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The multiple-photon absorption of pulsed TEA CO2 laser radiation by SF6 molecules cooled toT R40K andT v160K in the free jet expansion from a pulsed supersonic nozzle has been investigated at energy fluences of 0.1 to 3.0 J·cm–2.For practically all laser lines which coincide with the linear absorption spectrum of thev 3 vibrational mode of SF6 [P(12)...P(28), 10,6 m], the dependence of the absorbed energyE ab on the exciting energy fluence was found to be steeper than linearE abn, wheren=(1.1 to 1.8). Considerable increases of the absorption cross sections with increasing energy fluence were observed.The fraction of the molecules interacting with the laser radiation is estimated.  相似文献   

The applicability of a pyroelectric detector (PED) to multiphoton absorption measurements (MPA) under ir laser excitation of molecules was examined. The possibility of MPA measurement of SF6 molecules in the pressure range of 10−3÷10−1 Torr with a time resolution of ∼ 7 μs has been shown. It has been demonstrated that the degree of vibrational relaxation of highly vibrationally excited molecules at PED surface does not depend on excitation level under the studied conditions.  相似文献   

The infrared multiple-photon single-frequency decomposition (IRMPD) of CBrClF2 was examined as functions of laser wavenumber, laser fluence, and partial pressure of CBrClF2. The initial step was the scission of a C-Br bond. In the presence of O2 the carbon-containing product was CF2O and its subsequent hydrolysis gave CO2. The initial dissociation was highly 13C selective at wavenumbers below 1014 cm–1. CBrClF2 decomposed at relatively low fluences as compared to CHClF2. However, the decomposition yield rapidly decreased with increasing pressure. In the large-scale irradiation experiment using about 8 J pulse at 1 Hz, we obtained a carbon yield of 0.41 mol per pulse at a 13C-atom fraction of 17% for a mixture of 10 Torr CBrClF2 and 10 Torr O2, and a carbon yield of 0.17 mol per pulse at a fraction of 29% for a mixture of 20 Torr CBrClF2 and 20 Torr O2. The IRMPD of CHClF2 gave a carbon yield of 0.18 mol per pulse at 48% for 10 Torr neat CHClF2 and yield of 0.25 mol at 52% for 20 Torr CHClF2. The large-scale irradiation experiment was also carried out for mixtures of CBr2F2 and O2. CHClF2 is the most productive of 13C.  相似文献   

Narrow peaks of multiple-photon absorption in thev 7 band of ethylene with the spectral width 0.02 cm−1 and the contrast factor of up to 102 have been observed at the intensity of laser radiation 0.04 and 0.6 MW/cm2. The multiple-photon spectra of ethylene in intense IR field have been studied with the use of a quasi-single-mode continuously tunable CO2 laser. The results of the experiments are interpreted within the model of spepwise molecular excitation due to weak transitions.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to selectivity estimation methods during polyatomic molecules dissociation by multiple photon absorption. Taking the CH3NO2 molecule as an example, the possibilities of selectivity estimations made on the electron-excited dissociation products (luminescence) are shown, as well as on the measurements of the energy absorbed in a strong IR field being transformed into heat. Some advantages of the last method of the selectivity estimation are discussed. The experiments on nitrogen-isotopes separation in the mixture of CH3 14NO2 and CH3 15NO2 molecules are carried out when exciting thev 7 vibration with the isotope shift of about 7 cm−1 and thev 13 vibration with no isotope shift in the linear absorption spectrum. The contribution of secondary chemical reactions to the separation process is discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple ir photon absorption spectra (MPAS) of OsO4 are obtained in the range of energy fluencies from 3·10−2 to 1.26 J/cm2. A possible interpretation of MPAS is given on the basis of weak forbidden rovibrational transitions. The stepwise character of the absorption on the laser energy fluence is observed.  相似文献   

