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Mesozoic brackish-water bivalve faunas in Japan diversified in three steps: at the beginning of the Early Jurassic, Early and Late Cretaceous. The Hettangian Niranohama Fauna in northeastern Honshu represents the establishment of a heterodont-dominated brackish-water fauna that persisted until the early Late Cretaceous. No similar composition is known from the Triassic. The infauna consists mostly of non-siphonate and some short-siphonate heterodonts, while the epifauna is represented by diverse pteriomorphian families. In the Early Cretaceous Tetori Group in central Honshu, the long-siphonate heterodonts Tetoria (Corbiculidae) and the semi-infaunal soft-bottom oyster Crassostrea appeared. The evolutionary diversification of the latter, known as the most important element of modern brackish-water faunas, may thus originate at that time. In the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of the Goshoura and Mifune Groups in west Kyushu, several euryhaline deep-burrowing heterodont families, such as Veneridae and Tellinidae, further diversified in the brackish and marine environments. The Late Cretaceous is characterized by massive shell biolithic beds in which large Crassostrea species are common, a feature common for Cenozoic brackish-water faunas. The long-term changes in the composition of the brackish-water faunas in Japan represents thus an evolutionary record, irrespective of the severe physiological and environmental conditions imposed on the highly conservative nature of the fauna.  相似文献   

The Tetori Group of Japan ranks amongst the more important Upper Mesozoic strata in East Asia, with common animal and plant fossils throughout and is well suited for analyses of the links between environmental changes and the various animal and plant fossil assemblages. Three marine transgressions (i. e., Bathonian–Oxfordian, Tithonian–Berriasian and Hauterivian–Barremian in age) have been recognized in the Tetori Group, based on ammonite index taxa. These pulses are also reflected in bivalve faunas which comprise, 81 species in 65 genera (marine taxa) and 16 species in 13 genera (non-marine taxa). Many of these are considered as endemic species to the Tetori Group. In view of the fact that the occurrence of non-marine taxa was primarily controlled by environmental conditions, these do not constitute chronological indices. The faunal composition of the first marine transgressive phase is similar to that found elsewhere in southeast Asia, while that of the second one resembles both that of southeast Asia and of northeast China and Far East Russia. Assemblages of the third phase are similar to those of Heilongjiang, northeast China. Currents from the equator and high-latitudes explain these similarities.  相似文献   

四川盆地上三叠统须家河组的双壳类动物群   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过四川盆地上三叠统须家河组中丰富的双壳类化石新资料的研究,划分出了两个双壳类化石组合带,并对其组合特征、地区分布和沉积环境进行了讨论,还描述5个新种,刊出了主要化石图版。  相似文献   

The ammonite and inoceramid bivalve faunas of the Davutlar Formation of the Devrekani–Kastamonu area in central-north Turkey, are described. The formation yields an ammonite assemblage of Pseudophyllites indra (Forbes, 1846), Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) haldemsis (Schlüter, 1867), Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) oldhami (Sharpe, 1855), Didymoceras binodosum (Kennedy and Cobban, 1993), Bostrychoceras polyplocum (Roemer, 1841) and Baculites alavensis Santamaria Zabala, 1996. The inoceramid assemblage is Cataceramus subcompressus (Meek and Hayden, 1862), Cataceramus goldfussianus (d'Orbigny, 1846), Platyceramus vanuxemi (Meek and Hayden, 1860), Cataceramus cf. mortoni (Meek, 1876), Cataceramus pteroides (Giers, 1964), Cataceramus aff. barabini (Morton, 1834), Platyceramus pierrensis (Walaszczyk et al., 2001), “Inoceramusconvexus Hall and Meek, 1856, Cordiceramus heberti (Fallot, 1885), “Inoceramustenuilineatus Hall and Meek, 1856, “Inoceramusborilensis Jolkicev, 1962, as well as some forms with no or equivocal specific affiliation. Both ammonite and inoceramid faunas suggest an early Late Campanian age for the formation, most probably Bostrychoceras polyplocum and Didymoceras donezianum ammonite Zones / Cataceramus subcompressus and “Inoceramustenuilineatus inoceramid Zones. Both ammonite and inoceramid assemblages are well represented throughout the Euramerican biogeographical region.  相似文献   

