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The microstructure of AISI 304 austenlte stainless steel fabricated by the thin strip casting process were investigated using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructures of the casting strips show a duplex structure consisting of delta ferrite and austenite. The volume fraction of the delta ferrite is about 9.74vo1% at the center and 6.77vo1% at the surface of the casting thin strip, in vermicular and hand shapes. On account of rapid cooling and solidification in the continuous casting process, many kinds of inclusions and precipitates have been found. Most of the inclusions and precipitates are spherical complex compounds consisting of oxides, such as, SiO2, MnO, Al2O3, Cr2O3, and FeO or their multiplicity oxides of MnO·Al2O3, 2FeO·SiO2, and 2MnO·SiO2. Many defects including dislocations and stacking faults have also formed during the rapid cooling and solidification process, which is helpful to improve the mechanical properties of the casting strips.  相似文献   

双辊薄带铸轧技术很可能在近期取得突破性进展.本文主要介绍了以美国纽柯Nucor C项目和澳大利亚BHP与日本IHI合作开发的M项目等为代表的双辊薄带铸轧技术最近的进展情况,并对一些关键技术进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

双辊薄带铸轧技术很可能在近期取得突破性进展、本文主要介绍了以美国纽柯Nucor C项目和澳大利亚BHP与日本IHI合作开发的M项目等为代表的双辊薄带铸轧技术最近的进展情况,并对一些关键技术进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

比较了不同成分铜合金的高温表面强度、抗拉强度,模拟冷却孔数量对热传导和温度场的影响规律.选用铬锆铜合金制成了双辊薄带连铸铸辊,在相同的工艺条件下分别采用合金钢铸辊和铬锆铜合金铸辊进行了高速钢双辊薄带连铸实验.结果表明:铬锆铜质铸辊的冷却能力较合金钢质铸辊提高60%,铜辊铸带中心层质量提高,裂纹减少;铜辊铸带的奥氏体晶粒度较钢辊铸带提高一级,凝固过程中析出的共晶碳化物也以颗粒状和鸡爪状为主,没有发现钢辊铸带中存在的半网状共晶碳化物.  相似文献   

主要介绍了W9Mo3Cr4V高速钢在双辊铸轧过程中的晶粒细化.薄带钢在铸轧过程中的冷却时间仅为0.2-0.3 s,冷却速度很快,冷却速度已达到100-1000℃/s,因此,在快速凝固的过程中,液体金属获得了较大的过冷度,晶核的临界半径随过冷度的增加而减小,晶粒必然细化.另外,过冷度增大,晶核形核功减小,形核几率增大,也使晶粒细化.  相似文献   

主要介绍了W9Mo3Cr4V高速钢在双辊铸轧过程中的晶粒细化。薄带钢在铸轧过程中的冷却时间仅为0 2-0 3s,冷却速度很快,冷却速度已达到100-1000℃/s,因此,在快速凝固的过程中,液体金属获得了较大的过冷度,晶核的临界半径随过冷度的增加而减小,晶粒必然细化。另外,过冷度增大,晶核形核功减小,形核几率增大,也使晶粒细化。  相似文献   

主要介绍了W9Mo3Cr4V高速钢在双辊铸轧过程中的晶粒细化。薄带钢在铸轧过程中的冷却时间仅为0.2—0.3s,冷却速度很快,冷却速度已达到100—1000℃/s,因此,在快速凝固的过程中,液体金属获得了较大的过冷度,晶核的临界半径随过冷度的增加而减小,晶粒必然细化。另外,过冷度增大,晶核形核功减小,形核几率增大,也使晶粒细化。  相似文献   

By optical inspection of macro-etched metallography and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping, this paper analyzed the microstructure of austenitic stainless steel strips produced with an equal-diameter twin-roll strip caster. The results indicate that the microstructure of the strips includes two columnar zones with highly compact dendrites and one equiaxed zone. The characteristics, such as grain size and growing direction of columnar grains and equiaxed grains, were investigated. An additional transitional area with many finer grains between the columnar zone and the equiaxed zone was found. As shown in EBSD analysis, small angle boundaries exist both in the columnar zone and the equiaxed zone, although they are especially more in the transitional area. Additionally, some <111> twin boundaries were found in the microstructure of the strips.  相似文献   

