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B. C. Low's study on non-linear force-free magnetic field is extended in an effort to explain the preflare low-lying magnetic loops observed by Skylab. Using Low's method of analytical continuation, a revised boundary-value problem is solved analytically. It is shown that high magnetic loops will evolve into low-lying ones when both the shear angle between field line and the neutral line increases with time and the foot-points of the field lines close upon the neutral line. The density, temperature and electric current density are high in these lowlying loops, thus providing conditions for flare (especially proton flare) build-up.  相似文献   

Romano  P.  Contarino  L.  Zuccarello  F. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):137-150
Using a 28-hour time series of line-of-sight magnetograms taken by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), we determined the magnetic flux variations and the rate of magnetic helicity transport at the footpoints of a filament in active region NOAA 8375. The filament was characterized by a positive helicity change due to shearing motions in both footpoints and showed several partial eruptions during the observing time. In particular, we considered 4 events registered in the Hα daily reports of Solar Geophysical Data. We found a strong temporal correlation between filament eruptions and helicity transport from the photospheric magnetic structures at the filament footpoints into the corona: in at least one footpoint, all of the events were preceded by an evident increase and followed by a small decrease of the emerging magnetic flux and of the magnetic helicity change due to shearing motions. We compared these two mechanisms of helicity transport and found that the predominant role to drive filament instability is played by emergence of new magnetic flux from the convection zone.  相似文献   

High-resolution Hαobservations indicate that filaments consist of an assembly of thin threads.In quiescent filaments,the threads are generally short,whereas in active region filaments,the threads are generally long.In order to explain these observational features,we performed one-dimensional radiative hydrodynamic simulations of filament formation along a dipped magnetic flux tube in the framework of the chromospheric evaporation-coronal condensation model.The geometry of a dipped magnetic flux tube is characterized by three parameters,i.e.,the depth(D),the half-width(w)and the altitude(h)of the magnetic dip.A survey of the parameters in numerical simulations shows that when allowing the filament thread to grow in 5 days,the maximum length(Lth)of the filament thread increases linearly with w,and decreases linearly with D and h.The dependence is fitted into a linear function Lth=0.84w-0.88D-2.78h+17.31(Mm).Such a relation can qualitatively explain why quiescent filaments have shorter threads and active region filaments have longer threads.  相似文献   

A circuit model for filament eruptions and two-ribbon flares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We derive a circuit model for solar filament eruptions and two-ribbon flares which reproduces the slow energy build up and eruption of the filament, and the energy dissipation in a current sheet at the top of post-flare loops during the two-ribbon flare. In our model the free magnetic energy is concentrated in a current through the filament, another current through an underlying current sheet, and surface return currents. The magnetic field configuration, generated by these currents and a general photospheric background field, has a topology similar to the field topology derived from observations.We consider two circuits, that of the filament and its return current, and that of the current sheet and its return current. These circuits are inductively coupled and free energy stored in the filament in the pre-flare phase is found to be transferred to the sheet during the impulsive phase, and rapidly dissipated there. A comparable amount of magnetic energy is converted into kinetic energy of the ejected filament. The basic equations of the model are the momentum equations for the filament and the current sheet, and the induction equations for the filament and sheet circuits. The derivation of the equations is an extension of previous models by Kuperus and Raadu, Van Tend and Kuperus, Syrovatskii, and Kaastra. The set of equations is closed in the sense that only the initial conditions and a number of parameters, all related to pre-flare observables, are needed to calculate the evolution of the system. The pre-flare observations we need to determine these parameters, are: (1) a magnetogram, (2) an picture, (3) a measurement of the coronal density in the region, and (4) estimates of the photospheric velocity fields in the region.In the solutions for the evolution of the filament current sheet system we distinghuish 4 phases: (1) a slow energy build up, lasting for almost two days, during which the filament evolves quasi-statically, (2) a metastable state, lasting for about three hours, during which the filament is susceptible to flare triggers, and during which a current sheet emerges, (3) the eruptive phase, with strong acceleration of the filament, during which a large current is induced and dissipated in the current sheet, and energy is injected in the post-flare loops, and finally (4) a post-flare phase, in which the filament acceleration declines and the current sheet vanishes.From further numerical work we derive the following conclusions: (1) The magnetic flux input into the filament circuit has to surpass a certain threshold for an eruption to occur. Below that threshold we find solutions representing quiescent filaments. (2)Flare triggers are neither necessary nor sufficient for an eruption, but may set off the eruption during the metastable state. (3) The model reproduces the increase in shear in the filament prior to the eruption, through adecline of the filament current, in contrast to most models for filament eruptions. (4) The ratio of energy lost as kinetic energy of ejecta to the energy radiated away in the post-flare loops is sensitively dependent on the resistance of the current sheet. (5) Flare prediction is possible with this model, but the potential for triggering during the metastable state complicates the prediction of the exact moment of eruption.Former NAS/NRC Resident Research Associate.ST Systems Corporation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of spatial resonance of Alfven waves for heating a collisionless plasma is studied in the presence of a twisted magnetic field. In addition to modifying the equilibrium condition for a cylindrical plasma, the azimuthal component of the magnetic field gives extra contribution to the energy deposition rate of the Alfven waves. This new term clearly brings out the effects associated with the finite lifetime of the Alfven waves. The theoretical system considered here conforms to the solar coronal regions.  相似文献   

