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Seeds of Lepidium and Sinapis were germinated and grown for 3 days in different concentrations of Triton X-100 (0.001–0.1 % v/v). The elongation of the primary root was slightly stimulated by low concentrations. In concentrations above 0.01 %, Triton inhibited root growth and forked root hairs developed. The hairs elongated both at the apex and at the base, exhibited protoplasmic streaming and activity of particulate non-specific esterase. In contrast the growth of the hypocotyl of both Lepidium and Sinapis diminished steadily in increasing concentrations of Triton. Triton also affected the percentage germination of Lepidium, which increased or decreased according to the concentration used. The changes in root growth and germination and the appearance of branched root hairs in abundance coincide with a change in the detergent solution from monomer to aggregated molecules.  相似文献   

Using Ca2+-selective microelectrodes and fura 2-dextran ratio imaging, the cytosolic free [Ca2+] was measured in Sinapis alba root hair cells. Both methods yielded comparable results, i.e. values between 158 to 251 nM for the basal [Ca2+] of the cells and an elevated [Ca2+] of 446 to 707 nM in the tip region. The zone of elevated [Ca2+] reaches 40 to 60 [mu]m into the cell and is congruent with the region of inwardly directed Ca2+ net currents measured with an external Ca2+- selective vibrating electrode. The channel-blocker La3+ eliminates these currents, stops growth, and almost completely eliminates the cytosolic [Ca2+] gradient without affecting the basal level of the ion. Growth is also inhibited by pressure-injected dibromo-1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N[prime],N[prime]-tetraacetic acid, which causes a decrease in the [Ca2+] in the tip in a concentration-dependent manner. Indole-3-acetic acid, used as a model stimulus, decreases cytosolic free [Ca2+] by 0.2 to 0.3 pCa units in the tip, but only by about 0.1 pCa unit in the shank. Nongrowing root hairs may or may not display a [Ca2+] gradient, but still reversibly respond to external stimuli such as La3+, Ca2+, or indole-3-acetic acid with changes in cytosolic free [Ca2+]. During short time periods, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibition of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, which stops growth, does not abolish the [Ca2+] gradient, nor does it change significantly the basal [Ca2+] level. We conclude that the cytosolic [Ca2+] gradient and an elevated [Ca2+] in the tip, as in other tip-growing cells, is essential for tip growth in root hairs; however, its presence does not indicate growth under all circumstances. We argue that with respect to Ca2+, tip growth regulation and responses to external signals may not interfere with each other. Finally, we suggest that the combination of the methods applied adds considerably to our understanding of the role of cytosolic free [Ca2+] in signal transduction and cellular growth.  相似文献   

The initiation and development of root primordia in detachedcotyledons of Sinapis alba (white mustard) and Raphanus sativus(radish) are studied, together with the inhibitory effects ofsucrose and mineral nutrients on these processes. Root primordium initiation on petioles of excised mustard cotyledonscultured in petridishes in water commenced after 3 days andwas completed after 5 days in culture, by which time a numberof the primordia had extended and emerged from the petiole.Both sucrose and mineral nutrient solution had an inhibitoryeffect which was most marked when the cotyledonswere culturedin the solution from the time of excision. The total numberof primordia initiated, their rate of development, and the finaltotal number of emerged roots were all reduced. The later thetime of transfer from water either to sucrose or to nutrient,the less marked the inhibition. Indeed, nutrient solution enhancedroot growth in mustard when cotyledons were transferred after5 days in water when root emergence had just commenced. The effects of sucrose and nutrients in relation to applicationbefore and after initial meristem formation has taken placeare discussed, together with the ways in which these two solutionsmay exert their effect on root initiation and development.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, vernalization promotes flowering by repressing the floral inhibitor FLOWERING LOCUS C (AtFLC). This repression is mediated through epigenetic modifications at the AtFLC locus, leading to gene silencing. Whether the well-known quantitative effect of vernalization is due to the degree of AtFLC repression and/or its stability after return to normal temperature conditions has not been clarified. Here, we examine this question in white mustard, Sinapis alba, taking advantage of our recent cloning of the AtFLC ortholog SaFLC.Key words: Brassicaceae, flowering, FLOWERING LOCUS C, Sinapis alba, vernalization  相似文献   