We report the isotopically selective decomposition of chlorodifluoromethane. Chlorodifluoromethane is used industrially in high volume for the production of tetrafluoroethylene and its polymers; thereby it is an attractive working substrate for a medium scale isotope separation process, both in terms of its price and availability.We have studied the infrared multiphoton decomposition of carbon-13 substituted chlorodifluoromethane molecules present at their natural abundance (1.11%). A well defined CO2 laser pulse (80 ns FWHM) was used and both the yield of carbon-13 enriched product and the net absorption of laser radiation were measured. These measurements were made as a function of substrate pressure (10-800 Torr), CO2 laser line (9P 12–9P 32) and fluence (2–8 J cm–2) and were used to determine the energy expenditure per carbon atom produced () at specified product carbon-13 content in the range 30%–96%. The results of these parametric studies were interpreted in terms of the kinetics of multiphoton absorption and dissociation, and allowed an initial optimization of the experimental conditions to minimize .Optimum results were obtained at 1046.9 cm–1, 69 cm–1 to the red of the12CHClF2 v 9 band center. Irradiation of 100 Torr of chlorodifluoromethane at 3.5 J cm–2 gave tetrafluoroethylene containing 50% carbon-13 for an absorption of 140 photons (0.017 keV) per carbon atom produced. This efficiency compares favourably with existing carbon-13 enrichment technologies and would require an absorption pathlength of only 2 m to absorb half the incident photons.Issued as NRCC 20112  相似文献   

An ir multiphoton dissociation (MPD) process in multiple-frequency ir-laser fields has been experimentally realized. A selectivity ofS=104 was obtained in separating13C/12C isotopes upon multiple-frequency ir multiphoton dissociation (MFMPD) of the CF2HCl molecule, the dissociation yield13 for the13CF2HCl molecule amounting to around 1%. A yield of13 was reached at a selectivity ofS=102, and the total laser fluence required for the process was reduced. A new mechanism—sticking of molecules on the lower discrete vibrational levels—responsible for the low MPD yields observed for some molecules is discussed and a technique to eliminate it and thus maximize the dissociation yields is proposed. Ways to improve the selectivity by MFMPD are analyzed and a simple method for obtaining from a single TEA CO2 laser a multiple-frequency radiation suitable for experimental realization of MFMPD is suggested.  相似文献   

The method of spectroscopy of spontaneous Raman scattering (RS) with time resolution has been applied for the first time to diagnose the process of multiphoton ir molecular excitation (MPE). Some aspects of RS diagnostics of MPE processes are being analyzed. It has been shown experimentally on SF6 and CF3I molecules that it is possible to study such important characteristics of excitation process as the fraction of molecules involved in the process of excitation, vibrational energy distribution of molecules, stochastization of inner molecular energy.  相似文献   

A method for determination of the translational energy of the fragments in long living electronic states obtained under ir multiple-photon dissociation of the molecules is proposed. The measurement of the translational distribution function and of the average translational energy of the particles appeared under MPD of OsO4 has been carried out by this method. It has been shown that the proposed technique may be usefull for identification of visible radiation as belonging to the fragment or to the parent molecule itself.  相似文献   

A review of laser-induced photoionization of polyatomic molecules and the application of this process in mass-spectrometry is presented. Combination of laser selective photoionization and mass spectral analysis of fragments as a promising tool for the detection of trace amounts of complex molecules is considered particularly.  相似文献   

The dissociation probabilities of32SF6 and some of34SF6 have been measured at a large number of CO2 laser lines both at room temperature and at 140 K. The longwavelength wing of this dissociation spectrum is exponential in the wavenumber. Its logarithmic slope is proportional to the inverse temperature. Selectivities are high enough at 140 K, that the photons are consumed only for the rare isotope in the case of34SF6 and nearly so for36SF6. For33SF6 further improvement of the selectivity would be desirable.  相似文献   

We measured the photoionization cross-sections of anthracene, 1,2-benzanthracene,p-terphenyl, and 2,5-diphenylfuran molecules excited to the singlet and triplet electronic states intermediate in the stepwise two-photon ionization process at 266 nm (all compounds) and at 355, 391 and 417 nm (anthracene).  相似文献   

Infrared multiple-photon dissociation (IRMPD) of CDCl3 was studied using a tunable TEA CO2 laser. Effects of number of irradiation pulses, wavelength and energy fluence as well as of sample pressure on the reaction yield are reported.  相似文献   

