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李林双 《遗传》1986,8(4):46-48
在大肠杆菌吓·coli)局限性转导(restricted transduction') 实验中,通常用A噬菌体特异性转导半乳糖 发酵基因(gal的现象来说明转导的基本原理和掌握 转导实验的基本方法。近年来,我们在指导学生进行 这一实验过程中,对实验菌株的选择、噬菌体(.L)的 诱导、噬菌体裂解液的教价测定和进一步提高转导频 率等方面进行了一些改进,收到了较好的效果。本文 扼要介绍我们的实验结果。  相似文献   

云南YiYi(Docynia delavayi(Frach.)Schneid.)黄酮成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本处次对采自云南西双版内的YiYi树皮的主要成分进行了研究,从其乙醚提取物中分离出四种黄酮尖化合物,通过NMR、MS和IR等波谱手段鉴定出它们分别为:白杨素(Chyysin,1)柚皮素(Naringenin,20,槲皮素(Quercetin,3)和广寄生甙(Avieularin,4)。  相似文献   

丛英姿  于士广 《动物学报》1995,41(1):103-108
本文通过FACS技术,利用单克隆抗体RA3-6B2抗Ly-5(B220)研究了Ly-5(B220)在新制备的小鼠脾脏B细胞上的表达,特别是用不同的丝裂原刺激而激活B细胞后Ly-5(Ly-5hi),浮力密度较低的大B细胞则为Ly-5^low。用多允隆刺激因子LPS(细菌脂多糖)刺激脾脏高浮力密度小B细胞,可诱导Ly-5的表达仍保持较高状态,但当用抗-IgM与白细胞介素-6一起刺激时,则诱导Ly-5的  相似文献   

Microcin B17(简称MccB17)是核糖体合成的肽类DNA螺旋酶抑制剂,其独特的分子结构是抗菌剂未来发展的重要的新颖结构,MccB17产生菌的杂环形成机理对于制药工业的药物设计具有重要意义。MccB17产生菌E.coliZB43适宜在M63合成培养基中积累胞内MccB17,低溶氧水平利于MccB17的积累。当葡萄糖浓度超过1g/L时,MccB17的合成受到阻遏。采用均匀设计表U11(1110)进行发酵培养基配比调整,确定了最佳的含葡萄糖合成培养基配比:葡萄糖1g/L,KH2PO43g/L,K2HPO47g/L,(NH4)2SO41g/L,MgSO4.7H2O 1.8mmol/L,盐酸硫胺1.8μg/ml。丁二酸钠能解除葡萄糖对E.coliZB43生成MccB17的代谢阻遏。以10g/L丁二酸钠替代葡萄糖为唯一碳源,在上述最佳发酵培养基配比条件下,37℃24h,MccB17的产量可达559.6μg/ml。  相似文献   

以E.coli为指示菌,采用琼脂扩散法,适于评价富含金属的工业废水毒性。作为一种生物监测方法,它可以反映多种污染物对生物体的综合毒性结果,并可节约理化监测分析的大量人力物力,且经济简便。特别是通过建立回归方程将生物毒性与废水排放标准联合起来。根据生物毒性可计算出废水综合毒性相当排放标准的倍数,进而可对废水毒性作出定量的评价,解决了目前各种生物监测方法缺乏统一可比的评价标准或尚无公认的评价标准,以致在废水实际监测中难于推广应用的问题,使生物监测可以应用于废水实际监测工作中去,并成为环境管理工作的依据。  相似文献   

用电转染合成DNA抗原可在非人灵长类动物中抵抗高致病性禽流感病毒。用合成流感病毒抗原编码的DNA电转染猴,可诱生交叉保护性的细胞和体液免疫。当然,尚需在人体做进一步研究(J Virol,2009,83:4624-4636)。  相似文献   

本文通过比较大气降水的养分输入与由地表径流和地下渗流的养分输出,对武夷山甜槠林生态系统的养分平衡进行了研究。结果表明:在1993年4月至1994年4月期间,通过大气降水进入甜槠林的养分元素以N最高,为34.207kg·hm-2,其余依次为Ca(22.99kg·hm-2)、S(12.722kg·hm-2)、Na(6.679kg·hm-2)、K(3.558kg·hm-2)和Mg(2.057kg·hm-2),以P的输入最低,仅1.779kg·hm-2;由地表径流和地下渗流的养分输出总量N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Na分别为5.68、1.016、7.345、3.430、0.620、0.534、0.576kg·hm-2,以K的输出量最高,S的输出最少。其中,通过地下渗流的养分损失占输出总量的85.97%~96.38%,而地表径流的养分输出仅占总输出的3.62%~14.03%;在该系统中,N、Ca和S有大量的积累(分别为28.527、19.560和12.188kg·hm-2),Mg和Na有少量积累(分别为 1.437和6.103kg·hm-2),P基本上处于平衡状态(0.763kg·hm-2),而K则为净的输出损失(-3.787kg·hm-2)。岩石风化对于该生态系统K的补偿可能起重要作用,而其他养分元素仅通过降水输入即可得到补充。  相似文献   

申仕康  马海英  王跃华  王博轶  申国柱 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2404-2404~2412
猪血木(Euryodendron excelsum H. T. Chang)是中国特有的山茶科单型属猪血木属的珍稀濒危植物,目前只在广东省阳春县八甲镇有分布且种群数量不足200株.通过样地调查和数据统计,绘制了猪血木种群的高度结构和径级结构图,在此基础上编制了种群的特定时间生命表,分析了存活曲线、死亡率曲线和寿命期望等重要参数,并运用时间序列模型预测种群数量动态.结果表明:猪血木种群幼年个体丰富,中老年个体相对较少,受环境因素和人为干扰的影响,种群在第Ⅱ级出现死亡高峰,且只有少量幼年个体能进入成年阶段生长,个体平均生存能力的期望在第Ⅳ级最大,种群存活曲线属于Deevey-Ⅲ型,猪血木种群目前仍表现为稳定型种群.时间序列预测分析表明,猪血木种群具备一定的恢复潜能,故现有植株和生境斑块的保护是保持猪血木种群自然更新和进行种群恢复的关键因素.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of calcium at Hubbard Brook   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
A synthesis of the biogeochemistry of Ca was done during 1963–1992in reference and human-manipulated forest ecosystems of the Hubbard BrookExperimental Forest (HBEF), NH. Results showed that there has been a markeddecline in concentration and input of Ca in bulk precipitation, an overalldecline in concentration and output of Ca in stream water, and markeddepletion of Ca in soils of the HBEF since 1963. The decline in streamwaterCa was related strongly to a decline in SO +NO in stream water during the period. The soildepletion of Ca was the result of leaching due to inputs of acid rain duringthe past 50 yr or so, to decreasing atmospheric inputs of Ca, and tochanging amounts of net storage of Ca in biomass. As a result of thedepletion of Ca, forest ecosystems at HBEF are much more sensitive tocontinuing inputs of strong acids in atmospheric deposition than expectedbased on long-term patterns of sulfur biogeochemistry. The Ca concentrationand input in bulk precipitation ranged from a low of 1.0 µmol/and 15 mol/ha-yr in 1986–87 to a high of 8.0 µmol/ and 77mol/ha-yr in 1964–65, with a long-term mean of 2.74 µmol/during 1963–92. Average total atmospheric deposition was 61 and 29mol/ha-yr in 1964–69 and 1987–92, respectively. Dry depositionis difficult to measure, but was estimated to be about 20% of totalinput in atmospheric deposition. Streamwater concentration reached a low of21 µmol/ in 1991–92 and