The germination process of mustard seeds (Sinapis alba L.) has been characterized by the time courses of water uptake, rupturing of the seed coat (12 hours after sowing), onset of axis growth (18 hours after sowing), and the point of no return, where the seeds lose the ability to survive redesiccation (12 to 24 hours after sowing, depending on embryo part). Abscisic acid (ABA) reversibly arrests embryo development at the brink of radicle growth initiation, inhibiting the water uptake which accompanies embryo growth. Seeds which have been kept dormant by ABA for several days will, after removal of the hormone, rapidly take up water and continue the germination process. Seeds which have been preincubated in water lose the sensitivity to be arrested by ABA after about 12 hours after sowing. This escape from ABA-mediated dormancy is not due to an inactivation of the hormone but to a loss of competence to respond to ABA during the course of germination. The sensitivity to ABA can be restored in these seeds by redrying. It is concluded that a primary action of ABA in inhibiting seed germination is the control of water uptake of the embryo tissues rather than the control of DNA, RNA, or protein syntheses.  相似文献   

The chemical structure and synthesis of sinalbin A is described. This cruciferous phytoalexin is produced by white mustard (Sinapis alba) after treatment with biotic and abiotic elicitors. In addition, a related metabolite, named sinalbin B, is present in extracts from elicited plants, but not in those from non-elicited controls. Sinalbin B, which was also synthesized, appears to be both a phytoalexin and a biosynthetic precursor of sinalbin A.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl growth in Sinapis alba L: the roles of light quality and quantity   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Abstract. A comparison is made of the relative effectiveness of light quality and light quantity on the elongation growth of Sinapis alba hypocotyls. The results show that hypocotyl extension rate in plants which have not previously been exposed to light is controlled primarily by the prevailing photon fluence rate when the phytochrome photostationary state lies between ∼0.033 and ∼0.81. Below ∼0.033, changes in photostationary state also have a marked effect on extension rate. Elongation growth in light-adapted plants is controlled by both photon fluence rate and the spectral quality of the incident radiation at all photoequilibria. Photosynthesis can modify these responses but is not essential as a prior condition for a green plant to respond to changes in light quality and quantity.  相似文献   

