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The chemistry and mineralogy of the sediments of Lakes Rotoroa and Rotoiti, South Island, New Zealand (41° 51 S, 172° 38 E and 41° 50 S, 172° 50 E respectively) , were studied. In general, the cation exchange properties, element concentrations, and mineral compositions of the sediments show little variation between samples from each lake. However, some nutrient concentrations, notably exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and total nitrogen and sulphur, are higher in sediments from weed beds than in sediments underlying deeper water; iron and manganese concentrations tend to show the opposite trend. Concentrations of exchangeable calcium and total nitrogen, sulphur, manganese, and iron generally decrease down the sediment profiles from the sediment/water interface. Differences between lakes, notably higher concentrations of illite and of the elements potassium, aluminium, titanium, and zirconium, and lower concentrations of calcium in the sediments of Lake Rotoiti than in those from Lake Rotoroa, are probably due mainly to the different geological settings rather than to differences in the diagenetic processes operating within the lakes. Mineralogical analyses indicate that the lake sediments are derived mainly from the valleys of the major inflow rivers rather than from the slopes at the sides of each lake.  相似文献   

The surface waters of Doubtful Sound, a glacially carved fjord in south-western New Zealand, feature a quasi-permanent low-salinity-layer (LSL). The LSL is maintained year round by the extreme precipitation in the catchment (7 m yr−1) and discharge from a hydroelectric power station (450 m3 s−1). The robust, stable LSL has been shown to play a major role in controlling intertidal and subtidal community structure. By contrast, little is known about the dynamics of the LSL itself. The work presented here elucidates the response of the LSL to perturbations in the wind stress and rainfall.Frequency-domain analysis of salinity data collected from an array of moored instruments revealed that the LSL responded to perturbations in both the winds and rainfall. However, the specific roles of the wind stress and rain could not be adequately resolved in these analyses. By contrast, simulations of the response of the LSL using a three-dimensional primitive equation model revealed that strong up-fjord directed wind events set up a storm surge at the head of the fjord. This surge significantly deepens the LSL at the head of the fjord and retards or reverses estuarine circulation. The subsequent relaxation of the surge after the abatement of the wind stress resulted in a redistribution of buoyancy throughout the fjord over a two-day period. It is shown that the development and relaxation of the storm surge is a major process controlling the maintenance of the near-surface stratification.  相似文献   

Harmonic tidal constants, calculated from sea surface elevation observations at Jackson Bay on the West Coast of the South Island, are consistent with available semi‐diurnal and diurnal tidal phase distributions. Current observations taken over a 111 day period at mid‐depth in 1505 m of water on the southern flank of the Challenger Plateau and over a 240 day period in 1430 m of water on the South Island western coast continental slope, are subject to tidal analysis. At both sites there is a component of energy flux directed across the isobaths and only at the northern site for the M2 tide is the phase consistent with a dominant progressive barotropic tide. The successive 30 day harmonic constants at the southern continental slope site exhibit a trend in the M2 tidal ellipse speed and ellipticity suggesting the presence of a regular internal tide. Superposition of ‘internal tidal’ and barotropic tidal flows, as prescribed from progressive‐ and standing‐wave elevations, to fit the observations indicates that the ‘internal tide’ is probably associated with the first baroclinic mode. At the current‐meter depths the speeds of the ‘internal tide’ for the M2 tide are about the same as the barotropic speeds, whereas, the S2 ‘internal tide’ speeds are larger than those of the barotropic tide. The consistency of the trend in ellipse parameters lends support to the theoretical progressive trapped barotropic tidal flows being a good approximation to the actual barotropic tide. Some support for the hypothesis that the S2 tide on the West Coast of New Zealand has a substantial standing wave contribution is given by the northern observations, where the ratio of the S2: M2 internal tidal ellipse current amplitudes are substantially larger than the ratio of the elevations, the internal tide being generated by across‐isobath flows.  相似文献   

