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Cylindrical specimens of fine Ottawa sand (A.S.T.M. designation C-109), compacted at the optimum moisture content and saturated before unidirectional freezing, have been tested in uniaxial compression at a cold room temperature of —5.5°C and strain rates between 10−7 and 10−2 s−1. The results agree with an extrapolation of data obtained by Sayles and Epanchin [1], but are much higher than those obtained by both Goughnour and Andersland [2] and Perkins and Ruedrich [3] at strain rates below 10−5 s−1. There is evidence that this may be due to variation in total moisture (ice) content, the conditions under which the specimens were frozen (closed system or an open system) and to the end effects at the platen—specimen interface.  相似文献   

为揭示尺寸效应和加载速率效应对冻结改良土力学特性的影响规律,以冻结水泥改良土为研究对象,开展了不同尺寸与加载速率条件下的单轴压缩试验,通过分析试验数据,讨论了高径比和加载速率对试样强度与变形特性的影响。研究结果表明,高径比影响试样的应力-应变曲线类型及峰值后的变形特性。高径比增加,应力-应变曲线出现明显弹性屈服点,峰后脆性增强,试样破坏形式由劈裂破坏变为单一剪切破坏。试样的抗压强度、切线模量、起始屈服模量、破坏应变随高径比变化均可用抛物线进行拟合,综合考虑,推荐试验宜采用高径比为1.62~2.02的试件。在试验设定的温度和加载速率条件下冻结水泥土的单轴压缩应力-应变关系均为应变软化型。与冻土类似,冻结水泥土的抗压强度与起始屈服强度同样随温度的降低和加载速率的增加而增大。不同温度下冻结水泥土抗压强度与加载速率的关系可用幂函数表示。温度越低,起始屈服强度受加载速率影响越大。温度和加载速率对冻结水泥土切线模量也有较大影响,不同加载速率条件下切线模量与温度呈线性关系。冻结水泥土的破坏应变随温度的降低和加载速率的增加而增大,在1.94%~6.94%之间变化,不同加载速率条件下破坏应变与温度呈幂函数关系。  相似文献   

研究富水砂层斜井冻结壁力学特性及温度场分布规律,可为解决斜井冻结法凿井穿越富水砂层技术难点提供可靠依据。以陕北某斜井冻结法凿井工程为研究背景,通过室内物理力学试验、现场实测及有限元数值模拟相结合的方法,研究了冻结状态下砂土的热物理及力学特性,分析了斜井冻结法凿井期间冻结壁受力机制,深入分析斜井冻融过程中冻结压力变化规律及原因,对测温孔与冻结壁径向温度实测与数值模拟结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,随着温度降低,冻结砂土导热系数呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,且冻结温度对冻结砂土的内摩擦角影响较大;冻结温度、井筒埋深和地下水对冻结压力的影响较大;混凝土水化热对冻结壁的影响范围约为460~475 mm。研究结果可为富水砂层地区斜井冻结法凿井的优化设计和安全稳定性研究提供依据。  相似文献   

由于高温冻土力学特性与融土相近,对其研究越来越多,然而迄今并没有一个广为接受的基于力学指标的明确定义。以冻结饱和标准砂为研究对象,利用三轴剪切试验和侧限压缩试验获得黏聚力、割线变形模量和压缩指数等力学指标,通过分析这些指标随温度变化的规律,试图从力学特性的角度对于高温冻结砂土给出一个明确的温度界限。研究发现,冻结砂土在-1.0℃到-0.5℃之间,黏聚力、割线变形模量和压缩指数等力学指标发生突变,因此,将-1.0℃定义为高温冻结砂土的温度界限,对涉及高温冻土的工程建设和维护具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Large uncertainty exists in soil testing due to the randomness in sampling and system errors, especially in tests on frozen soils. In order to reduce the randomness and improve the test accuracy, the sample preparation method is improved to obtain more homogeneous samples. The standard Chinese sand is used as the soil. An environmental material test apparatus with three-point temperature control was used. Four temperatures and four confining pressures are used for the triaxial compression tests, which makes 16 combinations. For each combination, five repeat tests were carried out to examine the scattering of the mechanical properties of the frozen sand. It is found that under a certain confining pressure, the scattering increased with the increase in temperature and vice versa. Under a certain combination of temperature at ?0.5 °C and confining pressure of 10 MPa, the stress–strain curves are so different that similarity in the curves does not exist. This phenomenon is not scattering because sample randomness or system errors cannot explain it any more and is therefore called variability. It is attributed to pressure melting, pressure crush of soil particles as well as severe phase changes caused by small temperature variations. The difference in the test results is considered as an inherent feature of frozen soils. Strength and strain energy are used, along with temperature and confining pressure to analyze the cause of variability. This work shows that further work must be carried out to develop an optimum testing program in order to make a reasonable analysis for engineering constructions in which frozen soils are involved.  相似文献   