Catastrophe of coronal magnetic rope embedded in a partly open multipolar background magnetic field is studied by using a 2-dimensional, 3-component ideal MHD model in spherical coordinates. The background field is composed of three closed bipolar fields of a coronal streamer and an open field with an equatorial current sheet. The magnetic rope lies below the central bipolar field, and it is characterized by its annular and axial magnetic fluxes. For a given annual flux, there is a critical value of the axial flux, and for a given axial flux, there is a critical value of annual flux such that, below the critical value, the magnetic rope is attached to the solar surface and the system stays in equilibrium, but when the critical value is exceeded, the magnetic rope breaks free and erupts upward. This implies that catastrophe can occur in a coronal magnetic rope embedded in a partly open multipolar background magnetic field. Our computation gives a threshold value of magnetic energy that is about 15% greater than the energy of the partly open magnetic field (the central bipolar field open and the fields on either side closed). The excess energy may serve as source for solar explosions such as coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

We explore the role of complex multipolar magnetic fields in determining physical processes near the surface of rotation powered pulsars. We model the actual magnetic field as the sum of global dipolar and star-centred multipolar fields. In configurations involving axisymmetric and uniform multipolar fields, 'neutral points' and 'neutral lines' exist close to the stellar surface. Also, the curvature radii of magnetic field lines near the stellar surface can never be smaller than the stellar radius, even for very high-order multipoles. Consequently, such configurations are unable to provide an efficient pair-creation process above pulsar polar caps, necessary for plasma mechanisms of generation of pulsar radiation. In configurations involving axisymmetric and non-uniform multipoles, the periphery of the pulsar polar cap becomes fragmented into symmetrically distributed narrow subregions where curvature radii of complex magnetic field lines are less than the radius of the star. The pair-production process is only possible just above these 'favourable' subregions. As a result, the pair plasma flow is confined within narrow filaments regularly distributed around the margin of the open magnetic flux tube. Such a magnetic topology allows us to model the system of 20 isolated subbeams observed in PSR B0943+10 by Deshpande & Rankin. We suggest a physical mechanism for the generation of pulsar radio emission in the ensemble of finite subbeams, based on specific instabilities. We propose an explanation for the subpulse drift phenomenon observed in some long-period pulsars.  相似文献   

The formation of fibrils in low-lying loops is investigated by performing one-dimensional nonlinear hydrodynamic calculations. The loops have the height of 3000–5000 km and have an atmosphere extending from the photosphere to the corona. A shock wave is generated from a pressure pulse in the photosphere and it ejects the chromosphere-corona transition region along the loop, expanding the underlying chromosphere into the corona. This expanding chromospheric material in a loop is regarded as a fibril. The shock propagates in the corona and collides with another transition region where a reflected shock and a penetrating shock are generated. The effect of the reflected shock on the motion of the fibril is weak. The fibril shows a nearly ballistic motion as observations suggest, if it does not extend beyond the summit of the loop. The corona in the loop is compressed nearly adiabatically by the fibril, and the enhanced coronal pressure leads the fibril finally to a retracting motion even if the fibril goes beyond the summit of the loop.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 261.  相似文献   

Using photospheric and H observations and total radio flux data we study a two-ribbon flare in AR NOAA 4263 which was a part of a flare event complex on July 31, 1983. We find some facts which illuminate the special way of flare triggering in the analysed event. Around a double spot the photospheric vector magnetic field is discussed with respect to the chromospheric activities. In one of the spots the feet of long stretched loops are pushed down under steepening loops rooted in the same spot. This causes energy build-up by twist and shear in the stretched loops. One foot of the two-ribbon flare (triggered in the stretched and underpushed loop system) roots in a part of the spot umbra and penumbra where the field runs in extremely flat like a pressed spiral spring. A strange radio event, starting before the flares, can be interpreted as a precursor activity of the flare event complex. The radio data support the view that the analyzed flare process and the given magnetic field structure, respectively, are not very effective in energetic particle generation and escape.  相似文献   

