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根据在赣东北1∶5 万葛源幅蛇绿混杂岩区区调的实践体会,提出在区调填图中进行非史密斯地层研究的一般步骤:(1) 利用野外踏勘和前人资料,划分区内地层类型;(2) 区分岩块和基质;(3) 选择一定靶区对岩块进行成分、古生物、同位素等的细致研究,以获得年代和构造背景等信息;(4) 识别岩块、基质及与史密斯地层之间的相互接触关系,并探索其构造就位时间;(5) 重建地层序列,探讨构造演化史。  相似文献   

根据在赣东北1:5万葛源幅蛇绿混杂岩区区调的实践体会,提出在区调填图中进行非史密斯地层研究的一般步骤:(1)利用野外踏勘和前人资料,划分区内地层类型;(2)区分岩块和基质;(3)造反一定靶区对岩块民分、古生物、同位素等的细致研究,以获得年代和构造背景等信息;(4)识别岩块、基质及与史密斯地层之间的相互接触关系,并探索其构造就位时间;(5)重建地层序列,探讨构造演化史。  相似文献   

造山带非史密斯地层   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
造山带一般都经历了多期板块裂解与拼合的复杂演化过程。造山带地层体在造山带洋盆会聚、俯冲消亡和陆内造山阶段,发生过强烈的构造搬运和构造混杂。俯冲带在消减板块下潜过程中,盆地中先前在重力机制下形成的原始浊积岩和远洋沉积(基质)、同沉积滑塌岩块,与先前在热力机制下形成的蛇绿岩和火山弧,与早先裂解的陆壳碎片等最终一并带入俯冲带内遭受剪切,发生构造混杂,由这种混杂作用形成的地层体通常由经强烈构造剪切作用的基质(浊积岩和远洋沉积)和混入的多种外来岩片(块)构成,是造山带非史密斯地层研究的主体。对造山带非史密斯地层,要针对基质和外来岩片(块)分别进行划分、对比研究。特别对基质中的外来岩片(块),要进行物态、时态,相态、位态、变形和变质历程的精细解剖与研究。通过造山带非史密斯地层研究,建立造山带地层系统理论模型,恢复造山带形成和演化历程。  相似文献   

生态地层填图方法在1∶5万区域地质调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵兵  吴山  王大可 《地质通报》2000,19(4):422-429
通过 1∶5万生态地层填图试点 ,总结了生态地层剖面测制、生态地层基本填图单元———群落的建立以及生态地层填图的具体步骤和工作方法。将研究区内作为生态地层填图试验的以泥盆系为主的沉积地层划分为 12个古生物群落 ,通过填图查明了各群落空间展布及时限 ,提高了地层划分对比的精度。  相似文献   

结合河北矾山幅(K-50-135-B)1∶5万区调成果,在全面分析了第四纪地层常用划分方法(岩性法、地貌法、古生物法、气候法、古地磁法、年龄法)的利弊和应用效果的基础上,提出对第四系进行多重地层综合划分应分三步:①根据岩石地层学和地貌地层方法,建立研究区地层相对新老顺序;②根据生物地层学、气候地层学等方法,确定地层的相对地质年代;③根据古地磁和年代学方法,确定重要地质界限和地质事件的年龄;并对多重地层方法野外填图的基本程序进行了讨论。  相似文献   

介绍了在1∶5万区域地质调查中,利用地球物理资料编制立体构造图、利用ICPS—Ⅲ型微机图形图像处理系统对遥感TM图像进行有效处理、建立多元信息库等方面的研究成果  相似文献   

造山带非史密斯地层及其地质制图   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
从非史密斯地层的概念入手,以实例探讨了非史密斯地层的3种基本类型,古缝合带(混杂岩)型,推覆体型,走滑型及昨合类型,并对非史密斯地层的研究内容和方法及其在地质制图中应注意的若干问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

从非史密斯地层的概念入手,以实例探讨非史密斯地层的3种基本类型:古缝合带(混杂岩)型、推覆体型、走滑型及其复合类型,并对非史密斯地层的研究内容和方法及其在地质制图中应注意的若干问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文根据川西造山带复理石区1:5万“海底扇-组图”填图试验成果,介绍了“海底扇-组图”填图中的剖面测制、地质填图、成果编制方法,总结了“海底扇-组图”填图的基本特点。  相似文献   

根据RGMAP系统在崇阳县幅1∶5万区调过程中的应用实践,阐述了数字区调过程中的数字路线、数字实测剖面数据采集以及室内数据整理、地质图编稿和专题图件制作的工作流程和方法,在此基础上对RGMAP综合应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

基于ASTER数据的蛇绿岩组分识别:以德尔尼矿区为例   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文运用高级星载热辐射和反射探测器(ASTER)反射率数据对青海德尔尼蛇绿岩的主要岩石组成和蚀变矿物进行探测.以现有的标准光谱库数据作为参照,采用光谱角制图法来提取感兴趣的岩性和矿物信息,并通过与现有地质图对比,验证结果的精度.实验结果表明,运用ASTER数据和标准的光谱库数据,可较有效地识别蛇绿岩的主要岩性和相关矿物成分,但不同岩性的识别精度不同.  相似文献   

