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在众多竞赛中,常常采用由若干名裁判员根据比赛规则,给参赛选手评分以决出名次的竞赛方法。由于设备的原因,常常这项工作需要依靠人工来完成。这样做不仅效率低,而且也易出错。就此问题,本文提出一种不需要专用设备,也不需要编写程序,仅利用Excel软件功能,来高效地解决了这一问题的思路和方法。  相似文献   

在我们的印象中,使用电子表格求取数值之间的运算结果,常常需要通过函数或公式来完成。实际上,日常生活中所涉及到的一些实用计算,借助于WPS表格(或Excel),既不需要函数也不需要公式,就能获得所需结果。  相似文献   

岳波 《电脑爱好者》2003,(24):28-28
为了学习的需要,我安装了Windows 2000 Server。为优化系统,我们常常需要禁用不需要的服务。禁用服务的方法一般都是通过“控制面板→管理工具”中的服务来修改,如果要修改几十个,就会比较麻烦。其实,Windows的许多东东都可以通过注册表来修改,“服务”也在里面。“服务”就放在[HKEY_LOCAL_  相似文献   

网络竞赛考试系统是基于ASP和Access语言开发的。运用ASP语言构建客户端,使用Access数据库系统构建试题库,使竞赛系统客户端不需要另外安装其他软件,而且竞赛主办者可以根据自己的要求来设定题目的难易程度,以迭到更好的竞赛效果。系统还运用了大量的防作弊手段。  相似文献   

kikier 《电脑迷》2011,(4):8-12
找工作,可以说是一个老生常谈的问题,每年都有大量的毕业生跨进这道门;就算是职场老手,也会因为工作的不如意,想给老板炒个鱿鱼。曾经,杂志也介绍过和求职相关的文章。但是,老话题也应该有新的方法、新的思路。这一次,咱不谈工作怎么搜、电子简历怎么写,来谈谈在找工作中常常被人忽略的问题,以及一些新的求职方法与思路。  相似文献   

我们在软件开发的过程中,常常需要为软件提供鼠标器支持,为此,在不同的应用系统中,常常需要重复编写大量的鼠标器函数,难以具有通用性。本文介绍了一种用OOP方法实现的Microsoft兼容的工具箱,可以应用于不同的系统中,也可以根据具体应用进行功能扩充。 鼠标器操作的低级细节部分都是由鼠标器驱动程序来处理的。有关这部分的介绍可以参考Microsoft  相似文献   

随着中小企业信息化、现代化进程加快,中小企业管理层的工作方式也发生了改变,他们常常带着电脑在不同的场合进行商务活动,日常工作也需要依靠电脑来运行,即使是度假也不敢不随身携带电脑,以免误了商机.  相似文献   

很多中小型企业往往纠结于以下10个问题:一、我们起步比别人晚,我们的互联网市场份额太小了常常听到这句消极的话,貌似所有做过互联网营销的客户或者搞过网站的企业都会用这个术语来告诉笔者,我们不是不想做个大站,而是我们无法与大企业、大市场、大环境抗衡,所以与其去陪衬,还不如主动投降,也不需要过多投入。  相似文献   

远渡重洋 《电脑迷》2011,(10):19-19
优酷、土豆等视频网站上有很多动画片,我家小孩几乎每天都会上网去看。白天观看通常会比较流畅,但晚上常常会因为网络的拥堵而需要长时间的缓冲,如果能将他想看的动画片都下载下来,不就OK了?于是,我想到了《电脑迷》上曾经介绍过的视频下载方法:利用IE浏览器的缓存文件保存视频,但需要先一集一集地观看;而通过百度工具栏下载,常常会将一集动画片分成多个流媒体文件,播放也不太方便。  相似文献   

单片机在开发过程中,常常会因为资源不足而不得不大量扩展接口芯片以满足应用系统的需要,其中原因之一是人机界面中的键盘、显示占用了系统太多资源,从而造成系统庞大,同时降低了系统的可靠性。在单片机应用系统中,键盘、显示通常可通过采用扩展芯片进行扩展,从而节省单片机资源。为解决这一问题,我们将数码管显示也做成映射为存储空间的方法来选通数码管,以极大的节约单片机资源。他基本上不消耗单片机自身硬件资源只占用单片机存储空间。较之我们现在流行的数码管接口电路有极大的优势。它不需要象传统的静态显示那样需要大量硬件做支持,也不象一般的动态显示那么难于编程。它硬件开销很少,编程简单,且很突出的一点就是非常容易扩展更多数码管显示。  相似文献   

The finite element method can be viewed as a machine that automates the discretization of differential equations, taking as input a variational problem, a finite element and a mesh, and producing as output a system of discrete equations. However, the generality of the framework provided by the finite element method is seldom reflected in implementations (realizations), which are often specialized and can handle only a small set of variational problems and finite elements (but are typically parametrized over the choice of mesh). This paper reviews ongoing research in the direction of a complete automation of the finite element method. In particular, this work discusses algorithms for the efficient and automatic computation of a system of discrete equations from a given variational problem, finite element and mesh. It is demonstrated that by automatically generating and compiling efficient low-level code, it is possible to parametrize a finite element code over variational problem and finite element in addition to the mesh.  相似文献   