Plant defenses are expected to be negatively correlated with plant growth, development and reproduction. In a recent study, we investigated the specificity of induction responses of chemical defenses in the Brassicaceae Sinapis alba.1 It was shown that glucosinolate levels and myrosinase activities increased to different degrees after 24-hours-feeding by a specialist or generalist herbivore or mechanical wounding. Here, we present the specific influences of these treatments on organ biomasses which were recorded as a measure of growth. Directly after the treatments, organ biomasses were reduced locally and systemically by herbivore feeding, but not by mechanical wounding compared to control plants. Induction of glucosinolates, which increased in all treatments, is thus not necessarily expressed as cost in terms of reduced growth in S. alba. No significant long-term differences in plant development between herbivore treated and control plants were found. Thus, tissue loss and increased investments in chemical defenses could be compensated over time, but compensation patterns depended on the inducing agent. Furthermore, herbivore treatments resulted in an increased mechanical defense, measured as abaxial trichome densities. Plants respond highly dynamic with regard to defense and growth allocation and due to different inductors.Key words: Brassicaceae, organ biomass, plant development, specialist, generalist, herbivore, mechanical wounding, costs, trichome densityPlant defenses are generally thought to impose costs in relation to growth and fitness.2 The ability to increase defense levels only after herbivory, i.e., induction, is one possible mechanism of lowering these allocation costs.3 In Brassicaceae, the glucosinolate-myrosinase system is known to hold a defensive function.4 The constitutive and induced production of glucosinolates and myrosinases is thought to be connected to allocation and ecological costs.2,5In a recent study, we investigated the specificity of short-term induction patterns of chemical defenses in Sinapis alba L. var. Silenda damaged by a glucosinolate-sequestering specialist herbivore (turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae (L.), Hymenoptera), a generalist herbivore (fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith, Lepidoptera) or mechanical wounding (cork borer).1 Feeding by the specialist as well as mechanical wounding led to 3-fold increases in both glucosinolate- and myrosinase-levels, whereas generalist feeding induced up to 2-fold increases in glucosinolates only.Different strengths of plant chemical responses might be mirrored in differences of subsequent fitness-related parameters of the plants.6 To assess short-term effects within 24 hours of induction on organ growth in S. alba, organ dry biomasses were calculated from the previous plant set.1 Water content was determined of the organ halves which were freeze-dried and analyzed for glucosinolate content1 and organ dry weights were calculated from water content and total organ fresh weight. The percentage of removed tissue area was determined by photo analysis and organ dry weights of treated leaves were corrected for the respective area. The percentage of lost area in damaged leaves was 7.9 ± 0.5 % after mechanical wounding, 15.1 ± 2.3 % after feeding by S. frugiperda and 15.6 ± 2.3 % after feeding by A. rosae (mean values ± SE, n = 7–8). The plants'' habits and total number of leaves did not vary between the tested plant groups (Fig. 1B; ANOVA: f = 2.36, df = 3, p = 0.095).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Organ dry biomasses of leaves and stems (A) and total numbers of leaves (B) of Sinapis alba cv. Silenda directly after induction. The second youngest leaves of three weeks old plants were treated with either mechanical wounding (cork borer), one Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillar (third instar) or one larva of Athalia rosae (third instar) enclosed in a muslin bag for 24 hours. Bagged leaves without any further treatment served as controls (mean values ± SE, n = 6–8 per treatment). Letters above bars indicate significant differences (ANOVA, Tukey-HSD tests: p < 0.05; n.s., not significant). DL, damaged leaf; OL, older leaf; YL, younger leaf; OS, older stem; YS, younger stem.The short-term growth responses were highly specific between treatments. Herbivore damage did not only result in reduced organ biomass growth of the damaged leaf (ANOVA: f = 11.29, df = 3, p < 0.001), but also of adjacent tissues compared to organs from bag treated and mechanically wounded plants after 24 hours of treatment (Fig. 1A; older leaf - ANOVA: f = 3.87, df = 3, p = 0.021; younger leaf - ANOVA: f = 6.02, df = 3, p = 0.003; younger stem - ANOVA: f = 4.12, df = 3, p = 0.017). Significant differences from bag treated control plants were found for damaged and systemic younger leaves of plants treated with A. rosae larvae. Differences of organ dry biomasses between mechanically wounded and herbivore treated plants were more pronounced, with reduced growth in the latter of 15 to 36 % in leaves and 23 to 48 % in stem parts. This specificity in growth response could be brought about by elicitors introduced to the wounded plant tissues from the herbivores'' saliva which can influence C-allocation to roots.7 The reduced growth of organ biomasses observed in herbivore treated leaves could be the result of specifically saliva elicited resource allocation away from leaf tissue,8 and might not represent costs of increased chemical defense.Long-term effects of herbivore feeding on development of S. alba were monitored in a second set of plants which were treated (as described previously in ref. 1) for 24 hours with either the specialist or the generalist, enclosed in a bag. About three weeks later, on the day when the first flower opened, several parameters were recorded (9,10 Thereby, thresholds for damage seem to exist, beyond which no compensation of tissue loss is possible.11 The percentages of damage in S. alba were, however, below the threshold values reported for other Brassicaceae.11 Influences on growth rates can be obviously transitory. In Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., reduced growth rates were observed directly after treatment, but later growth increased so much, that these plants overcompensated and were even larger than control plants.9 Such plastic plant responses can be again modified by elicitors.7,12

