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云滴数浓度影响混合型层状云降水的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用耦合了Morrison双参数微物理方案的中尺度WRF模式V2.2,对2008年1月25-29日发生在我国南方的冰雪天气过程进行了数值试验。在模式准确再现了此次天气过程形势演变特点的基础上,对模式微物理方案中云滴数浓度影响累积降水量的情况进行了敏感性试验,发现云滴数浓度对降水量的影响是复杂和非线性的。对此次天气过程中的微物理量进行了详细的分析,并从各种水成物粒子的发展演变上,讨论了云滴数浓度的增加在暖云和冷云两种降水机制上对降水产生的不同影响。结果表明,云滴数浓度越大,云水混合比就越大,云滴的尺度越小。雨滴对不同云滴数浓度的响应与云滴的情况相反,随着云滴数浓度的增加,雨滴数浓度减小,雨水也减少,暖云降水过程受到了抑制;冰晶和雪晶的数浓度的演变过程没有明显变化,而冰晶和雪晶的混合比是相应增加的,冷云降水过程得到了一定程度的增强。从本文模拟的个例来看,设置不同云滴数浓度所得到的总累计降水量的差异在1%以内。总的来说,增加云滴数浓度,降水量会减少。从比例上来看,增加云滴数浓度对暖云降水过程的抑制作用比对冷云降水过程的增强作用更为显著,但是在本文模拟的个例中,冷云降水过程占主导地位,减少的降水和增加的降水的绝对值在同一个量级上并且数值相近,它们相互抵消后得到的结果是降水量变化的绝对值大大减小了,这解释了增加云滴数浓度后模拟的总累积降水量变化不明显的原因。  相似文献   

Kinetic limitations on cloud droplet formation and impact on cloud albedo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under certain conditions mass transfer limitations on the growth of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) may have a significant impact on the number of droplets that can form in a cloud. The assumption that particles remain in equilibrium until activated may therefore not always be appropriate for aerosol populations existing in the atmosphere. This work identifies three mechanisms that lead to kinetic limitations, the effect of which on activated cloud droplet number and cloud albedo is assessed using a one‐dimensional cloud parcel model with detailed microphysics for a variety of aerosol size distributions and updraft velocities. In assessing the effect of kinetic limitations, we have assumed as cloud droplets not only those that are strictly activated (as dictated by classical Köhler theory), but also unactivated drops large enough to have an impact on cloud optical properties. Aerosol number concentration is found to be the key parameter that controls the significance of kinetic effects. Simulations indicate that the equilibrium assumption leads to an overprediction of droplet number by less than 10% for marine aerosol; this overprediction can exceed 40% for urban type aerosol. Overall, the effect of kinetic limitations on cloud albedo can be considered important when equilibrium activation theory consistently overpredicts droplet number by more than 10%. The maximum change in cloud albedo as a result of kinetic limitations is less than 0.005 for cases such as marine aerosol; however albedo differences can exceed 0.1 under more polluted conditions. Kinetic limitations are thus not expected to be climatically significant on a global scale, but can regionally have a large impact on cloud albedo.  相似文献   

利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,在理想岛屿地形条件下设计了云的微物理冰相过程中水凝物中有霰和无霰的两个对比试验,考察了台风登陆时复杂冰相和简单冰相对台风移动路径、强度和降水增幅的影响。结果表明:1)云微物理过程中有霰的复杂冰相过程时,具有更强烈的云“播撒”效应,因而对台风降水具有明显增幅作用。2)当台风受到理想地形作用时,地形对云“播撒”效应引起的增幅作用具有放大作用,此时台风眼墙非绝热加热量形成明显增强中心,使得台风降水增幅明显。3)当台风登陆时,云微物理冰相过程使得台风越山时存在向西北指向的涡度变化倾向。  相似文献   