The depositional environments and bivalve assemblages are determined for the Upper Cretaceous Hinoshima Formation of the Himenoura Group, Kamishima, Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, Japan. The Hinoshima Formation is characterized by a thick transgressive succession that varies from incised-valley-fill deposits to submarine slope deposits with high aggradation rates of depositional systems. The incised valley is filled with fluvial, bayhead delta, brackish-water estuary, and marine embayment deposits, and is overlain by thick slope deposits.Shallow marine bivalves are grouped into five fossil assemblages according to species composition: Glycymeris amakusensis (foreset beds of a bayhead delta), Nippononectes tamurai (foreset beds of a bayhead delta), Ezonuculana mactraeformisNucula formosa (central bay), Glycymeris amakusensisApiotrigonia minor (slope), and Inoceramus higoensisParvamussium yubarensis (slope). These bivalve assemblages all represent autochthonous and parautochthonous conditions except for a Glycymeris amakusensisApiotrigonia minor assemblage found in debris flow and slump deposits. The life habitats of these bivalves and the compositions of the assemblages are discussed in terms of the ecological history of fossil bivalves of the mid- to Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地的西北部、东北部和南部三个区域现今大地热流平均值分别为56.3、67.3和65.3mW/m^2,对应的生态环境格局也有明显的差异。研究表明,大地热流每增加4~5mW/m^2可使年均地表温度升高约l℃,使最低月均地表温度升高2。C以上。鄂尔多斯盆地东北部的平均大地热流比西北部高出11mW/m^2,东北部年均地表温度可能比西北部高出2~3℃,其最低月均地表温度可能比西北部高出4~6℃。西北部的大地热流平均值已经低于维持地表生态系统延续所需大地热流的临界值(57mW/m^2),其自然生态系统整体上已经处于脆弱境地;东北部和南部的大地热流均大于57mW/m^2,自然生态系统均尚较稳健。东北部的沙漠化可能是风沙侵入的结果,其生态应该是可以恢复的。整个西北部作为一个整体看,72万年以前大地热流就已衰减到临界值以下,区域生态系统渐趋脆弱,开始整体上向荒漠化演变。  相似文献   