Creep and rate of loading effects on geogrid- reinforced sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of studies of creep and rate of loading effects on geogrid-reinforced dune sand. Model plate load tests were conducted on reinforced sand beds under displacement and load controls. Displacement controlled set of plate load tests were carried out in the range 1–0.001 mm/min. Load controlled set of plate load tests were carried out in which the staged pressure was held constant for 6000 min. Results indicate that rate of displacement (strain rate) is very significant for potential improvement of geogrid-reinforced sand. Both stiffness and bearing capacity of geogrid-reinforced sand increases logarithmically with rate of displacement. Geogrid reduces the creep of sand especially in the working pressure range. A simple stiffness degradation and creep relationships were obtained for geogrid-reinforced dune sand. The results of the tests are reported, and the significance of each control variable is assessed.  相似文献   

SummaryThe Relation Between the Uniaxial Tensile Strength and the Sample Size for Bohus Granite An experimental investigation has shown that the uniaxial tensile strength of Bohus granite is independent of the sample size within a very large range of volume. An indirect measurement of the tensile strength such as the point load test does, however, yield the well-known decrease in strength with increasing sample volume. The reasons for these results are discussed and a theoretical extension of Weibull's statistical theory for the tensile strength of materials is used to indicate that the uniaxial tensile strength test may be a measurement of the minimum tensile strength of the bonding between the grains in the rock.
ZusammenfassungDie Beziehung zwischen der einachsigen Zugfestigkeit und der Probengröe für den Bohuser Granit Eine experimentelle Untersuchung hat gezeigt, daß die einachsige Zugfestigkeit des Bohuser Granits von der Größe der Probe in einem weiten Volumsbereich unabhängig ist. Eine indirekte Messung der Zugfestigkeit zeigt indessen, wie der Punktbelastungstest ergibt, die wohlbekannte Abnahme der Festigkeit mit erhöhtem Volumen der Probe. Der Grund dieser Resultate wird diskutiert, und eine theoretische Erweiterung der statistischen Theorie für die Zugfestigkeit der Materialien von Weibull wird verwendet um zu zeigen, daß die einachsige Zugfestigkeitsprobe eine Messung der mindesten Zugfestigkeit der Bindung zwischen den Gesteinskörnern sein kann.

RésuméLa relation entre la résistance à la traction uniaxe et le volume de spécimen cher le granit de Bohus Un examen a montré, que la résistance à la traction uniaxe du granit de Bohus est indépendant du volume du spécimen dans une très grande région de volume. Un mesurage indirect de la résistance à la traction montre cependant, comme l'essai de charge de point indique, la réduction de résistance bien connue avec le volume augmentant du spécimen. On discute sur les causes de ces résultats et on s'est servi d'une extension théorique de la théorie statique pour la résistance aux matériaux de Weibull pour montrer que l'essai de la résistance à la traction uniaxe peut etre un mesurage de la résistance la plus petite du liant entre les grains de roche.