a high of 41 µmol/ in1969–70, but outputs of Ca were lowest in 1964–65 (121mol/ha-yr) and peaked in 1973–74 (475 mol/ha-yr). Gross outputs of Cain stream water were positively and significantly related to streamflow, butthe slope of this relation changed with time as Ca was depleted from thesoil, and as the inputs of sulfate declined in both atmospheric depositionand stream water. Gross outputs of Ca in stream water consistently exceededinputs in bulk precipitation. No seasonal pattern was observed for eitherbulk precipitation or streamwater concentrations of Ca. Net soil releasevaried from 390 to 230 mol/ha-yr during 1964–69 and 1987–92,respectively. Of this amount, weathering release of Ca, based on plagioclasecomposition of the soil, was estimated at about 50 mol/ha-yr. Net biomassstorage of Ca decreased from 202 to 54 mol/ha-yr, and throughfall plusstemflow decreased from 220 to 110 mol/ha-yr in 1964–69 and1987–92, respectively. These ecosystem response patterns were relatedto acidification and to decreases in net biomass accretion during the study.Calcium return to soil by fine root turnover was about 270 mol/ha-yr, with190 mol/ha-yr returning to the forest floor and 80 mol/ha-yr to the mineralsoil. A lower content of Ca was observed with increasing elevation for mostof the components of the watershed-ecosystems at HBEF. Possibly as a result,mortality of sugar maple increased significantly during 1982 to 1992 at highelevations of the HBEF. Interactions between biotic and abiotic controlmechanisms were evident through elevational differences in soil cationexchange capacity (the exchangeable Ca concentration in soils wassignificantly and directly related to the organic matter content of thesoils), in soil/till depth, and in soil water and in streamwaterconcentrations at the HBEF, all of which tended to decrease with elevation.The exchangeable pool of Ca in the soil is about 6500 mol/ha, and itsturnover time is quite rapid, about 3 yr. Nevertheless, the exchangeablepools of Ca at HBEF have been depleted markedly during the past 50 years orso, >21,125 mol/ha during 1940–1995. The annual gross uptake oftrees is about 26–30% of the exchangeable pool in the soil.Some 7 to 8 times more Ca is cycled through trees than is lost in streamwater each year, and resorption of Ca by trees is negligible at HBEF. Of thecurrent inputs to the available nutrient compartment of the forestecosystem, some 50% was provided by net soil release, 24% byleaching from the canopy, 20% by root exudates and 6% byatmospheric deposition. Clear cutting released large amounts of Ca tostream water, primarily because increased nitrification in the soilgenerated increased acidity and NO , a mobileanion in drainage water; even larger amounts of Ca can be lost from theecosystem in harvested timber products. The magnitude of Ca loss due towhole-tree harvest and acid rain leaching is comparable for forests similarto the HBEF, but losses from harvest must be superimposed on losses due toacid rain.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of potassium at Hubbard Brook   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
A synthesis of the biogeochemistry of K was conducted during 1963–1992 in the reference and human-manipulated watershed-ecosystems of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH. Results showed that during the first two years of the study (1963–65), which coincided with a drought period, the reference watershed was a net sink for atmospheric inputs of K. During the remaining years, this watershed has been a net source of K for downstream ecosystems. There have been long-term declines in volume-weighted concentration and flux of K at the HBEF; however, this pattern appears to be controlled by the relatively large inputs during the initial drought years. Net ecosystem loss (atmospheric deposition minus stream outflow) showed an increasing trend of net loss, peaking during the mid-1970s and declining thereafter. This pattern of net K loss coincides with trends in the drainage efflux of SO4 2– and NO3 , indicating that concentrations of strong acid anions may be important controls of dissolved K loss from the site. There were no long-term trends in streamwater