The late Barremian laminated limestones of Las Hoyas in eastern Spain are famous for the large number, diversity, and quality of the fossils that they have yielded. Herein, anuran remains from these beds representing two new taxa are thoroughly described. Iberobatrachus angelae gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by a skull nearly as long as it is wide, a narrow neurocranium, frontoparietals fused at least along the posterior half of the orbital length, a distinct palatine process on maxilla, and moderately expanded sacral diapophyses. In turn, Gracilibatrachus avallei gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by a combination of characters that includes an azygous frontoparietal, eight presacral vertebrae, a monovertebral sacrum bearing narrow diapophyses, a bicondylar sacro-urostylar articulation, highly elongate metacarpals, and long distal manual phalanges. The anatomical evidence retrieved in this study is used to explore the taxonomic positions of the new taxa through a maximum parsimony analysis. This analysis supports the placement of I. angelae within Costata close to the extant genus Discoglossus, whereas G. avallei is nested within Xenoanura, as a basal pipimorph. These records corroborate that diversification of costatan and xenoanuran “archaeobatrachian” lineages were already well underway by the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Lower Old Red Sandstone terranes of the Midland Valley of Scotland and the Anglo-Welsh Basin have been considered as separate realms due to the rarity of fish species common to both areas. Although in the first half of the 19th century the osteostracan Cephalaspis lyelli was thought to occur in both terranes this was shown in be incorrect in the latter part of that century. It was not until 1968 that it was demonstrated that the thelodont agnathan Turinia pagei occurred in both terranes. This species has a much wider distribution across the whole of the Old Red Sandstone continent, but its presence in both realms indicates they were connected either directly or indirectly. In 2012 it was suggested that the osteostracan Janaspis watsoni might be present in both basins and in 2013 the acanthodian Parexus recurvus was shown to definitely occur in both. Here we show that other acanthodian genera and species were present in both regions during the Lochkovian (earliest Devonian). Co-specific plants also occur in both terranes during the Lochkovian. As there is no evidence of a marine connection to the Midland Valley in the Lochkovian, the only logical conclusion is that the connection between the two terranes was fluvial.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses applied to Pleistocene bivalve assemblages from the Oga Peninsula (northern Japan) discriminate three distinct assemblages. The assemblages and their taphonomy were used to recognize environmental settings and changes. The AstarteCyclocardiaGlycymeris assemblage indicates shelf environment (below the storm wave base) where gravels and shells are transported from shallower settings. Supply of the exotic coarse sediment probably enabled epifaunal bivalves to inhabit the sea floor. The Glycymeris assemblage is characterized by dominance of G. yessoensis and represents current-swept shoreface environment (above the storm wave base). The Moerella assemblage is characterized by bivalves inhabiting bay to open-marine conditions and diverse deposit-feeders, indicating a moderately land-locked environment, such as an open bay or a bay mouth. Fine-grained substrata rich in organic matters in the bay were probably suitable for the deposit-feeders. Ordination also shows the assemblages along two environmental gradients, a bathymetrical one and the other related to open-marine and bay conditions. The environmental changes are explained mainly by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes and alternation of coastal geomorphology caused by local crustal movements. This study also suggests that fossil assemblages can be a powerful tool to reconstruct environments and depositional dynamics even in intensely bioturbated sedimentary facies.  相似文献   

Trigonioides goshourensis n. sp. and Trigonioides amakusensis Kikuchi and Tashiro occur in the late Albian Eboshi Formation of the Goshoura Group in Kyushu, Japan. These Albian species are characterized by three radial pseudocardinal teeth on the thick and wide hinge plate, and are probably ancestors of Cenomanian species of Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) with four radial pseudocardinal teeth. This chronological relation may be important for the correlation of non-marine Cretaceous strata in East Asia. In addition, the habitat of T. amakusensis is interpreted as estuarine tidal flats under brackish water conditions, although Trigonioides is generally a freshwater bivalve genus.  相似文献   

Ordovician faunal data from the Scandinavian Caledonides is tested with new geochemical information from zircons to give U/Pb ages and source origins of volcanic arc and ophiolite sequences. Early Ordovician (Arenig-Llanvirn), low latitude, Toquima-Table Head faunas from the upper Upper Allochthon are associated with an island arc system formed adjacent to Laurentia. Contemporaneous mafic magmas were contaminated by crustal material during subduction and associated granites contain inherited zircons of Archaean age. The nearest source for such rocks is on the Laurentian rather than the Baltic side. Higher latitude Celtic province faunas from the upper Upper Allochthon are from one insular site accessible to forms from both Laurentia and Baltica.
The late Ordovician low-latitude Holorhynchus and subtropical Hirnantia faunas occur in overstep sequences above deeply eroded early Ordovician arc complexes. The transgression appears to be coeval with a second generation of spreading-related complexes. Single detrital zircons from sediments show sources from Archaean, Proterozoic and early Ordovician terranes. This suggests that deposition was in a basin situated along the same continental margin (Laurentia) to which the early Ordovician ophiolite/arc sequences had already become accreted. The late Ordovician faunas link both Laurentia and Baltica at a time of narrowing of lapetus.
The new geochemical data together with the faunal information is supported by recent palaeomagnetic studies.  相似文献   

