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Intercropping of companion plants (CPs) that release distinct volatile compounds with horticultural crops has been proposed to improve pest management. Although CP extracts or essential oils have been reported to be efficient in disturbing the settling of insects such as aphids, the effect of using actual CPs remains relatively unknown. Our aim was to screen odorous CP species for their effect on the performance of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae), when released on adjacent pepper plants. Intercropping was tested in growth chambers using potted plants to avoid root interactions and homogenise the abiotic environment of CPs. Our results indicated that eight CP species—rosemary, African marigold, French marigold, geranium, lavender, basil, chives, and pot marigold—affected aphid performance by reducing the reproductive performance and/or settlement of females. Rosemary followed by African and French marigold was associated with the largest reduction in adult female and nymph number. Chemical analyses indicated that rosemary and French marigold emit specific volatiles. In contrast, four CP species (false yellowhead, thyme, savoury, and peppermint) were not associated with a significant change in aphid performance and emitted a lower diversity of volatiles. This screening of CPs under controlled conditions may be considered as a first step towards the identification of volatiles emitted by actual plants that can affect aphid performance and help the choice of CPs to optimise intercropping strategies.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) transfer among plants has been found where at least one plant can fix N2. In nutrient‐poor soils, where plants with contrasting nutrient‐acquisition strategies (without N2 fixation) co‐occur, it is unclear if N transfer exists and what promotes it. A novel multi‐species microcosm pot experiment was conducted to quantify N transfer between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM), ectomycorrhizal (EM), dual AM/EM, and non‐mycorrhizal cluster‐rooted plants in nutrient‐poor soils with mycorrhizal mesh barriers. We foliar‐fed plants with a K15NO3 solution to quantify one‐way N transfer from ‘donor’ to ‘receiver’ plants. We also quantified mycorrhizal colonization and root intermingling. Transfer of N between plants with contrasting nutrient‐acquisition strategies occurred at both low and high soil nutrient levels with or without root intermingling. The magnitude of N transfer was relatively high (representing 4% of donor plant N) given the lack of N2 fixation. Receiver plants forming ectomycorrhizas or cluster roots were more enriched compared with AM‐only plants. We demonstrate N transfer between plants of contrasting nutrient‐acquisition strategies, and a preferential enrichment of cluster‐rooted and EM plants compared with AM plants. Nutrient exchanges among plants are potentially important in promoting plant coexistence in nutrient‐poor soils.  相似文献   

The increase in richness of species and higher taxa going from higher to lower latitudes is one of the most studied global biogeographical patterns. Latitudinal trends in the interactions between species have, in contrast, hardly been studied at all, probably because recording interactions is much less straightforward than counting species. We have assembled two independent data sets which suggest that plant-pollinator interactions are not more ecologically specialised in the tropics compared to temperate latitudes. This is in contrast to a prevailing view that tropical ecological interactions tend towards higher specificity than their temperate counterparts.  相似文献   

Copepods are known as important consumers of primary production and are eaten by larger animals. They therefore form a main link to higher trophic levels. While feeding pathways and specificity of planktonic copepods have been well studied, the selectivity of the benthic harpacticoid copepods is far less documented. A better knowledge of the functional ecology of harpacticoids as important grazers on primary producers may have consequences for the re-evaluation of basic energy flow in benthic ecosystems.We tested whether size selectivity for diatoms exists in harpacticoid copepods. We hypothesized that size selectivity of harpacticoid copepod species is strongly related to body size. Because of morphological constraints, we expected smaller copepods to prefer smaller diatoms while larger copepods should be able to consume both small and large diatoms. We tested this hypothesis in four harpacticoid copepod species of varied body size: Tigriopus brevicornis, Harpacticus obscurus, Amphiascus minutus and Paramphiascella fulvofasciata. As food source we used two 13C labelled strains of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta with a four-fold difference in cell biovolume.Three out of four harpacticoid species showed size selectivity: H. obscurus and A. minutus preferred the larger Seminavis cells, while P. fulvofasciata selected the smaller Seminavis cells. Based on monoclonal treatments, there was no clear preference found for T. brevicornis although there was a small preference for large cells in the mixed treatments. Except for P. fulvofasciata, all species showed a lower uptake when offered the mixed diet (both small and large cells). Although most species showed a size selectivity, our results suggest that this selectivity was not related to their body size. However, the only species that ate significantly more of small diatoms was characterised by comparatively small mouthparts in relation to its body size.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of selection by host resistance on pathogen population structure provides useful insights into the dynamics of host-parasite co-evolution processes and is crucial for effective disease management through resistant cultivars. We tested general vs. local population adaptation to host cultivars, by characterizing a French collection of Phytophthora infestans (the causal organism of potato late blight) sampled during two consecutive years on cultivars exhibiting various levels of resistance. Local populations were structured by the host for virulence (qualitative pathogenicity) but also for aggressiveness (quantitative pathogenicity). All populations had a low genotypic diversity for amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), and presumably consisted of a few closely related clonal lineages. No correlation was detected between pathogenicity traits and AFLP genotypes. The data support the hypothesis of general adaptation for aggressiveness, to which directional selection for virulence is superimposed when race-specific resistance is introduced.  相似文献   

