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利用现代空间大地测量技术测出北半球活动板块边缘会聚、扩张和滑动速度.北半球板块间南北方向运动总体上呈现会聚类型,反映北半球在南北方向处于收缩状态;北大西洋中脊扩张速度明显小于南大西洋中脊;纬度为7.7,23.3,34.8,42.0和51.0的闭合环纬线长变化率分别为-20.0,-15.5,-3.5,-4.1和-5.8 mm/a,均为负值,表明北半球纬向运动在收缩.另外,利用板块欧拉运动定律得出北半球同纬度板块回路速度闭合差为负值,进一步验证了北半球压缩.  相似文献   

南半球减速膨胀的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用空间大地测量技术的长期观测资料,得出南半球纬线圈纬线长变化率和全球活动板块边缘扩张与汇聚运动速率,并与3Ma平均地质地磁模型NUVEL1A的估算结果进行比较:(1)空间大地测量技术测得南半球纬线圈纬线变化率均为正值;(2)南半球测站的垂向运动除了赤道附近几个测站下沉,其余91髎的台站全上升;(3)南半球相邻板块的现今汇聚和扩张运动速率均比3Ma平均地质模型NUVEL1A估值小,而北半球相邻板块的汇聚和扩张运动速率没有系统性的变化. 这些实测结果反映了南半球纬线圈方向在减速伸展,南北方向在减速拉伸,即南半球在减速膨胀.  相似文献   

This paper presents UV data recorded over 12 months in 2000/2001 at a southern hemisphere (Toowoomba) and similar latitude northern hemisphere (BigBend and Everglades) sites using Brewer Spectrophotometers. The peak daily erythemally weighted UV (DUV) at the Toowoomba site was 8.8% and 25% higher compared to that at the BigBend and Everglades sites, respectively. The Everglades site exposures are lower than the BigBend site exposures in summer and spring. This may be due to the higher cloud cover for the Everglades site. The summer DUV values between Toowoomba and BigBend are similar. In spring, the average DUV value is the greatest at BigBend compared to the other two sites. Results indicate that variability between the measurement sites is due to varying cloud and ozone, and possibly due to aerosol and airmass differences of each region. Of these different site-specific local atmospheric conditions, cloud was the main contributor to the differences in UV between the sites.  相似文献   

Based on the horizontal movement velocities and their error estimations of 144GPS stations in North China de-duced from the results obtained from multiple GPS measurements carried out in the period of 1992-2001,the horizontal deformation in the area is stuklied.The movements,entire deformations,local deformations,activeity patterns and intensities along the boundary zones are derived.And then the risk of strong earthquake in the area is estimated.In the research,the horizontal displacement observations can be considered as the sum of three parts.The first part is the entire motion following Eurasian plate,which can be derived from NUVAL-IA model;the second part is the relative motions and deformations between the sub-tectonic blocks in the studied area,which can be derived from a set of displacement observations determined by the expanded QUAD method in the paper;the third part is the local deformations and errors in the sub-tectonic blocks,which can be described as the inhomoge-neous strains of the block.The method and results are introduced in detail in the paper.  相似文献   

Described is a method for non-regular combination of different techniques, where the normal equations matrix cannot be restored, to obtain a representative set of Earth orientation parameters and station coordinates. The method is based on combining station position vectors transformed to the celestial reference frame, where they are functions of both the EOP and the station coordinates. Three types of constraints are applied to stabilize the system, separate celestial pole offset from polar motion and, to tie the EOP between individual epochs. VLBI, GPS, SLR and Doris data as collected for the ‘IERS SINEX Combination Campaign’ was used to check the method. After combination, dispersion of station coordinates decreased from 0.040 to 0.031 m. The effect of the combination on EOP is of the order of 0.2 mas and it can be seen in Figs. 3 and 4 as a difference of the final and a priori values.  相似文献   