Blue-schists are the product of an eo-alpine metamorphic event in former trenches (foredeeps), under conditions of high confining pressures and relatively low temperatures. The metamorphic sedimentary rock sequences are generally associated with basic to ultra-basic rocks of the ophiolitic suite (and their metamorphic equivalents), both appearing in belts of partly plastically deformed, partly highly imbricated Pennine-type nappes.The metamorphism and tectonization of the foredeeps (trenches) with their sedimentary and igneous contents occurred during the overriding of major Austroalpine nappes from the concave (inner) side of the orogenic arcs. The foreland is passively subducted during this major orogenic phase (the ‘Flysch phase’ of Alpine-type orogeny).In those cases where the foreland is a continental lithosphere (such as the foreland of the Alpine belt in the Mediterranean) the subduction is less deep than in those cases where the “foreland” is formed by an oceanic lithosphere (such as in the case of the Japan arc).The geological setting of blue-schists in the Alpine system of the western Mediterranean shows that the load pressures produced by the Austroalpine nappes were generally lower than the confining pressures required by experimental data. Tectonic overpressures, produced during phases of high strain-rates which temporarily sealed off the pore fluids, may have produced the supplementary amount of confining pressure. An additional advantage of this hypothesis is, that it accounts for the occurrence of glaucophane-type metamorphism without such unusually low thermal gradients as those prognosticated by petrological experiments.Circum-Pacific blue-schist belts might be the result of deep subduction. However, the problem of rapid exhumation is then the stumbling block for the geodynamic model of plate-tectonics (Model I). The field data of observation do not confirm the expectation of this model, that subsequently dozens of kilometers of isostatic uplift occurred, exposing erosion levels from such great depths.On the other hand, the model of mantle-diapirism (Model II) suggests, that even if the trench deposits were subducted to great depths (passive subduction) upthrusting movements radiating from ‘Stockwerke’ of gravitational instability would drag up the high-P, low-T metamorphism immediately after its formation, in one and the same major phase of orogeny (flysch phase).The geological case-history of the Japan arc is analysed and its diagnostic facts are compared with the predictions (prognoses) of Model II. This verification leads to a confirmation of the functional correctness of this model of mantle-diapirism.A geodynamic analysis of the tectonic evolution and the present structural and geophysical situation of the Japanese realm leads to the conclusion that the driving forces of orogeny and seismicity are produced by stress-fields of gravitational instabilities that may occur in various structural levels (“Stockwerke”). These Stockwerke range in depth from near-surface to the top of the lower mantle, that is over a range about one thousand kilometers. This is a more complicated, but yet more realistic interpretation of the driving forces of orogeny, than the oversimplified views of plate-tectonics.  相似文献   

The impact of the Frasnian-Famennian biotic mass extinction event (F-F event) on radiolarian faunas is examined in 13 sections, which belong to two types of cherty basin in South China. No appreciable decrease in radiolarian biodiversity is observed across the F-F boundary. Indeed, radiolarian faunas flourished during the Famennian. The F-F event may not have had any dramatic effect on the radiolarian faunas in deep water and the disappearance of Famennian radiolarians in shallow water platform sections may simply be a result of sea level change rather than any biotic crisis.  相似文献   

The Eocene rocks exposed in the Fayum Area, Egypt, are well known for their fossil vertebrates but in recent times the sharks and rays have been largely neglected. Extensive surface collecting, supplemented with bulk samples, has produced large collections from the Midawara, Gehannam, Birket Qarun and Qasr el-Sagha formations, spanning the Bartonian and Priabonian stages and from palaeoenvironments varying from open muddy shelf to very shallow estuarine systems. In total about 90 species of sharks and rays are recorded, many of them previously unrecognised, resulting in some of the most diverse fossil chondrichthyan assemblages known from the Tertiary. Teeth of these species suggest that they occupied a wide range of ecological niches from top predator to tiny benthic invertebrate feeder to planktivore. Many of the species are limited in their stratigraphical range and show potential to be used, at least locally, as biostratigraphical indicators for stratigraphically poorly constrained vertebrate sites elsewhere in North Africa. Distinctly different faunas from different sedimentary environments indicate a strong environmental control on the distribution of many species.  相似文献   

