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研究不同核桃蛋白添加量下大米淀粉的糊化特性、流变特性、热特性及凝胶质构和水分子状态.结果表明,核桃蛋白以浓度依赖的方式降低了大米淀粉糊的黏度和相变焓值,而使糊化温度升高,当核桃蛋白添加质量分数达12%时,峰值黏度、谷值黏度、最终黏度分别降低了 30.77%、12.35%和14.65%,糊化温度升高了 8.89%;所有样...  相似文献   

为研究麦冬多糖对大米淀粉凝胶化及凝胶特性的影响,分别以0%、2%、4%、6%和8%的麦冬多糖替代大米淀粉,研究麦冬多糖对大米淀粉糊化特性、静态流变、动态流变、凝胶质构及水分子状态的影响。结果表明:麦冬多糖以浓度依赖的方式使大米淀粉糊的峰值黏度等糊化黏度参数均降低,而峰值时间和糊化温度则增加。不同样品均为假塑性流体,幂律方程能够较好地拟合其静态流变行为,假塑性随麦冬多糖添加量增加而增强,稠度指数随麦冬多糖添加量增加而降低。麦冬多糖使大米淀粉糊的黏弹性及凝胶的硬度、内聚性、咀嚼性和回复性均降低。凝胶中的水分子主要呈游离态,结合水和束缚水含量较少,添加麦冬多糖降低了大米淀粉凝胶中水分子的运动性。  相似文献   

研究黄原胶、复合磷酸盐、魔芋粉及复合稳定剂对豌豆淀粉糊化、热及凝胶特性的影响。结果表明,黄原胶和魔芋粉显著增加了豌豆淀粉的峰值黏度、最终黏度等黏度参数,复合磷酸盐和复合稳定剂对豌豆淀粉这些特性表现出相反的作用。黄原胶和魔芋粉对凝胶化温度没有显著影响,但降低了豌豆淀粉凝胶化焓值,复合磷酸盐和复合稳定剂升高了豌豆淀粉凝胶化温度及凝胶化焓值。四种改良剂均降低了豌豆淀粉凝胶的强度和可塑性。黄原胶和魔芋粉对豌豆淀粉凝胶中水分流动性没有影响,而复合磷酸盐和复合稳定剂显著增加了豌豆淀粉凝胶中结合水和半结合水的比例。不同改良剂对豌豆淀粉凝胶的微观结构均有显著影响,其中魔芋粉的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

为探究蛋清蛋白对豌豆淀粉凝胶化及凝胶特性的影响。分别以0%、3%、6%、9%和12%的蛋清蛋白替代豌豆淀粉,研究蛋清蛋白对豌豆淀粉糊化特性、热特性、静态流变、动态流变、凝胶质构及水分子状态的影响。结果表明:蛋清蛋白以浓度依赖的方式影响豌豆淀粉的糊化特性,峰值黏度、谷值黏度、崩解值、最终黏度、回生值均随蛋清蛋白添加量增加而降低,而糊化温度则升高。蛋清蛋白对豌豆淀粉凝胶化温度影响不显著,但降低了淀粉的凝胶化焓值。添加不同量蛋清蛋白的豌豆淀粉糊均表现为假塑性流体特征,Herchel-Bulkley模型能够很好地拟合其静态流变行为,稠度指数和屈服应力均随蛋清蛋白添加量增加而降低。添加蛋清蛋白降低了豌豆淀粉糊体系的黏弹性及凝胶的硬度、强度和可塑性。蛋清蛋白对豌豆淀粉凝胶中自由水含量影响不显著,但使结合水含量增加而不可流动束缚水含量降低。  相似文献   

