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穗期干旱胁迫下春玉米产量与抗旱性分析研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
干旱是造成中国北方玉米产量低而不稳的重要原因,为保证玉米既丰产又稳产,研究和筛选适宜的春玉米栽培品种至关重要;本试验在大田干旱条件下,选用生产上推广应用的春玉米代表品种,在穗期采用干旱胁迫和正常供水方法处理,对不同类型品种的产量及产量构成因素和抗旱性进行分析,结果表明,穗期受旱后密植型品种小区产量平均为12.14 kg,高于稀植型品种小区产量平均值10.4 kg;耐旱指数分析表明,以密植型品种‘大丰26’最高为0.89,而以稀植型品种‘农大108’最低为0.39,整体上密植型优于稀植型品种;同时结合产量构成因素分析表明,密度是影响产量的首要因子,其次才是穗粒数,而百粒重影响最小;试验中以‘大丰26’、‘先玉335’丰产及稳产性最好;因此,在干旱区选用适宜的密植型品种并推广玉米增密技术,是支撑未来玉米产业发展乃至粮食安全生产的重要途径。  相似文献   

Variation was investigated in 110 doubled haploid (DH) lines of wheat derived from wheat × maize crosses. Field observation revealed visible variations in 15 DH2 lines such as extreme dwarfism, low seed fertility, alteration of spike type and stripes. Six agronomic traits, i.e., heading date, spike number/ plant, culm length, spike length, seed fertility and grain weight were statistically analyzed in the DH2 and DH3 generations. Out of the 88 DH2 lines/DH3 groups, 26 %/64 % showed significant differences from the parental variety in the means of one or more traits. Ranges of the DH3 lines were larger than those of the DH2 lines, except for spike number/plant. Furthermore, analyses of variance within and between DH lines showed the presence of heterogeneity/heterozygosity in the DH2 lines/plants. These results indicated the occurrence of gametoclonal variation in the DH lines. It is considered that most of the variations detected were due to the colchicine treatment rather than to the 2,4-D treatment or in vitro culture.  相似文献   

不同高产玉米品种抗旱性的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了有效筛选出适合鲁东半干旱区应用的夏玉米品种,以山东省目前主推的9个玉米品种为试材,通过2010-2011年连续2年防雨棚控水干旱试验,以抗旱隶属度、抗旱指数为评价参数,对各品种进行抗旱性综合评价。结果表明,干旱胁迫导致各品种玉米株高、穗位高、穗长、穗粒重均不同程度地降低,茎秆变细,秃尖变长,产量降低。年份间比较,2011年夏玉米植株性状、穗部性状、地上部干物重、产量均显著高于2010年。以茎秆性状、穗部性状、地上部干物重及产量指标隶属度的平均值为综合评价标准,‘登海701’为典型抗旱性品种;‘莱农14’、‘农大108’、‘金海5号’为抗旱性较强的品种;‘登海662’、‘郑单958’、‘中科11’、‘浚单20’为抗旱性弱的品种;‘青农105’在2年内的隶属度值差异较大,其抗旱性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

为筛选玉米抗旱品种及探究抗旱机制。本研究以目前主推的6个玉米品种为试验材料,在拔节期进行水分中度胁迫试验,分析干旱胁迫下6个玉米品种的丙二醛含量、叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、脯氨酸含量、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性。发现6个玉米品种在干旱胁迫下表现出了不同的生理响应机制,6个玉米品种叶片的丙二醛含量、叶绿素含量均不同幅度的显著下降,脯氨酸含量、可溶性蛋白含量、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性均不同程度的显著升高。干旱胁迫下,尤其‘郑单988’和‘郑单6386’的MDA含量升高幅度较低,叶绿素含量下降幅度较小,抗氧化酶活性升高幅度较大,可溶性蛋白和脯氨酸含量较高;相反‘郑单958’相对于‘郑单6386’和‘郑单988’,生理生化层面表现出较弱的抗旱性。结果表明拔节期‘郑单988’和‘郑单6386’的抗旱性较‘郑单958’强。本研究结果对揭示玉米耐旱机理有一定的重要意义,并可以为玉米耐旱种质筛选、改良和分子育种提供有效的指导和参考。  相似文献   

