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以土的临界状态和边界面塑性理论为基础,引入状态参数,考虑砂土的剪胀特性,提出一个新型三维多重机构边界面模型。模型将复杂的宏观变形行为分解为一个宏观体应变机构和一系列空间分布的虚拟一维微观剪切机构。每个微观剪切机构包含一个微观剪应力–应变关系和一个微观应力–剪胀关系。利用三轴压缩试验中的应力条件,建立典型宏微观参数之间的关系。模型包含13个参数,多数可通过具有明确物理意义的土性参数来确定。通过对砂土三轴压缩试验和空心圆柱扭剪试验结果的数值模拟,表明模型不但能够合理反映在排水或不排水条件下砂土的硬化及软化特性,而且能在不增加任何参数条件下预测应力主轴旋转产生的变形累积特性和应变增量主轴与应力主轴之间的非共轴特性。  相似文献   

双剪统一边界面塑性本构模型(BUST模型)能反映低偏应力水平下岩土材料的塑性应变累积行为,这不同于经典双剪统一弹塑性本构模型。为了将BUST模型应用于滑坡或边坡的静、动力响应分析,构建并编译了BUST模型的有限差分算法,且通过数值模拟分析验证了该算法的可靠性。首先,推导BUST模型在一般应力空间和主应力空间的有限差分计算格式,给出了边界面、加载面、映射变量、塑性乘子、塑性修正、角点奇异性处理等的具体数学形式;其次,编写BUST模型的C++程序,并在FLAC3D软件平台开展一系列数值计算,比较BUST模型与双剪统一弹塑性本构模型结果差异性,预测软岩三轴剪切应力–应变关系,模拟黄土–泥岩边坡坡体内部加速度响应。结果表明所构建的双剪统一边界面塑性本构模型有限差分算法计算结果可靠,可用于分析边坡或滑坡的静、动力响应。  相似文献   

本文通过两个状态边界面的概念,并利用正常压密粘土典型的规格化性状,建立了描述土的应力应变关系的一个非线性模型。该模型既能反映土的应力应变非线性,又能反映球应力和偏应力对应变的交叉影响。并引出了描述土的变形特性的四个模量的概念,认为用四个模量描述土的应力应变关系是合理的。  相似文献   

循环荷载下非饱和结构性黄土的损伤模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在边界面弹塑性模型基础上,借助胶结体损伤理论与非饱和土力学,提出一个可以描述循环荷载作用下非饱和黄土力学特性的弹塑性本构模型.在损伤模型中,定义胶结体弹性衰减规律,将结构损伤与应变增量的绝对累计值联系起来;并利用土的持水曲线建立常含水量下吸力与土体应力之间的耦合作用关系.通过与循环三轴试验结果的比较,表明该模型能够较好地模拟非饱和黄土在循环荷载作用下的力学特性.  相似文献   

循环荷载作用下饱和软黏土应变累积模型研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对杭州饱和软黏土进行应力控制的循环三轴试验,研究循环应力比、振动频率、超固结比及固结比对累积塑性应变对饱和软黏土循环软化特性的影响.试验结果表明,随着累积塑性应变的增加,软化指数减小;在循环初期,软化指数衰减缓慢;随着累积塑性应变的逐渐增加,软化指数衰减显著,但当累积塑性应变达到一定时,软化指数未见明显衰减.随着循环应力比的增加,累积塑性应变增长加快,软化指数与累积塑性应变关系曲线显著右移;当振动频率较低时,随着振动频率增加,软化指数与累积塑性应变关系曲线逐渐左移;但当振动频率较高时,不同振动频率下软化指数与累积塑性应变关系曲线近似重合.随着超固结比的增加,曲线左移,软化指数与累积塑性应变关系曲线逐渐向右、向上移动.在试验的基础上通过引入综合影响参数对试验数据进行归一化,建立饱和软黏土累积塑性应变模型.通过将该模型引入到修正的Iwan模型,并对饱和软黏土的应力-应变关系进行描述,并得到了与实测值较吻合的结果,从而也证明所提出累积塑性应变模型的合理性.  相似文献   

基于复刚度传递多圈层平面应变模型的桩动力响应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在考虑土体非线性情况下,对桩动力特性进行研究.首先,假设土体为黏弹性体,把土体沿径向分为多个圈层考虑土体的非线性,利用平面应变土体模型,结合边界条件对各圈层土体从外至内通过复刚度传递,求得土体与桩接触面上的复刚度,进而推导得到单桩桩顶受纵向激振力作用下的桩振动方程的频域表达式,随后求解得到桩顶的阻抗函数和频率响应函数;然后,利用卷积定理和Fourier逆变换得到桩顶的时域响应;最后,分别对多工况条件下桩顶动力响应进行比较分析,得到由于施工效应影响所导致的桩周土参数变化对桩顶频域和时域响应的影响情况,为采用桩基础的各类工程的抗震设计和桩的完整性检测工作提供新的理论依据.  相似文献   