concentration or flux of K. A distinct pattern in pools and fluxes of K was evident based on biotic controls in the upper ecosystem strata (canopy, boles, forest floor) and abiotic controls in lower strata of the ecosystem (mineral soil, glacial till). This biological control was manifested through higher concentrations and fluxes of K in vegetation, aboveground litter, throughfall and forest floor pools and soil water in the northern hardwood vegetation within the lower reaches of the watershedecosystem, when compared with patterns in the high-elevation spruce-fir zone. Abiotic control mechanisms were evident through longitudinal variations in soil cation exchange capacity (related to soil organic matter) and soil/till depth, and temporal and disturbance-related variations in inputs of strong-acid anions. Marked differences in the K cycle were evident at the HBEF for the periods 1964–69 and 1987–92. These changes included decreases in biomass storage, net mineralization and throughfall fluxes and increased resorption in the latter period. These patterns seem to reflect an ecosystem response to decreasing rates of biomass accretion during the study. Clearcutting disturbance resulted in large losses of K in stream water and from the removal of harvest products. Stream losses occur from release from slash, decomposition of soil organic matter and displacement from cation exchange sites. Elevated concentrations of K persist in stream water for many years after clearcutting. Of the major elements, K shows the slowest recovery from clearcutting disturbance.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the biogeochemistry of S was done during 34 yr(1964–1965 to 1997–1998) in reference and human-manipulated forestecosystems of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH. There have beensignificant declines in concentration (–0.44µmol/liter-yr) and input (–5.44mol/ha-yr)of SO4 2– in atmospheric bulk wet deposition, and inconcentration(–0.64 µmol/liter-yr) an d output (–3.74mol/ha-yr) of SO4 2– in stream water ofthe HBEF since 1964. These changes arestrongly correlated with concurrent decreases in emissions of SO2from the source area for the HBEF. The concentration and input ofSO4 2– in bulk deposition ranged from a low of 13.1µmol/liter (1983–1984) and 211 mol/ha-yr(1997–1998) to a high of 34.7 µmol/liter(1965–1966) and 479 mol/ha-yr (1967–1968), with along-term mean of 23.9 µmol/liter and 336mol/ha-yr during 1964–1965 to 1997–1998. Despiterecentdeclines in concentrations, SO4 2– is the dominantanion in both bulk deposition and streamwater at HBEF. Dry deposition is difficult to measure, especially inmountainousterrain, but was estimated at 21% of bulk deposition. Thus, average totalatmospheric deposition was 491 and 323 mol/ha-yr during1964–1969 and 1993–1998, respectively. Based on the long-term34S pattern associated with anthropogenic emissions,SO4 2– deposition at HBEF is influenced by numerousSO2sources, but biogenic sources appear to be small. Annual throughfall plusstemflow in 1993–1994 was estimated at 346 molSO4 2–/ha. Aboveground litterfall, for thewatershed-ecosystemaveraged about 180 mol S/ha-yr, with highest inputs (190 molS/ha-yr) in the lower elevation, more deciduous forest zone. Weatheringrelease was calculated at a maximum of 50 mol S/ha-yr. Theconcentration and output of SO4 2– in stream waterranged from a low of 42.3µmol/liter (1996–1997) and 309 mol/ha-yr(1964–1965), to a high of 66.1 µmol/liter(1970–1971) and 849 mol/ha-yr (1973–1974), with along-term mean of 55.5 µmol/liter and 496mol/ha-yr during the 34 yrs of study. Gross outputs ofSO4 2– in stream water consistently exceeded inputsin bulkdeposition and were positively and significantly related to annualprecipitationand streamflow. The relation between gross SO4 2–output and annual streamflow changed with time asatmospheric inputs declined. In contrast to the pattern for bulk depositionconcentration, there was no seasonal pattern for streamSO4 2– concentration. Nevertheless, stream outputs ofSO4 2– were highly seasonal, peaking during springsnowmelt, andproducing a monthly cross-over pattern where net hydrologic flux (NHF) ispositive during summer and negative during the