Table 1

Developmental responses of 3-week-old Sinapis alba plants treated for 24 hours with either one larva of the specialist Athalia rosae or one caterpillar of the generalist Spodoptera frugiperda
Plant parameterBagS. frugiperda + bagA. rosae + bagFPFP
Number of leaves [n]14.20 (1.36)14.20 (0.49)14.25 (1.70)0.0010.9991.6990.228
Total leaf area [cm2]378.85 (16.96) ab365.01 (23.45) a463.52 (37.60) b14.0680.0482.6410.116
Aboveground biomass, fresh weight [g]19.81 (1.24)20.58 (0.67)22.37 (1.51)1.2340.3281.6730.232
Days to first flower[d]14.20 (0.58)14.60 (1.08)12.75 (0.85)1.1610.3491.4000.287
Number of buds [n]150.80 (16.23)148.40 (4.30)157.75 (21.80)0.0990.9074.4530.038
Trichome density, abaxial LS, treated leaf [n/cm2]31.28 (5.55) a57.71 (7.68) b47.91 (2.90) ab5.1690.0261.2310.329
Trichome density, abaxial LS, treated leaf [n/cm2]16.74 (3.92)23.35 (2.84)19.27 (1.88)1.1950.3391.9690.186
Trichome density, abaxial LS, +3 leaf [n/cm2]51.99 (17.90) a159.49 (31.15) b72.14 (15.48) ab6.1560.0160.7800.482
Trichome density, abaxial LS, +3 leaf [n/cm2]29.52 (11.29)37.01 (8.08)33.59 (1.05)0.2000.8226.1150.016
Open in a separate windowLarvae were enclosed on the second-youngest leaf in a muslin bag. Leaves of control plants were enclosed in bags as well. Insects and bags were removed after the 24 hour period. Plants were harvested on the day the first flower opened (about three weeks after treatment). Mean values (SE), n = 5. Notes: 1 - multiple comparisons were marginally significant with P = 0.052. Abbreviations: LS - leaf side, +3 leaf - leaf that was three positions further up on the stem from the induction site. Treatment effects were tested by one-way ANOVA followed by HSD tests (significant differences are marked with different letters and values highlighted in bold, P < 0.05, or otherwise stated). Variance homogeneity was examined by Levené-tests.Specific reactions of S. alba were also observed in the production of trichomes. Early herbivore feeding led to an increase of trichome densities on abaxial leaf sides in the damaged leaf, but much more pronounced in the leaf three positions further up that expanded after induction treatment (+3 leaves). Due to generalist feeding trichome densities doubled in treated and tripled in the +3 leaves, whereas the increase of trichomes due to specialist feeding was less pronounced. Investment in this mechanical defense was not mirrored in a potential reduced short-term growth, but possibly prevented generalist induced plants from overcompensation of growth in the long term.The general trade-off between growth and defense is well known. In contrast to these long-term evolutionary associations between plant species, within individual plants initially reduced growth rates after induction treatments might be involved in a tolerance mechanism rather than an expression of costs from increased chemical or mechanical defenses. In S. alba induced chemical defenses, mechanical defenses and growth responses showed different specific patterns according to herbivore species or mechanical wounding. Putative tolerance mechanisms by increased C-allocation into root tissues7 might enable plants to cope with short-term herbivore feeding, but might depend on the herbivore''s impact. As shown here, tolerance mechanisms are not, as formerly suggested, restricted as response to specialist herbivores,7 but were also observable after generalist feeding. The identification of herbivore derived elicitors, their signaling cascades and possible integration points between several defense mechanisms and growth will further aid in understanding the plasticity of plant behavior in response to signaling events.  相似文献   