We analyze spectra taken with the 40 cm coronograph at Sacramento Peak Observatory, for evidence of Stark effect on Balmer lines formed in coronal magnetic structures. Several spectra taken near the apex of a bright post-flare loop prominence show significant broadening from H10 to the limit of Balmer line visibility in these spectra, at about H20 The most likely interpretation of the increasing width is Stark broadening, although unresolved blends of Balmer emissions with metallic lines could also contribute to the trend. Less significant broadening is seen in 3 other post-flare loops, and the data from 5 other active coronal condensations observed in this study show no broadening tendency at all, over this range of Balmer number. The trend clearly observed in one post-flare loop requires an ion density of n i ? 2 × 1012 cm?3, if it is to be explained entirely as Stark effect caused by pressure broadening. But mean electron densities measured directly from the Thomson scattering at λ3875 in the same SPO spectra, yield n e ? 3?7 × 1010 cm?3 for the same condensations observed within that loop. Comparison of this evidence from electron scattering, with densities derived from emission measures and line-intensity ratios, argues against a volume filling factor small enough to reconcile the values of n i and n e derived in this study. This discrepancy leads us to suggest that the Stark effect observed in these loops, and possibly also in flares, could be caused by macroscopic electric fields, rather than by pressure broadening. The electric field required to explain the Stark broadening in the brightest post-flare loop observed here is approximately 170 V cm?1. We suggest an origin for such an electric field and discuss its implications for coronal plasma dynamics.  相似文献   

Time sequences of vector magnetograms of Hauirou and Big Bear Solar Observatories have provided us the opportunity to identify the individual magnetic loops and athe separatrices between them.

Based on the continuous observatin of vector magnetic field of NOAA 7469 from 4 to 12 April 1993, for the first time, the authors have identified the magnetic loop systems and relevant separatrices for such an active region. The observational signature ofthe cross-section of separatrices on the photosphere is as follows:

1. (1) High degree of magnetic shear at or close to the separatrices;
2. (2) Steep gradient of line-of-sight magnetic field ( 0.1 G/km) crossing the neutral line.
3. (3) Flux cancellation from both sides of the separatrices. At this point the transverse field partly changes its alignment.

During the observed period, flare activity took place repeatedly in the vicinity of the separatrices.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the Martens-Kuin filament eruption model in relation to observations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The field lines of this model are plotted in the vacuum or infinite resistivity approximation with two background fields. The first is the dipole background field of the model and the second is the potential streamer model of Low. The assumption is made that magnetic field evolution dominates compression or other effects which is appropriate for a low- coronal plasma. The Martens-Kuin model predicts that, as the filament erupts, the overlying coronal magnetic field lines rise in a manner inconsistent with observations of CMEs associated with eruptive filaments. Initially, the bright arc of a CME broadens in time much more slowly than the dark cavity between it and the filament, whereas in the model they broaden at the same rate or the bright arc broadens more rapidly than the dark cavity, depending on the background field. Thus, this model and, by generalization the whole class of so-called Kuperus-Raadu configurations in which a neutral point occurs below the filament, are of questionable utility for CME modeling. An alternate case is considered in which the directions of currents in the Martens-Kuin model are reversed resulting in a so-called normal polarity configuration of the filament magnetic field. In this case, a neutral line occurs above the current-carrying filament. The background field lines now distort to support the filament and help eject it. While the vacuum field results make this configuration appear very promising, a full two- or more-dimensional MHD simulation is required to properly analyze the dynamics resulting from this configuration.Presently NRC Senior Research Associate at NOAA, Space Environment Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.At the NASA National Space Data Center.  相似文献   

We report in this paper the analysis of the evolution of a magnetic fragment observed in NOAA 9445 on 5 May, 2001. This magnetic fragment emerged laterally to a filament which later split into two parts. The bifurcation site coincided with the magnetic fragment location and the part of the filament which split was later destabilized and a flare occurred. The magnetic flux variations in the magnetic fragment and in the surrounding area were analyzed and, considering their trends and other observational signatures (Hα brightenings and associated plasma motions), we could infer that it was a cancelling magnetic feature (CMF).We determined some geometrical and physical parameters of the CMF (area, magnetic flux variation, cancellation speed and flux cancellation rate) using high resolution magnetograms taken by BBSO. We compared the observed parameters of the CMF with the parameters of low‐lying reconnection current sheets given in the model proposed by Litvinenko (1999) and found good agreement between observed and theoretical values. Therefore, we conclude that a low‐lying magnetic reconnection process might be the cause of the filament activation. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Su Qing-Rui 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):229-236
In this paper, we extend B. C. Low's study on nonlinear force-free magnetic fields. Based on Low's mathematical method, a revised boundary-value problem of the two-dimensional nonlinear force-free magnetic field is solved analytically. The solution shows that higher magnetic loops evolve towards preflare loops when the gradient of longitudinal magnetic field at the photospheric level and the angle (shear) included between the magnetic field line and magnetic neutral line increase with time. The density, temperature and the current density are higher in the preflare loops than in the high-lying magnetic loops. We believe it is the loops that provide conditions for the eruption of the flare.The original has been published in the Acta Astronomica Sinica 21 (1980), 152, in Chinese. The present paper completes the discussion and revises some of the preliminary results.  相似文献   

