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椎间盘退变(intervertebral disc degeneration,IDD)是导致下腰痛的主要原因之一,严重降低患者生活质量,并给家庭带来沉重的经济负担.细胞衰老是驱动IDD的关键因素,而炎症反应、氧化应激、线粒体功能障碍、端粒缩短、DNA损伤、营养剥夺、机械负荷异常和表观遗传学改变介导了椎间盘细胞的衰老进程...  相似文献   

目的:通过对已公开发表的基因芯片表达谱数据进行研究,探究椎间盘退变过程中纤维环与髓核组织的基因表达差异,并采用生物信息学方法对差异进行分析。方法:经GEO数据库选取两组椎间盘退变相关的基因芯片表达谱数据GSE23130及GSE67567,GSE23130所研究标本来源于正常及退变纤维环组织,GSE67567标本来源于正常及退变髓核组织。对上述数据系列进行质量分析,GSE23130及GSE67567各有10例样本数据被纳入实验。采用Gene Spring 13.0软件对GSE23130正常及退变纤维环间差异表达基因及GSE67567正常及退变髓核间差异表达基因分别进行筛选,利用KEGG PATHWAY和DAVID功能注释簇集分析分别对GSE23130及GSE67567上调及下调基因进行生物信息学分析。结果:GSE23130及GSE67567各筛选出差异表达基因3182个和3017个,其中135个基因在上述两个基因表达谱数据中均存在差异表达。针对两组数据进行的KEGG PATHWAY分析发现TGF-beta signaling pathway和regulation of apoptosis等数个相同的生物学通路及DAVID功能注释簇集;此外,还发现了数个与GSE23130及GSE67567单独相关的DAVID功能注释簇集。结论:椎间盘退变过程中纤维环及髓核组织内基因表达情况存在差异,两种组织内发生的生物过程不尽相同。某些生物学过程在两种组织内均出现异常改变,这些生物学过程中的异常变化可能是椎间盘退变的关键环节,值得进行深入研究。  相似文献   

椎间盘退变是一种年龄相关的退行性疾病,是引起下腰痛的主要因素,严重影响病人的生活质量,并显著增加家庭的经济负担。目前,缺少椎间盘退变的有效干预和治疗手段,部分原因是其发病机制尚未阐明。椎间盘退变动物模型的构建对于阐明该疾病的病理机制至关重要。椎间盘退变是一个复杂的过程,受机械应力、结构损伤、生物化学与基因表达等多种因素的影响。本文总结了应用异常机械应力、结构损伤、生物化学或化学诱导和基因敲除等方式构建的椎间盘退变动物模型。生物力学是维持椎间盘稳态的重要因素,异常的机械应力会导致椎间盘退变。同时,椎间盘退变常伴随结构性损伤,椎间盘结构破坏也会导致椎间盘发生退变。此外,生物化学或化学诱导和关键基因敲除也会导致椎间盘退变。本文按照造成异常机械应力的因素将机械应力模型分为加压模型和失稳模型;按照椎间盘结构将结构损伤模型分为髓核与纤维环损伤模型和软骨终板损伤模型。总结了生物化学或化学诱导模型以及新型的基因敲除模型。讨论了不同类型椎间盘退变动物模型的可能应用和局限性。  相似文献   

椎间盘退变是一种常见的慢性退行性关节疾病。椎间盘退变的发病与髓核细胞的功能障碍或丧失密切相关。线粒体作为髓核细胞腺苷三磷酸(adenosine triphosphate, ATP)的主要来源,对维持髓核细胞生存和生理功能至关重要。线粒体自噬是近几年发现的一种重要细胞生理过程,通常被认为是线粒体质量控制的一种主要机制。大量研究显示,线粒体自噬在椎间盘退变的发生和缓解过程中均发挥重要作用。因此,该文通过综述线粒体自噬与椎间盘退变的相关文献,探究sirtuins、Parkin和缺氧诱导因子1α(hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha, HIF-1α)等信号分子在线粒体自噬调控椎间盘退变的过程中可能起到的关键作用,总结线粒体自噬对椎间盘退变的具体调控机制,以期为椎间盘退变潜在治疗靶点的相关研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