In many plant species, prolonged application of ammonium (NH4+) as a source of nitrogen results in physiological and morphological disorders (‘ammonium toxicity’). In the mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedling we have previously observed particularly severe symptoms of ammonium toxicity in the absence of external nitrate (NO3-) or with increasing NH4+/NO3- ratios. In the present investigation we have studied the symptoms of this ‘toxicity’in more depth, i.e. at the morphological, plastidic, enzyme and mRNA levels, in an effort to elucidate the causation of the syndrome. It could be confirmed that the syndrome is specific for ammonium and is not caused by a surplus of nitrogen. The syndrome is caused neither by pH changes in the medium nor by non-specific osmotic effects. Furthermore, the syndrome is not causally related to the fact that nitrate reductase (NR; EC is induced by ammonium. Development of the syndrome requires neither photosynthesis nor intact plastids. Nevertheless, the plastids are severely affected by ammonium application as is anthocyanin synthesis. Enzymes are differently affected. Among the plastidic enzymes, levels of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase; EC and NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-GPD; EC are strongly reduced and abundance of translatable mRNA of the small subunit of RuBPCase is decreased, whereas nitrite reductase (NIR; EC is not affected. Among extraplastidic enzymes, the level of chalcone synthase (CHS; EC is strongly reduced, the NAD-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADGPD; EC level is unaffected, whereas the isocitrate lyase (ICL; EC level is strongly promoted. The fat → carbohydrate transformation seems to be impaired by ammonium: fat degradation is reduced, starch accumulation is strongly inhibited and the levels of glucose and fructose are decreased. It appears from the present data and from results obtained in a companion study (U. Hecht and H. Mohr, in preparation) that the ammonium toxicity syndrome is detectable as soon as ammonium accumulation occurs in the plant. However, the actual mechanism through which the excess ammonium affects metabolism remains unclear at present.  相似文献   

The kinetics of respiration-dependent proton efflux and membrane energization have been studied in intact cells of logarithmic-phase Escherichia coli. Parallel measurements of the rate and extent of proton efflux into the external medium (half-time, about 10 s; ratio of H(+) to O, about 0.5) and the oxidation of E. coli cytochrome b (half-time, 相似文献   

Molecular dynamics trajectories 2 μs in length have been generated for the pH-activated, tetrameric M2 proton channel of the influenza A virus in all protonation states of the pH sensor located at the His37 tetrad. All simulated structures are in very good agreement with high-resolution structures. Changes in the channel caused by progressive protonation of His37 provide insight into the mechanism of proton transport. The channel is closed at both His37 and Trp41 sites in the singly and doubly protonated states, but it opens at Trp41 upon further protonation. Anions access the charged His37 and by doing so stabilize the protonated states of the channel. The narrow opening at the His37 site, further blocked by anions, is inconsistent with the water-wire mechanism of proton transport. Instead, conformational interconversions of His37 correlated with hydrogen bonding to water molecules indicate that these residues shuttle protons in high-protonation states. Hydrogen bonds between charged and uncharged histidines are rare. The valve at Val27 remains on average quite narrow in all protonation states but fluctuates sufficiently to support water and proton transport. A proton transport mechanism in which the channel, depending on pH, opens at either the histidine or valine gate is only partially supported by the simulations.  相似文献   

