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云南锡业公司职工肺癌流行病学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1954—1983年云锡矿共发生职工肺癌1,448例,死亡1,253例。1972—1981年井下矿工肺癌发病率为435.44/10~5·年,死亡率为370·16/10~5·年。进一步将工人按主要职业史划分为7组,分别计算其发病率和死亡率。结果发现:有井下作业史的冶炼工人>单纯井下作业工人>单纯冶炼工人>无井下并无冶炼史工人。提示井下及冶炼厂,由于存在某些有害因素导致肺癌增多。通过吸烟与肺癌关系分析表明,吸烟也是一个不可忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨吸烟导致心脑血管病发病增加的机理。方法从人体指标着手,对52名健康男性吸烟者的血小板粘附率和100名健康男性吸烟者的血液粘度、血沉及红细胞压积进行测定,并与健康男性非吸烟者进行配对比较。统计方法采用t检验和方差分析。结果吸烟组血小板粘附率(69.89+15.57)显著高于非吸烟组(33.82+17.96)(P<0.01);吸烟年限越长血小板粘附率越高[吸烟年限<11年(63.63+16.23)%;11~20年(71.61+14.35)%;>20年(81.13+11.59)%]。吸烟组每个切变率的血液粘度均显著高于非吸烟组(P<0.05);但在吸烟者中,各年龄组间及各吸烟年限组间的血液粘度差异无显著性(P>0.05)。吸烟组的血沉及红细胞压积与非吸烟组间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论吸烟可显著增加血小板粘附率及血液粘度,从而改变吸烟者的血液流变学。  相似文献   

目的 比较本地某有色金属企业不同接尘岗位工人的肺功能情况,研究吸烟对其肺功能及X射线胸片的影响.方法 对1 613名不同接尘工人的肺功能进行测定,并分成井下、炼解、运输、其他4个岗位作比较.分为吸烟组及不吸烟组与对照组进行肺功能、X射线胸片比较.结果 不同接尘岗位中,井下工人肺功能损害较大,用力肺活量( FVC)、1秒用力呼气容积(FEV<,1>)、肺活量50%时流速与肺活量25%时流速比值(V<,50>/V<,25>)、最大呼气中段流速(MMEF)均有明显下降(P<0.05).其他岗位接尘工人肺功能情况在此次调查中差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).井下工人中吸烟者的FEV<,1>、MMEF、V<,50>V<,25>均显著低于非吸烟者(JP<0.05).与对照组吸烟者比较,井下工人吸烟者的FEV<,1>、MMEF、V<,50>/V<,25>亦有明显下降(P<0.05).胸片检查井下工人吸烟者的肺气肿、肺间质改变、肺结核、尘肺检出率均显著高于非吸烟者(P<0.05);与对照组吸烟者比较,井下工人吸烟者的肺气肿、肺间质改变、肺结核、尘肺检出率亦显著增高(P<0.05).结论 该企业不同接尘岗位中,以井下工人肺功能损害较大,且吸烟可加速井下接尘工人肺功能的损害,更易导致肺部疾病的发生.  相似文献   

目的了解我省公共场所吸烟与被动吸烟状况、公众对吸烟与被动吸烟危害的认识与态度、本省履行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》的情况,为制定控烟策略提供科学依据。方法采用国家统一的调查问卷,对西宁、格尔木市及乐都县部分公共场所的公众采用拦截方式进行调查。结果在599名被调查者中,吸烟率为38.7%,男性吸烟率为66.9%,女性为7.1%,被动吸烟率为72.2%。58.3%的被调查者家中任何地方都能吸烟,72.7%的被调查对象常去的娱乐场所内吸烟不受任何限制,48.9%的被调查者的工作场所中任何地方可以吸烟;父母吸烟孩子更容易得哮喘或呼吸道疾病的知识知晓率在吸烟者和非吸烟者之间无差异,其他的均为吸烟者的知识知晓率低于非吸烟者,吸烟者支持公共场所禁烟的比例也低于非吸烟者。结论本次调查的公共场所吸烟和被动吸烟状况严重,公众对吸烟的危害认识程度不足;对公共场所禁烟的支持程度较高,但缺乏相应的控烟政策及支持性环境。  相似文献   

