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Different estimates were used to assess the diversity of the total macrofauna and its major taxonomic groups separately from a broad bathymetric range at a site in the NE Atlantic. In the Goban Spur region, a transect was sampled from the shelf to the abyssal plain over a depth range from 200 to 4500 m and in the Porcupine Sea Bight two stations were sampled (at 3670 m and 4115 m). Species diversity (the number of species per number of individuals) increased with increasing water depth, both when expressed as Hurlbert's E(Sn) and as Shannon's H′log e. The expected number of species in a 100-individual sample E(S100) of total macrofauna increased from 30 on the shelf to 68 on the abyssal plain. Evenness (the proportional abundance of species), estimated with Shannon's J′, also increased with water depth from 0.66 to 0.91, whereas dominance (Simpson's D) decreased from 0.09 to 0.01. Species richness (the number of species per unit of area), however, showed a parabolic pattern with a peak at the upper slope. The largest number of species was found at the slope station at 1425 m (232 species within 0.66 m2). It is argued that species richness is not a synonym of species diversity, but that species richness depends both on species density (which decreases with increasing water depth) and on species diversity. Across the whole bathymetric range (200 to 4500 m) a total of 696 species within 8327 specimens in a total sampled area of 4.12 m2 were counted, yielding mean values of 12 individuals per species and 169 species per m2. Different communities were found to exist on the shelf, slope and abyss. It is suggested that this could have been caused by different selection processes. Differences in life-history strategies and organic-matter supply could (at least partly) explain the different community structures and diversity patterns found along the depth gradient.  相似文献   

The Faroe-Shetland Channel, situated in the NE Atlantic, encompasses a number of different sediment types (habitats) as well as being subject to an unusual thermal regime. Our main objective was to assess variations in macrofaunal generic diversity and composition along two transects to gauge the relative influence of regional hydrography and local habitat heterogeneity. We found that generic richness and diversity on a West of Shetland (WoS) transect correlated most strongly with temperature range, whilst along a North of Shetland (NoS) transect, richness and diversity correlated negatively with sedimentary variables, notably total organic carbon. Macrofaunal composition at WoS is also strongly influenced by water temperature with specific genera ( e.g. Galathowenia positively associated with the temperature eigenvectors), whereas at NoS it is a combination of temperature, silt + clay fraction and total organic carbon that has an impact on composition ( e.g. Proclea and Pseudosphyrapus , showing a negative relationship with the temperature eigenvectors). Although the temperature regime exerts a strong control on regional ecology, local habitat heterogeneity remains a significant factor.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of zooplankton biomass in relation to local and large‐scale hydrographical and biological driving forces were studied at Ampère and Senghor, two shallow seamounts in the subtropical and tropical NE Atlantic, respectively. The study includes a first assessment of the taxonomic composition and an estimation of the respiratory carbon demand of the zooplankton community. Zooplankton was sampled during three cruises at the seamount and open ocean reference sites in May and October 2009 and in December 2010. Zooplankton standing stocks and the corresponding respiratory carbon demand were about six times higher at Senghor than at Ampère, with mean stocks of 24.7 and 4.6 g·m?2, respectively, in the upper 1000 m. Mean respiratory carbon demand in the epipelagic zone was calculated as 61.4 mg·C·m?2·day?1 for Senghor and 9.6 mg·C·m?2·day?1 for Ampère. At neither site were differences between seamount and open ocean sites significant. However, horizontal surveys across Ampère Seamount show clear differences between day and night distributions and a reduced biomass above the summit. Across Senghor, zooplankton biomass increased from the SW to the NE flank, with the highest concentrations in the subsurface layer of the chlorophyll maximum and just above a strong oxycline. The zooplankton community at Ampère Seamount reflects the oligotrophic character of the NE Atlantic subtropical gyre, whereas the nutrient‐rich waters of the cyclonic tropical gyre at Senghor support a higher biomass. This difference in the zooplankton biomass between the two seamounts can be attributed to the large‐scale hydrographical features governing the productivity regimes rather than to regional seamount effects.  相似文献   