Platinum-group elements in porphyry copper deposits: a reconnaissance study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Sulphide and flotation concentrates from 33 porphyry copper deposits have been investigated for platinum-group elements (PGE), Au, Cu and platinum-group minerals (PGM). The major sulphides in the samples studied are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Bornite is less frequent and molybdenite occurs in traces only. PGM (merenskyite, sperrylite and an unidentified Pd-Sb telluride) have been found as inclusions in chalcopyrite.Pd and Pt are present in concentrations above the analytical detection limit (> 8 ppb) in 70% respectively 30% of the deposits studied. The contents of Os, Ir, Ru and Rh are below detection limits in all samples. The analytical results show that 7 deposits (six of island arc and one of continental margin setting) reveal relatively high Pd contents (130–1900 ppb) which are associated with high Au contents (1–28 ppm). In five of them discrete PGM can be identified in accordance with elevated levels of Pd. Correlations of Au, Pd and Pt point towards a common origin.Even though the data base is relatively small, a trend is obvious, suggesting that Au-rich island arc porphyry copper deposits might host more Pd and Pt than the continental margin type ones. Other aspects of intrusive rocks, such as geological age, chemical composition and magma type do not seem to influence PGE contents.
Platingruppen-Elemente in porphyrischen Kupfer Lagerstätten: eine Überblicksstudie
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Sulfid- und Flotationskonzentrate aus 33 Porphyry Kupfer Lagerstätten: auf Platingruppenelemente (PGE), Au, Cu and Platingruppenminerale (PGM) untersucht. Die Hauptsulfide im untersuchten Probenmaterial sind Chalkopyrit und Pyrit. Bornit ist weniger häufig and Molybdänit tritt nur in Spuren auf. An PGM wurden Merenskyit (in den Lagerstätten: Elacite, Majdanpek and Skouries), Sperrylith und ein nicht näher identifizierbares Pd-Sb- Tellurid (in der Lagerstätte Mamut) als Einschlüsse in Chalkopyrit festgestellt.Pd ist in 70% and Pt in 30% der untersuchten Lagerstätten: nachweisbar (> 8 ppb), während die Gehalte von Os, Ir, Ru and Rh in allen Proben unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegen. In 7 Lagerstätten: (davon sechs vom Inselbogen- und eine vom Kontinentalrandtyp) wurden relativ hohe Pd-Konzentrationen (130–1900 ppb) festgestellt, die auch durch hohe Au-Gehalte (1–28 ppm) gekennzeichnet sind. In 5 Lagerstätten: sind entsprechend den hohen Pd-Gehalten PGM nachweisbar.Geochemische Korrelationen zwischen Au, Pd and Pt weisen auf eine gemeinsame Herkunft dieser Metalle hin. Obwohl der Datenbestand noch relativ klein ist, ist ein Trend bereits sichtbar, daß Au-reiche Inselbogenporphyries Where Pd- und Pt- Gehalte erwarten lassen als der Kontinentalrand-Typ. Andere Aspekte wie geologisches Alter, Magmentyp and Chemismus der betreffenden Intrusivgesteine spielen bei der PGEFührung offensichtlich keine Rolle.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the application of multiple reconnaissance methods as an efficient means of localizing desired data sets (e.g., artifact concentrations and architectural features) in stratigraphically complex sites. Excavations at Blagotin, Serbia, are presented as an example. Blagotin is a multioccupation site with vertically superimposed and laterally displaced cultural deposits. The application of a battery of survey techniques and the integration of the results enabled the author to define periods of occupation (Early Neolithic, Eneolithic, Early Iron Age), distinguish temporal variations, and predict the nature and distribution of subsurface archaeological remains. Ultimately, the Early Neolithic occupation is shown to consist of a small settlement with a large central pit‐house surrounded by a ring of smaller pit houses. This interpretation of the intra‐settlement spatial organization, made possible through the application of a multiple survey technique, differs from those previously offered for these types of sites. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

层序地层地球化学主要研究基于层序地层格架下的烃源层空间分布特征和源岩有机质的地球化学性质随层序、体系域的变化规律。以大民屯凹陷为实例的研究结果表明,层序地层地球化学研究在油气勘探中具有4个方面的主要作用:(1)预测未钻井或未取心地区烃源层空间分布特征和源岩有机质地球化学性质;(2)通过细化烃源岩评价单元,提高资源量计算中烃源岩体积估算和有机质性质评价的精度;(3)为基于层序地层格架的油气成藏系统研究提供“油气源”和“资源量”的要素;(4)可以作为盆地沉积充填分析的线索,并对已建立的层序地层格架进行检验和校正。层序地层地球化学研究不仅对中国东部老油田隐蔽油气藏的勘探工作具有重要的意义,对勘探程度低、钻井少、源岩取心少的西部含油气盆地中的烃源岩评价工作更为有效。  相似文献   

