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Tetsuzo  Fukunari  Simon R.  Wallis 《Island Arc》2007,16(2):243-261
Abstract   The Median Tectonic Line (MTL) is a first-order tectonic boundary that separates the Sanbagawa and Ryoke Metamorphic Belts. Strike-slip movements on the MTL have been well documented by many workers. New field based structural studies in the Sanbagawa Belt close to the MTL reveal a large number of secondary faults and semibrittle shear bands indicating a top-to-the-north normal sense of displacement. The strikes of these shear zones and their spatial distributions suggest that development of these structures is related to movements on the MTL. These results imply that the MTL has a large-scale normal shear component on a regional scale that can help account for the exhumation of the Sanbagawa Belt. Our proposed history of the MTL can also account for changes in the geometry of folds in the Sanbagawa Belt.  相似文献   

Yasu'uchi  Kubota  Toru  Takeshita 《Island Arc》2008,17(1):129-151
Abstract   The Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in southwest Japan, a major east–west-trending arc-parallel fault, has been defined as the boundary fault between the Cretaceous Sambagawa metamorphic rocks and Ryoke granitic and metamorphic rocks, which are unconformably covered by the Upper Cretaceous Izumi Group. The juxtaposition by faulting occurred after the deposition of the Izumi Group. Based on detailed fieldwork and previous studies, the authors reconstruct the kinematic history along the MTL during the Paleogene period, which has not been fully understood before. It is noted that although the strata of the Izumi Group along the MTL dip gently, east–west-trending north-vergent folds with the wavelength of ∼300 m commonly develop up to 2 km north from the MTL. Along the MTL, a disturbed zone of the Izumi Group up to 400 m thick, defined by the development of boudinage structures with the transverse boudin axis dipping nearly parallel to the MTL, occurs. Furthermore, east–west-trending north-vergent folds with the wavelength of 1–5 m develop within the distance up to 60 m from the MTL. The disturbed zone with the map-scale north-vergent folds along the MTL, strongly suggests that they formed due to normal faulting with a top-to-the-north sense along the MTL. Considering that the normal faulting is associated with the final exhumation of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks, and its juxtaposition against the Izumi Group at depth, this perhaps occurred before the denudation of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks indicated by the deposition of the Lower Eocene Hiwada-toge Formation. Dynamic equilibrium between crustal thickening at depth (underplating) and extension at shallow level is a plausible explanation for the normal faulting because the arc-normal extension suggests gravity as the driving force.  相似文献   

Hideo  Takagi 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):92-102
Abstract Mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan commonly contain shear bands comprising S(-C)-Ss fabrics. This paper stresses the lithologic control on the orientation, dimension and development of shear bands by comparing the microstructure of the shear bands in different rock types (P mylonites, F mylonites, micaceous phyllonite and quartzose phyllonite). There is no significant change of the α angles (average 21–24°) between Ss and S toward the centre of the shear zone (viz. increasing the intensity of mylonitization) and it is different from the S-C relationship in a narrow sense.
The generation of the composite planar fabric can be classified into four different strain partitioning models: S only type without any slip surface (model A); S-C type (model B); S-Ss type with Ss-slip precedence (model C), and S-Ss type with S-slip precedence (model D). Model C is proposed in this paper and is similar to the model for the generation of Riedel shears in brittle shear zones. An unstable slip between porphyroclasts and the matrix during ductile flow can easily initiate shear bands. Formation of a composite planar fabric is initiated according to model A, followed by model C in conditions of increasing strain, and then model D when the angle between S and the shear zone boundary becomes small enough (α/2 = 10°) to produce S-slip. Thus the generation of the shear bands probably begins in the early stages of shear deformation and continues until the latest stages.  相似文献   

The relationship between the slip activity and occurrence of historical earthquakes along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), together with that of the fault systems extending eastward has been examined. The MTL is divided into three segments, each containing diagnostic active faults. No historical earthquakes have been recorded along the central segment, although the segment has faster Quaternary slip rates compared with the other segments that have generated historical earthquakes. This discrepancy between earthquake generation and slip rate can be explained by a microplate model of southwest Japan. The microplate model also provides spatial and temporal coupling of slip on adjacent fault systems. In the context of this model, slip on adjacent faults reduces the normal stress on the MTL. Historical data and paleoseismic evidence indicate that slip on this segment occurs without significant strong ground motion. We interpret this as indicating anomalously slow seismic slip or aseismic slip. Slip on the central segment of the MTL creates transpressional regions at the eastern and western segments where historical earthquakes were recorded. Alternatively, the earthquakes at the eastern and western segments were triggered and concentrated shear stress at the edge of the segments resulted in postseismic slip along the central segment. The sequence of historical events suggests that the MTL characteristically does not produce great earthquakes. The microplate model also provides a tectonic framework for coupling of events among the MTL, the adjacent fault systems and the Nankai trough.  相似文献   

