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Whenever diapause induction triggers movement into another microhabitat or the development of protective morphological structures, this may also alter predation risk. If the risk of being eaten is lower in the diapause phase, then there may be selection favouring diapause induction in response to predators or their cues. In this article, we studied the effect of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri on diapause induction in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. We used a Greek strain because under long-night photoperiods and low temperature only part of the population enters diapause, thereby leaving room for the impact of another factor. In spider mite groups under predation, the percentage diapause induction increased whenever night-lengths were such that diapause was induced (13–16 h of night). Given this diapause induction in response to predation risk, the question arises whether entering diapause helps spider mites to escape from predation and contribute more offspring to the spring generation next year.  相似文献   

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae was exposed to UV-C (250 nm), UV-B (300 nm), and UV-A (350 nm). In non-diapausing females, the median effective doses for 50% mortality plus escape incidence (ED50) were 21 (UV-C) and 104 kJ m−2 (UV-B); those for 50% oviposition rate in continuous darkness-treated mites were 6.2 (UV-C) and 41 kJ m−2 (UV-B). No significant effects of UV-A on mortality and oviposition rate were observed. The ED50 values for UV-B were similar to the natural UV-B observed for 2-5 days in summer when T. urticae inhabits the undersides of leaves. Therefore, T. urticae possibly uses leaves as a filter to avoid the deleterious effects of UV-B. In diapausing females, low mortality was observed even at high doses of UV radiation, but more than half escaped even at low doses. The orange body color of diapausing females results from accumulation of carotenoids, a scavenger for UV-induced reactive oxygen species; this may explain the low mortality of diapausing females. Diapausing females may overcome the deleterious effects of UV-B during winter in the absence of leaves by emigrating to UV-free environments and by accumulating carotenoids.  相似文献   

Primary sex ratio of arrhenotokous tetranychid mites depends on the age-specific schedule of ratios of progeny produced by individual females. Since primary sex ratio is conditional upon female age and since the proportion of females of a given age in a population is influenced by the rate of increase, both the agespecific ratio of males to females and the overall ratio of males to females depends on the rate of increase. We given an expression for this dependence and compare it to experimental results for the two-spotted spiter mite. These results imply that there is no standard sex ratio of spider mites because of interpopulation variation in rates of increase.
Résumé Le taux sexuel des acariens tétranychidés arrhénotoques est défini comme le rapport de la somme des nombres de mâles sur la somme des nombres de femelles pour chaque âge de la distribution en âges. Comme le taux sexuel primaire dépend de l'âge de la femelle et comme la proportion de femelles d'un âge donné dans la population est influencée par le taux d'accroissement, alors le rapport mâle/femelle spécifique d'un âge déterminé et le rapport global mâle/femelle dépendent du taux d'accroissement. Nous avons cherché à exprimer cette dépendance et à la comparer aux résultats expérimentaux pour Tetranychus urticae. Ces résultats signifient qu'il n'y a pas de taux sexuel caractéristique de Tétranyques par suite des variations du taux d'accroissement suivant les populations.

Residual deposits of fluvalinate caused two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, dispersal by running off (run-off) and spinning down (spin-down) from treated leaves. Run-off occured at concentrations from 0.0005 g a.i. 1−1 and reached a peak at 0.01 g a.i. 1−1. Spin-down was more predominant at concentrations above 0.01 g a.i. 1−1. Spin-down and run-off proportions varied with fluvalinate formulation. Oviposition was temporarily suppressed on fluvalinate-treated leaves, presumably because of an irritant effect which reduced feeding. An emulsifiable concentrate formulation caused the largest reductions in oviposition. Oviposition returned to the level exhibited by untreated mites two days after removal from treated surfaces. Oviposition and feeding were positively correlated and both declined reciprocally with increasing fluvalinate concentration.  相似文献   