南沙群岛西南大陆斜坡海域浮游动物的垂直分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
浮游动物是海洋生态系统物质和能量转移的关键环节,也是渔业资源的重要饵料,其种类组成和数量分布均有明显的垂直分层现象。利用2011年4月在南沙群岛西南大陆斜坡海域开展的18个站点90份样品的调查数据,对该海域浮游动物的垂直分布进行了研究,表明:(1)该海域浮游动物种类组成丰富,共出现18个类群580种(类);(2)浮游动物种类组成垂直变化明显,特定水层出现的种类数占总种数的43.6%,各水层均出现的种类仅占总种数的15.8%;(3)优势种组成复杂,垂直变化明显,单一种类的优势度不高;(4)浮游动物平均密度和湿重生物量分别为206.27ind/m3、94.03mg/m3,密度和生物量均以0~2m层和30~75m层较高,沿水深梯度的变化呈明显的双峰型;(5)浮游动物数量的垂直变化主要受温跃层影响,温跃层内浮游动物数量最高,温跃层上方和下方的水层内数量较低;(6)南沙西南大陆斜坡区浮游动物生产力水平较高,表明该海域渔业资源有一定的开发潜力。  相似文献   

Deposit-feeding holothurians often dominate the megafauna in bathyal deep-sea settings, in terms of both abundance and biomass. Molpadia musculus is particularly abundant at about 3400 m depth in the Nazaré Canyon on the NE Atlantic Continental Margin. However, these high abundances are unusual for burrowing species at this depth. The objective of this research was to understand the reasons of the massive occurrence of these molpadiid holothurians in the Nazaré Canyon. To address this question we investigated possible trophic interactions with bacteria at sites where the organic content of the sediment was different (Setúbal and Cascais Canyons, NE Atlantic Continental Margin). The molecular fingerprinting technique of Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) with band sequencing, combined with non-metric multi-dimensional scaling and statistical analyses, was used to compare the bacterial community diversity in canyon sediments and holothurian gut contents. Our results suggest that M. musculus does not need to develop a specialised gut bacterial community to aid digestion where the sediment is rich in organic matter (Nazaré Canyon); in contrast, such a community may be developed where the sediment is poorer in organic matter (Cascais Canyon).  相似文献   

南海中北部中新世陆坡凹陷沉积充填与古陆坡形态演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中德合作“南海地球科学联合研究”和“中国边缘海的形成演化及重大资源的关键问题”的有关航次获得的地震资料进行层序地层和沉积相解释,并结合前人的研究成果,对南海中北部陆坡凹陷的构造和沉积特征进行了研究.研究结果表明,南海中北部陆坡区凹陷的构造演化经历了裂陷期、裂陷-坳陷过渡期和坳陷期三个阶段,沉积环境经历了河流-湖泊、浅海和深海的演化过程,不同演化阶段形成不同的地形形态.南海中北部地形演变可分为三个阶段,即早第三纪、早中新世-中中新世中期和中中新世中期-现在,其中早中新世中期-中中新世中期的沉积充填使陆坡形态发生了重要的转变,这次转变基本上奠定了现代意义上的陆架-陆坡-海盆的格局.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model is used to simulate sea level and velocity variations in the South China Sea for 1992–1995. The model is driven by daily wind and daily sea surface temperature fields derived from the NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project. The four-year model outputs are analyzed using time-domain Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF). Spatial and temporal variations of the first two modes from the simulation compare favorably with those derived from satellite altimetry. Mode 1, which is associated with a southern gyre, shows symmetric seasonal reversal. Mode 2, which contributes to a northern gyre, is responsible for the asymmetric seasonal and interannual variations. In winter, the southern and northern cyclonic gyres combine into a strong basin-wide cyclonic gyre. In summer, a cyclonic northern gyre and an anticyclonic southern gyre form a dipole with a jet leaving the coast of Vietnam. Interannual variations are particularly noticeable during El Niño. The winter gyre is generally weakened and confined to the southern basin, and the summer dipole structure does not form. Vertical motions weaken accordingly with the basin-wide circulation. Variations of the wind stress curl in the first two EOF modes coincide with those of the model-derived sea level and horizontal velocities. The mode 1 wind stress curl, significant in the southern basin, coincides with the reversal of the southern gyre. The mode 2 curl, large in the central basin, is responsible for the asymmetry in the winter and summer gyres. Lack of the mode 2 contribution during El Niño events weakens the circulation. The agreement indicates that changes in the wind stress curl contribute to the seasonal and interannual variations in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The small frenulate pogonophores (Annelida: Pogonophora a.k.a. Siboglinidae) typically inhabit muddy sediments on the continental slope, although a few species occur near hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. We present data on the distribution and habitat characteristics of several species on the European continental shelf and slope from 48°N to 75°N and show how the animals interact with the chemistry of the sediments. The environments inhabited include: shallow (30 m), organic-rich, fjord sediments; slope sediments (1000–2200 m) and methane seeps at 330 m depth. All the species studied obtain nutrition from endosymbiotic bacteria. They take up reduced sulphur species, or in one case, methane, through the posterior parts of their tubes buried in the anoxic sediment. We conclude that most species undertake sulphide ‘mining’, a mechanism previously demonstrated in the bivalves Lucinoma borealis and Thyasira sarsi. These pogonophores participate in the sulphur cycle and effectively lower the sulphide content of the sediments. Our results show that the abundance of frenulate pogonophores increases with increasing sedimentation and with decreasing abundance of other benthos, particularly bioturbating organisms. The maximum sustainable carrying capacity of non-seep sediments for frenulate pogonophores is limited by the rate of sulphate reduction.  相似文献   