目的分析吸烟者脉压与冠状动脉病变严重程度关系的特点。方法对292例接受选择性冠状动脉造影检查的吸烟者进行回顾性研究,另选同期接受冠状动脉造影检查且临床情况大致匹配的非吸烟者264例。根据冠状动脉造影显示病变所累及血管的数量分为冠状动脉造影正常组和1支病变组、2支病变组及3支病变组。分析吸烟者与非吸烟者脉压与冠状动脉病变程度之间的关系,并比较吸烟者和非吸烟者脉压的特点。结果吸烟组中不同程度冠状动脉病变患者之间脉压比较差异无统计学意义(F=1.595,P>0.05);非吸烟组中冠状动脉3支病变患者的脉压显著高于2支病变和1支病变患者。吸烟组与非吸烟组比较,在冠状动脉造影正常的受检者中,吸烟组的脉压显著高于非吸烟组[(56.1±17.2)mmHg比(50.9±11.4)mmHg,1mmHg=0.133kPa],在其他不同程度冠状动脉病变组中,吸烟者与非吸烟者之间脉压比较,差异无统计学意义。结论在吸烟人群中,脉压与冠状动脉粥样硬化程度之间的关系较非吸烟人群明显减弱。  相似文献   

不同来源的被动吸烟与肺癌关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作者对104名非吸烟肺癌和163名对照进行了非条件LOGISTIC回归分析以估计不同来源的被动吸烟对非吸烟肺癌的危险性。分析发现在不同来源的被动吸烟中,父母吸烟和工作场所接触吸烟者均对患肺癌无明显的影响;而暴露于配偶吸烟可使非吸烟者患肺癌危险性增加1.77倍。结果提示,在不同来源的被动吸烟中,暴露于配偶的被动吸烟是导致非吸烟者尤其是女性肺癌的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市青浦区农民和非农民吸烟者的吸烟合理化信念的持有情况和差别,为进一步开展控烟干预提供理论依据。方法采用横断面调查方法,选择该区15岁以上农民和非农民的男性吸烟者,调查其吸烟情况、吸烟合理化信念情况和基本情况,并进行描述性统计分析,比较两类吸烟者之间吸烟合理化信念的持有情况。结果两类吸烟者的安全吸烟论、自我赦免论和戒烟有害论的持有率差别具有统计学意义(P0.05),且农民吸烟者的此类信念持有率高于非农民吸烟者。两类吸烟者自我赦免论、社会接受论、戒烟有害论和安全吸烟论的均分差别有统计学意义(P0.05),农民吸烟者的均分高于非农民吸烟者。结论吸烟合理化信念在青浦区的吸烟者中普遍存在。农民吸烟者与非农民吸烟者之间的吸烟合理化信念存在差别;农民吸烟者吸烟合理化信念较非农民吸烟者严重。制定控烟干预策略或措施时,需要考虑到吸烟合理信念的存在。  相似文献   

目的 探讨吸烟对精液质量和月经功能的影响. 方法 选择597例男性不育患者精液标本,其中395例为吸烟者,202例为非吸烟者,观察比较2组精液标本的各项参数;女性不生育患者304例,主动吸烟者5例,被动吸烟者198例,不吸烟者101例,分析其月经功能. 结果 吸烟者和非吸烟者相比,精子的正常形态数、精子的密度和精子的活力降低,2组之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).女性被动吸烟与女性痛经有显著正相关(P<0.05),女性被动吸烟对月经周期和经期有一定得影响,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). 结论 吸烟行为可能与精子的质量下降有关.女性被动吸烟对月经功能造成一定的危害,应引起有关方面的足够重视.  相似文献   

<正>众多无可辩驳的科学证据表明,吸烟和二手烟暴露(被动吸烟)严重危害人类健康。世界卫生组织(WHO)统计数字显示,全世界每年因吸烟死亡的人数高达600万,每6秒钟即有1人死于吸烟相关疾病,现在吸烟者中将会有一半因吸烟提早死亡;因二手烟暴露所造成的非吸烟者年死亡人数约为60万。如果全球吸烟流行趋势得不到有效控制,到2030年  相似文献   