Bifenthrin (Talstar®) was registered at the beginning of the 1993/94 season for control of Helicoverpa spp. and Tetranychus urticae in Australian cotton. Resistance was monitored in T. urticae following registration but despite the implementation of resistance management, resistance evolved in the 1996/97 cotton-growing season after only four seasons use. During the following three seasons resistance increased progressively both in level (from 1.2- to 109-fold at LC50) and abundance (from 20 to 90% strains) and was linked to field control failures. The evolution of resistance has now reduced the reliability of bifenthrin for T. urticae control in Australian cotton. The impact of bifenthrin resistance in T. urticae and its continued management in Australian cotton is discussed.  相似文献   

Diapause behaviou of two strains of Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) was compared as part of a project to evaluate this predator as a control agent for Tetranychus urticae Koch on roses in greenhouses in Berkeley, California. One strain had a normal diapause and the other had been genetically selected for non-diapause. Predators in diapause sought shelters on a simple bean plant test system. Females lacking the ability to diapause and the normal strain under long photophases tended to disperse aerially from the bean plant systems, particularly when prey were scarce. M. occidentalis females with the capacity to diapause reared near the critical photophase (11.2h) at fluctuating temperatures of 17.5 to 24.5°C within a 24 h period were influenced by the availability of prey: if prey were lacking, predators were more likely to enter diapause than if prey were abundant.Starved females left the plant system, probably through aerial dispersal, and mated females dispersed more readily than males and virgin females under long daylengths. No differences in aerial dispersal tendency were observed at short photophases. Aerial dispersal of adult females occurred at air speeds of ca. 1.5 m/s.
Comportement lors de la diapause de souches génétiquement sélectionnées du prédateur Metaseiulus occidentalis (Acari; Phytoseiidae)
Résumé Au cours d'un programme destiné à évaluer la valeur du prédateur, Metaseiulus occidentalis Nesbitt pour lutter contre Tetranychus urticae Koch sur roses dans les serres de Berkeley (California) nous avons comparé chez deux souches le comportement lié à la diapause. Une souche a une diapause normale, l'autre a été sélectionnée génétiquement pour son absence de diapause. Les adultes avec diapause normale recherchent des abris sur un dispositif expérimental conçu à partir d'un pied de haricot. Les femelles perdant l'aptitude à la diapause ainsique celles de la souche normale soumise à une longue photophase ont tendance à se disperser par voie aérienne à partir du dispositif expérimental, surtout quand les proies sont rares.Les femelles de M. occidentalis aptes à la diapause élevées aux environs de la photophase critique (11.2h) avec des températures variant entre 17°5 et 24°5 pendant le nyctémère réagissent en fonction de la disponibilité en proies: quand les proies manquent, les prédateurs ont plus tendance à entrer en diapause que quand les proies sont abondantes.Avec une longue photopériode, les femelles à jeûn abandonnent le système expérimental, (probablement par dispersion aérienne) et les femelles fécondées se dispersent plus facilement que les mâles et les femelles vierges. Aucune différence dans la tendance à la dispersion aérienne n'a été observée aux courtes photophases. La dispersion aérienne des femelles adultes s'est produite à des vitesses de 1.5 m/sec.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mammals, where melatonin plays the role of a ROS scavenger. The melatonin synthetic enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) is a significant element in a possible ROS removal system. Changes in NAT activity and melatonin content were determined in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae by irradiating it with monochromatic light using the Okazaki Large Spectrograph at the National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan. The NAT activity and melatonin content were suppressed by blue light (450nm). No effects of red light (650nm) on the NAT activity and melatonin content were observed. UV radiation had intensity-dependent dual effects on the NAT activity and melatonin content. In the UV-B (300nm) treatment, the NAT activity and melatonin content were suppressed at the intensity below 1mumolm(-2)s(-1) but elevated when the intensity was as high as 10mumolm(-2)s(-1). In the UV-A (350nm) treatment, the melatonin content was elevated when the intensity was as high as 10mumolm(-2)s(-1), though the NAT activity and melatonin content were suppressed at the intensity below 10 and 1mumolm(-2)s(-1), respectively. Elevation of the NAT activity and melatonin content by high intensity UV irradiation may indicate that the UV signals initiate melatonin synthesis for ROS removal in mites.  相似文献   