As part of the Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) project, the production and fate of organic carbon and nitrogen from the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea shelves were investigated during spring (5 May–15 June) and summer (15 July–25 August) cruises in 2002. Seasonal observations of suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) and large-particle (>53 μm) size class suggest that there was a large accumulation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) between spring and summer in the surface mixed layer due to high phytoplankton productivity. Considerable organic matter appeared to be transported from the shelf into the Arctic Ocean basin in an elevated POC and PON layer at the top of the upper halocline. Seasonal changes in the molar carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the suspended particulate organic matter (POM) pool reflect a change in the quality of the organic material that was present and presumably being exported to the sediment and to Arctic Ocean waters adjacent to the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea shelves. In spring, low particulate C:N ratios (<6; i.e., N rich) were observed in nitrate-replete surface waters. By the summer, localized high particulate C:N ratios (>9; i.e., N-poor) were observed in nitrate-depleted surface waters. Low POC and inorganic nutrient concentrations observed in the surface layer suggest that rates of primary, new and export production are low in the Canada Basin region of the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

根据2016年3月和9月南海东北部陆坡区浮游动物垂直分层采样, 比较浮游动物种类组成、丰度和生物量的垂直分布和季节变化, 探讨影响其差异的原因。文中共鉴定浮游动物225种, 其中3月和9月分别出现150种和169种; 桡足类种数达132种, 其次是毛颚类和管水母类, 各18种; 浮游动物种数在50~100m水层最高, 一般随水深增加而减少。浮游动物丰度和生物量主要集中在0~100m, 二者在100m以深水层随深度增加而降低, 而水柱生物量在100~1000m占总水柱生物量的60%以上。浮游动物优势种季节和垂直变化明显, 3月近海种如普通波水蚤(Undinula vulgaris)和微刺哲水蚤(Canthocalanus pauper)等在100m以上水层丰度较高; 9月外海种如达氏筛哲水蚤(Cosmocalanus darwinii)和黄角光水蚤(Lucicutia flavicornis)等在100m以浅水层相对于3月丰度增加; 隆线似哲水蚤(Calanoides carinatus)在3月丰度和平均体长高于9月, 并且体长较大者主要分布在深层。浮游动物可分0~100m、100~400m和400~1000m三个群落, 因不同水层种类组成和丰度差异引起。浮游动物丰度和生物量的垂直变化与温度、叶绿素a质量浓度等因子呈显著正相关。南海东北部陆坡浮游动物季节和垂直变化受季风、沿岸流和中尺度涡的影响。  相似文献   

Marine benthic trophic relationships and food web structures may be influenced by benthic–pelagic coupling processes, which could also be intensified by the physical dynamics of marine fronts. In this work, we employed stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analysis to investigate the influence of the Southwest (SW) Atlantic shelf-break front (SBF; 38–39°S, 55–56°W; Argentina) on an epibenthic trophic web. Epibenthic organisms were sampled, at depths of ~ 100 m, with a non-selective dredge from a sandy bottom community located in frontal (F) and marginal (M) areas. The SBF position and the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations were inferred using satellite data of the sea surface temperature (SST) and satellite chl-a concentration, respectively. The most noticeable shifts in stable isotopes between the sampled areas were those of the Patagonian scallop, Zygochlamys patagonica13C), and those of the sea urchin, Sterechinus agassizi15N). Diet analyses inferred from stable isotopes and mixing models demonstrated that the dominant component of this community, Z. patagonica, had variable contributions to higher trophic levels between areas. More importantly, the epibenthic assemblage in F areas showed δ13C-enriched and δ15N-depleted isotopic signatures with respect to the M areas. Collectively, this evidence suggests that frontal dynamics promotes the accumulation of δ13C-enriched phytoplankton in the seabed in F areas, while in M areas the more degraded organic matter becomes more important in the trophic web, decreasing the δ15N isotopic signature of the assemblage. Therefore, the trophic web was sustained by fresher food in F areas than in M areas, demonstrating the role of frontal dynamics in the shaping of these communities.  相似文献   