利用2008年4—7月、2009年5—8月和2011年5—9月黄山光明顶的云滴谱观测资料,对离散度和体积平均半径之间的关系进行了深入的分析和讨论。结果表明,随着体积平均半径的增大,离散度与体积平均半径之间的相关从正变成负,主要与活化、凝结、蒸发和去活化有关,与以往研究一致。在此基础上,进一步发现负相关比较弱,主要与碰并过程有关。当云雨自动转化阈值函数增大时,碰并增强,离散度与体积平均半径之间的相关性由负转正,且正相关性逐渐增强。碰并导致的正相关削弱了凝结和蒸发导致的负相关。此外,尽管云滴谱出现了双峰谱,但第一档强度(第一档浓度除以总的浓度)仍然可以很好地区分正负相关性。  相似文献   

The evolution of cloud droplet size spectra is calculated using an adiabatic condensational growth model. Broadness (e.g., standard deviation of diameter) of cloud droplet spectra in adiabatic cloud parcels was determined to be critically dependent on cloud supersaturation. Although droplet spectra become narrower as growth continues, the rate of narrowing is slower when cloud supersaturation is lower. This actually leads to broader droplet spectra for more continental clouds or for weaker updrafts because both of these conditions are associated with lower cloud supersaturations. More continental type clouds, which have higher concentrations of smaller droplets, were indeed found to have larger dispersions (standard deviation of diameter/mean diameter of cloud droplets). Some of these results were consistent with observations, but the larger dispersions that were much more commonly observed for continental compared to maritime clouds were due almost exclusively to smaller droplets rather than broader droplet distributions. Contrary to the model calculations, typical observations show that cleaner clouds usually have broader droplet spectra. The gaps in magnitude between theory and observations of broadness are significant in all clouds. When cloud parcels that had ascended under different updraft conditions were compared at a constant cloud altitude, parcels with lower updrafts were predicted to have broader droplet spectra with larger mean diameters. This trend of apparent spectral broadening was consistent with observations for some near-adiabatic cloud parcels.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional cloud model with bin microphysics was used to investigate the effects of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and thermodynamic conditions on convective cloud and precipitation developments. Two different initial cloud droplet spectra were prescribed based on the total CCN concentrations of maritime (300 cm− 3) and continental (1000 cm− 3) air masses, and the model was run on eight thermodynamic conditions obtained from observational soundings. Six-hourly sounding data and 1-hourly precipitation data from two nearby weather stations in Korea were analyzed for the year 2002 to provide some observational support for the model results.For one small Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) ( 300 J kg− 1) sounding, the maritime and continental differences were incomparably large. The crucial difference was the production of ice phase hydrometeors in the maritime cloud and only water drops in the continental cloud. Ice phase hydrometeors and intrinsically large cloud drops of the maritime cloud eventually lead to significant precipitation. Meanwhile negligible precipitation developed from the continental cloud. For the three other small CAPE soundings, generally weak convective clouds developed but the maritime and continental clouds were of the same phases (both warm or both cold) and their differences were relatively small.Model runs with the four large CAPE ( 3000 J kg− 1) soundings demonstrated that the depth between the freezing level (FL) and the lifting condensation level (LCL) was crucial to determine whether a cloud becomes a cold cloud or not, which in turn was found to be a crucial factor to enhance cloud invigoration with the additional supply of freezing latent heat. For two large CAPE soundings, FL–LCL was so deep that penetration of FL was prohibitive, and precipitation was only mild in the maritime clouds and negligible in the continental clouds. Two other soundings of similarly large CAPE had small FL–LCL, and both the maritime and continental clouds became cold clouds. Precipitation was strong for both but much more so in the maritime clouds, while the maximum updraft velocity and the cloud top were slightly higher in continental clouds. Although limited to small CAPE cases, more precipitation for smaller FL–LCL for a selected group of precipitation and thermodynamic sounding data from Korea was in support of these model results in its tendency.These results clearly demonstrated that the CCN effects on cloud and precipitation developments critically depended on the given thermodynamic conditions and not just the CAPE but the entire structure of the thermodynamic profiles had to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Mesoscale cellular convections over the East China Sea during cold air outbreaks are simulated with a high-resolution numerical model. The model incorporates important physical processes involved in shallow convection, such as the exchange of heat and moisture between water and air; condensation; evaporation; and vertical turbulent transfer of heat, moisture, and momentum.The results show that open cells develop with aspect ratios as large as 14. The structure of the convection is examined in detail. The organized mesoscale circulation is responsible for breaking up the initial stratus cloud deck and enhancing turbulence in the upward-moving area (especially inside cumulus clouds). However, it is found that the heat flux contributed by MCC's themselves is much smaller than the eddy heat flux.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of urban non-uniformity on precipitation, the area of a city was divided into three categories (commercial, high-density residential, and low-density residential) according to the building density data from Landsat satellites. Numerical simulations of three corresponding scenarios (urban non-uniformity, urban uniformity, and non-urban) were performed in Nanjing using the WRF model. The results demonstrate that the existence of the city results in more precipitation, and that urban heterogeneity enhances this phenomenon. For the urban non-uniformity, uniformity, and non-urban experiments, the mean cumulative summer precipitation was 423.09 mm, 407.40 mm, and 389.67 mm, respectively. Urban non-uniformity has a significant effect on the amount of heavy rainfall in summer. The cumulative precipitation from heavy rain in the summer for the three numerical experiments was 278.2 mm, 250.6 mm, and 236.5 mm, respectively. In the nonuniformity experiments, the amount of precipitation between 1500 and 2200 (LST) increased significantly. Furthermore, the adoption of urban non-uniformity into the WRF model could improve the numerical simulation of summer rain and its daily variation.  相似文献   