The fine-scale genetic structure of Tetranychus urticae Koch was studied to estimate local gene flow within a rose tree habitat in a commercial greenhouse using seven microsatellite markers. Two beds of rose trees with different population densities were selected and 18 consecutive quadrats of 1.2 m length were sequentially established in each bed. Heterozygote deficiency was positive within quadrats, which was most likely a result of the Wahlund effect because the mites usually form small breeding colonies. Low population density and frequent inbreeding could also accelerate genetic differentiation among the breeding colonies. A short-range (2.4–3.6 m) positive autocorrelation and clear genetic cline among quadrat populations was detected within a bed. This suggests that gene flow was limited to a short range even if population density was substantially increased. Therefore, large-scale dispersal such as aerial dispersal contributed very little to gene flow in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Geographic variations and combining abilities of three fitness traits: the mean number of offspring, and the mean number and proportion of female offspring, in the two-spotted spider mite were investigated using four widely separated strains of Tetranychus urticae Koch. Analyses of data obtained from a complete set of diallel crosses, involving the four strains, revealed large and highly significant specific combining abilities and reciprocal effects in all the fitness characteristics examined. It was concluded that the whole chain of reproductive events, from egg production of parental females to the fertility of hybrid daughters could be severely affected by incompatibility between parental populations.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les différences géographiques et les combinaisons de trois caractères adaptatifs—nombre moyen de descendants, nombre moyen et proportion de femelles dans la descendance—sur quatre souches différentes de Tetranychus urticae. L'analyse des données obtenues à partir d'un lot complet de croisements dialléliques, sur les quatre souches, révèle pour tous les caractères adaptatifs examinés une forte aptitude à l'association et aux effets réciproques. On peut en conclure que la chaîne totale des événements intervenant dans la reproduction—de la production d'oeufs par les mères jusqu'à la fécondité des filles hybrides—pourrait être fortement modifiée par l'incompatibilité entre populations parentales.

The responses of Tetranychus urticae Koch from Australian cotton to chlorfenapyr has been monitored since the 1997–1998 growing season. Resistance was first detected in the 2001–2002 season and then increased quickly in both level and proportion of resistant strains detected. In response, the resistance management strategy for chlorfenapyr use in cotton was altered and now recommends a further restriction of use from two to one spray per season. There was no evidence of negative cross-resistance to the pyrethroid bifenthrin, but chlorfenapyr was associated with an undefined negative cross-resistance.  相似文献   

It has been shown that many natural enemies of herbivorous arthropods use herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to locate their prey. Herbivores can also exploit cues emitted by plants infested with heterospecifics or conspecifics. A study was conducted to test whether green bean HIPVs as well as odours emitted directly by spider mites influenced the orientation behaviour of the predatory mirid bug, Macrolophus caliginosus and its prey, Tetranychus urticae in a Y-tube olfactometer. Our results show that both spider mites and M. caliginosus preferred spider mite infested green bean plants to uninfested plants. For M. caliginosus this response was mediated by HIPVs whereas for T. urticae it was mediated through a composite response to both HIPVs and odours emitted directly by the conspecifics (and their associated products). The results may be of use in practical biocontrol situations, through e.g., plant breeding for improved HIPV production, conditioning of mass-reared predators to appropriate cues, and employment of “push–pull-strategies” by using HIPVs.  相似文献   

Artificial lighting is a merit of a ‘plant factory’, which might be utilized to suppress an increase in pest population. We investigated the effects of extending the light phase on diapause induction in the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae. TSSM were reared at 18°C under light phases ranging from 2 to 64 h combined with a constant dark phase of 16 h in aluminum bottles, with white light emitting diodes attached inside to minimize fluctuations in air temperature between the light and dark phases. Diapause was induced in adult TSSM females when the light phase was 24 h or shorter, and diapause induction was inhibited when the light phase extended over 32 h. The development of deutonymphs was delayed under a diapause-inducing photoperiod. Diapause inducing photoperiods may suppress an increase in the TSSM population, by slowing down development and reproduction.  相似文献   