Microfluidization has been applied to modify starch granules. The study was conducted to investigate the effect of microfluidization on the structure and thermal properties of cassava starch–water suspension (20% w/w). The means of optical microscopy, SEM, FTIR spectroscopy, XRD, and DSC were applied to analyze the changes in microstructure, crystallinity, and thermal property. Microscopy observations revealed that native starch granules were oval, round, and truncated in shape. After the microfluidization treatment, a bigger starch granule was partially gelatinized, and a gel‐like structure was formed on a granular surface. No significant difference in XRD patterns of the samples were observed and all samples exhibited A‐type allomorph. Crystallinity decreased with the pressure. Sample treated at 150 MPa contains 17.1% crystalline glucan polymer, lower than that of native granules which have crystallinity of about 25.8%. A lower crystallinity means poor order of crystalline glucan polymer structure in starch granules. The disruption of crystalline order within the granule was also observed by FTIR measurement. Thermal analysis using DSC indicated that the microfluidization treatment brought about a significant decrease of melting enthalpy. The gelatinization enthalpy was 12.0 and 3.0 J/g for the native sample and samples treated under the 150 MPa, respectively. The results indicate that high‐pressure microfluidization process induced the gelatinization of cassava starch, which is evaluated by a percentage of the degree of gelatinization, due to a pronounced decrease with increasing microfluidizing pressure.  相似文献   

研究大米谷蛋白添加量(0%~14%)对籼米淀粉流变、热特性及淀粉凝胶特性的影响。结果表明,随着大米谷蛋白添加量增加,米淀粉的弹性模量峰值(G'_(peak))、黏性模量峰值(G"_(peak))及淀粉凝胶的硬度均呈升高趋势。谷蛋白对米淀粉的DSC吸热峰的起始温度和峰值温度没有明显的影响,但是混合体系的焓值随谷蛋白添加量增加而降低。随大米谷蛋白添加量增加,米淀粉凝胶的黏聚性、黏性及回弹性均呈升高趋势。扫描电镜显示,添加大米谷蛋白米淀粉凝胶的孔洞深度增加、直径增大,结构显得较为松散。  相似文献   

The interactions between starch and proteins during processing influence pasting and rheological properties of starch and produce modifications on starch gel structure. Enzymatic modifications have been proposed for overcoming the limitations of using proteins as food ingredients. This work aimed to study the impact of native and enzymatically modified pea proteins on the properties of protein-starch (from cassava or corn) gels. Pea protein isolate (PPI) was incubated with endopeptidase (AL) or microbial transglutaminase (TG). Pasting profile, rheological behaviour and water retention capacity of protein-starch gels were analyzed. Protein (native and enzymatically modified) incorporation increased the viscosity of both corn and cassava starches during gel preparation. However, the hydrolyzed protein reduced drastically the increment of viscosity of protein-starch gels. The addition of PPI led to corn starch network that shifted from an elastic-like nature to a more viscous-like, whereas the opposite effect was observed in cassava gel network. TG- and AL-treated proteins led to a decrease of both G′ and G″ moduli of protein-starch gels, and AL-treated proteins showed the highest decrease on these parameters. Hydrolyzed proteins also favoured the syneresis of the protein-corn starch gel, whereas crosslinked proteins tended to reduce it. Enzymatic modifications of pea proteins affected significantly pasting and rheological properties of protein-starch gels.  相似文献   

淀粉是广泛存在于自然界中的一种半晶型生物高分子,是植物性食品原料的主要成分,淀粉的性质对食品加工及产品品质起着非常重要的作用。韧化是改善淀粉加工性能、提高淀粉基食品品质特性的一种淀粉物理变性方式,是淀粉颗粒在热水作用下内部结构的物理重组过程。简单介绍了韧化的水分、温度条件,韧化淀粉的应用领域,重点阐述了目前关于韧化对淀粉颗粒形态、内部结构以及功能特性影响的研究进展,并对韧化技术的发展前景进行了展望。   相似文献   