With 14 Figures  相似文献   

Jilin Qi  Wei Ma 《Acta Geotechnica》2007,2(3):221-226
The strength of frozen soils has been one of the most extensively studied aspects in frozen soil mechanics. When carrying out deep excavations using freezing methods, high stress states are often encountered. Therefore, the strength of frozen soils under high confining pressures is of major concern. This paper first reviews the present failure criteria for frozen soils, especially with regard to the effect of confining pressure on the strength. It is suggested that the strength consists of two components, cohesion and friction, and can be expressed by the Mohr–Coulomb criterion and in the framework of the Drucker–Prager criterion. However, these two components are both dependent on the stress state. Duncan’s equation for the friction angle is extended to frozen soils. A frozen Lanzhou fine sand is taken as study subject. The frozen sand is compressed at a high strain rate under three different temperatures and under a wide range of confining pressure. Experimental results have confirmed the generally recognized principle that the strength increases with the confining pressure up to certain value. Thereafter, it decreases with continued increase in confining pressure. Experimental data from our own tests and literature are fitted to the new criterion, which shows its validity.  相似文献   

杨玉贵  赖远明  李双洋  董元宏 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3505-3510
对不同温度和不同围压下的青藏冻结粉土进行了三轴压缩与加卸载试验,得到冻结粉土应力-应变关系曲线、抗压强度等力学参数随温度与围压变化的关系。结果表明,冻结粉土典型应力-应变曲线在低围压下大致可以分为线弹性、峰前塑性变形与峰后软化3个阶段。当? 3 < 3.0 MPa时,应力-应变曲线具有明显的峰后软化现象,随围压的增大,软化现象逐渐减弱,当? 3 达到14 MPa,应变软化现象重新变得明显;冻结粉土的强度与变形模量均随围压的增加先升后降;低围压作用下冻结粉土体积随轴向应变的增加先缩后胀,而高围压下体积变形只有体缩;低围压下冻结粉土体积塑性变形耗散能先是随着体积塑性变形增大而增大,之后由于剪胀而减少,高围压下体积塑性变形耗散能始终增加;剪切塑性变形耗散能与塑性剪应变之间近似成抛物线的关系。  相似文献   

膨胀土是一种特殊的黏土,具有明显的胀缩性和多裂隙性,在寒区渠道工程中极易诱发各种冻害。单轴压缩特性是冻土物理力学特性的重要分支,为研究冻结膨胀土的单轴压缩特性,开展了不同干密度和温度下冻结膨胀土单轴压缩试验。试验结果表明:随着干密度的增加,各温度工况下试样的应力-应变关系曲线均由弱应变软化转为应变硬化形态,且试验温度越高,曲线的软化特征越显著。不同温度工况下试样的破坏模式差异明显。当试验温度为-2℃时,试样破坏时其表面出现明显的局部坍塌与剥落,而-5℃、-10℃和-15℃工况下试样的最终破坏形态均为“鼓状”破坏,试样表面无明显的裂缝和剪切面。冻结膨胀土试样的单轴抗压强度随干密度的增加而线性增大,亦随温度的降低而增大,但在不同的温度区间内增幅不同,其变化幅度主要与试样内部含冰量密切相关。此外,试样的弹性模量随着干密度的增大和温度的降低均线性增大。  相似文献   

High temperature damage of rock is a critical problem that must be well known for underground coal gasification, underground storage of nuclear waste, repairment of underground buildings after fire disaster. In order to study the influences of loading rate and high temperature on the tensile strength of sandstone, Brazilian splitting tests were conducted on sandstone disk samples treated with five different temperature levels between 25 and 800 °C at six different loading rates between 0.01 and 10 mm/min. Test results showed that tensile strength of disk samples increases gradually and reaches to the maximum at the temperature level of 400 °C, then drop sharply. The tensile strength of sandstone samples is characterized by obvious rate effect and it increases continuously with the increase of loading rate, meeting a Logarithmic Function. The lower limit tensile strength of sandstone ignoring the influence of rate effect was calculated, and it is helpful for providing some basis for the design of rock engineering.  相似文献   

文章就地温与冻土的时空变化规律进行了详尽的分析,平均地面温度年际变化呈上升趋势。20世纪50~80年代年变化率为0.4~0.7℃、1961~1990年年变化率为0.3~0.8℃、1971~2000年年变化率为0.7~1.6℃;分区计算了融化指数和冻结指数;结合1/25万地球数据,用地理信息系统,采用非线型数学模型统计,得出该地年、四季最大冻土深度随纬度的增加而加深,随经度、高度的增加而减少,在同经度、高度下,年最大冻土深度随纬度的变化率为155cm/1°N,冬季、春季、夏季和秋季最大冻土深度随纬度的变化率分别为48cm/1°N、35cm/1°N、25cm/1°N和47cm/1°N;同时根据其对建筑物地基的影响程度,将全市冻土划分成强冻胀很深区(Ⅰ)、冻胀深区(Ⅱ)、弱冻胀较深区(Ⅲ)。并给出了各个区建筑物的基础埋深。以供选择使用。  相似文献   

