问题得到改善.  相似文献   

颜惠 《软件》2023,(2):147-149
随着互联网应用技术的不断突破和广泛应用,将宠物店与信息系统相结合,利用互联网技术对宠物店的商家信息和用户信息进行管理,可减小对宠物信息的管理。本系统主要聚焦于消费者进入宠物店信息系统进行购买消费,从系统战略规划层面可分成售前对宠物销售情况管理和销售中追踪宠物订单管理两个核心阶段出发,对宠物店管理信息系统进行优化。  相似文献   

为了解决因小区内猫、狗等宠物不牵绳等不文明行为而产生的滋扰问题,系统以Arduino微控制器为核心,通过距离、温度等传感器采集宠物周边相关环境数据,并借助语音进行示警,实现在一定范围内对小区居民的提前报警。实验表明,该系统能够实现对设定范围内人体目标的有效探测并实时示警,可基本满足对于宠物特别是大型宠物的提前预警。  相似文献   

当下社会,宠物经济持续火热,但是宠物医疗行业却发展缓慢,如何突破传统宠物医疗困境、打破时间与地理的限制进行医疗资源的合理分配仍是亟需解决的问题。通过充分调研,确定用户的实际需求之后,利用微信小程序开发技术、结合协同过滤算法开发了一个线上宠物问诊平台。通过利用协同过滤算法帮助用户智能推荐医生,得到专业人士的指导,有利于促进线上与线下宠物医疗资源的整合。  相似文献   

QQ宠物越来越向“钱”看的玩法让很多人对它望而却步。如果你也想养个桌面宠物,那不妨来玩免费的“多猫”宠物。它的基本玩法类似于QQ宠物,但更简单有趣,而且能进行PK和拍照等,让你轻松享受桌面宠物带来的乐趣。注册账号第一次启动“多猫”时,需要点击“注册账号”按钮进行注册  相似文献   

近年,不少人开始热衷于养宠物,蜥蜴、白兔、小狗、波斯猫……青蛙在公共汽车上亲眼看到小MM把一条小蟒蛇捧在手中把玩,甚是吓人。但养宠物也有很多麻烦,比如教自己的宠物在便池大小便。相比起真正的宠物来说,青蛙觉得电子宠物更加方便,而且没有这些烦恼。又好养又不会弄脏蒙里的地毯和沙发。而且论“人气”,也不比可爱的宠物们逊色呢!  相似文献   

针对目前大学生由于压力过大而造成的各种负面事件,分析减压的必要性.经研究表明,与宠物的接触可以缓解人们的情绪,减轻压力.建设基于"云模式"的宠物减压系统,通过远程领养宠物、实现宠物喂养与交互,随时随地的"云接触"宠物,可以有效地为大学生减压,又解决其不便饲养宠物的问题.  相似文献   

为了在计及趋肤效应情况下有效研究双鼠笼电动机转子稳态电流分布情况,对独立端环型和共端环型双鼠笼电动机转子支路进行了等效变换,利用分层法对上下笼导条支路进行分层处理,得到了在计及趋肤效应情况下同时适用于计算独立端环型和共端环型双鼠笼电动机转子稳态电流分布的方法。算例分析结果表明,独立端环型和共端环型双鼠笼电动机转子上下笼电流分布基本一致,频率越高的电流在上笼中的分布较下笼越密集;工频供电下,电动机正常运行时,独立端环型和共端环型双鼠笼电动机转子基频电流分布基本一致;工频供电下,电动机堵转时,共端环型双鼠笼电动机趋肤效应比独立端环型双鼠笼电动机更明显;相同电流频率下,共端环型双鼠笼电动机上下笼电流比值较独立端环型双鼠笼电动机大。  相似文献   

研究了一款基于PYNQ和STM32的自主式宠物跟随陪护系统,实现对宠物的实时陪护及自动喂食等功能。系统以STM32为主控芯片,在PYNQ上搭载改进型YOLO算法对图像进行实时处理,通过GPRS模块将宠物健康信息传送至PC端监测,并可通过PC端监测软件远程向终端下达指令。测试表明系统对宠物的识别准确率为82.3%,最高帧率可达11帧/秒;2小时内跟丢宠物次数平均为1.8次,跟丢后找回率为88.9%,具有较好的宠物识别及跟踪效果。  相似文献   

The increase in stress-related problems and the corresponding rapid growth in demand for pet therapy have created a demand for stress-relief methods through interactions with pet robots and virtual pets instead of real animals; however, it is unclear which characteristics of pet robots and virtual pets have therapeutic effects. In this study, we use the temporary mood scale to compare the therapeutic effects produced by a pet robot and a virtual pet, focusing on the effects of the physical interactions enabled by physical embodiment. The pet robot shows significantly lower tension scores and higher vigor scores when compared with the virtual pet. These results suggest that pet robots have a greater therapeutic effect than virtual pets, particularly with regard to their ability to ease tension and increase vigor.  相似文献   