吸烟对精液的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨吸烟对精液的影响。 方法 选择门诊265例男性不育症患者精液标本,其中165例为吸烟者、100例为非吸烟者,观察比较2组精液标本的各项参数。 结果 吸烟者和非吸烟者的精子形态正常率、精子头尾畸形率、精子体畸形率2组间差异有显著性(P<0.001,P<0.05),其它精液参数差异无显著性。结论 吸烟与精子畸形关系密切。香烟烟雾中含有大量的氧化剂和诱变剂,可能是造成精细胞的DNA损伤断裂导致畸形精子增多的重要原因。  相似文献   

An increased mortality from lung and stomach cancer was found in previous studies on Lorraine iron miners. A detailed analysis, however, was not possible due to the lack of data for survivors. In this study the cohort included 1178 workers selected at random from all the 5300 working miners aged between 35 and 55 at the start of the follow up period, which ranged from 1975 to 1985. Occupational exposures and tobacco consumption, lung function tests, and respiratory symptoms were assessed for each subject in 1975, 1980, and 1985. This study confirmed the excess of lung cancer (standardised mortality ratio (SMR) = 389, p < 0.001) and of stomach cancer (SMR = 273, p < 0.05). There was no excess of lung cancer in non-smokers and moderate smokers (< 20 pack-years) or the miners who worked only at the surface or underground for less than 20 years. A significant excess (SMR = 349, p < 0.001) was found in moderate smokers when they worked underground for between 20 and 29 years. Heavy smokers (over 30 pack-years) or subjects who worked underground for more than 30 years experienced a high risk: SMR = 478 (p < 0.001) for moderate smokers who worked underground for over 30 years; 588 (p < 0.001) for heavy smokers who worked underground for between 20 and 29 years; and 877 (p < 0.001) for heavy smokers who worked underground for over 30 years. This showed an interaction between smoking and occupational exposure. The excess mortality from lung cancer was because there were some subjects who died young (from 45 years old). Comparison with the results of a previous study showed that additional hazards produced by diesel engines and explosives increased the mortality from lung cancer. The SMR was higher than 400 (p < 0.001) from 45 years old instead of from 56 years. A relation was found between a decrease in vital capacity (VC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and of FEV1/VC and mortality from all causes and from lung cancer in heavy smokers or men who had worked underground for more than 20 years. Respiratory symptoms were related to mortality from lung cancer among smokers (moderate and heavy) who worked underground for more than 20 years. It is considered that the risk of lung cancer in the Lorraine iron miners was mainly due to dust, diesel engines, and explosives although the role of low exposure to radon daughters could not be totally excluded.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the different expression of transforming growth factor beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) in lung cancer specimens of Gejiu miners, and non-miners in other regions. METHODS: Thirty specimens of Gejiu miners' lung cancer and 30 specimens of non-miners' were observed in this experiment. The expression of TGF-beta(1) protein and TGF-beta(1) mRNA were detected by the methods of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. The results were quantitatively analyzed using image analysis system. RESULTS: The positive rate of TGF-beta(1) protein expression in Gejiu miners and non-miners was 75.39%and 44.78% respectively, and the positive rate of TGF-beta(1) mRNA was 63.96% and 34.07% respectively. There were significant differences between the two groups (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The expression of TGF-beta(1) in lung cancer of Gejiu miners was significantly higher than that of non-miners. The pathogenesis of lung cancer may be different between Gejiu miner and non-miners. High expression of TGF-beta(1) may be one of the reasons of high incidence of lung cancer in Gejiu miners.  相似文献   

A survey of respiratory symptoms, lung function tests, and chest radiography was carried out among the fluorspar miners of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, in whom the incidence of carcinoma of the lung (De Villiers and Windish, 1964) had previously been shown to be 25 times greater than for the rest of the province.

The incidence of pneumoconiosis among the exposed population was low (1·93%) and the incidence of `chronic bronchitis' comparable to that reported for miners elsewhere, enabling one to dismiss these as a relevant factor in the high incidence of carcinoma.

The relevance of smoking is less easy to assess in these miners, among whom there are few non-smokers and many heavy smokers. Extrapolation from the data of Doll and Hill (1956) suggests, however, that the prevalence of heavy smoking among the miners cannot be the sole factor responsible for the higher incidence of carcinoma compared with the rest of Newfoundland, but it might well be a contributory one. It appears therefore that the main factor causing the high incidence of carcinoma among these miners was the high level of radioactivity in the air and water in the mines (De Villiers and Windish, 1964).