鲁西费县中生代玄武岩形成于119Ma,为碱性玄武岩。该玄武岩中含有丰富的幔源橄榄石、斜方辉石和单斜辉石捕掳晶。橄榄石捕掳晶具有环状裂纹,其Mg^#值介于90.0~93.0之间,平均为91.5;斜方辉石和单斜辉石捕掳晶具有特征的反应边,斜方辉石的Mg^#值介于88.0~93.5之间,平均为90.4;单斜辉石的Mg^#值介于86.0~91.7之间,平均为88.4。捕掳晶的矿物化学类似于中国东部新生代玄武岩中地幔橄榄岩的矿物成分特征,这暗示捕掳晶应为寄主岩浆上升过程中捕获的地幔橄榄岩物质,并且反映了新增生的岩石圈地幔特征。费县玄武岩的岩石地球化学显示其具有地幔原生岩浆的特征,其高,Isr、低εNd(t)和亏损高场强元素等特征应与断离的俯冲板片(苏鲁造山带中的榴辉岩)与软流圈物质的混熔有关。  相似文献   

An experimental and theoretical examination has been made of the settling, entrainment and overturning of 176 valves representing 16 common Northwest European marine bivalve species, together with a comparative study of 15 plastic models in the form of segments from cylindrical tubes. Settling behaviour in both stagnant and moving water depends on particle mass, symmetry and concavo-convexity. Separated empty bivalve shells spin and spiral while settling and, if sufficiently elongated, also pitch. At the observed Reynolds numbers, the shells and models fall concave-up, the terminal fall velocity increasing as the square root of the unit immersed mass or weight. The drag coefficient is independent of Reynolds number but increases with surface roughness and, particularly, particle elongation. Turbulence slightly lowers the critical elongation for pitching. A separation vortex lies captive on the upper side of each descending particle. Consequently, an empty bivalve shell traversing a suspension of sand traps grains on its upper side at a rate proportional to their volume concentration and terminal fall velocity. This process, increasing the effective shell mass, is limited only by the capacity of the shell and grain spillage due to the possible onset of pitching. The ratio (non-dimensional) of a quantity proportional to the applied fluid force and the particle unit immersed weight consistently describes the entrainment of concave-up and convex-up particles, and also the immediate overturning of a valve on settling concave-up to the bed. These thresholds vary in relative magnitude with bed-particle friction and particle concavo-convexity. In general, convex-up particles are the most stable; the concave-up entrainment and overturning thresholds are of a substantially lower but similar magnitude. The high frequency of concave-up bivalve attitudes in turbidites is understandable largely in terms of the ability of a settling valve to increase in effective mass by grain entrapment. Convex-up attitudes in the lower parts of turbidites may record currents stronger than the overturning threshold.  相似文献   

董为  张颖奇 《第四纪研究》2022,42(5):1227-1246

哺乳动物随着环境的变化不断演化出与原来不同的特征, 因此可以根据化石标本的形态特征判断它们在系统演化中的位置, 并根据动物群中各个种类的演化程度判断不同动物群之间的生物年代顺序。本项研究在传统的绝灭率、共有属种、二元相似性系数等方法的基础上尝试拓展了二元共有度和排序梯度等共9种方法, 对选自中国境内有代表性的15个更新世哺乳动物群进行了生物年代排序。自老至新的动物群以其产地为名的生物年代合意顺序及推测的绝对年龄为: 泥河湾下沙沟(1.75~2.2 Ma)-繁昌人字洞(1.7~2.1 Ma)-巫山龙骨坡(1.5~1.9 Ma)-元谋人遗址(1.4~1.8 Ma)-建始龙骨洞(1.3~1.6 Ma)-柳城巨猿洞(1.15~1.5 Ma)-蓝田公王岭(1.1~1.3 Ma)-崇左三合大洞(0.6~1.2 Ma)-和县人遗址龙潭洞(490~800 ka)-周口店第一地点下部(460~770 ka)-周口店第一地点上部(230~450 ka)-海城小孤山(30~80 ka)-本溪山城子(约30 ka)-大连古龙山(27~30 ka)-周口店山顶洞(18~27 ka)。研究表明, 使用不同的方法对不同的动物群进行生物年代排序的结果在大尺度范围内是一致的, 但在小尺度范围内会出现一些差异, 这与排序标准和统计计算方法有关。一旦化石标本的分类鉴定结果和生物年代排序的方法确定下来, 动物群的生物年代序列就基本上是固定的, 不会随研究者的更换而改变, 因此可以用来检验绝对年龄的测年结果。由于组成各个动物群的种类可能会因鉴定人员的不同而有差别, 造成生物年代排序结果与测年结果差异较大。因此有必要组织同一团队的研究人员核对各个地点的化石种类鉴定结果, 并与测年工作配合进行。和县人遗址的龙潭洞动物群在本项研究的生物年代排序中早于周口店第一地点, 这个动物群的化石标本以及产出地层值得重新观察和测年。根据本项研究的实践, 这类数字化排序的方法还有细化的发展空间。