为研究木质素固化粉土的应力–应变特性,通过无侧限抗压强度试验和微观结构分析,探讨木质素固化土的胶结特性。基于边界面塑性理论,引入硬化参数、应力剪胀参数和胶结破坏速率等参数,提出考虑胶结作用的木质素固化土边界面塑性模型,采用非相关联流动法则和改进映射法则描述土体的不同破坏模式,并阐述模型中各参数的意义及计算方法。根据室内固结试验和三轴压缩试验,对木质素固化粉土的应力–应变、应力剪胀和超孔隙水压力变化特征进行分析,并验证了本文所提模型的有效性。研究表明:木质素产生的胶结作用是土体工程性质改善的主要原因之一;12%掺量木质素固化土屈服应力和不排水抗剪强度较素土分别提高约90%和40%,高、低围压下土体应力剪胀特性不同,围压对超孔隙水压力的变化影响较大;通过试验验证了模型计算的准确性,该模型可描述土体在不同受力状态下的应变特征,具有原理简单,参数明确的特点,可为固化土应力–应变的数值计算提供相应的理论基础。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(6):1188-1201
A bounding surface plasticity model is presented for crushable rockfills in the framework of the critical state soil mechanics which includes translation of the critical state line due to particle crushing. A translating limiting isotropic compression line is also introduced and incorporated in the model to describe the position and evolution of the bounding surface. A particle breakage index is introduced as a function of stress invariants which controls the translation of the critical state and limiting isotropic compression lines. The performance of the model is demonstrated using the results of experimental tests on different types of rockfill materials conducted under both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions. The study shows the capability of the model in capturing the characteristic features of the behavior of rockfill and other crushable materials such as ballast and coarse gravel under both conventional and complex loading paths.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(3):101149
Due to its simplicity, the Sanisand bounding surface model was developed for constitutive modelling of sand, which has been widely used. Nevertheless, the model ignored the dependence of yielding on Lode’s angle, sometimes showed a concave plastic potential surface, and had several parameters that required simultaneous identification through trial and error, which could affect model performance. This study aims to refine the model by providing alternative multiaxial yielding and dilatancy relations. This is possible through the definitions of a modified yielding function and fractional stress–dilatancy ratio enriched by fabric-dilatancy tensor. This approach can enhance the model performance and simplify the calibration process. The refined model can simulate various stress paths, stress–strain hysteric loop, unloading-induced contraction, reloading-induced dilatancy, butterfly-shaped liquefaction, etc., of different sands.  相似文献   

A few constitutive models for unsaturated soils have already been proposed,however,many classic models such as the Barcelona basic model can simulate neither complex volumetric soil behaviour(without forgetting its supreme merit of being the first consistently and rigorously formulated model) nor post-peak softening,and most advanced models generally comprise a large number of parameters making them more difficult to be applied to practical situations.In this paper,we present a new model for unsaturated soils based on an existing model developed originally for saturated soils.It comprises a minimum number of constitutive parameters.The extension to unsaturated state is achieved by following a general methodology previously developed in our laboratory.The capacities of this simple model are tested.With only 13 parameters,it can reproduce the basic behaviour of unsaturated soils such as rebound or collapse upon wetting,depending on the stress levels.It can also reproduce post-peak softening and transition from contractant to dilatant volumetric behaviour during undrained shear.Overall,the first tentative of validation gives a good correlation between simulations and experimental data,and shows encouraging signs for future developments.  相似文献   

在临界状态理论和边界面模型的框架内,引入结构性扰动对弹性变形、结构性屈服面大小、胶结吸力和屈服面各向异性的影响,建立一个基于扰动状态概念硬化参量的结构性黏土边界面模型。首先,通过定义3个结构扰动度R_c,R_b和R_a来定量反映塑性变形对结构性黏土的结构性屈服面、胶结吸力和屈服面各向异性的扰动程度,并对弹性特性进行各向异性和结构性影响的修正。然后,通过对天然沉积上海黏土和Vallericca硬黏土的三轴不排水剪切试验和一维固结压缩试验的模拟验证模型的预测能力。最后,通过模型与有限差分法相结合,以简单的平面应变试验模拟为例,展示模型能够描述结构扰动度的变化及其在土体中分布的模拟能力。  相似文献   

机制砂代替天然砂已经成为形势所需,机制砂混凝土的原材料选择,配合比设计与调整,施工及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Particle crushing has been recognised as being of key importance for many engineering applications. In soil mechanics, this phenomenon has become crucial for defining a complete framework capable of describing the mechanical behaviour of sands. In this study, the effect of multiple discrete contacts on the breakage of grain particles was investigated by crushing coarse grains of a quartz sand and a crushed limestone sand between a number of support particles, thereby varying the number of contacts, i.e., the coordination number. The stress at failure was calculated when the particles broke, which occurred through a number of distinct modes, namely, chipping, splitting or fragmenting, which were observed with the use of a high-speed microscopic camera. The Weibull criterion was applied to calculate the probability of surviving grain crushing, and the fracture modes were observed for each configuration of supporting particles. The data showed that in addition to the number of contacts, the nature of those contacts, controlled by particle morphology and mineralogy, also plays a significant role in determining the strength of a particle. The sphericity affected the strength of the softer limestone sand, while the local roundness at the contacts was important for the harder quartz sand. Catastrophic explosive failure was more often observed in particles with harder contacts, while softer contacts tended to mould relative to their neighbouring particles inducing a more frequent ductile mode of crushing.  相似文献   

分析现有砂土临界状态单屈服面模型存在的缺陷,基于临界状态理论和材料状态相关剪胀性理论,建立了一个适用于不同初始密实度的双屈服面砂土本构模型。该模型考虑了剪切变形和压缩变形机理,克服了单屈服面在一维压缩等试验条件下只有弹性应变没有塑性应变的不足,模型只用一组参数便可描述不同围压不同密实度砂土的应力应变关系,对剪切试验过程中表现出来的剪胀剪缩特性也可以进行很好的追踪。通过对Toyoura砂和Hostun砂一维压缩及三轴排水和不排水条件下的试验结果进行模拟,表明该模型具有较好的预测能力和较广的适用性。  相似文献   

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