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精确的背景校正决定着冷原子吸收法检测痕量汞的检测下限,研究了基于普通汞灯光源的横向塞曼效应背景校正大气汞检测方法.汞灯光源253.65 nm共振谱线在磁场中垂直于磁场方向产生σ-,σ+和π三个线偏振光.利用超高分辨率光谱仪获取不同磁场强度下汞样品池对σ-,σ+和π线偏振光的吸光度,分析横向塞曼效应背景校正方法所需的最小磁场强度;在1.78 T强磁场强度下,分析了窄带吸收气体苯、宽带吸收气体丙酮对横向塞曼效应背景校正大气汞检测方法可能存在的干扰;利用σ-,σ+作为背景光,π线偏振光作为吸收光,对不同长度的饱和汞蒸气样品池测量,精确背景校正后,吸光度拟合曲线R值达到0.99.实验结果表明基于普通汞灯光源的横向塞曼效应背景校正大气汞检测方法可以实现精确背景校正,能够应用于大气环境痕量汞检测.  相似文献   

汞原子塞曼效应分裂谱线相对强度的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究塞曼效应分裂谱线的相对强度,分析了Hg(546.1 nm)谱线能级在外磁场中的分裂情况,详细给出了分裂能级的量子数分布和理论相对强度;在此基础上采用CCD拍摄了分裂谱线干涉圆环的图像,并对其进行了强度分析,通过图像强度处理得到各分裂谱线相对强度与理论分析结果十分接近;表明采用CCD图像技术能较好的分析塞曼效应现象和规律.  相似文献   

张锐  赵学玒  胡雅君  郭媛  王喆  赵迎  李子晓  汪曣 《物理学报》2014,63(7):70702-070702
针对可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱一次谐波信号中具有背景信号及较大的基线信号,提出一种新型的背景消除与基线校正的处理方法.分析了一次谐波背景中的激光器相关强度调制信号,电子学噪声和光学干涉条纹,采用无吸收谱线区域检测谐波方法消除背景信号.给出了激光器不同工作温度时的电流和强度之间的关系曲线,由此设计出消除背景后剩余基线的校正方法.文中给出了背景搜索方法的原理以及LabView软件流程图.设计了检测氟化氢气体的实验系统,根据谱线选取原则确定吸收谱线为1312.59 nm,设置激光器的工作温度为27.0?C,对应的背景温度为30.2?C.一次谐波信号经过背景消除和基线校正后,信号的畸变得到明显改善,基线得到校正,验证了该方法在激光器其他工作温度(26.7—27.2)是有效的,并对HF气体浓度精度的改善进行了定量分析,为一次谐波信号的后续处理提供了方便.  相似文献   

A semiautomated method combining intensity normalization with effective elimination of the solvent signal and non‐Raman background is presented for Raman spectra of biochemical and biological analytes in aqueous solutions. The method is particularly suitable for rapid and effortless preprocessing of extensive datasets taken as a function of gradually varied physicochemical parameters, e.g. analyte and/or ligand concentration, temperature, pH, pressure, ionic strength, time, etc. For intensity normalization, the strong Raman OH stretching band of water in the range of 2700–3900 cm−1 recorded together with the analyte spectrum in the fingerprint region below 1800 cm−1 is employed as internal intensity standard. Concomitant dependences of the solvent Raman spectra are taken into account and, in some cases, turned into advantage. Once the Raman spectra of the solvent are acquired for a particular range of the parameter varied, solvent contribution can be subtracted correctly from any analyte spectrum taken within this range. The procedure presented can be efficiently applied only for the analytes having their own Raman signal in the range of OH stretching vibrations much weaker than that of the solvent. However, this is the case for a great number of biochemical and biological samples. Accuracy, reliability and robustness of the method were tested under the conditions of spontaneous Raman, resonance Raman and surface‐enhanced Raman scattering. Serviceability of the method is demonstrated by several real‐world examples. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The accelerator-generating 6.13~MeV pulsed Gamma by 19F(p, αγ )160 reaction usually synchronizes with an intense bremsstrahlung x-ray which has a maximum energy of 1~MeV. This paper proposes a new method, named the scattering and absorbing method, to diagnose the 6.13~MeV Gamma. This method includes two parts: the detector and a scatterer placed in front of the detector. The detector converts the Gamma to electrons and then collects the electrons by a scintillator. In order to restrain the interference of the low-energy background, the scintillator collects the electrons at a small angle. The scintillator is wrapped with electro-absorbing material to absorb the low-energy electrons generated by background x-rays. The theoretical sensitivity ratio of 6.13~MeV Gamma to 1~MeV x-rays is greater than 150. The scatterer is a pretreatment tool to scatter some background x-rays away from the radial beam before they enter the detector. By varying the length, the scatterer can reduce the background x-rays to an acceptable level for the detector.  相似文献   

在数字条纹投射技术中,系统的非线性是影响投射条纹质量的主要因素,其直接导致变形条纹中出现高次谐波,从而影响系统的测量精度。提出了一种系统非线性校正的新方法,利用N阶多项式拟合代替传统的单一伽马参数表示系统的非线性关系,并依据条纹图像累积直方图匹配方法,通过迭代操作同时求得系统非线性关系和较高精度的物体位相分布。计算机模拟及实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地抑制系统非线性的影响,获得理想的物体位相分布,从而验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a detailed experimental study of our cloverleaf magnetic trap for sodium atoms. By using polarization dependent Zeeman spectroscopy of our atomic beam, passing the magnetic trap region, we have determined important trap parameters such as gradients, their curvatures and corresponding trap frequencies. Experimental findings are compared to theoretical calculations as well as complementary methods of characterizing the trap.  相似文献   

基于三角测量原理的条纹投影轮廓测量系统中,倾斜投影到参考平面上的条纹将产生周期展宽现象,引起相位失真甚至影响测量精度.论文以条纹位置为控制变量推导出条纹周期校正的线性数学模型,通过简便的标定获得模型参数,由此反算出新的待投影条纹,并在参考平面上获得周期分布的投影条纹.实验结果表明校正后的条纹周期变化范围在±0.1像素内...  相似文献   

利用自行开发的3维行波管仿真软件研究了五注耦合腔行波管周期永磁聚焦系统,分析了各个电子注通道内的静磁场分布和电子注聚焦性能。讨论了在有无初始横向速度的情况下各电子注的聚焦情况。并对外层电子注通道内的横向磁场的性质和其造成的对电子注聚焦的影响进行了分析,结果表明:该多注周期永磁聚焦系统具有良好的静磁场分布特性与电子注聚焦性能,在结构设计合理时,横向磁场对外层通道内电子注的聚焦影响很小,可以忽略。  相似文献   

We measured cyclic losses in a superconducting wire, carrying alternating transport current, simultaneously exposed to an alternating transverse magnetic field. Samples of Bi-2223 Ag-sheathed tapes have configuration of a double-layer non-inductive coil, which itself is a pickup coil to measure the AC losses. Potential taps were attached to both terminals of the sample coil. The external field was applied along the axis of the sample coil. In this procedure, we can estimate an averaged Poynting's vector on a cylindrical surface between the two layers by means of signals from a pair of the potential taps and from pickup coils for the external magnetic field and the transport current. We can also measure a magnetization and an extended transport-current components of AC losses in addition to a total cyclic loss for a combined alternating external field and transport current. Obtained results are compared with numerical predictions of the critical state model taking into account the magnetic field dependence of critical current density.  相似文献   

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