中国东部中-新生代的构造背景是中国地质学界最关注的问题之一。自20世纪70年代板块构造学说引入中国后,中国地质学家普遍接受了太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲导致中国东部中生代强烈的构造-岩浆活动和相应的成矿作用的观点,乃至成为被中外学者普遍认知的理论,至今仍然广泛流传。但是,本文研究认为问题很多。众所周知,岛弧是以玄武岩出露为主,大陆弧则是以安山岩出露最多,而中国东部玄武岩和安山岩极不发育。本文按照大数据研究思路,对日本和安第斯全部新生代岩浆岩的统计研究表明,上述认识基本上是对的:日本弧主要是玄武岩,其次是安山岩;安第斯弧主要是安山岩,其次是玄武岩;而中国东部(以浙闽地区为代表),主要是花岗岩,其次是玄武岩,出现双峰式分布的特征。看来,中国东部与日本和安第斯的构造背景完全不同,中国东部没有俯冲作用的明显证据。其次,岛弧和大陆弧有明显的成分和结构分带,如日本弧,从海沟开始,岩浆活动是从前弧-岛弧-后弧-弧后(frant-arc,arc,rear-arc,back-arc)。安第斯弧不如日本弧明显,从海沟向东到大陆是从弧前杂岩-弧岩浆岩-弧后盆地。中国东部(包括东海大陆架、中国东部沿海)与俯冲有关的结构和成分分带哪里有?我们的研究集中讨论了浙闽地区400km宽度范围内侏罗纪-白垩纪岩浆岩的分布,从年龄到地球化学(Si O2的变化,Mg O、K2O的变化,年龄的变化等等),基本上见不到有从东到西分带的趋势,这种情况如何与板块俯冲作用联系起来呢?岛弧岩浆岩主要来源于亏损的地幔、洋壳、深海沉积物,以及由俯冲带带来的流体,因此,岛弧岩浆岩洋壳的特征非常明显。大陆弧也来自地幔,但是,岩浆穿过大陆壳,会带来明显的陆壳混染的影响,因此安第斯型岩浆岩陆壳的印记比较明显。大陆岩浆岩如果不考虑俯冲带的影响,岩浆岩应当来自高热的软流圈地幔。如果高热的软流圈停滞在岩石圈底部,在那里发生部分熔融,形成的应当是大陆溢流玄武岩,而中酸性岩浆岩非常少;相反,如果高热的软流圈突破岩石圈的阻隔而上升到地壳底部,则会加热下地壳底部使之发生部分熔融,形成的则是大量的酸性花岗岩,而玄武岩和安山岩很少。峨眉山是前面的情况,中国东部则是后面的情况。中国东部岩浆岩究竟与日本、安第斯有何异同点?应当是岩石学家研究的首要命题,建议中国的岩石学家和地球化学家不要仅限于中国东部的研究,而将研究的触角延伸一步,深入细致地研究一下日本和安第斯岩浆岩的情况,再对比中国东部的情况,如此可能会得出新的认识,这样的认识也许才可能有益于解决中国东部岩浆岩形成背景的问题。  相似文献   

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