Nine weeks field work was completed during two trips in January/February and March/ April 2003 to investigate the distribution and abundance of New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri pups at Campbell Island. A total of 161 pups were tagged and a further 138 dead pups were found. A closed mark‐recapture model was used to estimate the total number of live pups (e.g., tagged plus untagged pups) at Campbell Island in April as 247 (SE = 28, 95% CI 198–308). Pup production at Campbell Island is estimated at 385, which comprises 13% of the total pup production for the species in the 2003 season. This is the first robust estimate of pup production for New Zealand sea lions at Campbell Island. The figure of 385 pups is considerably higher than any of the previous estimates reported from Campbell Island. The high level of pup mortality (36%) at Campbell Island for approximately the first 2 months after birth is higher than the 17% reported for the Auckland Islands for approximately the same period in 2003, but is similar to unusually high levels of mortality (20–30%) reported at the Auckland Islands in recent years. It was not possible to determine the cause of death of the 138 dead pups owing to scavenging and decomposition. Pups were found over the whole Island, with the exception of its northern end. Male pups were significantly heavier and faster growing than female pups over the same period.  相似文献   

The fecundity of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) was estimated from maturing fish captured by anglers in the lower Waitaki River in 1985 and 1987–89, and from mature fish spawned at the Glenariffe Research Station on the Rakaia River in 1992. Fecundity was positively correlated with fork length (FL); estimated fecundities at 750 mm FL were 5024 eggs for Waitaki and 4829 eggs for Glenariffe salmon. The slopes of the regressions of fecundity on FL differed between the populations but the Glenariffe data did not differ from Rakaia River samples from 1967, 1973, and 1976. Significant inter‐annual variation in the FL‐fecundity relationship was detected in Waitaki River samples. Egg weights, taken from the Glenariffe samples, were positively correlated with length and averaged 0.17 g. However, salmon with high fecundity for their FL tended to have small eggs, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Namalycastis tiriteae, a new species of polychaete (Nereidae: Namanereinae) is described from a freshwater stream in New Zealand. Morphologically it possesses some features intermediate between Namalycastis Hartman and Namanereis Chamberlin as denned by Hartman (1959), but it is placed in the former on the basis of parapodial structure. Notes on physical and chemical conditions in the worm's habitat are also given.  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the threat status of New Zealand's marine invertebrates was undertaken in 2009, following earlier review of New Zealand's Threat Classification System and subsequent refinement of the national criteria for classifying threat of extinction to New Zealand's flora and fauna. Sufficient information was available to enable 295 marine invertebrate taxa to be fully evaluated and assigned to a national threat category. The 10 taxa at most risk of extinction (‘nationally critical’) were the giant seep clam Calyptogena sp., the primitive acorn barnacle Chionelasmus crosnieri, O'Shea's vent barnacle Volcanolepas osheai, the stalked barnacle Ibla idiotica, the four-blotched umbrella octopus Cirroctopus hochbergi, the roughy umbrella octopus Opisthoteuthis chathamensis, the giant squid Idioteuthis cordiformis, the large-egged polychaete Boccardiella magniovata and two gravel maggots, Smeagol climoi and Smeagol manneringi. The key threatening processes identified for marine invertebrates were fishing and land-use associated impacts such as sedimentation. We identified no taxa that had improved in threat status as a result of past or ongoing conservation management action, nor any taxa that had worsened in threat status because of known changes in their distribution, abundance or rate of population decline. We evaluated a small fraction of New Zealand's marine invertebrate fauna for their threat status. Many taxa remain ‘data deficient’ or unlisted. In addition to the most threatened taxa, we recommend these taxa and their habitats as priorities for further survey and monitoring.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton population from a station in the Jellicoe Channel area of the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, was fairly constant, in terms of total population and species composition, throughout the year. Correspondence analysis enabled us to identify 3 groups of species. The largest of these comprised the core species which were present most of the time and included some, such as the coccolithophores, with a strongly seasonal occurrence. The species in the second group were mainly large centric diatoms and appeared for short periods during the winter months, apparently brought in by incursions of oceanic water. The third group of species occurred between April 1970 and October 1971 when there was a period of unusually warm weather: the winds were lighter and more often blowing onshore and this perhaps led to warmer, less nutrient‐rich surface waters being brought into the Gulf.  相似文献   