1. The lack of consistent differences between the traits of native and non‐native plant species makes it difficult to make general predictions about the ecological impact of invasive plants; however, the increasing number of non‐native plants in many habitats makes the assessment of the impact of each individual species impracticable. General knowledge about how specific plant traits are linked to their effects on communities or ecosystems may be more useful for predicting the effect of plant invasions. Specifically, we hypothesised that higher carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio (C:N) and percent lignin in plant detritus would reduce the rate of development and total mass at metamorphosis of tadpoles, resulting in lower metamorph production (total fresh biomass) and amphibian species richness. 2. To test these hypotheses, we raised five species of tadpoles in mesocosms containing senescent leaves of three common native and three common non‐native wetland plants that varied in C:N ratio and % lignin. 3. Leaf mass loss, total metamorph production and the number of species that metamorphosed declined as a function of increasing C:N ratio of plant leaves. Plant lignin content was not related to the production of metamorphs or the number of species that metamorphosed. The percentage of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) and American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) tadpoles reaching metamorphosis declined as a function of increasing plant C:N ratio. Mean time to metamorphosis increased and mean mass at metamorphosis declined as a function of increasing plant C:N ratio. Tadpole performance and metamorph diversity and production (biomass) were similar between native and non‐native plant species with similar C:N ratio in leaves. Percent lignin was not a significant predictor of tadpole performance. 4. Our results show that the impact of a plant invasion on tadpole performance could depend on differences between the quality of the detritus produced by the invading species and that of the native species it replaces. We suggest that plant community changes that lead to dominance by more recalcitrant plant species (those with higher leaf C:N ratio) may negatively affect amphibian populations.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that pollen is both chemically and structurally protected. Despite increasing interest in studying bee–flower networks, the constraints for bee development related to pollen nutritional content, toxicity and digestibility as well as their role in the shaping of bee–flower interactions have been poorly studied. In this study we combined bioassays of the generalist bee Bombus terrestris on pollen of Cirsium, Trifolium, Salix, and Cistus genera with an assessment of nutritional content, toxicity, and digestibility of pollen. Microcolonies showed significant differences in their development, non‐host pollen of Cirsium being the most unfavorable. This pollen was characterized by the presence of quite rare δ7‐sterols and a low digestibility. Cirsium consumption seemed increase syrup collection, which is probably related to a detoxification mixing behavior. These results strongly suggest that pollen traits may act as drivers of plant selection by bees and partly explain why Asteraceae pollen is rare in bee generalist diet.  相似文献   

The Oscillation Hypothesis posits that plant‐eating insect diversity is generated by cycles of diet breadth expansion and contraction. Although at any given time most plant‐eating insect species are host specialists, host‐use evolution and speciation tend to entail a phase of generalism. The main evidence for this comes from comparative phylogenetic studies, but with mixed support. Here, I review and add to this evidence. I show that some of the original work that inspired the Oscillation Hypothesis is flawed in a way that leads to spurious inferences about trends in the evolution of diet diversity. And I present a new analysis which fails to support its predictions about patterns of species diversity. On the other hand, some of the published work that claims to reject the Oscillation Hypothesis may actually provide some of the strongest support for it, and I present new analyses which support its prediction that host‐use generalism facilitates host‐use evolution. In summary, the Oscillation Hypothesis successfully predicts some phylogenetic patterns but not others. Generalism appears to facilitate host‐use evolution, but it does not appear to be inevitably chased by host‐use specialization and speciation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Oviposition site selection is crucial for the reproductive success of herbivorous insects. According to the preference–performance hypothesis, females should oviposit on host plants that enhance the performance of their offspring. More specifically, the plant vigour hypothesis predicts that females should prefer large and vigorously growing host plants for oviposition and that larvae should perform best on these plants.
2. The present study examined whether females of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) prefer to oviposit on large host plant individuals of the meadow clary and whether large host plants are of higher nutritional quality than small host plants. Subsequently, it was tested whether the female preference correlates with offspring performance and survival.
3. In the field, females preferred large host plant individuals for oviposition and host plant quality, i.e. leaf nitrogen content, was significantly higher in leaves of large than of small host plants.
4. In the laboratory, larval development time was shorter on leaves of large host plant individuals than on small host plant individuals, but this could not be shown in the field.
5. However, a predator-exclusion experiment in the field resulted in a higher survival of larvae on large host plants than on small host plants when all predators had free access to the plants. On caged host plants there was no difference in survival of larvae between plant size categories.
6. It is concluded that females of C. canaliculata select oviposition sites that enhance both performance and survival of their offspring, which meets the predictions of the plant vigour hypothesis.  相似文献   