The extent to which movement on major faults causes long term shear heating is a contentious issue and an important aspect in the debate about the strength of major faults in the crust. Comparing the results of experimental work on the kinetics of crystallization of carbonaceous material with results of thermal modeling show that the Raman carbonaceous material (CM) geothermometer is well suited to studying shear heating on geological time scales in suitable lithologies exposed around exhumed major fault zones. The Median Tectonic Line (MTL), SW Japan, is the largest on‐land fault in Japan with a length of > 800 km. Application of Raman CM thermometry to pelitic schist adjacent to the fault reveals the presence of a rise in peak temperature of around 60 °C over a distance of around 150 m perpendicular to the MTL fault plane. The spatial association of this thermal anomaly with the fault implies it is due to shear heating. Thermal modeling shows the recorded thermal anomaly and steep temperature gradient is compatible with very high rates of displacement over time scales of a few thousand years. However, the implied displacement rates lie outside those generally observed. An alternative explanation is that an originally broader thermal anomaly that developed during strike slip faulting was shortened due to the effects of normal faulting. Constraints on displacement rate, width of the original anomaly, duration of heating and peak temperature imply a coefficient of friction, μ, greater than 0.4.  相似文献   

We describe an orthopyroxene–cordierite mafic gneiss from the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks in the Noma Peninsula, southern Kyushu, Japan. The mineral assemblage of the gneiss is orthopyroxene, cordierite, biotite, plagioclase, and ilmenite. Thermometry based on the Fe–Mg exchange reaction between orthopyroxene and biotite yields a peak metamorphic temperature of 680°C. The stability of cordierite relative to garnet, quartz, and sillimanite defines the upper limit of the peak metamorphic pressure as 4.4 kbar. These features indicate that the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks underwent low‐pressure high‐temperature type metamorphism. Although a chronological problem still remains, the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks can be regarded as a western continuation of the Higo Belt. The Usuki–Yatsushiro Tectonic Line, which delineates the southern border of the Higo Belt, is therefore located on the east of the Nomamisaki metamorphic rocks in southern Kyushu.  相似文献   

Hideki  Mukoyoshi  Tetsuro  Hirono  Hidetoshi  Hara  Kotaro  Sekine  Noriyoshi  Tsuchiya  Arito  Sakaguchi  Wonn  Soh 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):333-351
To understand the characteristics of deformation of an out-of-sequence thrust (OST) and the style of fluid flow along it, we investigated the Nobeoka Tectonic Line, which has been interpreted as a deep OST (7–9 km), in the Shimanto accretionary complex, Southwest Japan. The shear zone in the footwall differs significantly in the along-strike direction not only in thickness, which varied from 100 to 300 m, but also in lithology and mineral vein development. These variations might reflect primarily differences in lithology; that is, the sandstone-dominant shear zone with a large amount of mineral veins precipitated in microcracks is relatively thick, whereas the shale-dominant shear zone with a small amount of veins and with textures indicating highly pressurized pore fluid, is thinner. By comparison with characteristics of a shallow OST (3–5 km), we conclude that the shallow OST has experienced repeated brittle failure with rapid slip and focused fluid flow whereas the deep OST has experienced both brittle and ductile deformation, followed by fluid flow of various styles, depending on the lithology.  相似文献   

Phenocrystic chrome spinel crystallized in normal MORB‐type greenstones in the East Takayama area. Associated phenocryst minerals show a crystallization sequence that was olivine first, followed by plagioclase, and finally clinopyroxene. Chrome spinel ranges from 0.54 to 0.77 in Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) and 0.21 to 0.53 in Cr/(Cr+Al); the Fe3+ content varies from 0.07 to 0.22 p.f.u. (O = 4). Significant compositional differences of spinel were observed among the phenocryst mineral assemblages. Chrome spinel in the olivine–spinel assemblage shows a wide range in Cr/(Cr+Al), and is depleted in Fe2+ and Fe3+. Chrome spinel in the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene–spinel assemblage is Fe2+‐ and Fe3+‐rich at relatively high Cr/(Cr+Al) ratios. Basalt with the olivine–plagioclase–spinel assemblage contains both aluminous spinel and Fe2+‐ and Fe3+‐rich spinel. The assumed olivine–spinel equilibrium suggests that chrome spinel in the olivine–spinel assemblage changed in composition from Cr‐ and Fe2+‐rich to Al‐ and Mg‐rich with the progress of fractional crystallization. Chrome spinel in the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene–spinel assemblage, on the other hand, exhibits the reversed variations in Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) and in Cr/(Cr+Al) ratios that decrease and increase with the fractional crystallization, respectively. The entire crystallization course of chrome spinel, projected onto the Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)–Cr/(Cr+Al) diagram, exhibits a U‐turn, and appears to be set on a double‐lane route. The U‐turn point lies in the compositional field of chrome spinel in the olivine–plagioclase–spinel assemblage, and may be explained by plagioclase fractionation that began during the formation of the olivine–plagioclase–spinel assemblage.  相似文献   

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