With technological and social development in recent decades, people have begun pursuing more comfortable lives that frequently feature household pets that are treated like members of the family. On average, one out of every three households has a pet. This has also led to the creation and growth of many businesses in the pet industry. A few companies have developed a system that allows busy office workers to remotely care for pets at home based on the Internet of Things and an intelligent adjustment function. As owners of two dogs, the authors of this study observed their pets’ living habits and recorded environmental conditions that appear suitable for them. These data were then used to develop an automatic control system to care for pets. The observational data on the pets’ habits and environment were written in a program in Arduino by using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. The module and booster module control is the switch and setting of various household appliances. According to the loop setting of the program, the system does not need to manually switch or adjust the electrical settings of the environment. Instead, the pet's living environment is assessed by using various sensors. The use of Arduino programs helps develop a system that can automatically adjust the environment to one that is most suitable for the pet's comfort.  相似文献   

针对当前城市小区宠物数量越来越多,所带来的社会问题日益严重,利用传统方法已经无法实现数量庞大的宠物群体的有效监控.介绍了基于U2270B射频芯片和Freescale MCU用于宠物身份识别的RFID阅读器的设计.在介绍宠物管理标签系统的特点后,通过阅读器软硬件设计,详细阐述了125KHz、134KHz的双频选择和嵌入式手持设备低功耗以及记录存储等功能的实现.  相似文献   

通过利用游戏宠物扮演各种教育角色,扩展智能教学系统(intelligent tutoring system,ITS)中的学生模型,从而完成宠物游戏与ITS的有机结合.设计了一个基于宠物游戏的游戏化智能教学系统架构,架构中的宠物模块能记录学习者的学习活动、分析学习者的学习进程.基于该软件架构,实现了一款游戏化智能教学系统--宠物星际旅行,将宠物游戏的游戏化特性引入到了小学分数知识的学习过程中.测试结果表明,学生对该游戏越专注,就能越快地理解和运用所学知识.  相似文献   

物联网的提出和使用让人与物有效通信,满足快节奏生活、不能外出陪同宠物的要求,解决宠物管控不严,扰乱社会秩序安全[9]的问题,设计出一个物联网时代能引导宠物外出,基于北斗满足主人实时监控宠物,4G、5G大背景下无线控制及图像识别,使之规定路线移动的智能宠物引导车。对超声波和红外组合避障、主人原声安抚和传感器DSP技术等方面单独研究,设计出较传统单一形式更为精确合理化的方案。  相似文献   

随着现代人生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人们开始饲养宠物,宠物饲料的需求日益增长.某全球知名宠物饲料生产公司的饲料成型模具出现开裂现象,导致宠物饲料生产品质下降,生产中断,进而影响生产效率,加大生产的耗费.针对该公司目前使用的饲料膨化机磨盘进行机械强度分析.通过计算机有限元法计算机仿真软件Marc,模拟仿真膨化物料挤压进模盘时的工况,计算分析,并校核模板的强度,指出现有的模盘的结构中存在的强度失效的薄弱部位.  相似文献   

Poultry are one of the most badly treated animals in the modern world. It has been shown that they have high levels of both cognition and feelings and as a result there has been a recent trend of promoting poultry welfare. There is also a tradition of keeping poultry as pets in some parts of the world. However, in modern cities and societies, it is often difficult to maintain contact with pets, particularly for office workers. We propose and describe a novel cybernetics system to use mobile and Internet technology to improve human–pet interaction. It can also be used for people who are allergic to touching animals and thus cannot stroke them directly. This interaction encompasses both visualization and tactile sensation of real objects.  相似文献   

Domestic Pet Care has been an important domain in the healthcare industry. In the presented study, a comprehensive framework of the Smart VetCare system for the health monitoring of domestic pets has been presented. The work is focused on the remote surveillance of domestic animals’ health conditions inside the home environment using IoMT Technology. Specifically, pet health is analyzed for vulnerability in the ambient home environment and ubiquitous activities over a fog computing platform of FogBus. Furthermore, a temporal data granule is formulated and the Probability of Health Vulnerability (PoHV) is defined for determining the health severity of the animal. Additionally, the Temporal Sensitivity Measure (TSM) is defined for real-time pet healthcare analysis, which is visualized using the Self Organized Mapping (SOM) Technique. For validation purposes, the framework is deployed in the smart home environment using 12 IoMT WiSense Nodes and Health Sensor belt for monitoring a domestic dog of American Bully breed over the dynamic resource management platform of FogBus and iFogSim simulator. Based on the comparison with numerous state-of-the-art techniques, the proposed framework can register a better precision value (94.78%), accuracy value (95.38%), sensitivity value (93.71%), and f-measure value (94.41%).  相似文献   

以ARM7微处理器W90P710为主处理器,凌阳单片机SPCE061A为从处理器,采用开源的μCLinux操作系统设计了一款智能机器宠物。该宠物可以实现简单的人机会话和识别出主人的几种情绪并做出相应的回应;另外为了提高其实用价值,该宠物还具有MP3音乐播放、电子相册、文件管理和系统设置等功能。  相似文献   

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