Predation by naturally occurring predatory arthropods was investigated to explain variations in population numbers of twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) between first and second season strawberry crops. Araneomorph spiders. European harvestman [Phalangium opilio (L.)], Tasmanian lacewing [Micromus tasmaniae (Walker)] and Pacific damsel bug [Nabis kinbergii Reuter] were the only predators found in high numbers. However, spiders and harvestment were more prevalent than lacewings and nabids. Laboratory feedings trials indicated spiders build horizontal webs in the plants and prey predominantly on small flying insects that shelter in the crops. Similar feeding trials cofirmed the palatability of TSSM to spiders and harvestmen. Immunological testing for proteins of TSSM, aphids, Collembola and leafrollers in the intestines of field collected European harvestman, spiders, Tasmanian lacewing and Pacific damsel bug confirmed European harvestman includes TSSM in its diet, but not in large enough quantities to exert a significant regulating pressure on TSSM populations. Lacewings and nabids include TSSM in their diets but only in very small quantities (2% and 1% respectively). Spiders do not take TSSM unless they drop or spin down onto the spider webbing. The immunological testing also showed European harvestman to be a polyphagous and opportunistic feeder. Prey residues were detected more frequently in harvestmen intestines at times of prey abundance which indicated a seasonality to harvestmen diet.   相似文献   

In the Kanzawa spider mite, Tetranychus kanzawai, adult males locate pre-reproductive quiescent females and engage in precopulatory mate guarding. We found that re-reproductive quiescent females preferred to be near veins, rather than other leaf parts, and moreover, adult males spent more time along the vein than on other parts. Consequently, T. kanzawai males found more quiescent females along veins than those on other parts. However, the predatory mite Neoseiulus womersleyi also found more quiescent T. kanzawai females along veins than those on other parts. Moreover, N. womersleyi found more guarding males than solitary males of T. kanzawai. Thus, we experimentally examined the effects of predation risk on the mating behavior of T. kanzawai. The presence of N. womersleyi reduced T. kanzawai female preference for vein vicinity as a quiescent site. Although the predation risk of guarding T. kanzawai males was lower than that of solitary males after detection by predators, the presence of N. womersleyi also reduced the proportion of guarding T. kanzawai males. These results suggest that the possible benefits of preferring vein vicinity as quiescent sites by T. kanzawai females is outweighed by predation risk in the presence of predators, and that the risk of detection by predators would be more important for T. kanzawai males than the risk of being preyed upon.  相似文献   

The effects of triflumuron on the mortality, fecundity, and fertility of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, were evaluated in the laboratory. No differences in toxicity for larvae, protonymphs and deutonymphs were observed, but immature stages were 3.8-times more susceptible than adults at the LC50. The compound exhibited a direct contact ovicidal activity influenced by eggs age. 48–72 hold eggs were significantly more sensitive than eggs of the other age classes. No hatch inhibition was observed in eggs laid by treated adult females using a sublethal dose at two physiological times (<12 and 48–72h old). However, fecundity decreased in younger treated females, but it increased in the older-ones. The toxicity for immatures and eggs, and the sublethal effects described suggest that triflumuron could be an interesting incorporation in integrated pest programs of T. urticae. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mite age, population density, and host leaf quality affect various life history traits in spider mites. We investigated the effects of these factors on the aerial dispersal behavior of adult female twospotted spider mites,Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). The proportion of adult females exhibiting the dispersal behavior dropped significantly with age following adult emergence, particularly in the first 3 days. Sixty to eighty percent of female mites 2-days old or younger displayed the behavior under test conditions, whereas less than 20% of female mites older than 3-days-old showed the behavior. Younger adult females also exhibited shorter latency for the behavior, although this trend was not as clear. Leaf quality experienced during deutonymph development had no effect on the behavior adults subsequently displayed. On the other hand, adult females that fed on poor quality leaves after emergence were twice as likely to display the behavior (90% vs. 45%), and with shorter latency (37 vs. 77 min), than those that fed on high quality leaves. When newly emerged adult females encountered high mite density and dry leaves, the incidence of the behavior increased (69% vs. 47%) and latency decreased (69 vs. 93 min) compared to mites that encountered low density on well watered leaves. Our results suggest that both starvation and desiccation of adult females may enhance their dispersal behavior.  相似文献   