缪群 《大气科学进展》2013,30(4):1025-1038
Data from in situ probes and a vertically-pointing mm-wave Doppler radar aboard a research aircraft are used to study the cloud microphysical effect of glaciogenic seeding of cold-season orographic clouds. A previous study (Geerts et al., 2010) has shown that radar reflectivity tends to be higher during seeding periods in a shallow layer above the ground downwind of ground-based silver iodide (AgI) nuclei generators. This finding is based on seven flights, conducted over a mountain in Wyoming (the Unites States), each with a no-seeding period followed by a seeding period. In order to assess this impact, geographically fixed flight tracks were flown over a target mountain, both upwind and downwind of the AgI generators. This paper examines data from the same flights for further evidence of the cloud seeding impact. Composite radar data show that the low-level reflectivity increase is best defined upwind of the mountain crest and downwind of the point where the cloud base intersects the terrain. The main argument that this increase can be attributed to AgI seeding is that it is confined to a shallow layer near the ground where the flow is turbulent. Yet during two flights when clouds were cumuliform and coherent updrafts to flight level were recorded by the radar, the seeding impact was evident in the flight-level updrafts (about 610 m above the mountain peak) as a significant increase in the ice crystal concentration in all size bins. The seeding effect appears short-lived as it is not apparent just downwind of the crest.  相似文献   

利用中尺度数值模式WRF-ARW(V3.2)对2009年4月18-19日发生在张家口地区的一次积层混合云降水进行了模拟,并结合观测资料从不同尺度对这次降水过程进行了对比分析.结果表明:700 hPa西风槽、850 hPa低涡是影响这次降水的主要天气系统,来自南方的暖湿空气和西北内蒙古低涡带来的水汽是这次降水的主要水汽来源,两股水汽在张家口附近低层出现了大尺度辐合,有利于该地区云系的发展、降水的形成;降水云系呈东北-西南向带状分布,带长约1 000 km,带宽300km,在大片的云带中分布着很多个小的高值中心,中心区域一般在几十千米;结合雷达回波可以看到在均匀的回波层中镶嵌着柱状对流回波,具有典型的积层混合云降水回波特征;沿着雷达回波做剖面,发现云中云水含量分布无论是水平方向还是垂直方向都是不均匀的,雨水的大值中心与上层的霰、雪的大值中心相对应,中心水平范围在1020 km.  相似文献   

