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An interpolation algorithm for finite-duration real sequences using the discrete Fourier transform is presented. The proposed method is shown to result in a significant saving of computational labour over the discrete version of the time-domain classical interpolation formula. Estimation of inbetween samples for large sequences is possible within a mean square error of 0.00114 with this method. Some considerations with regard to the computation of FFTs are also discussed.  相似文献   

刘子梁  杨娟  张玉  梁昌洪 《电波科学学报》2007,22(2):299-302,335
MoM-UTD混合方法是一种分析电大平台上天线问题的有效方法.在用该方法分析机载平台上天线间隔离度的频率特性时,由于每一个频点都需要重新计算阻抗矩阵,因此分析整个频带内隔离度的计算量很大,耗时很长.基于此,笔者将阻抗矩阵插值技术引入MoM-UTD混合方法,只直接计算频率间隔较大几个离散频点的阻抗矩阵,频带内其它频点的阻抗矩阵通过对每一个矩阵元素插值得到,从而实现了隔离度的快速扫频,大大减少了计算量,缩短了计算时间.  相似文献   

Iterative frequency estimation by interpolation on Fourier coefficients   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The estimation of the frequency of a complex exponential is a problem that is relevant to a large number of fields. In this paper, we propose and analyze two new frequency estimators that interpolate on the Fourier coefficients of the received signal samples. The estimators are shown to achieve identical asymptotic performances. They are asymptotically unbiased and normally distributed with a variance that is only 1.0147 times the asymptotic Crame/spl acute/r-Rao bound (ACRB) uniformly over the frequency estimation range.  相似文献   

Fast algorithms for single frequency estimation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, some new estimators of the frequency of a single complex sinusoid are presented. The rotate-add-decimate (RAD) method of Crozier is first refined to more closely approach the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB). An additional modification yields an unbiased estimator (ERAD) that essentially achieves the CRB above a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold comparable to that of RAD. In addition, this estimator is proven to achieve the CRB for high SNR. The ERAD method requires approximately 2N complex multiply-adds and log/sub 2/N arctangents. A modified ERAD (MERAD) is proposed that matches the SNR threshold and computational complexity of the RAD method (approximately 3N complex multiply-adds and log/sub 2/N arctangents) but achieves the CRB for high SNR.  相似文献   

运用特征子空间分析方法的关键问题在于信号或噪声子空间的估计,在实际中有些信号的统计特性通常是随时间变化的,这时需要随时根据新的阵列接收数据对信号或噪声子空间进行更新,以得到参数的实时估计值,在该文中建立了多维信号参量联合估计的3D Unitary ESPRIT算法,然后提出了基于球面平均 ULV分解的子空间跟踪算法,将子空间跟踪算法与多维信号多量联合估计算法相结合,得到多维时变信号参数的跟踪估计算法,仿真计算结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

雷达散射截面基于MBPE模型的在频空两域的双内插   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Padé多项式模型一般被用于频域上的模基参数估计 ( MBPE) ,为了将空域信息卷入拟合公式 ,混合的 MBPE技术采用了 Padé多项式和单项式或多项式相结合的方法以便同时在频域和空域进行双内插。这种技术已在天线中得到应用 ,此文将该技术应用于雷达散射截面 ( RCS)领域。为了得到更高的精度和更快的计算机处理时间 ,采用了将大矩阵分块计算 ,空频域分区内插 ,以及自适应算法等方法  相似文献   

一种波达方向、频率联合估计快速算法   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
首先提出了基于PM(propagator method)方法的波达方向(DOA)、频率联合估计快速算法,给出了PM算子的一个估计,由PM算子构造出一特殊的低维矩阵,其特征值给出频率的估计,进而由估计的频率和相应的特征矢量得到DOA的估计。该算法具有参数自动配对,计算量小的优点,易于在工程应用中实时处理。计算机仿真结果证实了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The use of fast Hartley transform for fast discrete interpolation is considered. The computational method uses the sprit-radix algorithm which requires the least number of operations compared with other Hartley algorithms. Results from this method are compared with those using the fast Fourier transform.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an efficient motion vector recovery algorithm for the new coding standard H.264, which makes use of the Lagrange interpolation formula. In H.264, a 16/spl times/16 inter macroblock can be divided into different block shapes for motion estimation, and each block has its own motion vector. For nature video the movement within a small area is likely to move in the same direction, hence the neighboring motion vectors are correlative. Because the motion vector in H.264 covers smaller area than previous coding standards, the correlation between neighboring motion vectors increases. We can use the Lagrange interpolation formula to constitute a polynomial that describes the motion tendency of motion vectors, which are next to the lost motion vector, and use this polynomial to recover the lost motion vector. The simulation result shows that our algorithm can efficiently improve the visual quality of corrupted video.  相似文献   

Estimating frequency by interpolation using Fourier coefficients   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The periodogram of a time series that contains a sinusoidal component provides a crude estimate of its frequency parameter, the maximizer over the Fourier frequencies being within O(T-1) of the frequency as the sample size T increases. In the paper, a technique for obtaining an estimator that has root mean square error of order T -3/2 is presented, which involves only the Fourier components of the time series at three frequencies, The asymptotic variance of the estimator varies between, roughly, the asymptotic variance of the maximizer of the periodogram over all frequencies (the Cramer-Rao lower bound) and three times this variance. The advantage of the new estimator is its computational simplicity  相似文献   