The black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) is a benthopelagic species widely distributed across the NE Atlantic, where it is admitted to perform a clockwise migration throughout its life cycle stimulated by feeding and reproduction. To overcome the limitations of direct observation of this species, fatty acids profile (FA) and δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes (SI) were analyzed in the muscle tissue of the black scabbardfish and related with diet and maturity. Specimens were collected in four geographic areas in the NE Atlantic: Iceland, the west of the British Isles, mainland Portugal, and Madeira. For all areas, the FA profile was related with the different phases of the reproductive cycle and with diet, whereas the SI were related with diet, environmental characteristics, such as latitude and depth, and particulate organic matter (POM). Stomach content of black scabbardfish caught off mainland Portugal was analyzed and the most frequent prey item identified was the lophogastrid crustacean Gnathophausia zoea, followed by the cephalopod Mastigotheutis spp. and the teleost Rouleina maderensis. For specimens from Iceland and the west of the British Isles, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were the most important FA, followed by polyunsaturated (PUFA) and saturated FA (SFA), whereas for specimens from mainland Portugal and from Madeira the sequences were PUFA>MUFA>SFA and PUFA>SFA>MUFA, respectively. Immature specimens from the first three areas were found to be accumulating oleic acid which is an intermediate product of the metabolic pathway that transforms SFA to MUFA and these into PUFA. Specimens caught off Madeira were mature and showed a significant prevalence of ARA and DHA which are PUFA with an important role in reproduction. δ15N was significantly higher in the muscle of black scabbardfish from Madeira, whereas δ13C was significantly lower in specimens from Iceland. The low isotopic ratios as well as the prevalence of certain fatty acid trophic markers (FATM) connected specimens from Iceland with small prey. Results indicated that the spatial differences in physiological aspects of this species are related with diet and prey availability in Madeira, mainland Portugal, and the west of the British Isles, as well as variations in the baseline values of the primary production that are related with latitude and depth, mainly in Iceland. The allometric effect of each area׳s size ranges over δ15N supports the existence of ontogenic differences in the black scabbardfish׳s diet. This diet is typical of mobile benthopelagic predators that are opportunistic feeders.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the evolution of the Atlantic NW Moroccan Rharb continental shelf during the Neogene and Quaternary. This region is part of a foreland basin bounded by the Rif mountain belt and thus provides an interesting geological setting to study the interactions between eustasy and tectonics and the driving mechanisms controlling stratigraphic patterns. The results are supported by an interpretation of new data including high-resolution seismic lines coupled with an interpretation of industrial seismic lines and detailed logs of industrial wells completed by micropaleontologic analysis of cuttings. The stratigraphy reveals a succession of three mega sequences related to the transition from an underfilled to an overfilled stage reflecting the long-term evolution of the foreland system. Moreover, evidence of cyclical sea-level changes are visible in the upper megasequence composed of three depositional sequences assumed to be fourth-order sequences generated in response to the most recent 100-ka glacio–eustatic cycles. This study also shows the peripheral deformation of the Rharb shelf responsible for changes in the geometry of the deposits and thicknesses of the sedimentary fill during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The most important change was triggered by the uplift of the Lallah Zahra Ridge corresponding to a major Quaternary kinematic boundary and the broad uplift of the southern shelf interpreted as a flexural uplift of the forebulge domain. The deformation-controlled sediment dispersal pattern consists of a progressive growth of the shelf accompanied with a progressive shift of depocenters from the North East to the South West and a general progradation to the North West along the southern border. This progressive filling has led to the confinement of the Rharb paleo-valley across the continental shelf. The complete filling of the palaeo-valley was followed by the development of a more than 70-m thick prodeltaic lobe at the front of the Oued Sebou river mouth during the Holocene.  相似文献   