Cloud droplet chemistry is modelled for the first 150 m of rise in a wintertime, mid-latitude, marine stratus cloud using observations made at and near the Cape Grim Baseline Station as a source of input parameters. The emphasis in this work was to study the variation in droplet chemistry as a function of both droplet size and nucleus composition, with a particular focus on the way in which oxidation of dissolved sulfur dioxide varied.At 150 m above the condensation level, solute concentration as a function of droplet size was found to increase by as much as 2 to 3 orders of magnitude for only a factor of 2 increase in droplet radius, primarily as a consequence of the 1/r dependence in the droplet growth equation. This type of size dependence exists at all levels in the model cloud, and has a significant influence on oxidation rate of sulfur dioxide in droplets growing on sulfate nuclei, oxidation by ozone being favoured in the smallest droplets, but oxidation by hydrogen peroxide being favoured in the larger droplets. Oxidation by ozone is favoured at all sizes in droplets formed on sea-salt nuclei as a result of the initially high alkalinity of these droplets, and in the cloud overall is calculated to be the more important oxidation pathway. Although based on a simplified chemical scheme, these results suggest that both size-dependent and nucleus-dependent chemistry of cloud droplets may need to be considered explicitly in cloud modelling work.Volume-weighted mean pH values in the range 5 to 6 were predicted from sensitivity studies in which input variables were varied over reasonable ranges, in agreement with two sets of bulk cloud-water pH data obtained by aircraft near Cape Grim.  相似文献   

A cloud-resolving mesoscale model with a two-moment microphysical scheme has been used. The software package for cloud seeding and two categories of precipitation elements (graupel and frozen raindrops) are incorporated in the model. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cloud droplet concentration on hail suppression effectiveness. The concentration level of cloud droplets is prescribed in the model. We performed sensitivity tests of precipitation amounts (rain and hail) on the cloud droplet concentration in unseeded and seeded cases. We demonstrated for the unseeded case that increasing the concentration of cloud droplets created a reduction in rain accumulation, while the amount of hail accumulation increased. It is necessary to understand whether natural diversity in the cloud droplet concentration can affect the effectiveness of hail suppression. For operational cloud seeding activities, it would be helpful to determine whether it is possible to suppress hail if we know the optimal level of concentration for cloud droplets. Our study showed that hail suppression effectiveness had the greatest influence on lowering cloud droplet concentration levels; suppression effectiveness decreased as the cloud droplet concentration increased.  相似文献   

河北一次层状云系降水的微物理机制数值模拟与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一维层状云模式,详细分析了2009年5月1日中国中东部地区一次层状云系的微物理结构和降水过程。结果表明:此次降水为层状云系降水,云系垂直结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型和“播种云-供给云”机制,其中第一层(上层:4.7-7.0 km)存在冰雪晶,雪主要通过冰晶自动转化和凝华增长。第二层(中层:2.6-4.6 km)有冰晶、雪、霰、云水、雨滴,此层贝吉龙过程作用明显。第三层(下层:1.3-2.5 km)主要粒子为云滴、雨滴、从上层融化的雪和霰,霰的融化对于雨滴的形成贡献最大。云体发展成熟时,各层之间存在一定的播种-供应关系,如第一层向第二层顶部播撒雪和冰晶,第二层向第三层顶部播撒霰和雪。  相似文献   

一次秋季冷锋降水过程气溶胶与云粒子分布的飞机观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用机载PMS(Particle Measuring Systems)测量系统,对2008年10月4—5日石家庄地区一次冷锋降水云系的3次气溶胶和云粒子探测资料进行了分析。结果表明,冷锋过境降水前后,气溶胶粒子分布差异较大。降水发生前,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度约为103cm-3,平均直径为0.95μm;气溶胶主要集中于3000m高度以下的对流层低层,云内气溶胶数浓度明显减少。降水发生后,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度约为102cm-3,比降水前约小1个量级,平均直径为1.28μm;气溶胶主要集中于1200m以下的近地面层,其数浓度随高度增加而降低。气溶胶粒子浓度在低层云区内水平变化较小,而在无云区和云下近地层水平起伏较大。云粒子平均浓度比气溶胶小1~2个量级。气溶胶粒子平均谱主要呈双峰型,而云粒子谱主要为单峰型。  相似文献   