Localized quasi-stationary rotational structures on the dust time scale in low-β dusty plasmas involving sheared flow and magnetic fields are investigated. For self-consistent equilibrium density, flow, and magnetic field profiles, solution in the form of a localized vortex triplet is obtained and its properties investigated. The magnitude of the electrostatic potential of the vortex structure increases with the velocity and magnetic shear.  相似文献   

The evolution of the multipolar structure of the magnetic field of isolated neutron stars is studied assuming the currents to be confined to the crust. We find that, except for multipoles of very high order ( l ≳25), the evolution is similar to that of a dipole. Therefore no significant evolution is expected in the pulse shape of isolated radio pulsars because of the evolution of the multipole structure of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The evolution of coronal and chromospheric structures is examined together with magnetograms for the 1B flare of January 19, 1972. Soft X-ray and EUV studies are based on the OSO-7 data. The H filtergrams and magnetograms came from the Sacramento Peak Observatory. Theoretical force-free magnetic field configurations are compared with structures seen in the soft X-ray, EUV and H images. Until the flare, two prominent spots were connected by a continuous dark filament and their overlying coronal structure underwent an expansion at the sunspot separation rate of 0.1 km s–1. On January 19, the flare occurred as new magnetic fields emerged at 1019 Mx h–1 beneath the filament, which untwisted and erupted as the flare began. The pre-flare coronal emissions remained unchanged during the flare except for the temporary addition of a localized enhancement that started 5 min after flare onset. EUV lines normally emitted in the upper transition region displayed a sudden enhancement coinciding in time and location with a bright H point, which is believed to be near the flare trigger or onset point. The EUV flash and the initial H brightening, both of which occurred near the center of the activated filament, were followed by a second EUV enhancement at the end of the filament. The complete disruption of the filament was accompanied by a third EUV enhancement and a rapid rise in the soft X-ray emission spatially coincident with the disappearing filament. From the change of magnetic field inferred from H filtergrams and from force-free field calculations, the energy available for the flare is estimated at approximately 1031 erg. Apparently, changes in the overlying coronal magnetic field were not required to provide the flare energy. Rather, it is suggested that the flare actually started in the twisted filament where it was compressed by emerging fields. Clearly, the flare started below the corona, and it appears that it derived its energy from the magnetic fields in or near the filament.NCAR is sponsored by NSF.  相似文献   

Temperature distribution in cylindrically symmetric coronal magnetic loops has been reinvestigated under various conditions: (a) loop with the pressure varying along the radial distance, and (b) loop with constant pressure, for cooler apex loops and hotter apex loops. This work is reinvestigation of our previous work published inAstrophysics and Space Science (Chandra and Prasad, 1993b).  相似文献   

Hydromagnetic planetary waves propagating through a zonal flow and a transverse magnetic field both of which are sheared in the vertical direction are studied. It is found that the effect of the transverse magnetic field is to make planetary waves, which characteristically propagate westwards, propagate eastwards in both westerly and easterly zonal flows. It is also shown that at a critical level the rays are guided by the zonal flow only and that the waves are either attenuated or escalated by an exponential factor as they cross a critical level.  相似文献   

We present a set of cylindrically-symmetric force-free magnetic fields with non-constant scalar function scalar. We found that the kink instability of the fields can be suppressed by reducing the length of the flux tube. By using the pressure profile in coronal magnetic loops obtained on the basis of the observational data, and by neglecting the effect of gravity, these force-free fields ars modified to non-force-free ones. For the plasma of finite conductivity the time and space dependent magnetic fields are obtained, and the ohmic dissipation per unit volume per second is calculated. For the magnetic fields, presented in the investigation, it is also found that, due to the large electrical conductivity of the plasma, the ohmic dissipation is negligable in comparison to the conduction and the radiation loss. Hence, for the energy equilibrium in a coronal loop, the contribution of ohmic dissipation is insignificant.  相似文献   

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