小麦与玉米杂交产生小麦单倍体与双单倍体的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈新民  王凤菊  李思敏  张文祥 《作物学报》2013,39(12):2247-2252
小麦与玉米杂交是诱导小麦单倍体最有效的途径之一, 但单倍体和双单倍体产生频率不稳定影响了该技术的应用。选用13个小麦杂种F1代单交组合与玉米杂交, 研究了不同小麦生长环境、生长素处理、培养基和壮苗处理对单倍体及双单倍体产生频率的影响。小麦生长在大田, 去雄后割穗培养与玉米杂交平均得胚率为23.9%, 每个杂交穗平均得胚数6.8个, 均是返青后从大田移回冷温室盆栽的3倍以上;不同小麦杂交组合间胚产生频率存在明显差异。生长素Dicamba蘸穗处理平均得胚率是21.5%, 与2,4-D处理得胚率(21.1%)无显著差异, 但不同杂交组合间差异显著。B5培养基幼胚萌发率为70.9%~88.3%, 平均82.0%;1/2 MS培养基胚萌发率为70.0%~86.0%, 平均76.6%;两种培养基平均胚萌发率无显著差异。试管苗经壮苗培养基壮苗处理与试管苗经移栽壮苗处理后加倍效率分别是67.6%和8.6%。移栽壮苗处理的苗分蘖少, 生长较弱, 加倍处理后存活率低和加倍率低是其单倍体加倍效率低的原因。  相似文献   

Brassinolides (BRs) are naturally occurring substances, which modulate plant growth and development events and have been known to improve the crop tolerance to abiotic stresses. In this study, possible role of exogenously applied brassinolide (BR) in alleviating the detrimental effects of drought in maize was evaluated in a rain‐protected wire‐house. Maize was subjected to drought at the start of tasseling for 6 days by withholding water application followed by foliar spray of BR (0.1 mg l?1) to assess the changes in growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll contents, protein, relative leaf water contents (RLWC), proline, malonialdehyde (MDA) and enzymatic antioxidants. Drought substantially reduced the maize growth in terms of plant height, leaf area and plant biomass. Moreover, substantial decrease in gas exchange attributes (net photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), water use efficiency (WUE), instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) and intercellular CO2 (Ci) was also recorded. However, exogenous application of BR remarkably improved the gas exchange attributes, plant height, leaf area, cobs per plant, seedling dry weight both under drought and well‐watered conditions. BR‐induced promotion in growth and physiological and metabolic activities were mediated through increased protein synthesis enabling maintenance of tissue water potential and activities of antioxidant enzymes lowering the lipid peroxidation under drought.  相似文献   

In drought‐prone environments, sweet sorghum and sorghum‐sudangrass hybrids are considered worthy alternatives to maize for biogas production. The biomass productivity of the three crops was compared by growing them side‐by‐side in a rain‐out shelter under different levels of plant available soil water (PASW) during the growing periods of 2008 to 2010 at Braunschweig, Germany. All crops were established under high levels of soil water. Thereafter, the crops either remained at the wet level (60–80 % PASW) or were subjected to moderate (40–50 % PASW) and severe drought stress (15–25 % PASW). While the above‐ground dry weight (ADW) of sweet sorghum and maize was insignificantly different under well‐watered conditions, sweet sorghum under severe drought stress produced 27 % more ADW than maize. The ADW of sorghum‐sudangrass hybrids significantly lagged behind sweet sorghum at all levels of water supply. The three crops differed markedly in their susceptibility to water shortage. Severe drought stress reduced the ADW of maize by 51 %, but only by 37 % for sweet sorghum and 35 % for sorghum‐sudangrass hybrids. The post‐harvest root dry weight (RDW) in the 0–100 cm soil layer for maize, sweet sorghum and sorghum‐sudangrass hybrids averaged 4.4, 6.1 and 2.9 t ha?1 under wet and 1.9, 5.7 and 2.4 t ha?1 under severe drought stress. Under these most dry conditions, the sorghum crops had relatively higher RDW and root length density (RLD) in the deeper soil layers than maize. The subsoil RDW proportion (20–100 vs. 0–20 cm) for maize, sweet sorghum and sorghum‐sudangrass hybrids amounted to 6 %, 10 % and 20 %. The higher ADM of sweet sorghum compared with maize under dry conditions is most likely attributable to the deep root penetration and high proportion of roots in the subsoil, which confers the sorghum crop a high water uptake capacity.  相似文献   