利用非线性热力耦合有限元方法,对浇铸过程中结晶辊辊套的温度场分布进行了研究,并同时计算出了结晶辊的热变形.给出了浇铸稳定阶段的结晶辊温度场分布和热变形规律;分析了浇铸速度对结晶辊温度场和热变形的影响.通过分析得出,在浇铸稳定阶段结晶辊温度只在表层区域发生周期性变化,内部保持基本稳定,浇铸速度越低,周期性变化幅度越大.  相似文献   

由于铸轧过程复杂,工序高度凝聚且工艺参数间联系紧密,其中一些重要的现象无法通过现有实验条件进行测量,因此数值模拟方法成为探寻铸轧规律的一种有效方式,已经在有色金属以及钢铁铸轧领域得到广泛应用。本文对近年来采用数值模拟方法针对铸轧过程中熔池、铸辊、浇注布流系统、带坯组织及侧封板方面的研究应用工作进行了总结,并对电磁场、流场、温度场及应力、应变场等多物理场耦合计算的数值模拟技术在铸轧研究中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

双辊铸轧不锈钢薄带开裂机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用金相显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对双辊铸轧304不锈钢薄带裂纹及组织特征进行了观察,并结合能谱仪(EDS)对微区成分和夹杂物进行了分析。结果表明,铸轧薄带上的裂纹在薄带表面凹痕处产生,并沿柱状晶晶界向内部扩展,终止于柱状晶与心部等轴晶交界处;在柱状晶区内存大量缩孔和夹杂,在铸轧机械应力和热应力的共同作用下,破坏了材料的连续性;铸轧裂纹断面存在氧化现象,说明铸轧裂纹在铸轧凝固的高温阶段生成。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外的固体侧封技术,分析了侧封板的破损原因和提高侧封使用寿命的方法,设计了整体式和组合式的侧封板并对侧封板的顶紧装置和材料进行了研究.发现硅酸钙质耐火材料制作的整体式侧封板具有较好的性能,适合镁合金铸轧.用ANSYS软件数值模拟对比了整体式和组合式侧封板的温度场和应力场.结果证明,硅酸钙质和BN质组合式侧封板更有效地改善了使用效果和铸轧的稳定性.  相似文献   

The temperature field of stainless steel during twin-roll strip casting was simulated by experiment and a finite element (FE) model. By comparing the measured result with the simulated values, it is found that they fit close to each other, which indicates this FE model is effective. Based on this model, the effects of roll gap (t) and roll radius (R) on solidification were simulated. The simulated results give the relationship between t or R and the position of the freezing point. The larger the t is and the smaller the R is, the closer the position of the freezing point is to the exit.  相似文献   

This study first investigated cracks on the surface of an actual steel strip. Formulating the Anand model in ANSYS software, we then simulated the stress field in the molten pool of type 304 stainless steel during the twin-roll casting process. Parameters affecting the stress distribution in the molten pool were analyzed in detail and optimized. After twin-roll casting, a large number of transgranular and intergranular cracks resided on the surface of the thin steel strip, and followed a tortuous path. In the molten pool, stress was enhanced at the exit and at the roller contact positions. The stress at the exit decreased with increasing casting speed and pouring temperature. To ensure high quality of the fabricated strips, the casting speed and pouring temperature should be controlled above 0.7 m/s and 1520°C, respectively.  相似文献   

在采用双辊铸轧技术生产金属薄板的过程中,辊间金属熔池液位会对薄板质量产生直接影响,由于液位控制参数间存在着强耦合关系,传统控制手段难以实现最优控制。采用以模糊数学和控制理论为基础的模糊控制是实现熔池液位智能控制的有效方法。但传统的模糊控制极大地依赖于专家经验,这使控制过程具有了主观性和不确定性。为此本文提出一种基于自适应遗传算法优化的双辊铸轧机金属熔池液位的模糊控制方法。仿真证明,与传统的模糊控制相比,改进的控制方法在动态性能上有明显提高。  相似文献   