Size and strain rate are two key factors that dramatically influence the estimation of rock mechanical behaviors. To better understand the effects of size and strain rate on measured rocks, rock specimens with six different sizes were tested at six different strain rates under uniaxial compression using the MTS 815 Rock Mechanics Test System. Having determined that the size and strain rate significantly affect the peak strain, peak stress, elastic modulus, acoustic emission (AE), and failure pattern of the rock specimens, the relation was established between the strength and the size and strain rate of red sandstone. And the variation was revealed among the size and strain rate, the AE, and the failure pattern. It turned out that the peak stress was negatively correlated with the rock size and was positively correlated with the strain rate. When the length to diameter ratio (L/D) of the rock specimen was less than 2.0, the AE appeared mildly. The AE quantities gradually increased before the peak stress, and then sharply decreased after the peak stress. The failure pattern of the rock specimen was relatively complicated, with a fracture plane appearing along the axial direction. Conical failure type was also presented. When the L/D ratio of the specimen was greater than 2.0, the AE characteristics of red sandstone showed the radical model. There were relatively few AE rings before the peak stress. But the AE rings increased suddenly and dramatically during the peak stress. The rock specimens primarily failed with a single shear plane. Moreover, with an increase in the strain rate, the AE activities were enhanced and the AE quantities increased. When the strain rate of the rock specimen was less than 5.0?×?10?4/s, the rock specimen failed with a shear or tensile-shear pattern. And when the strain rate was greater than 5.0?×?10?4/s, the rock specimen tended to fail in a conical pattern.  相似文献   

开展钙质砂纵波波速与物理性质参数关系的试验研究,对珊瑚礁地基无损检测及工程物探具有重要的理论指导意义和工程应用价值。控制试样的物性参数状态,利用制样装置进行波速测量,揭示钙质砂纵波波速与物性参数的相关关系。试验结果表明:含水率是影响纵波波速的主要因素,与纵波波速呈二次函数关系。CT扫描结果表明,试样粒径越大,颗粒内部孔隙越丰富,这导致试样孔隙比越大,波速故而越小,与粒径、孔隙比呈负相关关系。在密实度相同、不均匀系数不同时,级配良好的砂样纵波波速差异不大。经过侧限压缩后,含水率一定时,粉土纵波波速与孔隙比呈二次关系,且与密度呈良好的线性关系。利用粉土易压缩且与纵波波速紧密变化的特点,可积极探索声波在粉土地基密实度检测的工程应用。  相似文献   

Toyota  Hirofumi  Takada  Susumu 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(7):2825-2840

Liquefaction damage from earthquakes frequently indicates effects of sand aging on liquefaction resistance: Liquefaction damage in natural or aged reclaimed ground has been much less than that in young reclaimed ground. However, the mechanisms underlying aging effects remain unclear. Cementation and stress history of sand strongly influence aging effects: Cementation raises liquefaction resistance, whereas liquefaction history sometimes reduces liquefaction resistance. Small cyclic shear strain, from which the induced density change is almost negligible, was adopted as representing the stress history. To evaluate liquefaction resistance, initial shear modulus, and deformation characteristics of sand, we prepared specimens by adding cement and by applying a small cyclic shear strain. In cementitious sand, liquefaction resistance increased when cement contents exceeded 0.3% by mass. The initial shear modulus apparently increased at the same degree of cement addition as that which increased the liquefaction resistance. For sand with a small cyclic shear strain, the liquefaction resistance increased when the applied cyclic axial strain exceeded 0.01%. Application of small cyclic shear strain only slightly increased the initial shear modulus, but the linear elastic region tended to expand to greater shear strain. Shear properties of sand with small cyclic shear strain resembled those found for sand that had been consolidated for a long time.