HF radar stations (utilizing the spaced-antenna partial-reflection technique) located at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E) and Mawson Station (67°S, 63°E) have observed horizontal mesospheric winds continuously since mid-1984. Observations in the period 1984–87 are compared with the Northern Hemisphere [latitude conjugate] stations of Kyoto (35°N, 136°E) and Poker Flat (65°N, 147°W), and with satellite-derived circulation models. Particular reference is made to the equinoctial changeovers in zonal flow and to the temporal and altitude variations in the planetary wave activity at Mawson and Adelaide.  相似文献   

Based on the absolute and relative gravity observations in North China from 2009 to 2014, spatial dynamic variations of the regional gravity field are obtained. We employed the Euler deconvolution method and the theoretical model to get the best estimates of parameters. Gravity field change caused by the depth and distribution in North China is calculated by back analysis. The results show the structural index that equals 1 is suitable for inversion of the gravity variation data. The inversion results indicate that the depths of anomaly field sources are spread over the Hetao fault. The research method of this paper can be used in the quantitative study on the field source and may shed new light on the interpretations of gravity change, and also provide quantitative basis for earthquake prediction index criterions based on the gravity change.  相似文献   

刘芳  祝意青  梁伟锋  杨姣  赵云峰 《地震》2016,36(4):163-170
利用华北地区2009—2014年绝对重力与相对重力多期重复观测资料, 得到不同时空尺度的华北区域重力场动态变化图像。 采用欧拉反褶积方法, 通过对理论模型试算, 获得最优反演参数, 对引起华北地区重力场变化的场源深度和空间分布规律进行了反演计算和分析。 结果表明: 当构造指数为1时, 适合对流动重力场变化数据进行反演。 实际资料的反演结果在2009—2014年间的场源位置集中于河套断裂带。 本文研究方法可以用于重力场反演和以场求源的定量研究。 本工作为流动重力变化信号的反演和解释提供一条新思路, 也为构建地震重力预报指标体系提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

The newest observational evidence on asymmetrical deformation of the Earth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IntroductionWhat is the shape of the Earth? Does it change continuously? It is a scientific question since the ancient times and is still being observed and explored at present. In 250 BC, Greek scholar Eratosthene supposed the shape of the Earth to be spherical according to the observations to the Sun and estimated the perimeter of the Earth to be 4 000 km (King-Hele, 1976) according to the camel-walking distance. Until the 16th century, the Earth was considered to be a very symmetrical …  相似文献   

华北克拉通地壳结构及动力学机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

本文对布设在华北克拉通三个陆块的199个宽频带台站记录的远震数据进行了接收函数计算.利用H-κ迭代方法获得了该区域基岩地区的地壳结构,平滑处理后作为背景结构模型中的基岩地区地壳结构;利用相邻算法对沉积层地区的接收函数进行了波形拟合计算,获得了沉积层结构,平滑后作为背景结构模型中的沉积层结构;结合前人的研究成果,完善了研究区域的背景结构模型.以此模型为基础,对接收函数进行了CCP(Common Conversion Point,共转换点)叠加成像,获得了Moho面成像结果,对比沉积层的成像结果发现:西部陆块中鄂尔多斯块体东部地区地壳厚度较大,约为42 km,泊松比较低,小于0.24,为长英质含量较多的地壳层;位于中部陆块的山西地堑地壳厚度小于鄂尔多斯块体,且变化较大,西侧地壳厚度约为40 km,东侧重力梯度带附近地壳厚度迅速减薄至36 km左右,张家口-怀来-大同一带出现了地壳的局部抬升,地壳厚度等值线基本以北北东方向为主,与构造带方向基本一致,地堑内泊松比约为0.26~0.28,前人对此区域的层析成像研究结果表明太行山隆起和阴山隆起存在壳内低速层,推测为地壳部分熔融以及上地幔物质上涌造成的;东部陆块中渤海湾盆地的地壳厚度较薄,约为32 km,部分地区小于30 km,其中冀中坳陷带地壳厚度最薄,约为28 km,沉积层基底分布与Moho面分布呈镜像对称趋势,沉积层较厚地区的地壳较薄,推测东部陆块在太平洋板块俯冲作用下,存在北西-南东向的拉张作用,使其内发育了大量断陷盆地.