Meiofauna and macrofauna communities and several sediment characteristics were compared between a slope situated far from the coast (Goban Spur) and two transects across the Iberian Margin with steep slopes and close to the shore. The northern Galician transect (off La Coruña) was situated in an area subjected to wind-induced upwelling events. The western Galician transect was also subjected to upwelling, was additionally influenced by outflows of water rich in organic matter from the Rías Bajas. This transect also included the Galicia Bank. Macrofauna density decreased exponentially from the shelf edge (154 m) to the abyssal plain (4951 m) and different communities occurred on the shelf, the upper- and lower slope and on the abyssal plain. Apart from two extremely low-density stations on the Iberian Margin, there were no significant differences in the meiofauna between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Along the La Coruña-transect a station where meiofaunal densities were low occurred at a depth of 1522 m, where the sediment was characterised by having a high median-grain size, ripple structures, a low Corg and total N content. There were relatively high numbers of macrofaunal filter-feeders but low numbers of crustaceans, indicating a high current velocity regime. On top of the Galicia Bank (˜770 m) the sediment consisted mainly of shells of pelagic foraminifers, and had low contents of Corg and N. The macrofauna was dominated by filter-feeding and carnivorous taxa. At both these stations meiofauna densities were low. Meiofauna densities and community structure differed between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Meiofauna densities on the Galician shelf were more than double those on the Goban Spur shelf. The two deep stations on the La Coruña transect and the deepest station on the Galicia Bank transect all contained meiofaunal densities that were higher than found at similar depths off the Goban Spur. The meiofaunal densities were inversely correlated with %CaCO3 content and, excluding the shelf stations, were positively correlated with both %Corg and total N at the Iberian Margin. Neither upwelling nor the enriched outflows from the rias affected the macrofauna, but meiofaunal densities were greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

Warming of the northeast Atlantic is expected to affect the location and productivity of fish stocks. It is examined whether variations in catches of cod, herring, mackerel, anchovy and sardines in the ICES statistical areas are related to variations in ocean temperature. Temperatures at certain locations along the Norwegian coast are taken as proxies for temperatures in the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. It is found that the catches of cod in the North Sea are inversely correlated with temperature and that recruitment and catches of cod in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are positively related to temperature. There is also some indication of a positive correlation between temperature and the catches of mackerel in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, and between temperature and the catches of sardines in the North Sea.  相似文献   

A high-resolution (4–5cm/kyr) giant piston core record (MD962085) retrieved during an IMAGES II-NAUSICAA cruise from the continental slope of the southeast Atlantic Ocean reveals striking variations in planktonic foraminifer faunal abundances and sea-surface temperatures (SST) during the past 600 000 yr. The location and high-quality sedimentary record of the core provide a good opportunity to assess the variability of the Benguela Current system and associated important features of the ocean-climate system in the southeast Atlantic. The planktonic foraminifer faunal abundances of the core are dominated by three assemblages: (1) Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (right coiling)+Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, (2) Globigerina bulloides, and (3) Globorotalia inflata. The assemblage of N. pachyderma (right coiling)+N. dutertrei shows distinctive abundance changes which are nearly in-phase with glacial–interglacial variations. The high abundances of this assemblage are associated with major glacial conditions, possibly representing low SST/high nutrient level conditions in the southwestern Africa margin. In contrast, the G. bulloides and G. inflata assemblages show greater high-frequency abundance change patterns, which are not parallel to the glacial–interglacial changes. These patterns may indicate rapid oceanic frontal movements from the south, and a rapid change in the intensity of the Benguela upwelling system from the east. A single episode of maximum abundances of a polar water species N. pachyderma (left coiling) occurred in the beginning of stage 9 (340–330 kyr). The event of the maximum occurrence of this species shown in this record may indicate instability in the Benguela coastal upwelling, or the Antarctic polar front zone position. A winter season SST estimate using transfer function techniques for this record shows primarily glacial–interglacial variations. The SST is maximal during the transitions from the major glacial to interglacial stages (Terminations I, II, IV, V), and is associated with the abundance maxima of a warm water species indicator Globigerinoides ruber. Cross-spectral analyses of the SST record and the SPECMAP stack reveal statistically significant concentrations of variance and coherencies in three major orbital frequency bands. The SST precedes changes in the global ice volume in all orbital frequency bands, indicating a dominant southern Hemispheric climate effect over the Benguela Current region in the southeast Atlantic.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary surveys were conducted to investigate gas seepage and gas hydrate accumulation on the northeastern Sakhalin continental slope (NESS), Sea of Okhotsk, during joint Korean–Russian–Japanese expeditions conducted from 2003 to 2007 (CHAOS and SSGH projects). One hundred sixty-one gas seeps were detected in a 2000 km2 area of the NESS (between 53°45′N and 54°45′N). Active gas seeps in a gas hydrate province on the NESS were evident from features in the water column, on the seafloor, and in the subsurface: well-defined hydroacoustic anomalies (gas flares), side-scan sonar structures with high backscatter intensity (seepage structures), bathymetric structures (pockmarks and mounds), gas- and gas-hydrate-related seismic features (bottom-simulating reflectors, gas chimneys, high-amplitude reflectors, and acoustic blanking), high methane concentrations in seawater, and gas hydrates in sediment near the seafloor. These expressions were generally spatially related; a gas flare would be associated with a seepage structure (mound), below which a gas chimney was present. The spatial distribution of gas seeps on the NESS is controlled by four types of geological structures: faults, the shelf break, seafloor canyons, and submarine slides. Gas chimneys that produced enhanced reflection on high-resolution seismic profiles are interpreted as active pathways for upward gas migration to the seafloor. The chimneys and gas flares are good indicators of active seepage.  相似文献   