The complete series of phyllosoma larval stages of spiny lobster lasus edwardsii are described. Eleven stages are recognised from specimens captured in plankton samples collected along a transect extending 185 km east of Castlepoint, North Island, New Zealand between July 1969 and December 1971. A table of distinguishing characteristics and a key for identification of stages are presented. First stage larvae occur between August and October and last stage larvae about 15 months later. Mortality through the phyllosoma stages is estimated to be 98%. Early stage larvae occur mainly inshore in Southland Current water in the upper 5 m, and later stage larvae occur more frequently offshore in East Cape Current water at 40–60 m depth.  相似文献   

Calorific content was measured in 28 species of New Zealand macroalgae. Values ranged from 1.04 to 3.34 kcal g‐1 dry weight (wt), 3.03–5.18 kcal g‐1 ash‐free dry wt, and 0.13–1.75 kcal g‐1 wet wt. Seasonal variation in calorific content was measured in two of these species, Macrocystis pyrifera and Ulva lactuca, both of which showed clear changes in energy content over a 1‐year period. Factors affecting variation in calorific content between species and during the year are discussed, and the application of the current findings to ecological and aquacultural research on New Zealand seaweeds are considered.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous coals and coaly source rocks are the main source of hydrocarbons in the Taranaki Basin, yet to date there have not been any hydrocarbon discoveries within Cretaceous strata, and sandstone distribution and reservoir quality for this interval have been poorly understood. The Late Cretaceous sediments were deposited in several sub-basins across Taranaki, with their distribution largely determined by sediment supply, subsidence, and sea level change. In this study, we describe potential reservoir facies in well penetrations of Cretaceous strata in Taranaki, as well as from outcrop in northwest Nelson, on the southern edge of the basin.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination by pesticides may be affected by the amounts of pesticide used, the mobility and degradation characteristics of the pesticides, and the vulnerability of an area to pollution. An index of potential pollution was developed based on these factors, with the groundwater vulnerability being measured using the DRASTIC ranking method. Seventeen regions were selected from throughout New Zealand where significant pesticides have been applied and there is an underlying groundwater system. They were ranked according to this index of potential pollution. The sensitivity of the ranking to various formulations and weightings of the index was examined. Three regions (Poverty Bay, Te Puke, and Motueka) were generally highly ranked for a wide range of index formulations. Six of the higher‐ranked regions were selected for sampling in the second phase of the study.  相似文献   

Five bryozoan species were encountered in a 15‐day survey of freshwater habitats in New Zealand. Listed in order of decreasing frequency these were: Fredericella sultana, Plumatella repens, P. emarginata, Paludicella articulata, and one plumatellid species not previously described. Micro‐structural features of the floatoblast annulus separate the P. repens specimens into two distinct varieties, named here P. repens typica and P. repens rugosa. Paludicella, reported almost 100 years ago from the City of Dunedin waterworks, was still found only in a single reservoir of that city. Species distribution did not correlate significantly with water temperature, current velocity, pH, or total dissolved solids. Two additional species believed to occur in New Zealand, Fredericella australiensis and Plumatella fungosa, were not seen in this brief survey. An identification key is provided for New Zealand bryozoans.  相似文献   

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxin‐producing species of cyanobacteria that in autumn 2003 was recorded for the first time in three shallow (max. depth ≤5 m) Waikato lakes and a hydro‐electric dam on the Waikato River, New Zealand. It formed water blooms at densities >100 000 cells/ml in Lakes Waahi and Whangape. Net rates of population growth >0.2 day–1 were recorded for C. raciborskii in Lakes Ngaroto, Waahi, and Karapiro, based on comparisons of low numbers (detection of <10 cells/ml) from initial samples and its presence at bloom densities (>15 000 cells/ml) in the subsequent sample “x"‐"y” days later. C. raciborskii may be well adapted to rapid proliferation in the Waikato lakes, which are eutrophic to hypertrophic, with high light attenuation, and where nitrogen (N) fixation may provide it with a competitive advantage over non‐nitrogen fixing algae under N‐limited conditions.  相似文献   