本文根据地震和地震构造等资料,研究华北地区公元1300年以来MS≥6.5级地震的发震断裂的基本参数.利用1966年以来隆尧、海城、渤海和唐山等有仪器记录的地震的相关参数进行回归分析得出了地震烈度Ⅷ度区长轴长度与余震区长轴长度的回归关系式及震级与震源体破裂长度的回归关系式.用余震区长轴长度代替震源体的破裂长度,从而给出各次地震的震源断层破裂长度.利用地震测深的地壳结构构造剖面、地震序列的震源分布、壳内低速层和地壳上部的构造、盆地构造与居里面分布和已知地震震源分布等资料推断了震源破裂的上下界.基于一定的合理假定推导出了断层滑动角的估计方法,并应用于本研究区,得出了各次事件的断层滑动角.  相似文献   

李琳  潘静  李崇银 《地球物理学报》2013,56(6):1825-1834
极涡崩溃是平流层大气环流一个重要的变化过程,本文利用31年的再分析资料研究了南半球平流层极涡崩溃早晚年的异常特征.研究结果表明,南半球平流层极涡崩溃偏早年极涡崩溃前后平流层环流场异常表现为整层一致的变化,即都为正温度异常、正位势高度异常和负纬向风异常;而南半球平流层极涡崩溃偏晚年极涡崩溃前后平流层环流场异常的整层一致性的变化不典型,而在符号上与极涡崩溃偏早年的异常相反.与北半球平流层极涡崩溃前后环流异常相反明显不同,南半球平流层极涡崩溃偏早或偏晚年在极涡崩溃前后的环流异常保持相同的性质.进一步分析表明行星波活动在南极极涡的崩溃过程中起到了重要作用,极涡崩溃早年上传行星波比极涡崩溃晚年强,并且持续时间长.通过波流相互作用,行星波的异常使得极涡崩溃早年和晚年10月的平流层高纬地区分别为位势高度正异常和负异常,环流异常持续保持可能最终影响了南半球平流层极涡的崩溃时间.分析显示南半球极涡崩溃偏晚与La Niña事件之间可能存在一定的联系,但在极涡崩溃偏早年与赤道太平洋海表温度异常(SSTA)并无明显关系.  相似文献   

推导了板块的弹性运动方程.根据太平洋板块(PCFC)上空间大地测量的观测结果,建立了PCFC的弹性运动模型,该模型与板块实际运动状态的符合程度明显地优于刚体运动模型.研究表明:PCFC现今旋转的角速度比过去3Ma的平均值大0.037°/Ma;在PCFC内部存在明显的水平形变,在15°S以北和204.5°E以西地区存在一致的向西形变,北西与南西方向的形变速率分别为0.8~3.5 mm/a与1.0~3.4 mm/a;在板块的东南区存在一致的向东形变,北东与南东方向的形变速率分别为1.5~1.8 mm/a与2.8~9.1 mm/a.PCFC内部水平应变场的空间变化是有规律的,在PCFC的西北部,主压应变轴为NW-SE方向,主压应变率大于主张应变率;在PCFC的东南部,主压应变轴为NE-SW方向,主张应变率大于主压应变率;PCFC的东南边界是扩张边界,边界附近的主张应变率最大(平均为1.51×10-9/a),主张应变轴基本上与洋中脊的扩张方向一致;PCFC的西北边界是俯冲边界,边界附近的主压应变率最大(平均为0.75×10-9/a),主压应变轴基本上与太平洋板块的俯冲方向一致.  相似文献   

着重分析研究华北地区第四活动期以来M_S≥5.0地震时空分布特征。结果表明,该地区第四活动期从1820年至1976年期间,地震活动出现了前后两次基本相似的强弱起伏活动过程,分别历时69年和66年。前后两个活动过程不但时序结构类似,进程一致,且空间演化格局相似,都是先从华北地区的中南部开始,再迁移至东北部辽东半岛及附近海域,最终在华北地区北部集中出现一系列强震活动,而完成整个活动过程。进一步分析表明,前后两活动过程的第一阶段6级以上强震,在空间分布上除南黄海地区外,基本上互不重复。这一现象的发现,有助于该地区今后地震活动主体区域的分析判断。  相似文献   