正常与退变椎间盘髓核和纤维环中生化成分的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

目的:探讨mi R-155对人椎间盘退变髓核细胞凋亡的影响及其作用机制。方法:首先构建慢病毒表达载体,在293T细胞中获得重组慢病毒,然后感染椎间盘退变髓核细胞得到稳定过表达细胞系,同时设置空载体和空白细胞组对照。用荧光显微镜观察慢病毒载体的标签蛋白GFP的表达,分别提取三组细胞总RNA,采用RT-q PCR方法检测mi R-155的表达;通过流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡,Western-Blot检测细胞中凋亡相关蛋白FADD、Caspase-3、Bcl-2及Bax的表达,JC-1试剂盒检测细胞线粒体膜电位的变化情况。结果:在荧光显微镜下,经慢病毒感染的过表达细胞系和空载体细胞系均出现绿色荧光,而空白细胞组未见绿色荧光;RT-qPCR结果显示构建的稳定过表达细胞系(GV369-miR-155-NP)中mi R-155的表达水平较高,且与空载体细胞系及空白细胞对照组均呈显著性差异(P0.05);与空载体组(GV369-NP)及空白细胞对照组相比,过表达组(GV369-miR-155-NP)细胞凋亡率显著降低(P0.05),FADD、Caspase-3、Bax的表达水平均明显下降,而Bcl-2表达水平显著增加(P0.05)。结论:mi R-155可能通过靶向结合Caspase-3和FADD阻止FasL-Fas途径或通过线粒体途径抑制人椎间盘退变髓核细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

椎间盘退变涉及诸多因素,其中由细胞外基质分解代谢和合成代谢失衡导致的基质减少发挥了很大的作用,但这些变化的发生还没被全部阐明。由丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)和核因子kappaB(NF-κB)通路介导的细胞因子在代谢失衡中发挥重要作用,所以,研究细胞因子产生作用的信号转导通路对深入了解椎间盘退变的原因及为其治疗提供了新的方向。对NF-κB和MAPK信号转导通路及其在椎间盘退变中的作用机制加以综述。  相似文献   

目的:检测Pcroximdoxin Ⅱ在腰椎间盘髓核组织中的表达,分析其在椎间盘退变中的临床意义.方法:用蛋白免疫印迹(Western blot)的方法检测Peroxiredoxin Ⅱ在正常、突出及脱出腰椎间盘髓核中的表达情况.结果:Peroxiredoxin Ⅱ在退变椎间盘髓核中表达丰富,而在正常椎问盘髓核中表达微弱,两者比较差异显著(P<0.05),在突出和脱出椎间盘髓核中表达无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论:Peroxiredoxin Ⅱ在正常及退变腰椎间盘髓核组织中差异表达.  相似文献   

目的:为了分离和鉴定人退变椎间盘软骨终板干细胞。方法:收集因腰椎间盘退变性疾病行腰椎间盘摘除术并植骨融合的标本。在解剖显微镜下清理软骨终板组织,并消化软骨终板,提取软骨终板细胞。获得的软骨终板细胞经过琼脂糖三维筛选系统培养后,选取细胞克隆团并进行体外扩增,扩增后的细胞行流式细胞术检测干细胞标志物证实退变软骨终板中存在干细胞。结果:共聚焦免疫荧光提示退变椎间盘软骨终板组织中存在干细胞标志物STR01、CDl05、CD73、CD90阳性的细胞。经琼脂糖三维培养基筛选的CESCs在免疫表型上符合干细胞标准。结论:在人退变椎间盘的软骨终板中存在具有多向分化潜能的干细胞。  相似文献   

目的:为了分离和鉴定人退变椎间盘软骨终板干细胞。方法:收集因腰椎间盘退变性疾病行腰椎间盘摘除术并植骨融合的标本。在解剖显微镜下清理软骨终板组织,并消化软骨终板,提取软骨终板细胞。获得的软骨终板细胞经过琼脂糖三维筛选系统培养后,选取细胞克隆团并进行体外扩增,扩增后的细胞行流式细胞术检测干细胞标志物证实退变软骨终板中存在干细胞。结果:共聚焦免疫荧光提示退变椎间盘软骨终板组织中存在干细胞标志物STRO1、CD105、CD73、CD90阳性的细胞。经琼脂糖三维培养基筛选的CESCs在免疫表型上符合干细胞标准。结论:在人退变椎间盘的软骨终板中存在具有多向分化潜能的干细胞。  相似文献   

The intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is thought to be closely related to ingrowth of new blood vessels. However, the impact of anti‐angiogenic factors in the maintenance of IVD avascularity remains unknown. Tenomodulin (Tnmd) is a tendon/ligament‐specific marker and anti‐angiogenic factor with abundant expression in the IVD. It is still unclear whether Tnmd contributes to the maintenance of IVD homeostasis, acting to inhibit vascular ingrowth into this normally avascular tissue. Herein, we investigated whether IVD degeneration could be induced spontaneously by the absence of Tnmd. Our results showed that Tnmd was expressed in an age‐dependent manner primarily in the outer annulus fibrous (OAF) and it was downregulated at 6 months of age corresponding to the early IVD degeneration stage in mice. Tnmd knockout (Tnmd?/?) mice exhibited more rapid progression of age‐related IVD degeneration. These signs include smaller collagen fibril diameter, markedly lower compressive stiffness, reduced multiple IVD‐ and tendon/ligament‐related gene expression, induced angiogenesis, and macrophage infiltration in OAF, as well as more hypertrophic‐like chondrocytes in the nucleus pulposus. In addition, Tnmd and chondromodulin I (Chm1, the only homologous gene to Tnmd) double knockout (Tnmd?/?Chm1?/?) mice displayed not only accelerated IVD degeneration, but also ectopic bone formation of IVD. Lastly, the absence of Tnmd in OAF‐derived cells promoted p65 and matrix metalloproteinases upregulation, and increased migratory capacity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In sum, our data provide clear evidences that Tnmd acts as an angiogenic inhibitor in the IVD homeostasis and protects against age‐related IVD degeneration. Targeting Tnmd may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for attenuating age‐related IVD degeneration.  相似文献   