The reduction in lung function tests appeared to be more closely related to the presence of bronchitis than to dust exposure, but the incidence of chronic bronchitis was apparently higher in men exposed for any length of time to dust risk than in men with insignificant exposure.


吸烟对甲状腺影响的流行病学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的研究不同碘摄入量地区吸烟对甲状腺体积、功能以及甲状腺自身抗体的影响。方法对辽宁省盘山、彰武、河北省黄骅三个农村社区(分别为碘缺乏地区、碘充足地区、碘过量地区) 1999年初访的3761人进行随访,随访率达80.2%。进行问卷调查、甲状腺B超检查、血液及尿液化验。通过logistic回归进行多因素分析。结果吸烟者甲状腺肿的发生率较不吸烟者增高(15.1% us.11.5%,P<0.05),吸烟者甲状腺的平均体积较不吸烟者大(14.92 ml us.13.18 ml,P<0.05)。通过logistic回归可见吸烟是增加甲状腺肿发生率的主要危险因素。吸烟者平均血清促甲状腺激素(TSH)水平和甲状腺球蛋白(Tg)水平与不吸烟者比没有差别。吸烟者甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPOAb)≥100 IU/ml的为10.8%,不吸烟者为9.0%,差异有统计学意义。多元logistic回归发现吸烟是增加TPOAb强阳性的主要危险因素。对三社区人群进行前瞻性研究,发现由不吸烟到吸烟者TPOAb变为≥100 IU/ml的发生率为7.4%,远大于吸烟情况没有变化者的2.9%(P<0.05)。多元logistic回归发现由不吸烟到吸烟是增加TPOAb≥100 IU/ml发生率的主要危险因素。结论吸烟是增加甲状腺肿发生率和增加TPOAb阳性率的主要危险因素;由不吸烟到吸烟是TPOAb变为阳性的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. The goals of this study were to measure the impact of cigarette smoking on cancer incidence and to determine the attributable risk of cancer due to smoking. METHODS. A cigarette smoking history was obtained from 8006 Japanese-American men examined from 1965 through 1968. After 22 years, 1389 incident cases of cancer were identified. There were 212 men with lung cancer; 202 with oral, esophageal, laryngeal, pancreatic, renal, ureteral, or bladder (oral-bladder) cancer; and 975 with cancer at other sites. RESULTS. Current smokers at time of examination had a higher incidence than nonsmokers for each of the three cancer site categories. Eighty-five percent of lung cancer cases diagnosed among current and never smokers can be attributed to cigarette smoking. The attributable risks were 46%, 16%, and 29%, respectively, for oral-bladder cancers, other cancers, and all cancers combined. In turn, the corresponding attributable risks were 60%, 26%, 13%, and 21% in comparing current smokers with past smokers. CONCLUSIONS. Current smokers can greatly reduce their risk of cancer, especially lung cancer, if they quit smoking.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking has been reported to protect women against pre-eclampsia. We conducted a cohort study of 493 women whose first antenatal visits were between September 1997 and April 1998 at Osaka Prefectural General Hospital, Japan. A self-administered questionnaire survey for lifestyles was carried out during pregnancy, and pregnancy outcome information was taken from medical record data. Of 493 subjects, 82 cases (16.6%) developed mild pre-eclampsia and 3 cases (0.6%) developed severe one. The prevalence of cigarette smokers decreased from 21.3% to 8.6% during early pregnancy. The incidence rate of pre-eclampsia among smokers was slightly greater than that among non-smokers (19.4% vs 17.1%), the incidence rate among cases exposed from household smoking was greater than that among no exposed cases (19.6% vs 14.3%), and the incidence rate among alcohol-drinkers was greater than that among non-drinkers (21.1% vs 15.1%). However, there were no statistically significant differences. Larger body mass index before pregnancy tended to be associated with the increased incidence rate of pre-eclampsia (p = 0.160). Pregnant women with smoking had a statistically higher frequency of household smoking exposure and having drinking alcohol. Household smoking exposure and drinking alcohol status adjusted hazard rate ratio was 1.1 for smokers (95% confidence interval 0.6-1.7) as compared with that for non-smokers. Our results did not support the proposition that cigarette smoking protected women against pre-eclampsia.  相似文献   