In the stainless steel 304 (SUS 304) wire drawing process, optimizing the die life and wire tensile strength, which are the larger-the-better quality characteristics (QCH) types, is of main interest. Three control factors, involving reduction ratio, lubricant temperature, and drawing speed, were investigated utilizing L9(34) orthogonal array (OA). The grey relational analysis was conducted for the normalized signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios. The ordinal value of the grey grade was then used to decide optimal factor levels. The anticipated improvements in die life and wire tensile strength were estimated 25.31 h and 22.50 kg/mm2, respectively. To decide the significant factor which had effect on each QCH and predict the average value of each QCH, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for S/N ratio and QCH. Confirmation experiments were then conducted, where a good overlap was noticed between the predicted and confirnation intervals for each QCH. The Hotelling T2 and the sample generalized variance control charts were finally utilized in controlling and monitoring future production. In conclusion, the grey relational analysis utilizing Taguchi method is an effective approach for optimizing the die life and wire tensile strength for SUS wire drawing process. 2008 University of Science and Technology Beijing. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

针对衡钢"EAF-LF-VD-HCC"工艺生产的水平连铸管坯钢,通过运用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、EDAX能谱仪、电子探针、电解、示踪剂跟踪法等各种分析手段及方法,对LF处理前后,VD处理后,中间包钢水及连铸坯,重点是吊包钢水,中间包钢水和连铸坯所取试样中所含的显微夹杂物及大型夹杂物进行了研究.结果表明,管坯钢显微夹杂相对个数为16.1mm-2,大型夹杂物数量为214.6mg-kg-1.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的复合板带制备技术——双流双辊铸轧技术,并用该方法制备了6063/7050铝合金复合板带,验证了采用双流双辊铸轧技术制备铝合金复合板材的可行性.利用两个熔炼炉分别把6063和7050两种铝合金原料熔化后,将液体注入带有两个狭缝水口的中间包中,通过立式双辊铸轧机铸轧得到4mm厚的6063/7050铝合金双金属复合板带.微观组织和力学性能检测发现,两种金属在结合面处形成了良好的冶金结合,为达到良好性能,板带需要后续深加工.  相似文献   

为了探究沥青带材在流延加工时的冷却过程以及优化生产工艺,通过计算流体力学(CFD)数值模拟,将沥青带材的流延加工过程简化成2D高黏度流体与传热过程,建立了多层沥青带材-冷却辊二维模型,并分析了带材厚度、进料位置和辊筒直径对沥青流延工艺传热过程的影响。结果表明:沥青厚度对辊筒冷却段的降温过程影响显著,第一层流延沥青的厚度越小,辊筒对其冷却效果越好,越有利于第二层覆膜;适当前移第一次沥青流延的进料位置,并缩短两次进料的间距,能够改善辊筒的冷却效果;增大冷却辊筒直径可以增加冷却时间,提高冷却效果。  相似文献   

对国内一钢厂EAF→LF→VD→CC工艺生产的高品质GCr15轴承钢进行系统取样,针对DS类非金属夹杂物随机性强的特点,利用能够进行大面积试样检测的ASPEX自动扫描电镜分析统计钢中非金属夹杂物的成分、尺寸、数量等信息。研究发现:GCr15轴承钢冶炼过程中非金属夹杂物主要为MgO- Al2 O3- CaO复合夹杂物和MnS,同时有少量的SiO2- Al2 O3和MgO-Al2 O3复合夹杂物;夹杂物尺寸主要集中在3~8μm,并有少量DS类夹杂物出现且尺寸范围波动很大,最大可以达70μm以上,形貌为圆形或近似圆形;VD有较强的去除夹杂物功能,经过VD真空精炼,夹杂物中CaO含量有增加趋势;吊包至铸坯过程,夹杂物成分向Al2 O3含量增多的区域移动,最终轴承钢铸坯中夹杂物成分位于高Al2 O3含量(≥80%),少量MgO (<20%)和低CaO(<5%)的区域;DS夹杂物的生成和去除具有较强的随机性。  相似文献   

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