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Ren Wang 《代数通讯》2018,46(9):3712-3721
For a finite free and projective EI category, we prove that Gorenstein-projective modules over its category algebra are closed under the tensor product if and only if each morphism in the given category is a monomorphism.  相似文献   

Let k be the algebraic closure of a finite field F_q and A be a finite dimensional k-algebra with a Frobenius morphism F.In the present paper we establish a relation between the stable module category of the repetitive algebra  of A and that of the repetitive algebra of the fixed-point algebra A~F.As an application,it is shown that the derived category of A~F is equivalent to the subcategory of F-stable objects in the derived category of A when A has a finite global dimension.  相似文献   

The ring of endomorphisms of the -cohomology of the Eilenberg-MacLane space K(V,n), in the category of unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra is calculated, where V is an elementary abelian 2-group, n is a non-negative integer and is the prime field of characteristic two. The result generalizes the theorem of Adams, Gunawardena and Miller, which corresponds to the case n=1.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of ‘symmetric centres’ of braided monoidal categories. LetH be a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode over a fieldk. We address the symmetric centre of the Yetter-Drinfel’d module category: and show that a left Yetter-Drinfel’d moduleM belongs to the symmetric centre of and only ifM is trivial. We also study the symmetric centres of categories of representations of quasitriangular Hopf algebras and give a sufficient and necessary condition for the braid of, Hℳ to induce the braid of , or equivalently, the braid of , whereA is a quantum commutativeH-module algebra  相似文献   

Toma Albu 《代数通讯》2013,41(6):2663-2683
This is the second part of the paper with the same title published in Communications in Algebra in 2011. It contains applications of the Latticial Osofsky–Smith Theorem to Grothendieck categories and module categories equipped with a torsion theory. Various many different meanings spread in the literature of the relative concepts with respect to a hereditary torsion theory τ on Mod-R like τ-essential submodule, τ-complement submodule, τ-CS module, etc. are also discussed.  相似文献   

Isao Kikumasa 《代数通讯》2013,41(9):4041-4046
A module M is said to be continuous if it is extending with the condition (C2) (cf. [6 Mohamed, S. H., Müller, B. J. (1999). Continuous and Discrete Modules. London Math. Soc. LNS, Vol. 147. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. [Google Scholar]], [7 Oshiro, K. (1983). Continuous modules and quasi-continuous modules. Osaka J. Math. 20:681694.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]). In this article, we consider a 𝒢-extending module with (C2) which is a generalization of a continuous module. First, we show that any 𝒢-extending module with (C2) satisfies the exchange property. We also prove that, if M1 and M2 are 𝒢-extending modules with (C2), then M1M2 is 𝒢-extending with (C2) if and only if Mi is Mj-ejective (i ≠ j).  相似文献   

如果x:M→Sn+1是不含脐点的超曲面,且M的Moebius形式 =0和Blaschke张量A=λg,就称M为Moebius迷向超曲面,如果x:M→Sn+1 是不合脐点的超曲面,且M的Moebius形式 平行( =0)和Blaschke张量A=λg,就称M为Moebius拟迷向超曲面,这里g是M上的Moebius度量,λ:M→R是M上的光滑函数,本文证明了如下结果: (1)设x:M→Sn+1(n 3)是不含脐点的超曲面,则M是拟迷向超曲面当且仅当M是迷向超曲面,(2)设x:M→Sn+1(n 3)是不合脐点的超曲面,且M的Moebius形式 平行和Blaschke张量A也平行( A=0),则 =0.  相似文献   

该文定义了(f,τ) -相容Hopf代数对(B,H),利用这样的对(B,H),给出了左H -余模范畴HM的一个辫子张量子范畴,从而得到一个量子Yang-Baxter算子,并且通过扭曲Hopf代数$B$的乘法,构造出Yetter-Drinfeld范畴中HHYD的Hopf代数.  相似文献   

Hiroki Abe 《代数通讯》2017,45(9):3917-3928
We construct a diagram between the endomorphism algebra of a two-term projective module complex over a self-injective algebra and the endomorphism algebras of its homology groups and apply the diagram to the tilting theory of self-injective algebras. We give an example of recovering the endomorphism algebra of a two-term tilting complex over a self-injective algebra from the endomorphism algebras of its homology groups with some additional structures which appear in the diagram.  相似文献   

赵文正 《数学学报》2005,48(2):355-364
本文定义了(f,T)-相容对(B,H),利用这样的相容对可以给出一个辫子张量 范畴和一个量子Yang-Baxter方程的解,并且通过扭曲Hopf代数B的乘法,构造 Yetter-Drinfeld范畴中HHyD的Hopf代数.  相似文献   

对一个QF环R,本文证明:其投射左R模范畴是因式分解范畴当且仅当gl.dim R≤1.进一步,若 P(RR)=P(RR)=0,则其通过左模而得到的亚 Crothendieck群与其通过右模而得到的亚Grothendieck群在同构意义下是一样的.还证明了有限生成亚投射左R-模范畴不仅是一个因式分解范畴而且是一个带积的具有小的骨架子范畴的范畴.  相似文献   

设x:Mn→Sn 1是(n 1)维单位球面Sn 1中的无脐点的超曲面.Sn 1中超曲面x有两个基本的共形不变量:M(o)bius度量g和M(o)bius第二基本形式B.当超曲面维数大于3时,在相差一个M(o)bius变换下这两个不变量完全决定了超曲面.另外M(o)bius形式Ф也是一个重要的不变量,在一些分类定理中Ф=0条件的假定是必要的.本文考虑了Sn 1(n≥3)中具有消失M(o)bius形式Ф的超曲面:对具有调和曲率张量的超曲面进行分类,进而,在M(o)bius度量的意义下,对Einstein超曲面和具有常截面曲率的超曲面也进行了分类.  相似文献   

Let G be a connected, semisimple, and simply connected algebraic group defined and split over the finite field of order p, and let G(q) be the corresponding finite Chevalley or twisted group, where q = pr. Recently, Anwar determines the direct sum decomposition of the tensor product of the rth Steinberg module and a simple G-module with a (p,r)-minuscule highest weight λ. In this paper, we determine that of the tensor product regarded as a module for G(q) under some weak assumptions for λ.  相似文献   

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