基于鲁棒估计的动态数据校正方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对目前动态数据校正方法存在的缺陷,本文在以前的工作基础上把基于鲁棒估计原理构造的鲁棒估计函数用于含异常点类型的过失误差的数据校正,Monte Carlo模拟结果及对TE问题的校正计算结果表明,这种基于鲁棒估计的过换误差侦破和数据协调同步方法可以在得到协调数据的同时很准确的侦破和识别出测量数据中所含的过失误差,具有较强的优越性。  相似文献   

We study the problem of learning to infer hidden-state sequences of processes whose states and observations are propositionally or relationally factored. Unfortunately, standard exact inference techniques such as Viterbi and graphical model inference exhibit exponential complexity for these processes. The main motivation behind our work is to identify a restricted space of models, which facilitate efficient inference, yet are expressive enough to remain useful in many applications. In particular, we present the penalty-logic simple-transition model, which utilizes a very simple-transition structure where the transition cost between any two states is constant. While not appropriate for all complex processes, we argue that it is often rich enough in many applications of interest, and when it is applicable there can be inference and learning advantages compared to more general models. In particular, we show that sequential inference for this model, that is, finding a minimum-cost state sequence, efficiently reduces to a single-state minimization (SSM) problem. We then show how to define atemporal-cost models in terms of penalty logic, or weighted logical constraints, and how to use this representation for practically efficient SSM computation. We present a method for learning the weights of our model from labeled training data based on Perceptron updates. Finally, we give experiments in both propositional and relational video-interpretation domains showing advantages compared to more general models.  相似文献   

In manufacturing engineering optimization, it is often that one encounters scenarios that are multi-objective (where each of the objectives portray different aspects of the problem). Thus, it is crucial for the engineer to have access to multiple solution choices before selecting of the best solution. In this work, a novel approach that merges meta-heuristic algorithms with the Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI) method is introduced. This method then is used generate optimal solution options to the green sand mould system problem. This NBI based method provides a near-uniform spread of the Pareto frontier in which multiple solutions with gradual trade-offs in the objectives are obtained. Some comparative studies were then carried out with the algorithms developed and used in this work and that from some previous work. Analysis on the performance as well as the quality of the solutions produced by the algorithms is presented here.  相似文献   

基于Shapelet剪枝和覆盖的时间序列分类算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原继东  王志海  韩萌 《软件学报》2015,26(9):2311-2325
时间序列shapelets是时间序列中能够最大限度地表示一个类别的子序列.解决时间序列分类问题的有效途径之一是通过shapelets转换技术,将shapelets的发现与分类器的构建相分离,其主要优点是优化了shapelets的选择过程,并能够灵活应用不同的分类策略.但该方法也存在不足:一是在shapelets转换时,用于产生最好分类结果的shapelets数量是很难确定的;二是被选择的shapelets之间往往存在着较大的相似性.针对这两个问题,首先提出了一种简单有效的shapelet剪枝技术,用于过滤掉相似的shapelets;其次,提出了一种基于shapelets覆盖的方法来确定用于数据转换的shapelets的数量.通过在多个数据集上的测试实验,表明了所提出的算法具有更高的分类准确率.  相似文献   

When a parallel algorithm is written naturally, the resulting program often produces tasks of a finer grain than an implementation can exploit efficiently. Two solutions to the granularity problem that combine parallel tasks dynamically at runtime are discussed. The simpler load-based inlining method, in which tasks are combined based on dynamic bad level, is rejected in favor of the safer and more robust lazy task creation method, in which tasks are created only retroactively as processing results become available. The strategies grew out of work on Mul-T, an efficient parallel implementation of Scheme, but could be used with other languages as well. Mul-T implementations of lazy task creation are described for two contrasting machines, and performance statistics that show the method's effectiveness are presented. Lazy task creation is shown to allow efficient execution of naturally expressed algorithms of a substantially finer grain than possible with previous parallel Lisp systems  相似文献   

在多智能体系统MAS中,自治的agent在完成任务时常常会出现任务重叠的“正交互”现象,从而使得系统效率低下。为了解决这一问题,文章提出了一种agent协作机制,采用最短路径的方法来找出agent最优的合作对象,优化整个系统处理问题的能力。实验证明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

吕荫润  陈力  王翀  吴敬征  王永吉 《软件学报》2017,28(10):2525-2538
相对于标准约束优化问题,广义约束优化问题(或称析取优化问题)的等式或不等式约束条件中不仅包含逻辑“与”关系,还含有逻辑“或”关系.单调速率(RM)优化问题是广义约束优化问题的一个重要应用.目前RM优化问题已有的解法包括函数变换、混合整数规划、线性规划搜索等算法.随着任务数的增多,这些算法的求解时间较长.提出一种基于线性规划的深度广度混合搜索算法(LPHS),将广义约束优化问题拆分成若干子问题,建立线性规划搜索树,合理选择搜索顺序,利用动态剪枝算法减小子问题的规模,最终求得最优解.实验结果表明,LPHS算法比其他方法有明显的效率提升.研究成果与计算机基础理论中的可满足性模理论的研究相结合,有助于提高可满足性模理论问题的求解效率,促进该理论在程序验证、符号执行等领域的进一步应用.  相似文献   

We show how optimal fractional matchings can be used to start the shortest augmenting path method for solving the (integer) matching problem. Computational results are presented which indicate that this start procedure is highly efficient, i.e. it is fast and reduces the amount of work for the shortest augementing path method significantly such that the overall computing time is reduced drastically.  相似文献   

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