玉米抗旱机理及抗旱性鉴定指标研究进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
玉米抗旱性是一个复杂的综合特性,研究内容主要是抗旱机理研究和抗旱性鉴定与评价,其中适应干旱的形态结构特征是玉米长期进化的结果,生理代谢调节也是玉米适应抗旱的有效手段之一。通过总结前人有关对玉米抗旱性的大量研究,从形态结构、生理生化及遗传等角度阐述了玉米抗旱机理与抗旱性鉴定的各项指标。指出玉米抗旱性由多基因控制,呈现典型的数量遗传。抗旱性鉴定需要在特定环境和试验条件下运用生理生化指标变化结合遗传分析进行综合评价。同时发现玉米抗旱性研究的方向从一般的生理生化分析转移到分子遗传学的QTLs定位与分析。总结分析玉米抗旱性研究现状与方向,为玉米抗旱性鉴定、玉米抗旱育种和农业生产提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

Recent studies on chilling tolerance mechanisms in maize revealed a significant positive correlation between genotypic chilling tolerance and chilling‐induced accumulation of the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) under controlled growth chamber conditions. Based on this and other results, the hypothesis was developed that chilling tolerance in maize is related to the ability to accumulate large amounts of ABA rapidly, as a protection against chilling injury. The objective of the present study was to test this hypothesis under field conditions during natural cold weather periods in spring, which often cause severe chilling injury in maize fields. In two experiments at two locations in Europe with contrasting climates, eight maize genotypes with different genotypic chilling tolerance were cultivated in spring in the field according to agronomic practice for maize. Before and at the end of cold weather periods, ABA levels and water contents were determined in the third leaves. It was found that chilling‐tolerant genotypes accumulated higher amounts of ABA during the chilling period than chilling‐sensitive genotypes. A significant positive correlation between chilling tolerance and the levels of ABA in the leaves was found. These results support the above‐mentioned hypothesis. In contrast to earlier studies performed under growth chamber conditions, the water content in chilled leaves was mostly higher than in non‐chilled leaves. The increase in ABA is therefore not attributable to chilling‐induced water deficit, but probably to the low temperature itself.  相似文献   

干旱是影响玉米生长发育及产量的主要气象因子之一。为了找到有效的减灾保产途径,提高玉米的抗旱性,本研究介绍了玉米抗旱化学调控技术,总结了干旱胁迫对玉米种子萌发及幼苗生理生化的影响,概述了植物的抗旱机制,并归纳了化学调控技术在玉米抗旱性方面的应用。最后指出化学调控技术应用过程中存在的问题,并提出了应注重混合剂型的研发及应用的建议。  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses, including chilling, impede the plant growth and development mainly by oxidative damage. In this study, seed priming with CaCl2 was employed to reduce the damage caused by chilling stress in hybrid maize. Maize hybrid (Hycorn 8288) seeds were soaked in 50, 100 and 150 mg l−1 (ppm) aerated solution of CaCl2 for 24 h and dried. Treated and untreated seeds were sown at 27 °C (optimal temperature) and 15 °C (chilling stress) under controlled conditions. Seed priming with CaCl2 significantly reduced the chilling damage and improved the germination rate, root and shoot length, and seedling fresh and dry weights. Activities of antioxidants, including catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase, were also improved. Soluble sugars and α-amylase concentrations determined as general metabolic indicators of stress were also increased by seed priming with CaCl2. Priming also improved the performance of maize at optimal temperature. Maintenance of tissue water contents, reduction in membrane leakage and increase in antioxidant activities, and carbohydrate metabolism seemed to induce chilling tolerance by CaCl2. Seed priming with 100 mg l−1 CaCl2 was the optimal concentration in improving the performance of hybrid maize both under optimal and stress conditions.  相似文献   