基于隐训练序列的信道估计与跟踪   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
提出了新的基于隐训练序列的频率选择性信道估计方法,利用训练序列与信息序列的不相关特性,在没有带宽损失的情况下估计出信道参数。文中对所提方法给予了证明,给出了信道估计算法,并提出了改进的自适应形式,可以用于跟踪时变信道。与以往的隐训练序列估计方法比较,文章中的算法具有更低的估计均方误差,不受接收端直流偏移的限制,且适用于时变信道。计算机仿真结果表明了该估计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Formant frequencies, represented by major peaks in the spectrum of speech signals, convey important information about speech. The authors propose a method for detecting the formants of voiced speech through `instantaneous frequency' (IF) estimation using a recursive least square (RLS) algorithm. The accuracy of the technique is assessed by comparing it with conventional formant detection techniques. This method is also analysed from the viewpoint of phonetic conformity using `temporal decomposition'  相似文献   

徐勇  陈海腾  李淼 《电讯技术》2017,57(12):1394-1398
针对多普勒条件下接收端复信号的频率估计难的问题,研究了一种基于离散傅里叶变换与迭代频率估计的内插综合算法.区别于经典的内插算法,新算法在迭代频率内插算法基础上充分利用复数快速傅里叶变换结果的实虚部值,并通过最大峰值频谱和相邻两侧谱线以极高精度内插估计出复信号的频率参数.仿真结果分析表明,在二次迭代条件下信噪比为-10 dB时,该算法估计均方根误差仍能逼近克拉美-罗限的1.0021倍.该算法在同等条件下比经典的Rife、Quinn和IIN算法具有更高的准确性、稳定性和可靠性.  相似文献   

胡晓玲  张治中  程方 《电讯技术》2019,59(2):205-210
针对正交频分复用系统对频率偏移异常敏感导致接收机无法正确解调信号的问题,提出了一种小区特定参考信号(Cell-special Reference Signal,CRS)改进的频偏估计方法。首先,对发送的CRS与接收的CRS进行互相关运算,得到信道估计值;然后,对CRS在频域进行插值,使得每个时隙中不同OFDM符号对应子载波位置的参考信号相同;最后,对两个不同OFDM符号中的参考信号部分进行相关性运算,求出频偏。与基于CRS的频偏估计方法相比,该方法用信道估计值做互相关运算,消除了噪声和多径干扰带来的影响;通过对CRS进行插值,提高了频偏估计精度;通过减小计算相关性的两OFDM符号间的距离,使频偏估计范围由\[-1 kHz,1 kHz\]扩大到\[-1.75 kHz,1.75 kHz\]。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于传播算子的波达方向、频率快速联合估计方法,该算法不需要估计阵列接收信号的高维空、时协方差矩阵及其相应的奇异值或特征分解,具有更低的运算复杂度,算法能适合于非均匀阵列结构且估计出的空时参数能自动配对.最后计算机仿真证实了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中的载波频率恢复,本文提出了一种两步频率快速捕获和精确跟踪的恢复方案.首先基于半解析方法分析了频率偏移量对接收机性能的影响,然后基于最大似然估计器提出了频率偏移量的估计算法.最后,对于粗略频率捕获,方案利用单个同步序列的已知符号作为数据辅助捕获,一旦捕获结束,电路切换到判决导向跟踪模式来...  相似文献   

信道状态信息(CSI)对于无线通信来说至关重要,而叠加训练序列的信道估计方法由于不占用额外的信号带宽和具有较高的估计精度而受到人们的注意.本文从算法的复杂度入手,分析了不同的训练序列对算法复杂度的影响,并且在训练序列为PN序列下,利用循环Toeplitz矩阵的特性,得到了信道估计的快速算法.仿真实验的结果表明,这种算法不需要矩阵求逆、计算量小,估计精度高,有很大的实际应用前景.  相似文献   

A new method for updating the SVD is introduced, based on perturbation formulas. The complexity of the method is O(n2). Applications are made to frequency estimation and filtering  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of a sequence of frequencies from a corresponding sequence of signals. This problem arises in fields such as Doppler imaging, where its specificity is twofold. First, only short noisy data records are available (typically four sample long), and experimental constraints may cause spectral aliasing so that measurements provide unreliable, ambiguous information. Second, the frequency sequence is smooth. Here, this information is accounted for by a Markov model, and application of the Bayes rule yields the a posteriori density. The maximum a posteriori is computed by a combination of Viterbi and descent procedures. One of the major features of the method is that it is entirely unsupervised. Adjusting the hyperparameters that balance data-based and prior-based information is done automatically by maximum likelihood (ML) using an expectation-maximization (EM)-based gradient algorithm. We compared the proposed estimate to a reference one and found that it performed better: variance was greatly reduced, and tracking was correct, even beyond the Nyquist frequency.  相似文献   

Fast tracking of cardiac motion using 3D-HARP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic resonance (MR) tagging is capable of accurate, noninvasive quantification of regional myocardial function. Routine clinical use, however, is hindered by cumbersome and time-consuming postprocessing procedures. We propose a fast, semiautomatic method for tracking three-dimensional (3-D) cardiac motion from a temporal sequence of short- and long-axis tagged MR images. The new method, called 3-D-HARmonic Phase (3D-HARP), extends the HARP approach, previously described for two-dimensional (2-D) tag analysis, to 3-D. A 3-D material mesh model is built to represent a collection of material points inside the left ventricle (LV) wall at a reference time. Harmonic phase, a material property that is time-invariant, is used to track the motion of the mesh through a cardiac cycle. Various motion-related functional properties of the myocardium, such as circumferential strain and left ventricular twist, are computed from the tracked mesh. The correlation analysis of 3D-HARP and FINDTAGS + Tag Strain(E) Analysis (TEA), which are well-established tag analysis techniques, shows that the regression coefficients of circumferential strain (E(CC)) and twist angle are r2 = 0.8605 and r2 = 0.8645, respectively. The total time required for tracking 3-D cardiac motion is approximately 10 min in a 9 timeframe tagged MRI dataset and has the potential to be much faster.  相似文献   

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