remainder of the year. Nosignificant elevational pattern in streamwaterSO4 2– concentration was observed. Mean annual,volume-weightedsoil water SO4 2– concentrations were relativelyuniform by soil horizon andacross landscape position. Based upon isotopic evidence, much of theSO4 2– entering HBEF in atmospheric depositioncycles throughvegetation and microbial biomass before being released to the soil solution andstream water. Gaseous emissions of S from watershed-ecosystems at HBEF areunquantified, but estimated to be very small. Organic S (carbon bonded andestersulfates) represents some 89% of the total S in soil at HBEF. Some 6% exists asphosphate extractable SO4 2– (PSO4).About 73% of the total S in the soilprofile at HBEF occurs in the Bs2 horizon, and some 9% occurs in the forestfloor. The residence time for S in the soil was calculated to be 9 yr, butonly a small portion of the total organic soil pool turns over relativelyquickly. The S content of above- and belowground biomass is about 2885mol/ha, of which some 3–5% is in standing dead trees. Yellowbirch, American beech and sugar maple accounted for 89% of the S in trees, with31% in branches, 27% in roots and 25% in the lightwood of boles. The pool of Sin living biomass increased from 1965 to 1982 due to biomass accretion, andremained relatively constant thereafter. Of current inputs to the availablenutrient compartment of the forest ecosystem, 50% is from atmospheric bulkdeposition, 24% from net soil release, 11% from dry deposition, 11% from rootexudates and 4% is from canopy leaching. Comparing ecosystem processes for Sfrom 1964–1969 to 1993–1998, atmospheric bulk deposition decreasedby 34%, stream output decreased by 10%, net annual biomass storage decreased by92%, and net soil release increased by 184% compared to the 1964–1969values. These changes are correlated with decreased emissions of SO2from the source area for the HBEF. Average, annual bulk deposition inputsexceeded streamwater outputs by 160.0 ± 75.3 SD molS/ha-yr,but average annual net ecosystem fluxes (NEF) were much smaller, mostlynegativeand highly variable during the 34 yr period (–54.3 ± 72.9 SDmol S/ha-yr; NEF range, +86.8 to –229.5). While severalmechanisms may explain this small discrepancy, the most likely are netdesorption of S and net mineralization of organic S largely associated with theforest floor. Our best estimates indicate that additional S from dry depositionand weathering release is probably small and that desorption accounts for about37% of the NEF imbalance and net mineralization probably accounts for theremainder (60%). Additional inputs from dry deposition would result fromunmeasured inputs of gaseous and particulate deposition directly to the forestfloor. The source of any unmeasured S input has important implications for therecovery of soils and streams in response to decreases in inputs of acidicdeposition. Sulfate is a dominant contributor to acid deposition at HBEF,seriously degrading aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Because of the strongrelation between SO2 emissions and concentrations ofSO4 2– in both atmospheric deposition and streamwater at HBEF,further reductions in SO2 emissions will be required to allowsignificant ecosystem recovery from the effects of acidic deposition. Thedestruction or removal of vegetation on experimental watershed-ecosystems atHBEF resulted in increased rates of organic matter decomposition andnitrification, a lowering of soil and streamwater pH, enhancedSO4 2– adsorption on mineral soil and smallerconcentrations andlosses of SO4 2– in stream water. With vegetationregrowth, this adsorbedSO4 2– is released from the soil, increasingconcentrations andfluxes of SO4 2– in drainage water. Streamwaterconcentration ofSO4 2– and gross annual output ofSO4 2–/ha are essentially the same throughout theHubbard BrookValley in watersheds varying in size by about 4 orders of magnitude, from 3 to3000 ha.  相似文献   