不同玉米品种对干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽试验,研究不同梯度水分胁迫对不同时期的玉米品种先玉335,陕单902的叶绿素荧光参数、光合性状和渗透调节物质的影响。结果表明,水分胁迫导致玉米叶片光合能力下降,初始荧光Fo,脯氨酸含量上升,反应中心PSⅡ的潜在活性Fv/Fo,PSⅡ原初光能转换效率Fv/Fm,PSⅡ反应中心的激发能捕获效率Fv′/Fm′受到抑制,水分利用效率WUE和可溶性蛋白的含量下降。通过分析得出,新玉米品种先玉335在苗期对水分胁迫有良好抵抗能力。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对夏玉米不同品种茎杆力学特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究干旱胁迫对夏玉米不同品种茎杆力学特性的影响,从茎杆力学特性角度探讨夏玉米品种的抗旱能力,以8个河南省主栽夏玉米品种为材料,比较干旱胁迫对茎杆抗折力、压碎强度、穿刺强度等抗倒力学指标的影响。结果表明,茎杆抗倒力学特性受干旱胁迫影响显著,平均下降15%~30%;受旱胁迫后,各品种茎杆抗折力、压碎强度、穿刺强度平均下降了26.1%、18.9%和16.8%;品种间差异明显,‘洛玉8号’、‘郑单958’降幅较小,而‘蠡玉16’、‘中科4号’降幅较大。研究结果表明‘洛玉8号’和‘郑单958’抗旱能力较强,而‘中科4号’和‘蠡玉16’抗旱能力较弱。  相似文献   

Influence of sudden and gradual drought stress (DS) and foliar‐applied glycinebetaine (GB) on growth, water relations, osmolyte accumulation and antioxidant defence system were investigated in the plants of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars, that is, drought‐tolerant Shaandan 9 (S9) and drought‐sensitive Shaandan 911 (S911). Sudden DS caused less accumulation of GB and free proline, but a more accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA), which resulted in a greater reduction in leaf relative water content (RWC) and dry matter (DM) in both cultivars compared with the gradual DS. Exogenous GB application caused a rise in DM, RWC, contents of GB and free proline as well as the activities of SOD, CAT and POD along with a decline in MDA content to various extent in both cultivars under both types of DS. A more pronounced effectiveness of GB application was observed in S911 than that in S9 under the same type of DS. It seemed that the more serious damage of DS was on maize plants, and the better positive role of GB was observed in terms of mitigating the adverse effects of DS. From this study, it was possible to propose that hardening for drought resistance by gradual DS treatment and GB application are effective to make plants robust to thrive under water‐deficit conditions.  相似文献   

常用玉米自交系抗旱性及抗旱性鉴定指标研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用人工水分胁迫处理,通过植物生理学方法,对10个常用玉米自交系进行了抗旱性研究。结果表明,不同玉米自交系存在明显差异,沈136、齐319、丹598和沈137耐旱性较好,可以作为玉米耐旱育种的基础材料。干旱胁迫下,玉米植株叶片相对含水量、丙二醛含量、电导率和ASI与玉米子粒产量极显著相关,能够比较准确地评价玉米自交系抗旱性的强弱,和抗旱系数、抗旱指数一样可以作为玉米育种耐旱自交系筛选的鉴定指标。  相似文献   

Stress susceptibility indexes (SSI) of eight maize and eight triticale genotypes for their ability to cope with soil compaction (SC) combined with drought (D) or waterlogging (W) were estimated through the determination of changes in dry matter of the shoot (S), root (R) and whole plant (S+R) grown at three levels of soil compaction (1.1, 1.3 and 1.6 g cm?3) and exposed to D or W stress for 7 or 14 days. The SSI values showed variation between and within maize and triticale genotypes, and it was possible to divide genotypes into groups of sensitive and resistant ones. The correlation coefficients (r) between stress susceptibility indexes of soil compaction (SCSI) and drought (DSI) or waterlogging (WSI) and between DSI and WSI were statistically significant. This indicates that genotypes resistant to soil compaction (SC) were resistant to drought (D) or waterlogging (W) stresses and that genotypes resistant to D were also resistant to W. Seedlings grown under the stresses showed changes in S to R ratio (S/R). Sensitive genotypes had higher S/R ratio than resistant ones. Decrease of S/R ratio depends on the duration of stresses, and it may be considered an adaptation mechanism to stress. After 7 days of recovery for D and W treatments, we observed only a partial return of growth traits to the level of control plants.  相似文献   