Supramolecular structure of A- and B-type granules of wheat starch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The supramolecular structure of the A- and B-type granules of wheat starch was compared. Polarized light microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to study the granular, crystalline, and short-range structures. The A- and B-type granules displayed a typical A-type crystalline structure with the degrees of crystallinity of 31.95% and 29.38% respectively. In addition, the B-type granules had some V-type crystallites. The nanostructure and fractals were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), which showed that the average thickness of the lamellae of the A-type granules was larger, while the B-type granules possessed a higher degree of ordering in the lamellar regions. A second order reflection was found in both A- and B-type granules, which was proposed due to the crystalline lamellae of the semicrystalline lamellae. The A- and B-type granules had mass and surface fractal structures respectively.  相似文献   

淀粉是自然界中仅次于纤维素的第二大生物质, 是碳水化合物在自然界中贮藏的主要形式之一。淀粉既是人类的主要能量来源, 也是一种重要的可再生资源, 被广泛应用在食品、造纸、纺织、精细化工和医药等领域。但是, 原淀粉结构的局限性, 限制了其应用范围和效果。因此, 本文首先综述了淀粉分子结构和颗粒结构对其性能的影响。其次, 阐述了通过淀粉的生物合成、淀粉结构修饰以及纤维素合成淀粉等手段改变淀粉结构, 从而达到调控淀粉性能的目的的方法, 以期为之后的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

以大米淀粉为原料,氯乙酸为醚化剂采用异丙醇溶剂法制备了不同取代度的羧甲基淀粉(DS 0.34~0.72),并对其理化性质如冻融稳定性、透明度、凝沉性、溶解度、膨胀度、糊化特性及其结构进行了研究。红外图谱结果表明,籼米淀粉分子上引入了羧甲基基团。通过扫描电镜(SEM)分析了羧甲基化对淀粉颗粒的形貌影响,其结果表明,羧甲基化对淀粉颗粒的结构造成了破坏,其结构破坏程度与取代度有关。羧甲基淀粉由于引入了羧甲基基团,凝沉性减弱,改性后的淀粉具有较好的冻融稳定性、较高的透明度、膨胀度和溶解度,且都随着取代度的增加而增加。此外,相对于原淀粉,羧甲基大米淀粉糊化温度明显降低,粘度升高。   相似文献   

以葡萄糖值(DE)为考察指标,在单因素试验基础之上,利用响应面法研究时间、温度及酶与底物比(E/S)对α-淀粉酶酶解木薯淀粉的影响。利用Lineweaver-Burk和Wilkinson统计法求解米氏常数(K_m)和最大反应速度(V_m),并建立相应动力学模型。结果表明:α-淀粉酶酶解木薯淀粉制备葡萄糖的最佳参数为:温度60℃,E/S=0.1 U/mg、时间130 min。在此条件下,DE验证值为(82.91±1.32)%。在pH 6.0,50℃条件下,K_m=12.077 mg/mL,V_m=0.218 mg/(mL·min)。在37~52℃范围内,Ea=44.611 kJ/mol,△H=110.847 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

为了抑制绿豆在冷冻条件下老化变硬而导致的口感品质下降,本课题以新鲜绿豆为原料,经过纤维素酶酶解处理,通过正交试验,研究了不同酶解条件对绿豆抗老化性质的影响。结果表明,用纤维素酶处理绿豆粒,将组成绿豆细胞壁的纤维素骨架逐级降解,进而破坏细胞壁的骨架结构,有利于糖分子渗入到绿豆内部,从而延缓分子链的迁移速率,降低淀粉回生速率。在pH5、酶解温度50℃,添加0.1%的纤维素酶,酶解80min时得到的绿豆粒,经过50%蔗糖溶液煮制1h后,绿豆粒抗老化能力最强,其口感风味最佳。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of enzyme active and inactive soy flours on the properties of cassava and corn starches. Four starch/soy flour composites were evaluated: cassava/active soy flour (Cas/AS), cassava/inactive soy flour (Cas/IS), corn/active soy flour (Corn/AS) and corn/inactive soy flour (Corn/IS). Starch gelatinization occurred at 58.67°C for Cas and at 64.19°C for corn; gelatinization occurred at higher temperatures when soy flours were present, while ΔH diminished. The presence of AS reduced 80% the retrogradation enthalpy of Cas and 40% that of corn. Cas presented lower pasting temperature than corn starch (67.8 and 76.8°C, respectively) and higher peak viscosity (427.9 and 232.8 BU, respectively). The pasting properties of both starches were drastically reduced by soy flours, and this effect was more noticeable in Cas; AS had higher effect than IS. X‐ray diffraction pattern of retrograded samples showed that both starches recrystallisation (mainly that of Cas) was reduced when AS was added. Tan δ values decreased with AS addition to corn, but they increased when added to Cas. The images obtained using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) showed that IS was distributed as large aggregates, whereas AS distribution was more homogeneous, especially when incorporated to Cas. These results show that cassava starch interacts specifically with active soy flour (AS, mainly in native state). The delaying effect of AS on cassava starch retrogradation was clearly shown. This finding could be useful in obtaining gluten‐free breads of high quality and low retrogradation rate.  相似文献   