The rates and configuration of seismic deformation in the North Aegean trough-North Anatolian fault are determined from the moment tensor mechanisms of the earthquakes that occurred within this region. The analysis is based onKostrov's (1974) formulation. The fault plane solutions of the earthquakes of the period 1913–1983 withM s 6.0 are used. The focal mechanism of some of the past events (before 1960) is assumed, based on the present knowledge of the seismotectonics as well as on the macroseismic records of the area studied. The analysis showed that the deformation of the northern Aegean is dominated by EW contraction (at a rate of about 15 mm/yr) which is relieved by NS extension (at a rate of about 9 mm/yr). It was also shown that the northern part of North Anatolia (north of 39.7°N parallel) undergoes contraction in the EW direction (at a rate of about 9 mm/yr) and NS extension as the dominant mode of deformation (at a rate of about 5 mm/yr). It may be stated therefore, that the pattern of deformation of the northern Aegean and the northern part of North Anatolian fault is controlled by the NS extension the Aegean is undergoing as a whole, and the dextral strike-slip motion of the North Anatolian fault. The southern part of North Anatolia is undergoing crustal thinning at a rate of 2.3 mm/yr, NS extension (at a rate of 5 mm/yr) as well as EW extension (at a rate of 4 mm/yr), which are consistent with the occurrence of major normal faulting and justify the separation of North Anatolia into two separate subareas.  相似文献   

基于中国地震科学台阵探测项目在华北中部布设的306个台站记录的波形数据,利用背景噪声层析成像方法开展了 Rayleigh波相速度和方位各向异性研究.结果显示,短周期的相速度异常及其方位各向异性主要与地表构造相关,盆地表现为低速异常,造山带表现为高速异常,快波方向主要表现为NE-SW向,与断层走向以及构造单元走向一致.在...  相似文献   

大华北地区二种不同空间分布类型的地震活动性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大华北地区地震资料相对可靠的20世纪以来第三、第四活动期的地震活动做了分析,发现前后二地震活动期有着不同的空间分布类型, 但彼此联系密切又相对完整。通过对比研究发现, 二个活动期地震活动的主体区域基本上互不重复, 地震活动有等间距发生的特征, 认为这一现象对于分析今后地震活动的地点具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The 1975 May 26 earthquake, of magnitude Ms = 7.9, occurred in the North Atlantic close to the Azores Archipelago. Its epicentre, as given by US Geological Survey, was 17.5° W, 35.9° N, 200 km south of the Gloria Fault. Several authors determined the focal mechanism as a dextral strike-slip event with no significant dip-slip component, compatible with the relative motion between Eurasia and Nubia plates but away from the presumed plate boundary. The 1975 earthquake generated a tsunami of small amplitude, recorded at the Portuguese tide-gauge network, in Spain and Northern Africa. The peculiar location of the earthquake and tsunami source and the generation of a noticeable tsunami were already discussed by several authors, but up to now, no direct modelling of the tsunami generation and propagation was made to judge the set of source solutions obtained by seismological analysis. In this paper, we present tsunami simulations, backward ray tracing and forward non-linear shallow water simulations using data from Iberia and Azores and Northern Africa. We show that a good fit between observed data and synthetic waveforms can be obtained with a focal mechanism with no significant dip-slip component, favouring its interpretation as almost pure dextral strike-slip event located in an old fracture zone south of Gloria Fault.  相似文献   

啜永清 《地震》2002,22(1):70-76
为探索地震活动性前兆异常图像在1年尺度上的时空演化特征,应用地震活动因子预测方法,对华北地区进行了全时空扫描分析,筛选出对应效果较好的4个因子进行了全程统计。结果表明,震前1年左右扫描区域内异常小区由多到少到发震的现象,以及发震构造单元的异常小区所占比例较高的现象。归纳出根据异常小区数从多-少-发震的时间预测方法和根据构造单元的异常小区高比值的地点预测方法,它是利用地震活动因子进行预测的更易于识别的时空异常特征指标,经R值评分检验在一定程度上提高了预报效能。  相似文献   

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