The ability of animals to find and consume hoarded seeds (i.e. seed recovery) is a key stage within the seed dispersal process. However, the ecology of seed recovery is still poorly understood. Here, we analyze the factors controlling seed recovery by scatter‐hoarding rodents in an oak‐dominated temperate forest. We examined the relative importance of intrinsic seed traits (i.e. plant‐driven) and extrinsic seed factors (i.e. animal‐driven) on the probability of seed recovery. We found that seed recovery is mainly driven by extrinsic seed factors, mostly related to animal behavior (pilfering frequency, microsite preference, predation risk, burial depth and cache size). Important intrinsic traits such as seed size, seed quality and seed‐drop timing were, on average, of lower significance in the probability of seed recovery (2.8‐times less important than extrinsic factors); only seed quality was an important intrinsic trait. On the other hand, larger and nutritionally more valuable seeds showed a removal–recovery tradeoff as they enhance seed removal and hoarding (increasing dispersal quality) but also favour seed recovery (increasing predation). We find that other mechanisms beyond seed traits (e.g. masting) are needed to decrease seed recovery and, thus, increase seed survival. We conclude that, as seed recovery is mostly driven by animal behavioural factors, it substantially differs from other previous stages of the seed dispersal process that are more dependent on seed traits. We argue that seed recovery needs further attention to advance our understanding of the ecology of seed dispersal and the role of secondary dispersers as a selective force for seeds.  相似文献   

A wide range of plant lines has been propagated by farmers during crop selection and dissemination, but consequences of this crop diversification on plant-microbe interactions have been neglected. Our hypothesis was that crop evolutionary history shaped the way the resulting lines interact with soil bacteria in their rhizospheres. Here, the significance of maize diversification as a factor influencing selection of soil bacteria by seedling roots was assessed by comparing rhizobacterial community composition of inbred lines representing the five main genetic groups of maize, cultivated in a same European soil. Rhizobacterial community composition of 21-day-old seedlings was analysed using a 16S rRNA taxonomic microarray targeting 19 bacterial phyla. Rhizobacterial community composition of inbred lines depended on the maize genetic group. Differences were largely due to the prevalence of certain Betaproteobacteria and especially Burkholderia, as confirmed by quantitative PCR and cloning/sequencing. However, these differences in bacterial root colonization did not correlate with plant microsatellite genetic distances between maize genetic groups or individual lines. Therefore, the genetic structure of maize that arose during crop diversification (resulting in five main groups), but not the extent of maize diversification itself (as determined by maize genetic distances), was a significant factor shaping rhizobacterial community composition of seedlings.  相似文献   

Palatability of parasitic plants may be influenced by their host species, because the parasites take up nutrients and secondary compounds from the hosts. If parasitic plants acquired the full spectrum of secondary compounds from their host, one would expect a correlation between host and parasite palatability. We examined the palatability of leaves of the root-hemiparasite Melampyrum arvense grown with different host plants and the palatability of these host plants for two generalist herbivores, the caterpillar of Spodoptera littoralis and the slug Arion lusitanicus. We used 19 species of host plants from 11 families that are known to contain a wide spectrum of anti-herbivore compounds. Growth of M. arvense was strongly influenced by the host species. The palatability of the individual host species for the two herbivores differed strongly. Both A. lusitanicus and S. littoralis discriminated also between hemiparasites grown with different host plants. There was no correlation between the palatability of a host species and that of the parasites grown on that host, i.e., hemiparasites grown on palatable host species were not more palatable than those grown on unpalatable hosts. We suggest an interacting pattern of specific effects of chemical anti-herbivore defences and indirect effects of the hosts on herbivores through effects on growth and tissue quality of the parasites.  相似文献   