K+ is the most abundant cation in cells of higher plants, and it plays vital roles in plant growth and development. Extensive studies on the kinetics of K+ uptake in roots have shown that K+ uptake is mediated by at least two transport mechanisms, one with a high and one with a low affinity for K+. However, the precise molecular mechanisms of K+ uptake from soils into root epidermal cells remain unknown. In the present study we have pursued the biophysical identification and characterization of mechanisms of K+ uptake into single root hairs of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), since root hairs constitute an important site of nutrient uptake from the soil. These patch-clamp studies showed activation of a large inward current carried by K+ ions into root hairs at membrane potentials more negative than -75 mV. This K+ influx current was mediated by hyperpolarization-activated K+-selective ion channels, with a selectivity sequence for monovalent cations of K+ > Rb+ [almost equal to] NH4+ >> Na+ [almost equal to] Li+ > Cs+. Kinetic analysis of K+ channel currents yielded an apparent K+ equilibrium dissociation constant (Km) of [almost equal to]8.8 mM, which closely correlates to the major component of low-affinity K+ uptake. These channels did not inactivate during prolonged stimulation and would thus enable long-term K+ uptake driven by the plasma membrane proton-extruding pump. Aluminum, which is known to inhibit cation uptake at the root epidermis, blocked these inward-rectifying K+ channels with half-maximal current inhibition at [almost equal to]8 [mu]M free Al3+. Aluminum block of K+ channels at these Al3+ concentrations correlates closely to Al3+ phytotoxicity. It is concluded that inward-rectifying K+ channels in root hairs can function as both a physiologically important mechanism for low-affinity K+ uptake and as regulators of membrane potential. The identification of this mechanism is a major step toward a detailed molecular characterization of the multiple components involved in K+ uptake, transport, and membrane potential control in root epidermal cells.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics trajectories 2 μs in length have been generated for the pH-activated, tetrameric M2 proton channel of the influenza A virus in all protonation states of the pH sensor located at the His37 tetrad. All simulated structures are in very good agreement with high-resolution structures. Changes in the channel caused by progressive protonation of His37 provide insight into the mechanism of proton transport. The channel is closed at both His37 and Trp41 sites in the singly and doubly protonated states, but it opens at Trp41 upon further protonation. Anions access the charged His37 and by doing so stabilize the protonated states of the channel. The narrow opening at the His37 site, further blocked by anions, is inconsistent with the water-wire mechanism of proton transport. Instead, conformational interconversions of His37 correlated with hydrogen bonding to water molecules indicate that these residues shuttle protons in high-protonation states. Hydrogen bonds between charged and uncharged histidines are rare. The valve at Val27 remains on average quite narrow in all protonation states but fluctuates sufficiently to support water and proton transport. A proton transport mechanism in which the channel, depending on pH, opens at either the histidine or valine gate is only partially supported by the simulations.  相似文献   

WERKER  E.; KISLEV  M. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(4):809-816
Small drops of a mucilaginous character near the tip of roothairs were seen by light microscopy in several species of Sorghumand the Sorghum hybrid Vidan. Electron microscopy revealed thatthe drops are formed from at least two distinct substances,both apparently secreted from the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, a patchy, fibrillar mucilaginous layer, also withat least two components, was found on the cell wall of the roothairs and on the outer wall of ordinary root epidermal cells.Golgi bodies as well as mitochondria take part in its production.As a rule, the mucilaginous patches are colonized by bacteria. Sorghum, root hairs, mucilage  相似文献   