The author describes the implementation of a controlled or limited entry fishery for New Zealand rock lobsters. The background to the implementation of limited entry is described and the decrease in annual landings per vessel in the period 1955–1977 is pointed out. The New Zealand licensing system is outlined, attention being paid to continuous and seasonal licences, allocation of licences, controlled fishing areas, and fishing methods and gear restrictions. The number of rock lobster vessels decreased from 1574 in 1979 to 970 after the initial round of licensing.  相似文献   


Planktonic dinoflagellate records for New Zealand are substantial due to intense monitoring programmes that have taken place on behalf of New Zealand’s biotoxin regulators and the shellfish industry since 1993. At that time a Karenia bloom caused human illnesses and shellfish harvesting ceased until monitoring was instigated. Phytoplankton records are based on morphological identification using light microscopy but are backed up by government funded research programmes which implement techniques such as electron microscopy, DNA sequencing, molecular detection assays and high throughput sequencing of environmental DNA. This checklist will support management of aquaculture industries, recreational shellfish harvests and environmental health initiatives. Some genera are considered benthic or epiphytic, but have lengthy planktonic life stages. Forty-five genera in the class Dinophyceae Fritsch are reported: Akashiwo, Alexandrium, Amphidinium, Amylax, Azadinium, Biecheleria, Bysmatrum, Cachonina, Cochlodinium (synonym: Margalefidinium), Coolia, Dicroerisma, Dinophysis, Diploneis, Diplopsalis, Fragilidium, Glenodinium, Gonyaulax, Gymnodinium, Gyrodinium, Heterocapsa, Karenia, Karlodinium, Lepidodinium, Lingulodinium, Margalefidinium, Ostreopsis, Oxyphysis, Pelagodinium, Pentapharsodinium, Phalacroma, Podolampas, Polarella, Polykrikos, Prorocentrum, Protodinium, Protoodinium, Protoperidinium, Pseliodinium, Scrippsiella, Takayama, Togula, Torodinium, Tripos, Vulcanodinium, Wolosynska. Other genera belonging to the Infraphylum Dinoflagellata also occur in New Zealand waters. They are not in the list but include Noctiluca, Pronoctiluca and Spatulodinium (Class: Noctilucophyceae) and Oxyrrhis (Class: Oxyrrhidophyceae).  相似文献   

Lake Manapouri in the South Island of New Zealand has a significant hydroelectric generation facility, which potentially has a negative impact on the successful emigration of longfin eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) from the upper Waiau catchment. Consequently, a trap-and-transfer programme has been implemented to allow silver (migratory) eels access to the sea. The present study analysed data on the timing of captures and numbers of silver eels over four seasons, including the influence of possible migration cues. Silver eels were captured over an extended season of seven months (November–May), with peak numbers during December and January. Flow at the lake outflow was found to have a weak relationship with the number of eels caught, as did lake level, but moon phase and rainfall had no significant effect. These results highlight the variability in silver longfin eel behaviour both in terms of timing and response to potential environmental cues.  相似文献   

The growth of New Zealand freshwater eels in three Canterbury streams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The growth of both species of New Zealand freshwater eel, Anguilla australis and A. dieffenbachii, was studied by tagging in three streams using a stainless steel subcutaneous tag. Possible causes of the differences in growth rates are discussed.  相似文献   

In January 1982, sediment microbial N transformations and inorganic N fluxes across the sediment/water interface were studied at nine sites off the South Island West Coast, New Zealand. The sediments showed a great variety in physical, chemical and biological properties. The sediment organic matter had a molar CN ratio of 5.9–10.9, and the total NP ratio was 1.2–4.0. The denitrification capacity in the top 7.5 cm of sediment was 0.1–77.2 mmol N m?2 day?1 and generally declined with increasing sediment depth. The in situ denitrification rate was 0.02–1.84 mmol N m?2 day?1 and highest activities were generally found in surface sediments and at 6–7.5 cm depth. Denitrification accounted for 82–100% of total nitrate reduction. Net N mineralization was indirectly estimated at 0.6–2.4 mmol N m?2 day?1, and the experimental determination of this N transformation gave 0.6–3.2 mmol N m?2 day?1. Denitrification accounted for 3–75% of net N mineralization. The diffusive flux of ammonium and nitrate across the sediment/water interface was 0.1–0.7 and 0.1–0.6 mmol N m?2 day?1, respectively.  相似文献   

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