The Biogeochemistry of Carbon at Hubbard Brook   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The biogeochemical behavior of carbon in the forested watersheds of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) was analyzed in long-term studies. The largest pools of C in the reference watershed (W6) reside in mineral soil organic matter (43% of total ecosystem C) and living biomass (40.5%), with the remainder in surface detritus (14.5%). Repeated sampling indicated that none of these pools was changing significantly in the late-1990s, although high spatial variability precluded the detection of small changes in the soil organic matter pools, which are large; hence, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in this 2nd growth forest was near zero (± about 20 g C/m2-yr) and probably similar in magnitude to fluvial export of organic C. Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of the forest declined by 24% between the late-1950s (462 g C/m2-yr) and the late-1990s (354 g C/m2-yr), illustrating age-related decline in forest NPP, effects of multiple stresses and unusual tree mortality, or both. Application of the simulation model PnET-II predicted 14% higher ANPP than was observed for 1996–1997, probably reflecting some unknown stresses. Fine litterfall flux (171 g C/m2-yr) has not changed much since the late-1960s. Because of high annual variation, C flux in woody litterfall (including tree mortality) was not tightly constrained but averaged about 90 g C/m2-yr. Carbon flux to soil organic matter in root turnover (128 g C/m2-yr) was only about half as large as aboveground detritus. Balancing the soil C budget requires that large amounts of C (80 g C/m2-yr) were transported from roots to rhizosphere carbon flux. Total soil respiration (TSR) ranged from 540 to 800 g C/m2-yr across eight stands and decreased with increasing elevation within the northern hardwood forest near W6. The watershed-wide TSR was estimated as 660 g C/m2-yr. Empirical measurements indicated that 58% of TSR occurred in the surface organic horizons and that root respiration comprised about 40% of TSR, most of the rest being microbial. Carbon flux directly associated with other heterotrophs in the HBEF was minor; for example, we estimated respiration of soil microarthropods, rodents, birds and moose at about 3, 5, 1 and 0.8 g C/m2-yr, respectively, or in total less than 2% of NPP. Hence, the effects of other heterotrophs on C flux were primarily indirect, with the exception of occasional irruptions of folivorous insects. Hydrologic fluxes of C were significant in the watershed C budget, especially in comparison with NEP. Although atmospheric inputs (1.7 g C/m2-yr) and streamflow outputs (2.7 g C/m2-yr) were small, larger quantities of C were transported within the ecosystem and a more substantial fraction of dissolved C was transported from the soil as inorganic C and evaded from the stream as CO2 (4.0 g C/m2-yr). Carbon pools and fluxes change rapidly in response to catastrophic disturbances such as forest harvest or major windthrow events. These changes are dominated by living vegetation and dead wood pools, including roots. If biomass removal does not accompany large-scale disturbance, the ecosystem is a large net source of C to the atmosphere (500–1200 g C/m2-yr) for about a decade following disturbance and becomes a net sink about 15–20 years after disturbance; it remains a net sink of about 200–300 g C/m2-yr for about 40 years before rapidly approaching steady state. Shifts in NPP and NEP associated with common small-scale or diffuse forest disturbances (e.g., forest declines, pathogen irruptions, ice storms) are brief and much less dramatic. Spatial and temporal patterns in C pools and fluxes in the mature forest at the HBEF reflect variation in environmental factors. Temperature and growing-season length undoubtedly constrain C fluxes at the HBEF; however, temperature effects on leaf respiration may largely offset the effects of growing season length on photosynthesis. Occasional severe droughts also affect C flux by reducing both photosynthesis and soil respiration. In younger stands nutrient availability strongly limits NPP, but the role of soil nutrient availability in limiting C flux in the mature forest is not known. A portion of the elevational variation of ANPP within the HBEF probably is associated with soil resource limitation; moreover, sites on more fertile soils exhibit 20–25% higher biomass and ANPP than the