高交联木薯淀粉非糊化特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了以三偏磷酸钠为交联剂制备非糊化的高交联木薯淀粉的方法,测定了反应的取代度和布拉班德粘度曲线,提出高交联木薯淀粉与原淀粉颗粒不同,在沸水中只发生轻微溶胀,呈非糊化颗粒态。  相似文献   

许俊  江学良  孙康 《纺织学报》2007,28(7):129-132
综述了丝胶在凝胶溶液转变过程中的一系列物理性能变化,其中包括凝胶化过程中透光率、表面张力、胶粘强度的变化,说明了温度、溶液浓度、pH值对凝胶化速度的影响。介绍了用X射线衍射、圆二色吸收光谱、红外吸收光谱、DTA等测试方法对引起这些变化的微观机制,说明了丝胶凝胶是一种热可逆性凝胶。同时还介绍了丝胶与几种不同的物质共混或交联所得产物的凝胶特性及其应用。  相似文献   

湿热处理法制备慢消化淀粉及其性质研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以蜡质玉米淀粉为原料,采用湿热处理法制备慢消化淀粉,并研究了其性质。研究出湿热处理制备慢消化淀粉的优化工艺为:淀粉体系的水分含量35%(w/w),温度120℃,时间为10h,慢消化淀粉含量达9.25%。扫描电镜照片显示,湿热处理后淀粉颗粒表面出现了裂纹和凹坑,淀粉糊化温度升高,峰值粘度降低。  相似文献   

研究大米多孔淀粉和大米多孔酯化淀粉对次甲基蓝的吸附特性,分析酶解时间和取代度对淀粉吸附次甲基蓝的影响,在此基础上建立了大米多孔淀粉和大米多孔酯化淀粉的吸附速率方程。结果表明,大米多孔淀粉吸附次甲基蓝的最佳浓度为25×10-5mol/L,大米多孔淀粉和大米多孔酯化淀粉对次甲基蓝的饱和吸附量分别为4.88mg/g和5.97mg/g。与大米原淀粉相比,大米多孔淀粉和大米多孔酯化淀粉对次甲基蓝的吸附量得到明显提升,其中大米多孔酯化淀粉的吸附量更大。  相似文献   

The effect microwaving power and time on the functional, pasting and thermal properties of cassava starch was investigated. Cassava starch at a moisture content of 30% was microwaved at 600 and 700 W for 0, 5, 15, 30 and 60 s following a preliminary study. Microwaving power and time did not alter the crystalline pattern of the starch, but there were obvious changes in the starch morphology. Starch colour was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) altered by microwave heating, with the total colour difference increasing from 4.85 to 43.01. Microwave treatment increased starch gelatinisation temperatures but decreased the swelling power, water absorption capacity and the relative crystallinity. These changes were influenced by microwave heating power and time. The results further revealed that the peak viscosity (3714.00–1947.00 cP) and setback ratio (1.70–1.49) decreased with increasing microwave heating time. However, breakdown viscosity (322.67–897.63 cP) and pasting temperature (1947.00–3714.00 °C) increased.  相似文献   

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