Mortality experience of haematite mine workers in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mortality risk of iron ore (haematite) miners between 1970 and 1982 was investigated in a retrospective cohort study of workers from two mines, Longyan and Taochong, in China. The cohort was limited to men and consisted of 5406 underground miners and 1038 unexposed surface workers. Among the 490 underground miners who died, 205 (42%) died of silicosis and silicotuberculosis and 98 (20%) of cancer, including 29 cases (5.9%) of lung cancer. The study found an excess risk of non-malignant respiratory disease and of lung cancer among haematite miners. The standardised mortality ratio for lung cancer compared with nationwide male population rates was significantly raised (SMR = 3.7), especially for those miners who were first employed underground before mechanical ventilation and wet drilling were introduced (SMR = 4.8); with jobs involving heavy exposure to dust, radon, and radon daughters (SMR = 4.2); with a history of silicosis (SMR = 5.3); and with silicotuberculosis (SMR = 6.6). No excess risk of lung cancer was observed in unexposed workers (SMR = 1.2). Among current smokers, the risk of lung cancer increased with the level of exposure to dust. The mortality from all cancer, stomach, liver, and oesophageal cancer was not raised among underground miners. An excess risk of lung cancer among underground mine workers which could not be attributed solely to tobacco use was associated with working conditions underground, especially with exposure to dust and radon gas and with the presence of non-malignant respiratory disease. Because of an overlap of exposures to dust and radon daughters, the independent effects of these factors could not be evaluated.  相似文献   

The mortality risk of iron ore (haematite) miners between 1970 and 1982 was investigated in a retrospective cohort study of workers from two mines, Longyan and Taochong, in China. The cohort was limited to men and consisted of 5406 underground miners and 1038 unexposed surface workers. Among the 490 underground miners who died, 205 (42%) died of silicosis and silicotuberculosis and 98 (20%) of cancer, including 29 cases (5.9%) of lung cancer. The study found an excess risk of non-malignant respiratory disease and of lung cancer among haematite miners. The standardised mortality ratio for lung cancer compared with nationwide male population rates was significantly raised (SMR = 3.7), especially for those miners who were first employed underground before mechanical ventilation and wet drilling were introduced (SMR = 4.8); with jobs involving heavy exposure to dust, radon, and radon daughters (SMR = 4.2); with a history of silicosis (SMR = 5.3); and with silicotuberculosis (SMR = 6.6). No excess risk of lung cancer was observed in unexposed workers (SMR = 1.2). Among current smokers, the risk of lung cancer increased with the level of exposure to dust. The mortality from all cancer, stomach, liver, and oesophageal cancer was not raised among underground miners. An excess risk of lung cancer among underground mine workers which could not be attributed solely to tobacco use was associated with working conditions underground, especially with exposure to dust and radon gas and with the presence of non-malignant respiratory disease. Because of an overlap of exposures to dust and radon daughters, the independent effects of these factors could not be evaluated.  相似文献   

Smoking habits were studied in a group of employees of a telephone company. The smokers were 34% of the subjects interviewed. The non-smokers said that they were bothered by other people smoking everywhere and also to a considerable extent at the workplace. Differences between smokers and non-smokers and between exposed and non-exposed non-smokers were studied by measuring expired CO and urinary cotinine. An expired CO concentration of 10 ppm discriminated between smokers and non-smokers. A mean urinary cotinine concentration of about 16 ng/mg was found in the exposed non-smokers, corresponding to the direct smoking of 1/10 of a cigarette per day. The search for the metabolic phenotype of destromethorphane, which was taken as an indicator of susceptibility to contract lung cancer due to IPA, showed that there were no differences between smokers and non-smokers since the rapid metabolizers, and therefore subjects potentially exposed to risk of lung cancer due to tobacco smoke, prevailed in both groups.  相似文献   

目的 探讨尘肺与肺癌的关系。方法 对涟邵矿务局3140例尘肺矿工进行回顾性队列分析,计算主要死因的标化死亡比(SMR),对尘肺与肺癌的关系进行Poisson回归分析。结果 尘肺矿工全死因与肺癌均高于对照人数,其中肺癌高于湖南省人群5倍;Poisson回归分析表明尘肺矿工肺癌与对照组的差别主要在25-44岁组。结论 支持尘肺与肺癌的相关关系。  相似文献   

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