A simple nongenetic mathematical model analyzed the processes responsible for the variations in the diapause percentage among populations of the two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch. This model incorporates the following assumptions. 1) Mites have diapause (DD), non-diapause (NN), and “plastic” (DN) populations (plasticity exists in the phenotypic expression of diapause in response to habitat conditions at the time of diapause induction). 2) A heterogeneous mite habitat consists of microhabitat L, in which all the non-diapausing mites die during the winter due to the lack of winter host plants, and microhabitat O with winter hosts capable of supporting some of the non-diapausing mites overwinter. 3) Temporal fluctuation of winter conditions which affect the survival and reproduction of non-diapausing mites. Using these assumptions, we compared the fitness functions of the three populations and analyzed the conditions under which each population is favoured over the other two, thereby elucidating the processes involved in the maintenance of variability in diapause. Our analysis revealed: 1) frequent mild winters are of primary importance for the non-diapause trait to be maintained, 2) the existence of winter hosts is also important for the nondiapause trait to be favoured, and this importance depends greatly on the degree of the adaptive diapause expression in the DN mites in response to habitat conditions, i.e., the better the phenotypeenvironment matching in DN, the higher the probability that DN will be favoured, 3) The combined effect of the temporal and spatial variation enhances the maintenance of variablity in the diapause trait of the mites.  相似文献   

Four fluvalinate formulations differed in their residual toxicity to female two-spotted spider mite (TSM), Tetranychus urticae adults; the emulsifiable concentrate (EC) was the most toxic. In contrast, there was little difference in toxicity between the formulations with the European red mite (ERM) Panonychus ulmi with the exception of the EC formulation which was the least toxic. Fluvalinate 2F caused minimal (<10%) TSM and ERM egg mortality. Fluvalinate 2F was more toxic and caused greater larval dispersal for the TSM compared to the ERM at the field concentration and below. The toxicity of fluvalinate 2F to TSM and ERM protonymphs, deutonymphs and adults was low, approximately <20% at field concentration. Dispersal was the main response to fluvalinate and this was positively correlated with increasing concentration. The combined mortality and dispersal LC50 was five times lower for ERM protonymphs and adults, but 11 times higher for ERM deutonymphs compared to equivalent TSM life stages. Fluvalinate 2F reduced TSM development from the protonymph and deutonymph stages to a greater extent compared to the ERM. The mortality response to fluvalinate 2F was unaffected by host type (peach or apple) for the TSM whereas ERM mortality was higher on apple compared to peach. TSM dispersal was higher from apple compared to peach whereas ERM dispersal was similar on both host types. Oviposition by both mite species was lower on apple than peach leaves. A 1 h exposure to fluvalinate 2F reduced ERM oviposition for 12 days.  相似文献   

