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The differential rotation between solid and fluid caused by tidal force can explain a 1500 to 1800-year cycle of the climate change. Strong tide increases the vertical and horizontal mixing of water in ocean by drawing the cold Pacific water from the depths to the surface (or by making the warm water flow from the West Pacific to the East as well as from the North to the South). It cools or warms the atmosphere above and makes La Nina or El Nino occur in the whole world. Astronomical data have shown that strong tide is often associated with El Nino events. Volcanic activities at submarine are also controlled by strong tide. Volcanic activities can also draw warm water from the depths to the surface in the Pacific and volcanic ash can keep out sunlight, which is the most important external forcing factor for El Nino. If volcanic ash reaches into the stratosphere, finer aerosols will spread throughout the globe during a few months and will float in it for one to three years to weaken the sun's direct radiation to the areas. It is one of the factors to postpone EI Nino just like the process of solar eclipse.  相似文献   

Based on the study of the cold phase of the Pacific Decade Oscillation, pandemic influenza is related to climate. The relation of low temperature, Pacific Decade Oscillation, strongest earthquake, Influenza, hurricane and El Nino is researched in this study. In the cold period of Pacific Decade Oscillation, the strongest earthquake, hurricane with La Nina, Pandemic Influenza with El Nino will occur stronger and stronger. From 1950 to 1976, the strongest dust-storm is connected with Pandemic Influenza one by one. So, dust-storm is one of factors to spread pandemic influenza viruses.  相似文献   

1SeesawphenomenonofoceaniccrustSince 1996, Yoshino etal.(2002) have been us-ing the space geodetic techniques to observe crustal deformation at four sites in Tokyo metropolitan area. It is called Keystone project (KSP). At the end of June in 2000, volcanic and seismic events star-ted at Izu islands, south of Tokyo. Following the ev-ent, extraordinary crustal deformation was observed not only around the Izu islands, but also at the Key-stone network, where the closest site is over 100…  相似文献   

Climate and tectonics are two interactive factors in the earth's system. They are controlled by astronomical cycles. It has been unheeded for a long time that large-scale material motion caused by global climatic change is one of the powers for tectonic movement. Tectonic movement makes the distributional pattern of continent and ocean change and makes global climate type change strongly in large scale. It is a good example that the change of the sea-ice around Antarctic Continent and in the Drake Passage has the switch process for global climatic changes. Tide makes the oceanic crust of the East Pacific Ocean and the West Pacific Ocean rise or fall 60 cm oppositely. Before and after El Nino events,the oceanic level of the East Pacific Ocean and the West Pacific Ocean may rise or fall 40 cm oppositely. Because of isostasy, oceanic crust may fall or rise 13 or 20 cm. They are the reasons why El Nino events are interrelated with the earthquakes and volcanoes. This is so called seesaw phenomenon of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

强震的孕育规律与孕震模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对强震能否预测以及如何预测的科学难题,建立孕震断层多锁固段脆性破裂理论,发现强震孕育过程的指数规律:sf(k)=1.48ksc,其中sf(k)和sc分别为第k个锁固体断裂点与第一个锁固段膨胀起点对应的累加Be-nioff应变,可以利用锁固段在其变形膨胀点处开始发生的震群事件(加速性地震活动前兆)预测未来大震,并给出了强震四要素相关预测方法。通过对诸多历史强震(如邢台地震、海城地震、汶川地震、玉树地震等)的回溯性检验分析表明:强震可以预测,且其孕震过程都遵循着上述简单的共性力学规律。在此基础上,归纳出4种典型强震的孕震模式,即大震震级呈"大—小—大"型,大震震级呈连续上升型,锁固段快速连续破裂型与标准型。此外,根据相关强震预测理论方法,对有关抗震救灾未来研究的方向提出如下建议:建议加强活动断裂位置精确定位、性质判定的地震地质研究,并开展孕震区锁固段(闭锁区域)判识的地质与地球物理研究等。  相似文献   

The existence of the lunar has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Many dynamic phenomena are related to the lunar due to the rate of masses of the earth and the lunar is maximum. That is probably the reason for the life existence on the earth. The tide resulted from the moon gravitational force is the root of some disasters. However, it can also reduce the green house effect and regulate the temperature. It is proved that the moon is the thermostat of the earth. The greenhouse effect would be out of control without the moon, and the tendency for the global warming up would be critical. It is a risk to smash the moon without understanding clearly the advantage and disadvantage.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, the world is facing too many natural and artificial disasters, and man is also facing various decisions difficult to be made. The evidence for the earth warming-up is more clear year by year and natural disaster occurs frequently and economic loss in miserable situation, moreover, the evil consequence from the lose of control technologically, overage development is more serious year after year and the daily ecological envi-ronment of man is trending toward…  相似文献   

在分析强震地震波信号幅频特性的基础上,采用GNSS信号模拟器,设计具有强震地震波特点的正弦轨迹,从载波相位原始量测数据和定位结果两个层面分别评估两款GNSS接收机(Trimble Net-R9和NovAtel OEM628)高频(50 Hz)观测的测量性能。结果表明,在地震波高频动态条件下,两款接收机的载波相位和定位结果都出现了明显误差,测量精度随正弦运动频率的增加而恶化,Trimble Net-R9接收机尤甚。  相似文献   

基于2014年以来云南地区GNSS连续观测资料,采用最小二乘配置、克里金插值等方法进行速度场、应变参数的求解,分析云南地区近期地壳活动特性及其强震影响。结果表明,以文山测点为基准的速度场存在整体的顺时针运动特性,且各测点运动方向存在差异;云南整体区域最大剪应变积累存在北强南弱、西强东弱的特性,目前滇西北地区最大剪应变增强最快,滇南至滇西南等区域挤压应变积累明显。2014年内的3次6级以上强震在宏观上与最大剪应变的空间分布保持了较好的一致性,且地震的发生并没有改变云南整体区域应力、应变分布格局和增长趋势。  相似文献   