forest-wide average. Several prominent biotic influences on C pools and fluxes also are clear. Biomass and NPP of both the young and mature forest depend upon tree species composition as well as environment. Similarly, litter decay differs among tree species and forest types, and forest floor C accumulation is twice as great in the spruce–fir–birch forests at higher elevations than in the northern hardwood forests, partly because of inherently slow litter decay and partly because of cold temperatures. This contributes to spatial patterns in soil solution and streamwater dissolved organic carbon across the Hubbard Brook Valley. Wood decay varies markedly both among species and within species because of biochemical differences and probably differences in the decay fungi colonizing wood. Although C biogeochemistry at the HBEF is representative of mountainous terrain in the region, other sites will depart from the patterns described at the HBEF, due to differences in site history, especially agricultural use and fires during earlier logging periods. Our understanding of the C cycle in northern hardwood forests is most limited in the area of soil pool size changes, woody litter deposition and rhizosphere C flux processes.  相似文献   

Streamwater chemistry was measured at 100-m intervals in all streams of the Hubbard Brook Valley, NH during ‘spring’ (May–July) and during ‘fall’ (October–December) 2001. Overall, streamwater chemistry was very similar during these two periods, but fall median concentrations were consistently higher than spring values, except for ANC, pH, NO3 and PO43−, which had lower values in fall. Median concentrations for NH4+ were approximately the same in spring and fall. Stream chemistry varied throughout the Hubbard Brook Valley by elevation, channel length, drainage area and type of drainage, but most of the variability in stream chemistry was subtle and relatively small. Overall, there were relatively large (two- to 10-fold) changes in chemistry with longitudinal distance of wetted channel, elevation and/or size of drainage area in some streams and for some elements (e.g., H+, Aln+, DOC), but other chemical concentrations changed relatively little (e.g., Cl, dissolved Si). The main Hubbard Brook, a fifth-order stream at the mouth of the Valley, was remarkably constant in chemistry throughout its length, except where human disturbance near the mouth changed the chemistry. Differences in vegetation, geologic substrates and wetland areas were related to changes in pattern of streamwater chemistry throughout the Valley.  相似文献   

The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study was designed to evaluate element flux and cycling in a northern hardwood forest and the effects of disturbance on these processes. In the original experiment, an entire watershed was deforested and regrowth was inhibited for three years using herbicides. Initial effects of the treatment included: elevated stream discharge, large increases in streamwater solute concentrations and elevated losses of those ions from the watershed. In contrast, streamwater concentrations and net ecosystem output of sulfate decreased in response to the treatment. During the post treatment period, the concentrations of most dissolved ions declined relative to a reference watershed while, again in contrast, sulfate concentrations increased relative to the reference. In this paper we develop a hypothesis which links acidification and sulfate adsorption processes in the soil to explain the observed trends in sulfate losses from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to discern the source of higher than usual concentrations of chloride in drainage water collected from experimental forest plots after clear-cutting. When the sandbox experiments were initiated at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Station three vegetation types were established: red pine, grass, and minimally vegetated (scattered lichens and bryophytes) as the bare control plot. After 15 years of growth the trees were cut down and above-ground biomass removed from the red pine sandbox. For several years prior to the cut, high concentrations ( 75 M) of dissolved Cl in drainage waters occurred