A Spectroscopic study has been made of the emission spectra arising from ArF laser initiated photoablation of PMMA samples. This process leads to direct etching of the polymer. The thermal temperature of the CH fragment species in the plume immediately above the ablated site was found to be 3200 ±200 K. The translational velocity of this species was found to be 4.2×105 cm/s corresponding to a translational temperature of 11,000 K. These results are consistent with a rapid direct bond scission model for ablation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review the most relevant theoretical and experimental results reported in recent years, on the photophysical properties of the uranium hexafluoride molecule in the gas phase. Details of the structure of the molecular orbitals of UF6 are discussed with reference to theoretical calculations of the electronic states. Tentative assignments of the electronic transitions in the experimental visible-uv absorption spectrum are also considered. The fluorescence properties of the excited states of UF6 are critically reviewed. The use of laser beams to excite the fluorescence emission of UF6 is shown to be a fruitful experimental technique. The measurement of fluorescence parameters (i.e. the emission and excitation spectra, the decay time and quantum yield) is a particularly valuable and sensitive way of studying the dynamics and structure of the excited electronic states. The different mechanisms of fluorescence quenching that have been proposed are also critically reviewed.  相似文献   

Basic experimental characteristics of collisionless luminescence of OsO4 molecule excited by pulsed ir laser radiation are presented. The theoretical model of the process is developed and a comparison with experiment is carried out both for one-frequency and two-frequency ir excitation. From such comparison information is obtained on the fraction of molecules excited by laser radiation as well as on the spectroscopic characteristics of highly excited states.  相似文献   

The laboratory scale-up of a two-stage laser enrichment process for carbon isotopes, involving infrared multiphoton dissociation of freon-22, is described. Unmodified commercial equipment and materials were used. An initial study of the effect of fluence, laser frequency, freon-22 pressure and pressure of argon, nitrogen and trifluoromethyl chloride was made in short irradiation cells (constant fluence) in order to define optimum process parameters. The process was then scaled to higher throughput in longer cells (1–5 m) in which compensation for beam-energy depletion by absorption was made by reduction in the beam area by focussing. From the scale-up experiments, measurements of yield and enrichment of the tetrafluoroethylene product gave demonstrated production rates. These, coupled with measurements of the absorption, allowed extrapolation to production rates assuming total utilization of the available output energy.Using a 100 W TEA CO2 laser (10 J, 10 Hz) we have demonstrated production rates of 0.20 g h–1 carbon-12 at 99.99% carbon-12, 11 mg h–1 carbon-13 at 72% carbon-13 and 2 kg per annum carbon-13 at 50%. Energy absorption measurements imply a capability to produce 3 kg per annum carbon-13 at over 95% carbon-13 in a two-stage process.The apparatus was used to produce gram quantities of carbon-13 depleted freon-22 (99.99% carbon-12). A comparison of the infrared multiphoton dissociation of this material with that of natural freon-22 (1.11% carbon-13) showed that under the conditions required to give selective dissociation of13CF2HCl that12CF2HCl was excited as a result of a dominantly radiative interaction and that collisional transfer from13CF2HCl molecules played a minor role.Issued as NRCC 23639Summer Student 1983, Acadia University, N.S., Canada  相似文献   

The multiple photon dissociation of ppm level CTCl3 in CDCl3 and the selectivity of T/D separation were investigated using a pulsed ammonia laser. The effect of laser frequency, fluence and buffer gas pressure on the dissociation rate and isotopic selectivity were studied. The depletion of CDCl3 was not observed within experimental errors. A lower limit of single step selectivity factor was found to be >5000 at 133 Pa substrate pressure.  相似文献   

The multiphoton absorption of SF6 was investigated in supersonic molecular beams in dependence on the fluence and the wavelength of the CO2 laser. The temperatures of the SF6 molecules have been reduced using seeded beams of different concentrations. The experimental results are discussed on the basis of the known spectroscopic data of SF6 and provide some novel information about the spectral characteristics of the ir-multiphoton excitation of strongly cooled molecules in the collision-free case.  相似文献   

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