We have used propidium iodide (PI) to investigate the dynamic properties of the primary cell wall at the apex of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root hairs and pollen tubes and in lily (Lilium formosanum) pollen tubes. Our results show that in root hairs, as in pollen tubes, oscillatory peaks in PI fluorescence precede growth rate oscillations. Pectin forms the primary component of the cell wall at the tip of both root hairs and pollen tubes. Given the electronic structure of PI, we investigated whether PI binds to pectins in a manner analogous to Ca2+ binding. We first show that Ca2+ is able to abrogate PI growth inhibition in a dose-dependent manner. PI fluorescence itself also relies directly on the amount of Ca2+ in the growth solution. Exogenous pectin methyl esterase treatment of pollen tubes, which demethoxylates pectins, freeing more Ca2+-binding sites, leads to a dramatic increase in PI fluorescence. Treatment with pectinase leads to a corresponding decrease in fluorescence. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that PI binds to demethoxylated pectins. Unlike other pectin stains, PI at low yet useful concentration is vital and specifically does not alter the tip-focused Ca2+ gradient or growth oscillations. These data suggest that pectin secretion at the apex of tip-growing plant cells plays a critical role in regulating growth, and PI represents an excellent tool for examining the role of pectin and of Ca2+ in tip growth.The apical wall of tip-growing cells participates directly in the process of growth regulation (McKenna et al., 2009; Winship et al., 2010), yet few methods permit monitoring the wall properties of living cells. Despite this, several recent studies have enhanced our understanding of the apical cell wall. Chemical analyses of isolated pollen tube wall material have revealed a complex mixture of pectic polysaccharides with regions comprising long sequences of polygalacturonic acid. Important patterns of pectin methoxylation have been detected using immunocytochemical approaches, but these are limited to fixed cells (Dardelle et al., 2010). In a recent study, Parre and Geitmann (2005) used microindentation to show significant correlations between wall strength and growth rate. None of these techniques allow for easy investigation of the cell wall during growth.In an earlier study, we found that propidium iodide (PI) vitally stains pollen tubes of lily (Lilium formosanum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and in particular reveals with great clarity the thickened apical cell wall (Fig. 1; McKenna et al., 2009). In addition, the apical PI fluorescence oscillates and in lily pollen tubes correlates tightly with oscillations in wall thickness measured by differential interference contrast (DIC) optics. Finally, these studies indicated that the PI fluorescence predicted cell growth rates with high confidence, suggesting that PI binding may provide useful information about the physical and chemical properties of the cell wall.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.PI fluorescence and growth rate oscillate in lily pollen tubes (A and B), Arabidopsis root hairs (C–E), and Arabidopsis pollen tubes (F and G). A, The top panel shows a DIC image of a lily pollen tube, and the bottom panel shows PI fluorescence of the same tube. The PI fluorescence is pseudocolored, with white representing high signal and blue representing low signal. Bar = 10 μm. B, Growth rate (blue) and PI fluorescence (red) are plotted on a line graph. Both oscillate with the same period but with different phases. C, DIC image (top panel) and PI fluorescence image (bottom panel) of an Arabidopsis root hair. Bar = 10 μm. D, Two PI fluorescence images of the same root hair focused on the apex representing peak (top) and trough (bottom) PI signals. Bar = 5 μm. E, A line graph showing the growth rate (blue) and peak PI fluorescence at the apex (red) for the same root hair shown in C and D. F, The top panel shows a DIC image of an Arabidopsis pollen tube, and the bottom panel shows PI fluorescence of the same tube. The PI fluorescence is pseudocolored, with white representing high signal and blue representing low signal. Bar = 5 μm. G, Growth rate (blue) and PI fluorescence (red) are plotted on a line graph. Both oscillate with the same period but with different phases. The growth rate between individual 3-s frames was smaller than the pixel size for our optics in both Arabidopsis cell types; to remove the noise this generated, a four-image (pollen) or five-image (root hair) running average is shown. A.U., Arbitrary units.PI is commonly used to visualize plant cell walls by wide-field fluorescence and confocal microscopy (Fiers et al., 2005; Tian et al., 2006; Estevez et al., 2008) and to select viable cells during cell sorting (Deitch et al., 1982; Jones and Senft, 1985). A positively charged phenanthridine derivative, the propidium ion stains cell walls but does not pass through the intact cell membranes of living cells. It readily diffuses into dead cells and forms highly fluorescent complexes by intercalation between base pairs of double-stranded nucleic acids, thus acting as an excellent indicator for cell vitality (Hudson et al., 1969). Binding to cell walls presumably occurs by a different mechanism, since it is not accompanied by the dramatic increase in fluorescence and shift in absorption and emission maxima observed when PI binds to nucleic acids. The mechanism of PI binding needs further exploration, as does the potential for broader use in other tip-growing plant cells.In this report, we test two hypotheses: first, that PI stains other tip-growing cells with pectin-containing cell walls; and second, that PI and Ca2+ bind to the same sites in these walls. This binding would occur through the interaction of partial positive charges caused by localized deficits in π-orbital electrons associated with three of the four nitrogen atoms of PI (Luedtke et al., 2005) coordinating with negatively charged carboxyl and hydroxyl groups on homogalacturonans (HGs), as has been suggested in Oedogonium bharuchae (Estevez et al., 2008).Our findings indicate that both hypotheses are satisfied. Notably, oscillatory changes in apical PI fluorescence occur and are observed to anticipate oscillations in growth rate in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root hairs and Arabidopsis pollen tubes. In addition, competition studies indicate that PI and Ca2+ bind to the same sites in cell walls. Supporting these studies, we demonstrate that pectin methyl esterase (PME) creates more sites for PI binding, presumably by demethoxylating HGs as they are secreted, and that pectinase reduces PI fluorescence dramatically. However, unlike other pectin-binding dyes, PI does not block Ca2+ channels at the concentration used in live cell studies, nor does it alter oscillatory growth characteristics. Our findings provide evidence that PI may be employed as a quantitative measure of Ca2+-binding sites and thus may have use as an indicator of the degree of cross-linking of HGs and of cell wall extensibility.  相似文献   