Summary Minor shifts in the pattern of the general circulation frequently result in the development of a mosaic of localized wet and dry patches, creating regions of mesoscale drought. A method of identifying the spatial pattern of such droughts is developed, using the conditional probability of adjacent stations experiencing precipitation deficits simultaneously. The method was tested using seasonal data for the eastern portion of North Carolina, U.S.A. The resulting patterns can be related to the synoptic climatology of the area. Summer reveals numerous small areas of precipitation deficit, while the other seasons have larger deficit areas which reflect changing depression tracks, coastal influences, and rainshadow effects. Comparison of the results with the commonly used Palmer Drought Severity Index indicates that the latter is an appropriate measure only when drought is widespread, and cannot be used to identify mesoscale droughts. The present method allows identification of areas prone to mesoscale drought, suggests causal mechanisms, and provides a basis for monitoring the development of such droughts.
Zusammenfassung Geringfügige Verschiebungen der allgemeinen Zirkulation führen oft zur Entstehung quasi eines Mosaiks feuchter und trockener Flecken, wobei sich im Mesoscale Dürregebiete bilden.Mit Hilfe der bedingten Wahrscheinlichkeit, an Nachbarstationen gleichzeitig Niederschlagsdefizite festzustellen, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, das räumliche Muster dieser Dürre zu beschreiben. Diese Methode wurde anhand jahreszeitlicher Daten für den Osten North Carolinas (USA) erprobt. Die daraus resultierenden Verteilungsmuster können mit der synoptischen Klimatologie des Gebietes in Beziehung gebracht werden. Im Sommer verzeichnet man zahlreiche kleine Gebiete mit Niederschlagsdefiziten, während in den anderen Jahreszeiten größere Trockengebiete auszumachen sind, die die unterschiedlichen Zugbahnen der Tiefdruckgebiete, Küsteneinflüsse und Regenschatteneffekte widerspiegeln. Ein Vergleich mit dem üblicherweise verwendeten Palmer Drought Severity Index zeigt, daß letzterer nur ausgedehnte Trockenheiten im geeigneten Maß darstellt, die Identifikation von Dürre im Mesoscale jedoch nicht zuläßt. Die vorliegende Methode erlaubt eine Identifikation jener Gebiete, die für mesoskale Dürre predästiniert sind, gibt ein Bild der kausalen Zusammenhänge und schafft damit die Grundlage zur Beobachtung der Entstehung solcher Trokkenheiten.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

The microphysical model with the bulk water parameterization is applied to simulated both contact and deposition nucleation as well as the imersion freezing for unseeded cases and the cases immediately after seeding performed for the cold continental Cb clouds with small cloud droplets. The injection of agent AgI is performed in temperature region between –8°C and –12°C. The four groups of sensitivity experiments are executed.
a.  The Brownian coagulation of rain drops is the most important contact nucleation mechanism for seeded cases with great amount of rain drops. When cloud droplets mainly contribute to the liquid water content for seeded cases, the Brownian coagulation of cloud droplets is the primary nucleation mechanism while the inertial impact is the less effective contact nucleation mechanism;
b.  the mutual interdependence of contact and deposition nucleation mechanisms shows that the contact nucleation is more effective for graupel production than the deposition one for the temperature region considered in this model;
c.  the imersion freezing is the most important mechanism for all cases with significant amount of rain drops. It is more effective than the contact nucleation mechanism in unseeded cases with insufficient number of rain drops;
d.  the nucleation mechanisms are more sensitive to temperature changes than to pressure changes.
With 14 Figures  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式WRF对2009年7月2—3日柳州大暴雨过程进行数值模拟,得到与实况相吻合结果。通过地形敏感性试验,研究了中尺度地形对这次暴雨过程的影响。结果表明:地形对这次大暴雨过程的雨带分布未起到决定性的作用,但对强降水的落区和强度有着重要影响。地形作用使西南暖湿气流所带来的水汽和热量在迎风坡堆积,融安融水一带中低层位温增加,导致其上空对流不稳定性增强,当与低层冷空气绕过山脉从西北路侵入时产生的垂直扰动叠加后,激发垂直上升运动强烈发展,从而触发了对流不稳定发展。而地形降低为"平台"后,山脉附近降水中心减弱,物理量场分析表明,由于缺乏地形的抬升作用,山脉附近垂直上升运动及正涡度强度均较有地形时减弱。  相似文献   

利用激光降水粒子谱测量仪对山西省层状云、层积云降水进行雨滴谱取样,分析了层状云降水、层积云降水过程中不同地点的雨滴谱微物理结构、谱分布特征。  相似文献   

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