Seasonal deposition fluxes of sinking phytoplankton, zooplankton and major mass compounds (i.e. calcium carbonate, biogenic opal and organic matter), intercepted by deep-moored sediment traps, are contrasted with their sediment accumulation rates over the 2700 m deep central Walvis Ridge in the oligotrophic SE Atlantic. These data provide the first seasonally resolved record of biogenic particle fluxes in the South Atlantic Central Gyre and serve as the oligotrophic end member of a gradient across the Benguela system to the highly productive coastal upwelling off Namibia. Maximum fluxes at the central Walvis Ridge were deposited in early austral spring, following winter deepening of the surface mixed layer and associated nutrient entrainment. Nearly 25% of the annual mass flux arrived in October, when sea surface temperature rose, deep vertical mixing halted and surface production collapsed. The annual flux of diatoms was dominated by small specimens of Nitzschia bicapitata (60%) whereas Globorotalia inflata dominated the foraminiferal fluxes (25%). Diatom diversity dropped significantly during the bloom periods, when up to 80% was composed of small N. bicapitata, but foraminiferal diversity remained about constant. The diatom flux maximum, together with those of biogenic silica and organic matter, preceded those of the foraminifera, pteropods, carbonate and total mass by 1 week. Fluxes of the left- and right-coiled shells of the deep-dwelling foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides peaked in different seasons, a distinctive ecological behaviour which merits their taxonomic recognition as separate species. These findings testify to recent evidence for the existence of several genetic species within G. truncatulinoides and now suggest that such species may also have different seasonal responses.The Benguela trophic gradient showed a shoreward increase in particle fluxes, but differences were surprisingly small, testifying to only moderately enhanced export productivity and deposition at the Namibian margin relative to the oligotrophic central gyre. From the open ocean toward coastal upwelling, small and weakly silicified diatoms were substituted by other, larger and more heavily silicified species, possibly in response to decreased silica limitation. Foraminiferal deposition fluxes were increasingly dominated by G. inflata, accompanied by a change-over from many warm- to few cold-water minor species. The late winter maximum at the Namibian margin and the early spring maximum at the central Walvis Ridge were generated by the same process of collapsing surface productivity in response to the shut down of nutrient entrainment at the winter to summer transition, although delayed by up to 2 months in the Central Gyre. At the sediment-water interface, intense degradation of organic matter and biogenic silica resulted in poor preservation accompanied by pronounced changes in the species composition of siliceous phytoplankton. Of all particle groups at the central Walvis Ridge, only the export of foraminiferal shells appeared to be fully transferred into the sediment, and through their species assemblage to provide a sedimentary record of past seasonal productivity conditions of the upper ocean.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial distributions of dissolved and particulate dimethylsulfoxide(DMSOd,DMSOp)were measured in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea during March–April 2011 and October–November 2011.The concentrations of DMSOd and DMSOp in the surface water were 20.6(5.13–73.8)and 8.90(3.75–29.6)nmol/L in spring,and 13.4(4.17–42.7)and 8.18(3.44–22.6)nmol/L in autumn,respectively.Both DMSOd and DMSOp concentrations revealed similar seasonal changes with higher values occurring in spring,mainly because of the higher phytoplankton biomass observed in spring.Moreover,the ratios of DMSOp/chlorophyll a also exhibited an apparent seasonal change with higher values in autumn(35.7 mmol/g)and lower values in spring(23.4 mmol/g),thereby corresponding with the seasonal variation in the proportion of DMSO producers in the phytoplankton community between spring and autumn.In addition,DMSOd and DMSOp concentrations in the surface seawater revealed obvious diurnal variations with the maxima appearing in the afternoon.  相似文献   

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