Y. -N. Hong  P. Schopfer 《Planta》1981,152(4):325-335
The peroxisomal enzyme, urate oxidase (EC, and the next enzyme of the urate pathway, allantoinase (EC, demonstrate a lightmediated rise of activity in the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.). The capacity of the peroxisomes for urate breakdown, marked by the time course of urate oxidase, develops distinctly later than the two other peroxisome functions (fatty acid breakdown, glyoxysomal function; glycolate breakdown, leaf peroxisomal function). The light effect on urate oxidase and allantoinase is mediated through the phytochrome system in all three seedling organs (cotyledons, hypocotyl, radicle), as revealed by induction/reversion experiments with red/far-red light pulses and continuous irradiation with far-red light (high irradiance reaction of phytochrome). Both enzyme activities can be induced by phytochrome in the seedling cotyledons only during a sensitive period of about 48 h prior to the actual light-mediated rise of activity, making it necessary to assume the existence of a long-lived intermediate (transmitter) in the signal response chain connecting enzyme formation to the phytochrome system. Detailed kinetic investigation, designed to test whether urate oxidase and allantoinase are controlled by phytochrome via the same signal response chain (coordinate induction), revealed large differences between the two enzymes: (i) a different onset of the loss of reversibility of a red light induction by a far-red light pulse (=onset of transmitter formation=coupling point; 48 h/24 h after sowing for urate oxidase/allantoinase); (ii) a different onset of the response (=onset of competence for transmitter= starting point; 72 h/48 h); (iii) full loss of reversibility (=completion of transmitter formation) is reached at different times (independence point, 90 h/52 h). These differences show that phytochrome controls urate oxidase and allantoinase via separate signal response chains. While urate oxidase can be localized in the peroxisomal fraction isolated from crude organelle extracts of the cotyledons by density gradient centrifugation, most of the allantoinase activity found in the peroxisomal fraction did not appear to be an integral part of the peroxisome but originated presumably from adhering membrane fragments.Abbreviations AL allantoinase, EC - CAT catalase, EC - GO glycolate oxidase, EC - ICL isocitrate lyase, EC - UO urate oxidase, EC Pr - Pfr red and far-red absorbing forms of phytochrome On the occasion of his 80th birthday we dedicate this paper to Prof. Dr. phil., Dr. mult. h.c. Kurt Mothes, pioneer in research on metabolism of urates  相似文献   

The ability of detached cotyledons cultured in the light toassimilate 14CO2, was reduced by the presence of sucrose inthe culture medium. This was due, at least in part, to an increasedrate of chlorophyll loss and yellowing of the blade. When cotyledondiscs were used, the inhibition of 14Carbon fixation by sucrosewas even more marked than in entire cotyledons. This could bedue to a higher level of penetration of the sucrose into discsor to the absence of the petiole which normally accumulatesphotosynthetic products. Sucrose culture also inhibited root production in cotyledonscultured in the light but promoted root formation in dark-grownor DCMU-treated cotyledons. The DCMU-inhibition of 14Carbonfixation by the blades was alleviated to some extent by sucroseculture. The sucrose effect on rooting was not permanent inthat transfer into water from sucrose led to root formationalthough this was delayed and present in a lower proportionof cotyledons than the controls. Thus, although a carbohydrate source either from photosynthesisor as applied sucrose, is essential for root production to takeplace, the combination of culture in the light with the presenceof sucrose in the medium may lead to an accumulation of carbohydrateto a level which directly or indirectly increases blade yellowingand inhibits root production.  相似文献   

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