Females of Tetranychus urticae Koch were reared on leaf discs of apple trees and bush beans grown at different N concentrations (0.6–75 mM NO inf3 sup- ). N-deficiency increased pre-imaginal development time, preoviposition period, and decreased female weight, fecundity and oviposition rate of the mites. N, water, amino acid, and sugar content of the apple leaves were positively correlated with weight and egg production and negatively correlated with development time and pre-oviposition period. The reverse correlations were found with total phenol content of the leaves and above mite parameters. A reduction of leaf N by 50% was related with a tenfold decline in fecundity on apple leaves. The stress mainly affected the oviposition rate and to a lesser extent the oviposition period. On apple leaves the net reproductive rate (av. no. offspring per , Ro), mean length of a generation (T), and innate capacity for increase (rm) were Ro=40.3, T=17.1, and rm=0.22 for the standard N concentration, and 4.7, 25.0, and 0.06 for strong N-deficiency, respectively.
Zusammenfassung Die polyphage Gemeine Spinnmilbe ist ein wirtschaftlich bedeutender Schädling. Die Rolle einzelner Nährstoffe bei der Milbenvermehrung wurde schon von einigen Autoren mit unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen untersucht. Der Stickstoff scheint aber einer der Hauptfaktoren zu sein.Ueber Gewebekulturen klonierte Apfelbäume sowie aus Samen gezogene Buschbohnen wurden in Nährlösungen mit verschiedenen N-Angeboten kultiviert. Aus solchen Pflanzen wurden Blattscheiben ausgestanzt und mit Weibchen von T. urticae besetzt. Gemessen wurden die tägliche Eiablage bis zum natürlichen Tod, die Entwicklungsdauer und das Weibchengewicht. Mit dem bei N-Mangel abnehmenden N, Aminosäuren- und Zuckergehalt (v.a. Sorbit) im Blatt korrelierend nahmen auch Gewicht, Ablagerate und Fekundität ab, bzw. die Entwicklungsdauer und Praeovipositionsperiode zu. Die umgekehrte Wirkung auf diese Milbenparameter hatte der Gesamtphenolgehalt. Eine Reduktion des N-Gehalts der Blätter auf die Hälfte (1.5% N) bewirkte auf Apfelblättern eine Abnahme von Fekundität und Ovipositionsrate um das zehnfache, bzw. eine Zunahme der Präovipositionsperiode um mehr als das dreifache. Der Stress beeinflusste v.a. die Maxima der Ablageverläufe und weniger die Lebensdauer. Der Wassergehalt war ebenfalls mit der Fekundität positiv korreliert.Auf Bohnenblättern legten die Tiere mehr Eier und erreichten ein höheres Gewicht als auf Apfel, dies bei gleichem N-Gehalt beider Pflanzen. Es wirken somit noch andere Faktoren auf die Reproduktion der Spinnmilben.Die Populationsparameter wurden ebenfalls sehr stark beeinflusst. Auf Apfelblättern ergab sich bei der Kontrolle eine Nettoreproduktionsrate Ro von 40.3 und bei starker N-Defizienz 4.7. Die mittlere Generationsdauer T sowie die spezifische natürliche Wachstumsrate rm betrugen für die Kontrolle 17.1 Tage, bzw. 0.22 und für starken N-Mangel 25.0 Tage, bzw. 0.06.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich bereits kleinere Unterschiede im Stickstoffgehalt und damit zusammenhängend im Zucker- und Phenolgehalt stark auf die Populationsdynamik der Gemeinen Spinnmilbe auswirken können.

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is a worldwide pest species that overwinters as diapausing females. Cold hardening is presumed to start during diapause development to ensure the successful overwintering of this species. To address this hypothesis, we compared cold tolerance between non-diapausing and diapausing females. We measured supercooling point (SCP) and survival to acute cold stress by exposing the mites at a range of sub-zero temperatures (from −4 to −28 °C for 2 h). The mean SCPs of non-diapausing and diapausing females were −19.6±0.5 and −24.7±0.3 °C respectively, and freezing killed the mites. Diapausing females were significantly more cold tolerant than non-diapausing ones, with LT50 of −19.7 and −13.3 °C, respectively. Further, we also examined the effects of cold acclimation (10 d at 0 or 5 °C) in non-diapausing and diapausing females. Our findings indicated that diapause decreased SCP significantly, while cold acclimation had no effect on the SCP except for non-diapausing females that were acclimated at 5 °C. Acclimation at 5 °C enhanced survival to acute cold stress in diapausing and non-diapausing females, with LT50 of −22.0 and −17.1 °C, respectively. Altogether, our results indicate that T. urticae is a chill tolerant species, and that diapause and cold acclimation elevate cold hardiness in this species.  相似文献   

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