The intervertebral disc (IVD) is a complex fibrocartilaginous structure located between the vertebral bodies that allows for movement and acts as a shock absorber in our spine for daily activities. It is composed of three components: the nucleus pulposus (NP), annulus fibrosus, and cartilaginous endplate. The characteristics of these cells are different, as they produce specific extracellular matrix (ECM) for tissue function and the niche in supporting the differentiation status of the cells in the IVD. Furthermore, cell heterogeneities exist in each compartment. The cells and the supporting ECM change as we age, leading to degenerative outcomes that often lead to pathological symptoms such as back pain and sciatica. There are speculations as to the potential of cell therapy or the use of tissue engineering as treatments. However, the nature of the cells present in the IVD that support tissue function is not clear. This review looks at the origin of cells in the making of an IVD, from the earliest stages of embryogenesis in the formation of the notochord, and its role as a signaling center, guiding the formation of spine, and in its journey to become the NP at the center of the IVD. While our current understanding of the molecular signatures of IVD cells is still limited, the field is moving fast and the potential is enormous as we begin to understand the progenitor and differentiated cells present, their molecular signatures, and signals that we could harness in directing the appropriate in vitro and in vivo cellular responses in our quest to regain or maintain a healthy IVD as we age. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:83–100, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) is induced by multiple factors including increased apoptosis, decreased survival, and reduced extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis in the nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. The tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted from chromosome 10 (PTEN) is the only known lipid phosphatase counteracting the PI3K/AKT pathway. Loss of PTEN leads to activated PI3K/AKT signaling, which plays a key role in a variety of cancers. However, the role of PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling nexus in IDD remains unknown. Here, we report that PTEN is overexpressed in degenerative NP, which correlates with inactivated AKT. Using the PTEN knockdown approach by lentivirus‐mediated short interfering RNA gene transfer technique, we report that PTEN decreases survival but induces apoptosis and senescence of NP cells. PTEN also inhibits expression and production of ECM components including collagen II, aggrecan, and proteoglycan. Furthermore, PTEN modulates the expression of ECM regulatory molecules SOX‐9 and matrix metalloproteinase‐3 (MMP‐3). Using small‐molecule AKT inhibitor GDC‐0068, we confirm that PTEN regulates NP cell behaviors through its direct targeting of PI3K/AKT. These findings demonstrate for the first time that PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling axis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of IDD. Targeting PTEN using gene therapy may represent a promising therapeutic approach against disc degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

P53 is an apoptosis marker which is involved in determining nucleus pulposus (NP) cell fate. Little is known about P53 interaction with N-Myc downstream-regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) in intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD). Here, we studied the role of the P53-NDRG2 axis in IVDD. We found that NDRG2 was expressed in NP tissue obtained from patients with IVDD. The level of NDRG2 was positively related to the severity of IVDD, as determined by Pfirrmann grading. Subsequently, we overexpressed NDRG2 in human NP cells by adenoviral transfection and studied the effects of increased levels of NDRG2 on the viability and apoptosis of these cells. NDRG2 overexpression induced NP cell apoptosis and reduced viability in NP cells obtained from patient with IVDD. We also found that the level of P53 was elevated in NP cells from patients with IVDD and treatment with exogenous P53 upregulated NDRG2 in NP cells. Last, IVDD model was established in P53 knockout mice and the pathological changes in the intervertebral discs and NDRG2 expression were examined. P53 knockout can reduce the damage of NP tissues after IVDD surgery to some extent. Restoration of NDRG2 antagonized the effect of P53 knockout on IVDD. Collectively, this study suggests that elevated P53 in NP cells stimulates apoptosis of the cells by upregulating NDRG2 expression, thereby exacerbating IVDD.  相似文献   