A comprehensive grasp of the research status of tensile strength of frozen soil is the basis for further research. Firstly,the typical methods that can be used to test the tensile strength of frozen soil are introduced,and the test conditions,sample forms and stress mechanism of different test methods are described in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of typical tensile strength test methods are compared and listed. Secondly,the research work and shortcomings based on different test methods are summarized. Then,the latest research progress of the influence of temperature,water content,loading(deformation)rate,soil quality and sample size on the change law of frozen soil tensile strength is comprehensively analyzed. Finally,it is proposed to develop and improve the research method and system of frozen soil tensile strength,and increase the testing research of warm frozen soil tensile strength,so as to obtain the prospect of more accurately simulating the tensile failure behavior of frozen soil. It is pointed out that the internal cause of the formation of the tensile strength and the tensile failure mechanism of frozen soil should be thoroughly revealed by combining the research methods of microstructure and digital image technology of frozen soil. Based on the multi-factor test,a more perfect prediction method of frozen soil tensile strength is explored. Meanwhile,expand the in-situ test research on the tensile strength of frozen soil,and strengthen the parallel research ideas of indoor and outdoor double tracks. Through the analysis of the research status and development trend at home and abroad,it provides reference and guidance for the experimental study of frozen soil tensile strength,the improvement of theoretical model of frost heave,geotechnical engineering design in cold regions and artificial freezing reinforcement engineering. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

司轩昂 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):1166-1172
不同土质的冻结温度是人工冻结法冻结壁设计重要依据。为研究土质对人工冻土冻结温度的影响,选取不同地区人工冻结法施工典型土层开展冻结温度试验,提供了不同地区典型土层的冻结温度范围,并结合水泥土、含盐土冻结温度试验进行对比分析。结果表明:同一地区不同土层的冻结温度随其土颗粒粒径的增大而增大;随水泥掺入比及龄期的增加,水泥土的冻结温度降低;随含盐量的增加,NaCl含盐土冻结温度线性降低,含盐量对氯盐土比对硫酸盐土的冻结温度影响更显著。研究成果对不同土性的冻结壁设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Cai  Cong  Ma  Wei  Zhou  Zhiwei  Mu  Yanhu  Zhao  Shuping  Chen  Dun  Liao  Mengke 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(1):179-192
Acta Geotechnica - In this paper, a series of triaxial cyclic loading–unloading (L–U-C), triaxial cyclic loading–unloading–holding (L–U–H-C) and triaxial cyclic...  相似文献   

为研究钙质砂剪切特性的围压效应和粒径效应,开展了在不同粒径、不同相对密实度以及不同围压条件下的三轴剪切试验,并引入应力相对软化系数和剪胀系数对应变软化特征及剪胀特征进行了定量表征。试验研究表明,随围压的增大,不同粒径钙质砂试样应变软化特征及剪胀特征逐渐减弱,且围压与应力相对软化系数和剪胀系数均呈半对数线性相关。不同粒径钙质砂试样存在一强度临界围压和体变临界围压分别使得应变软化特征和剪胀特征消失。在粒径为5~0.075 mm范围内,对松样而言,围压对软化特征和剪胀特征存在显著影响,但与粒径不存在显著相关性;对密样而言,随粒径逐渐减小,围压对试样软化特征的影响逐渐增强,而对试样剪胀特征的影响逐渐减弱。在低围压(50 kPa)条件下,0.5~0.25 mm粒径组试样破碎最显著。  相似文献   

针对砂土地基中不同L/d的抗拔桩进行了模型试验,模型桩采用了3种不同界面,结合界面剪切试验探讨了桩-土界面特性对抗拔桩荷载-位移曲线、极限承载力及残余承载力的影响,得到了以下几点结论:模型桩长径比L/d不同时,每种界面抗拔桩荷载-位移曲线是类似的,光滑钢桩上拔力达极限承载力后保持不变,粗糙界面模型桩上拔力达极限承载力后降低,直至达残余承载力;抗拔桩达极限承载力时的静止土压力系数K受桩-土界面粗糙程度的影响,界面越粗糙,K值越大;界面越粗糙,抗拔桩残余承载力与极限承载力的比值越小,该比值随L/d的变化较小;对于粗糙界面抗拔桩,残余承载力与极限承载力的差别一部分是由于桩-土界面摩擦角的降低引起的,另一部分是抗拔桩达到极限承载力后作用在桩表面上的水平土压力降低引起的。  相似文献   

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