in November/December. This is attributed to the buildup of rainfall-derived Cl due to evapotranspiration that depletes soil moisture to low levels resulting in a lack of drainage during this period. The excess Cl is quickly flushed out by subsequent drainage over a few weeks and Cl concentrations return to values characteristic of rainfall and throughfall. After the trees were removed in May, 1998, Cl continued to be leached from the system. The concentration of Cl peaked (175 M) in Sept. 1998 and did not return back to base level concentration until Dec. 1999. The Cl release pattern is distinctly different from that of dissolved NO3 , which peaked about one year later than Cl. An excess (over that of the control sandbox) of 78 g Cl was released in the 1.5 year period after clear-cut, showing that a large amount of leachable chloride is stored in the bulk soil/root/organic matter fraction. Lack of uptake by trees may be part of the reason for this chloride pulse. But an analysis of chloride content in roots and litter indicates that as much as 50% of the chloride leached from the sandbox may have come from the decaying roots and litter. Additional chloride may have been released from the soil organic matter by decomposition. The biochemical behavior of Cl in systems such as this should be evaluated before assuming Cl to be conservative for purposes of hydrological transport or soil weathering studies.  相似文献   

Powdered and pelletized wollastonite (CaSiO3) was applied to an 11.8 ha forested watershed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in northern New Hampshire, U.S.A. during October of 1999. The dissolution of wollastonite was studied using watershed solute mass balances, and a 87Sr/86Sr isotopic tracer. The wollastonite (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70554) that was deposited directly into the stream channel began to dissolve immediately, resulting in marked increases in stream water Ca concentrations and decreases in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios from pre-application values of 0.872 mg/L and 0.72032 to values of 2.6 mg/L and 0.71818 respectively. After one calendar year, 401 kg of the initial 631 kg of wollastonite applied to the stream channel was exported as stream dissolved load, and 230 kg remained within the stream channel as residual CaSiO3 and/or adsorbed on streambed exchange sites. Using previously established values for streambed Ca exchange capacity at the HBEF, the dissolution rate for wollastonite was found to be consistent with dissolution rates measured in laboratory experiments. Initially, Ca was released from the mineral lattice faster than Si, resulting in the development of a Ca-depleted leached layer on mineral grains. The degree of preferential Ca release decreased with time and reached stoichiometric proportions after 6 months. Using Sr as a proxy for Ca, the Ca from wollastonite dissolution can be accurately tracked as it is transported through the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems of this watershed.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of chlorine at Hubbard Brook,New Hampshire,USA   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Chlorine is a minor constituent of most rocks and a minor (although essential) element in plants, but it cycles rapidly through the hydrosphere and atmosphere. In forest ecosystem studies, chloride ion (Cl) is often thought to be conservative in the sense that the sources and sinks within the ecosystem are assumed negligible compared to inputs and outputs. As such, Cl is often used as a conservative tracer to assess sources and transformations of other ions. In this paper we summarize research on chloride over the course of 36 years (1964–2000) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in central New Hampshire, USA. Evidence presented here suggests that in the 1960s and 1970s the dominant source of atmospheric Cl deposition was from pollutant sources, probably coal burning. In the 1970s the Cl inputs in bulk deposition declined, and the lower Cl deposition in the last two decades is dominated by marine sources. Between 1964 and 2000 there was no significant trend in Cl export in stream