As a chronic musculoskeletal degeneration disease, intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD) has been identified as a crucial cause for low back pain. This condition has a prevalence of 80% among adults without effective preventative therapy. Procyanidin B3 (Pro-B3) is a procyanidin dimer, which is widely present in the human diet and has multiple functions, such as preventing inflammation. But the inhibiting effect of Pro-B3 in IVDD development is still no known. Thus, our study aimed to demonstrate the therapeutical effect of Pro-B3 in IVDD and explain the underlying mechanism. In vitro studies, human nucleus pulposus (NP) cells were isolated and exposed in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to simulate IVDD development. Pro-B3 pre-treatment inhibited LPS-induced production of inflammation correlated factors such as tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and Nitric oxide (NO). On the other hand, LPS-medicated extracellular matrix (ECM) breakdown was blocked in Pro-B3 treated NP cells. Additionally, Pro-B3 treatment blocked the activation of NF-κB/toll-like receptor 4 pathway in LPS-exposed NP cells. Mechanistically, Pro-B3 could occupy MD-2's hydrophobic pocket exhibiting high affinity for LPS to intervene LPS/TLR4/MD-2 complex formation. In vivo, Pro-B3 treatment prevented the loss of gelatin NP cells and structural damage of annulus fibrosus in rat IVDD model. In brief, Pro-B3 is considered to be a treatment agent for IVDD.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD), a common global health issue, is a major cause for low back pain (LBP). Given the complex etiology of IDD, micro RNA (miRNA) recently has been demonstrated to play essential roles in the progression of IDD. Therefore, this study aims to investigate functions of the miR-154, which is well-documented in a series of cell activities, IDD, and other relevant mechanisms. Lumbar nucleus pulposus (NP) samples were collected from patients with IDD and the control group. After solexa sequencing and bioinformatical analysis, the results showed that miR-154 was increased in NP cells of patients with IDD. Inhibition of miR-154 increased type II collagen and aggrecan and decreased mRNA expressions of collagenase-3 (MMP13) and aggrecanase-1 (ADAMTS4), whereas overexpression of miR-154 reversed such effects in NP cells. In addition, the luciferase reporter assay revealed that fibroblast growth factor 14 (FGF14) is a direct target of miR-154 and that the overexpression of FGF14 leads to similar effects as inhibition of miR-154 did. In conclusion, the results suggested that miR-154 participates in the development of IDD and its effects are mediated via targeting FGF14. Thus, miR-154 may be thought as a potential etiological factor for IDD and may provide insights into a therapeutic target to treat IDD.  相似文献   

It is obvious that epigenetic processes influence the evolution of intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). However, its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that IGFBP5, a potential regulator of IDD, modulates IDD via the ERK signalling pathway. We showed that IGFBP5 mRNA was significantly down‐regulated in degenerative nucleus pulposus (NP) tissues. IGFBP5 was shown to significantly promote NP cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis in vitro, which was confirmed by MTT, flow cytometry and colony formation assays. Furthermore, IGFBP5 was shown to exert its effects by inhibiting the ERK signalling pathway. The effects induced by IGFBP5 overexpression on NP cells were similar to those induced by treatment with an ERK pathway inhibitor (PD98059). Moreover, qRT‐PCR and Western blot analyses were performed to examine the levels of apoptosis‐related factors, including Bax, caspase‐3 and Bcl2. The silencing of IGFBP5 up‐regulated the levels of Bax and caspase‐3 and down‐regulated the level of Bcl2, thereby contributing to the development of human IDD. Furthermore, these results were confirmed in vivo using an IDD rat model, which showed that the induction of Igfbp5 mRNA expression abrogated the effects of IGFBP5 silencing on intervertebral discs. Overall, our findings elucidate the role of IGFBP5 in the pathogenesis of IDD and provide a potential novel therapeutic target for IDD.  相似文献   

The sand rat, a member of the gerbil family, is a valuable small animal model in which intervertebral disc degeneration occurs spontaneously as the animal ages. Radiographic features of cervical and lumbar degeneration resemble those in human spines. We conducted a retrospective analysis of spines of 140 animals 3?41 months old focusing specifically on the presence of annular tears that are not visible by radiography and have not been described previously in the sand rat disc. During degeneration of the nucleus pulposus, notochordal cell death occurs and granular material, which stains with Alcian blue for proteoglycans, accumulates. Lamellar architecture also deteriorates and annular tears occur that are morphologically similar to the concentric, radiating and transdiscal annular tears in human discs. These tears contain granular material that provides a “marker” that can be used to distinguish the annular tears from artefactual separations during sectioning. We observed lamellar degeneration and separation in the annulus fibrosus at 4 months with associated tears that contained granular material in the nucleus. Tears that contained granular material and displacement of the degenerating nucleus were common in cervical and lumbar discs of animals older than 9 months; some specimens showed tears at 4 and 5 months. With advanced degeneration, granular globules were displaced dorsally adjacent to and into the spinal cord area and also ventrally into regions where osteophytes formed. We present morphologic data that expand the utility of this rodent model of spontaneous age-related disc degeneration and provide novel information on annular tears and disc degeneration.  相似文献   

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