ENSO事件(包括厄尼诺,与其相反的拉尼娜以及南方涛动)不但影响赤道东太平洋海域的渔业生产,还和地球上许多地区的气候异常现象有关,进而影响到全球环境尤其是生态环境。有人认为ENSO是地球上对于生物界最巨大的一种扰动。本文介绍了1982~1983年与1997~1998年的ENSO事件对于世界各地生态环境的影响。  相似文献   

选取日本及邻区作为研究区域,对其进行子区域的划分。基于日月引起的起潮力,通过Schuster检验计算出每个子区域的p值,在此基础上对满足p<5%的子区域建立Schuster谱,判断该地区的地震活动率是否存在周期性变化,进而对日本的地震活动与潮汐应力的相关性进行研究。结果显示,在划分的75个子区域中,有22个子区域满足p<5%,且其中2个子区域的Schuster谱显示出明显的0.5 d潮周期,说明这些地区的地震活动在一定程度上受到潮汐触发作用的影响。  相似文献   

利用2011日本东北Mw9.0地震和2008汶川Mw7.9地震若干台站的高频(1 Hz)GNSS观测资料,通过精密单点定位方法解算出地震发生时的位移形变波形。对位移波形一阶差分得到震时高频GNSS速度时间序列,采用S变换谱的方法对该速度时序进行地震波到时的拾取,即震相识别。将地震波拾取结果用于震中位置和发震时刻反演,并与美国地质调查局USGS公布的资料对比。结果发现,两者日本地震震中位置相差约16 km,发震时刻相差约0.7 s;汶川地震震中相差约4 km,发震时刻相差约0.4 s。  相似文献   

By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the years from 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied in this paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WPWPC) movement anomalies and the Nino-3 region SST anomalies( SSTA) seems to reveal a close, linear relation between the zonal WPWPC and Nino-3 region SSTA, which suggests that a 9' anomaly of the zonal displacement from the climatological position of the WPWPC corresponds to about a 1 ℃ anomaly in the Nino-3 region area-mean SST. This study connects the WPWPC zonal displacement with the Nino-3 SSTA, and it may be helpful in better understanding the fact that the WPWP eastward extension is conducive to the Nino-3 region SST increase during an El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of space technology, earth observation technology and sky observatory technolo-gy, they have played a more and more important part in monitoring and predicting of earthquakes and volcanoes in the terres-trial land. In recent years, the related agencies have done the experiments and researches on monitoring and predicting ofearthquakes and volcanoes in the forewarning period by means of many approaches, such as satellite thermal infrared re-mote sensing (TIRS), Global Positioning System (GPS), differential interferometric synthesis aperture radar (D-INSAR),astronomical time-latitude residual anomaly, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc. A quite large number of re-search foundation has been built in the fundamental theories and application methods. The experiments and researcheshave shown that these technology is efficient methods for high frequency crust movement. If the existed separate scientificforces and results are possibly assembled together to form a more complete integration monitoring system with the combina-tion of space, sky observation, ground, deep geology and macro anomaly, it will come into a new stage of monitoring andpredicting of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

对2017年九寨沟MS7.0地震进行强地面运动模拟,应用复合震源模型建立特定圆形子震分布的断层破裂运动学模型,对地震矩、应力降、破裂速度、子断层尺寸和震源深度等参数进行敏感性分析,得到一组合理的震源参数,然后基于复合震源模型计算得到该地区地震动,最后与观测的峰值加速度(PGA)、反应谱和PGA的空间分布特征进行对比。结果表明,该模型整体上可以再现各台站地震动强度特征,验证了复合震源模型计算强地面运动的有效性,同时敏感性规律也为复合震源模型计算缺乏强震记录区域的地震动参数的变化区间提供了依据。  相似文献   

Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experienced an unrest episode from 2002 to 2005,but its active level recovers to the background now.  相似文献   

以2013年芦山7.0级地震为例,探讨重力固体潮参数的时空分布特征与地震孕育的关系。收集分析芦山震区附近17个台站震前2 a的连续重力观测数据,采用VAV调和分析方法分析计算日波和半日波潮汐参数,主要研究半日波M 2波潮汐因子随时间变化的趋势及空间分布情况。结果表明,芦山地震前M 2波潮汐因子趋势变化空间分布大体呈现上升与下降趋势的四象限分布,芦山地震处于四象限中心部位,可能是由震前存在的“闭锁剪力”引起的区域介质变形或密度扰动所致。  相似文献   

Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experience...  相似文献   

将山西地区划分为北部、中部和南部3个区域,利用2009~2019年山西省及周边50 km范围内的地震事件波形资料,使用线性拟合、折合走时及Hyposat批量定位等方法确定各分区的地壳速度模型.采用批量定位比较残差、PTD方法测定震源深度及非天然地震事件检验等方法对分区模型进行验证,结果显示,相对山西2015速度模型,分...  相似文献   

基于2013年芦山M7.0地震近场区域深反射剖面和P波、S波层析成像资料,使用接触单元模拟断层非线性破裂过程,利用二维有限元法模拟芦山地震强地面运动。在信度检验的基础上研究震源应力降和粘聚力参数对于水平向基岩地震动参数的影响。研究发现,芦山地震上盘场址处水平地震动峰值加速度明显大于下盘场址处结果,且衰减速度更慢,呈现上下盘效应特征;应力降和粘聚力对地表水平向基岩地震动均具较为明显的正向影响作用,其中应力降对0.05~1.00 s短周期成分作用明显,粘聚力则对1.00~6.00 s中长周期成分具有显著影响。  相似文献   

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