Water deficit is perhaps the most severe threat to sustainable crop production in the conditions of changing climate. Researchers are striving hard to develop resistance against water deficit in crop plants to ensure food security for the coming generations. This study was conducted to establish the role of fulvic acid (FA) application in improving the performance of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) under drought. Maize plants were grown under normal conditions till tasselling and were then subjected to drought by cessation of water followed by foliar application of FA (1.5 mg l?1). Drought stress disrupted the photosynthetic pigments and reduced the gas exchange leading to reduction in plant growth and productivity. Nonetheless, exogenous FA application substantially ameliorated the adversities of drought by sustaining the chlorophyll contents and gas exchange possibly by enhanced levels of antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT)) activities and proline. These beneficial effects yielded in terms of plant growth and allometry, and grain yield. It is interesting to note that FA application also improved the crop performance under well‐watered conditions. Hence, FA may be applied to improve the crop performance under drought and well‐watered conditions.  相似文献   

为研究同一品种不同发育阶段干旱胁迫对玉米植株高度、果穗性状以及产量的影响程度,设置全生育期供水充足、大田自然干旱、拔节期控水、抽雄期控水、拔节期控水-复水、抽雄期控水-复水6种处理的对比试验,用对比分析的方法比较不同处理下玉米的株高、果穗性状以及产量之间的差异。结果表明:干旱胁迫使玉米植株矮小,果穗长减小7.88%~54.55%,果穗粗减小14.58%~52.08%,秃尖长度增大66.67%~258.33%,百粒重减小0.99%~41.36%,单株产量减少15.03%~94.41%,最终导致减产23.57%~90.03%。不同发育阶段干旱胁迫对产量的影响差异显著,全生育期干旱最为严重,几乎无产量,拔节期次之,抽雄期干旱胁迫影响最小,复水后由于部分补偿了前期干旱胁迫所减少的生物量,果穗性状、百粒重均有好转,减产幅度减轻。  相似文献   

In most maize-growing areas yield reductions due to drought have been observed (Frova et al., 1999; Li et al., 2003; Ribaut et al., 1997; Sari-Gorla et al., 1999). Seed germination and early seedling growth is the primary stage for maize development. The ability of seeds to germinate rapidly and uniformly under water stress is desirable for maize production. In this study, a F9 RIL (recombinant inbred line) population was developed by crossing a drought-tolerant inbred line with a drought-susceptible one (Huangzaosi/Mol7). Using this population, SSR linkage map was constructed with a total of 101 SSR markers covered 1 422.7 cM and average SSR marker density 15.6 cM. The map was in high consistence with published IBM map(www.maizedb.org). QTLs analysis was conducted for germination drought tolerance index (GDTI) measured as germination index (GI) under water stress (WS)/GI under well watered(WW) condition using hydroponics method, and seedling drought tolerance index (SDTI) measured as water content of seedling under WS/water content of seedling under WW(Tuberosa et al.  相似文献   

Drought is a major limitation to crop yields worldwide. Screening for soybean yield under water deficit is often a bottleneck in breeding programmes. We assessed the validity of a standardized drought tolerance screening method to predict water‐limited field performance of soybean in NW Argentina. First, to determine the phenological period when yield of glasshouse‐grown plants was more sensitive to water deficit, we applied treatments during 21 days in V7, R3 or R5 stages, being the period from R5 to R6 the most critical for yield. Afterwards, two glasshouse experiments were carried out to quantify the tolerance of either eight or four genotypes, respectively, by applying a controlled water deficit of constant intensity during the critical period. Finally, yield data obtained in field trials in Argentina across several locations and seasons classified according to rainfall were analysed. Drought Susceptibility Index was calculated for each experiment and for field data, and rankings of tolerance were similar in all cases. This standardized method, which can be automated for high‐throughput phenotyping, could represent a useful tool in breeding programmes for identifying soybean cultivars with improved performance under drought conditions.  相似文献   

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