While studies of tri-trophic interactions have uncovered a variety of mechanisms influencing the dietary specialization of insect herbivores, such studies have neglected host-plant selection by generalists. Here, we report an initial investigation on how host-plant quality and a tachinid parasitoid interact to affect the survival and host-plant selection by a polyphagous herbivore. This herbivore, Grammia geneura (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), is a food-mixing caterpillar that feeds preferentially on forbs. A previous study suggested that G. geneura might eat certain host species for reasons other than benefits of physiological utilization. We hypothesized that host-plant mediated defenses could act against parasitoids, the major mortality agents of late instar G. geneura . Field observations indicated that caterpillars sometimes survived an attack by the parasitoid Exorista mella Walker (Diptera: Tachinidae) in nature. Laboratory experiments showed that the survival of parasitized caterpillars increased on acceptable but nutritionally inferior host-plant species, indicating that anti-parasitoid defense may explain host-plant selection in this dietary generalist. We found no indication that host-plant selection changed according to the parasitism status of individual caterpillars.  相似文献   

It is widely known that many upland-breeding shorebirds tend to nest on plateaus but to date no studies have put forward explanations for this phenomenon. We examined the effect of slope and habitat on the distribution of ground-nesting golden plover Pluvialis apricaria at two study sites in County Durham, U.K. Golden plovers showed strong selection for nesting on flat ground. Habitat significantly affected nest-site location on one study site (heather burnt within the past 2 years was favoured and older stands of heather were avoided) but not on the other. Fifty-nine per cent of all nests failed. We attributed 95% of all losses to predation. Seventy-five per cent of nests, in which the predator was identified, were taken by ground predators, mainly stoats Mustela erminea . Nests on flat ground had significantly higher rates of survival than those on slopes. Nest survival did not vary significantly with habitat type nor with vegetation height or density around the nest. Neither habitat type, vegetation height nor vegetation density around nests differed between nests on slopes and on flat ground. In addition, individuals that nested on flat ground tended to have less black on their underparts (a suggested indicator of dominance). We suggest that birds nesting on slopes are less efficient at avoiding nest predation than those nesting on the flat. The nature or degree of a bird's response to a predator may be related to the efficiency of individual anti-predator responses and/or to visibility from the nest. This study cannot differentiate between these two explanations. We encourage further work to investigate differences in behaviour between individuals nesting on slopes and those on flat ground.  相似文献   

Obesity is characterized by chronic, low-grade, systemic inflammation, which, in turn, has been associated with anemia of chronic disease. We hypothesized that obesity may be associated with the features of anemia of chronic disease, including low hemoglobin concentration, low serum iron and transferrin saturation (TS), and elevated serum ferritin. We compared normal-weight to overweight and obese adult participants of the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey with respect to hemoglobin concentration and levels of serum iron, TS, and ferritin. Measured BMI was used to categorize participants into normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m(2), n = 6,059), overweight (BMI 25 to <30 kg/m(2), n = 5,108), mildly obese (BMI 30 to <35 kg/m(2), n = 2,366), moderately obese (BMI 35 to <40 kg/m(2), n = 850), and severely obese (BMI > or = 40 kg/m(2), n = 465). After adjustment for age, gender, menstruation, race/ethnicity, education, alcohol consumption, smoking, blood donation, and dietary iron intake, serum ferritin was progressively higher with increasing BMI category, whereas serum iron and TS were progressively lower. However, compared to normal-weight persons, those in all other higher BMI categories did not have a significant change in hemoglobin concentration after adjustment for the above-mentioned confounders. Overweight and obesity were associated with changes in serum iron, TS, and ferritin that would be expected to occur in the setting of chronic, systemic inflammation. However, overweight and obese persons were not more likely to be anemic compared with normal-weight persons.  相似文献   

The study of how parasites adapt to new hosts is of great importance for understanding the emergence of new diseases. Here, we report a study of the anther smut disease on Gypsophila repens (Caryophyllaceae). In contrast to what is usually found on other host species, infected natural populations of G. repens are extremely rare. Moreover, symptoms of diseased plants are incomplete and highly variable over the time. These results suggest that the fungus infecting G. repens is a case of a parasite not capable of exploiting its host optimally. Molecular analyses of Microbotryum violaceum strains infecting this and other Caryophyllaceae revealed that this sub-optimal behaviour probably resulted from a recent host shift from the morphologically similar plant Petrorhagia saxifraga. With its exceptionally low virulence and prevalence, but apparent self-sustainability, the disease on G. repens may thus represent an interesting case study for investigating the conditions leading to adaptation of parasites on new hosts.  相似文献   

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