Summary Titanite varieties doped with rare earth elements (REE) have been prepared by ceramic synthesis and quenching in air. Their crystal structure was determined by Rietveld analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction patterns. Two different substitution schemes, Ca1–xNax/2Smx/2TiSiO5 and Ca1–xDyxTi1–x SiO5, are studied at x=0.2. Both synthetic varieties of titanite adopt space group A2/a. This implies that both single-site and complex multivalent substitutional schemes destroy the coherence of the off-centering of octahedral chains in the titanite structure resulting in a P21/aA2/a phase transition. Unit cell dimensions obtained for the REE-bearing titanite varieties are as follows: a=7.0541(1)Å; b=8.7247(1)Å; c=6.5664(1)Å; =113.732(1)° for Ca0.8Na0.1Sm0.1TiSiO5; and a=7.0021(1)Å; b=8.7256(1)Å; c=6.5427(1)Å; =113.294(1)° for . Both REE-doped titanite samples and a control sample of the pure titanite end member have similar unit cell parameters and consist of polyhedra distorted to a similar extent with the exception of more-distorted SiO4 tetrahedron in CaSiTiO5. The structural data suggest that the Ca1–xNax/2Smx/2TiSiO5 and Ca1–xDyxTi1–xFexSiO5 solid solutions adopting the titanite structure might extend to x sufficiently greater than 0.2 and involve both heavier and lighter trivalent rare earth elements.Permanent address: Geological Institute KSC RAS, 14 Fersmana St., Apatity, 184200 Russia  相似文献   

复杂断块叠前时间偏移技术应用实例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叠前时间偏移技术在复杂构造成像方面具有较好的适用性,在生产应用中取得了良好的效果。针对复杂断块叠前成像处理,开展各向异性叠前时间偏移方法研究,以落实地下构造特征,精细刻画地下构造预断裂系统特征。结合水陆过渡带的地震资料,针对复杂断块成像展开了研究,以叠前保幅去噪,子波一致性处理和各向异性速度分析为基础,开展各向异性叠前时间偏移技术研究,取得了良好的应用效果。地下构造成像清晰,断裂特征刻画也更为清晰,同时还提供了高质量的叠前时间偏移道集,为后续的叠前储层研究奠定了有利的基础。  相似文献   

陈中强 《地层学杂志》1995,19(4):274-281
层序是层序地层学常用的且最重要的地层单位,它既是以客观不整合面为界面的岩石地层单位,又是有严格时间属性的年代地层单位,具岩石地层单位和年代地层单位的两重性,它具横向可预测、全盆地统一及时限短等特性。与传统的地层单位有严格的区别,克服了岩石地层、生物地层及年代地层在划分与对比地层时的缺点,提高了地层划分与对比的精度。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of water samples was studied from different caves in Slovakia. The water samples were collected from caves of two karst regions: (1) the Demänovský Cave System (DCS), situated in the Low Tatra Mountains (Northern Slovakia), which is mainly formed of limestone and dolomites; and (2) the Slovakian Karst to the Southeast is formed of limestone. A considerable difference between water from the two regions was shown. The waters from the DCS, that were controlled by vadose water percolating through different types of host rocks, contained more Mg ions than those from the Slovakian Karst caves whereas, the concentration of SO4 was controlled by the dissolution of displacive gypsum and/or oxidation of pyrite. The distribution of NO3 in the studied samples was random, hence nitrates probably derived from few pollution sources. The total mineralization of the water was covariant with calcite and aragonite saturation indices. In general, both parameters are higher in the Slovakian Karst caves than in the DCS. It is controlled probably by differences in climatic conditions, soil and plant covers between these two regions. The main goal of this article is to characterize the major-ion water chemistry within the studied caves as well as some microelements. The results have confirmed the dominant role of the bedrock petrography in forming the general chemistry of cave waters.  相似文献   

Laterites occur extensively in the lowlands of Sri Lanka whereas these are observed as localized outcrops in the uplands and the highlands. In lateritis weathering profiles, Al-rich zones are found between and beneath harder Fe-rich layers. The processes of lateritisation and bauxitisation have produced residual products enriched in both Fe2O3 and Al2O3. In the lowlands and uplands the lateritisation processes have prevailed and the bauxitisation trend is more pronounced in the highlands.
Résumé Les gisements latéritiques s' observent largement dans les lowlands du Sri Lanka. Mais dans les uplands et highlands les affleurements latéritiques sont rares. Aux profils d'altération les zones riches en Al se trouvent entre ou sous les zones plus dures mais riches en Fe. Les deux processus de latéritisation et bauxitisation ont donné lieu aux produits résiduels riches en Fe2O3 ainsi qu'en Al2O3. Il a été observé que le processus de latéritisation se produit plus souvent dans les lowlands et uplands tandis que la bauxitisation est plus repandue aux highlands.

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