flow, thus the net hydrologic flux (NHF = bulk deposition inputs − streamflow outputs) has changed over this period. Early in the record the NHF was on average positive, indicating net retention of Cl within the system, but since about 1980 the NHF has been consistently negative, indicating an unmeasured input or source within the ecosystem. Dry deposition can account for at least part of that unmeasured source, and it appears that release of Cl from mineralization of soil organic matter (SOM) may also play an important role. We believe that accumulation of Cl in vegetation during the 1960s and 1970s offset the unmeasured source and resulted in net ecosystem retention. Accumulation of vegetative biomass has ceased since about 1982, leading to the apparent net export (negative NHF) since that time. Although we have no direct measurements of Cl accumulation in vegetation, our estimates suggest that an aggrading forest could sequester about 32 mol Cl ha−1 year−1, or about a third of the annual average bulk deposition flux to this ecosystem. Experimental additions of Cl to the forest floor cause increases in Cl concentration in foliage, throughfall, and soil solution. Manipulations of vegetation also affect the Cl cycle. Harvesting or devegetation of watersheds causes an increase in the Cl concentration and flux in stream water for several years after the disturbance. This period of release is followed by a period of reaccumulation of Cl that may last more than 15 years. In this respect, the behavior of Cl after disturbance parallels that of NO3, for which export increases after disturbance due to reduced plant nitrogen uptake and mineralization of nitrogen from detritus, rather than SO42−, for which export decreases after disturbance due to pH-dependent adsorption onto mineral soils. The interannual pattern of Cl export from the system primarily reflects the atmospheric inputs, but the net retention and cycling of Cl within the system appears to be largely under biological, rather than geochemical, control.  相似文献   

In response to decreasing atmospheric emissions of sulfur (S) since the 1970s there has been a concomitant decrease in S deposition to watersheds in the Northeastern U.S. Previous study at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH (USA) using chemical and isotopic analyzes ( $ \delta^{34} {\text{S}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ ) combined with modeling has suggested that there is an internal source of S within these watersheds that results in a net loss of S via sulfate in drainage waters. The current study expands these previous investigations by the utilization of δ18O analyzes of precipitation sulfate and streamwater sulfate. Archived stream and bulk precipitation samples at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest from 1968–2004 were analyzed for stable oxygen isotope ratios of sulfate ( $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ ). Overall decreasing temporal trends and seasonally low winter values of $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ in bulk precipitation are most likely attributed to similar trends in precipitation $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}} $ values. Regional climate trends and changes in temperature control precipitation $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}} $ values that are reflected in the $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ values of precipitation. The significant relationship between ambient temperature and the $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}} $ values of precipitation is shown from a nearby site in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). Although streamwater $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ values did not reveal temporal trends, a large difference between precipitation and streamwater $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ values suggest the importance of internal cycling of S especially through the large organic S pool and the concomitant effect on the $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{SO}}_{4} }} $ values in drainage waters.  相似文献   

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