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Managed care has substantially changed the environment of health care delivery for general internists and internist-subspecialists. In the current system, one may wonder whether detailed and thoughtful workups still have a role when the direction of medical practice increasingly prizes a high volume of brief encounters. However, the very forces that drive managed care make the role of internist in the care of adults even more central. The internist's unique training and clinical approach should lead to both medically effective and cost-effective health care for adults. This type of health care will be increasingly important as the U.S. population ages and an increasing number of Americans have chronic, multisystem disease. Over the past century, internal medicine has evolved from a consultative model to a discipline that encompasses total adult care, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illness and from outpatient care in the office to inpatient care in the intensive care unit. However, the leadership role of internists in the medical care of adults is now being threatened by family medicine and by fragmentation within internal medicine itself. Managed care organizations and the general public must be shown why internists are better able than family physicians to meet the health care needs of adults. Furthermore, as the marketplace becomes more competitive, the issue of when care given by a subspecialist is superior to that given by an internist has become more prominent. The rapidly developing "hospitalist" movement also threatens the traditional role of the internist as the caregiver for adults in health and disease. Given the historic flexibility of internal medicine and the assumption that appropriate roles can be defined for family physicians, subspecialists, and hospitalists, internists will continue to play a central role in providing the best care for adults in the new world of health care delivery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Latex sensitization is a well-documented occurrence in children with myelodysplastic and urologic anomalies. The incidence of latex allergy in general pediatric surgical patients, however, has not been previously addressed. The purpose of this study was to examine the risk of perioperative latex reactions in a general pediatric surgical practice over a 1-year period. METHODS: This study examined the occurrence of latex sensitization using two methods. First, the preoperative anesthesia records of patients that have undergone surgery from October 1995 through September 1996 at Mott Children's Hospital were reviewed retrospectively. Second, all patients who had intraoperative anaphylaxis attributable to latex sensitization, including those from three additional hospitals, were evaluated. RESULTS: During a 12-month period, 1,523 pediatric general surgical operations were performed at the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. Of these, only 11 operations on five patients were performed under latex precautions. All of these patients had a preoperative diagnosis of latex sensitivity. During the same period, intraoperative anaphylactic reactions caused by latex allergy occurred in two of the general surgical patients (0.13%) at the C.S. Mott Hospital. Four additional cases are also reported from other study hospitals. None of these patients were suspected, based on current screening methods, of having a latex allergy before their surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Latex allergy is a potentially life-threatening condition in the pediatric general surgical population. Further study is needed to develop criteria to preoperatively identify patients at risk for latex sensitization.  相似文献   

In an effort to avert the cumulative effects of unresolved emotional problems on children's social and school adjustment, a psychosocial phase was added to a pediatric multiphasic examination. Based upon a cumulative stress concept, the screening procedures included child behavior and family stress questionnaires for parents, and abbreviated standard psychological tests for children, administered by specially trained aides. Computerized results were reported to the child's pediatrician. Follow-up by mental health counselors attached to the pediatric clinic was provided for patients identified as being at high risk of serious psychosocial problems. Evidence of validity of the screen, factors affecting the scores, and effectiveness of clinical follow-up of high-risk patients are discussed. Valid semicomputerized screening of school-age children for serious psychosocial problems can be carried out routinely and at relatively low cost by paraprofessional personnel in a pediatric setting. Impediments to effective use of the screening results on the part of both health care provider and patient are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present paper, common disorders of the oral cavity and oropharynx are described with special emphasis on differential diagnostic aspects. The first part of this presentation covers different inflammatory diseases, mainly focusing on complications like peritonsillar, para- and retropharyngeal abscesses, and Ludwig's angina. These clinical entities can lead to further life-threatening complications, including deep neck infections and mediastinitis. The diagnostic value and necessity of modern imaging in these cases are emphasized. In the second part, the author reports on the incidence, etiology and clinical course of tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx with special regard to malignancies. Tumors in these areas have been increasing in number over the past decades mainly due to changes in alcohol and nicotine consumption in the developed countries. Diagnostic management includes a thorough clinical evaluation as well as modern imaging for tumor delineation and possible bone infiltration, depending on the site of the original tumor. In addition, therapeutic considerations are discussed, focusing on surgical tumor removal and soft tissue replacement using different pedicled flaps and free flaps. It is also emphasized that postoperative radiotherapy is mandatory in most malignant tumors in this area.  相似文献   

HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 52-year-old woman had for 31 years been experiencing occasional episodes of dizziness and syncope, as well as sudden attacks of "shaking" in the chest associated with cramp-like pain, nausea and weak spells, each lasting for up to 45 min. She had since childhood been suffering from atopy, with bronchial asthma and polyvalent allergies. On examination, which was otherwise unremarkable, her blood pressure was 140/100 mm Hg with a sinus tachycardia of 110/min. She was admitted for implantation of an event recorder to establish the etiology of the described symptoms. INVESTIGATIONS: The results of routine laboratory tests, including those of thyroid function, were within normal limits. The ECG showed sinus rhythm and minor left precordinal abnormalities of repolarization. The echocardiogram was normal and coronary angiography excluded coronary heart disease. TREATMENT AND COURSE: 3 weeks after ambulatory implantation of an event recorder (Reveal, Medtronic) she again had an attack. The recorded ECG indicated a supraventricular tachycardia (190/min), preceded by an atrial extrasystole, lasting 3 min 14 s. She was treated with digitalis and verapamil, her asthma contraindicating solatol. She had refused further invasive diagnostic measures. The appearance of an allergic rash required a change of drugs to propafenon. But as this, too, was poorly tolerated, electrophysiological testing was undertaken. It revealed an AV nodal reentry tachycardia which was treated with local ablation: supraventricular extrasystoles continued to occur frequently, but there were no further episodes of reentry tachycardia. CONCLUSION: In patients with recurrent syncopes, but otherwise unremarkable clinical findings, an implantable event recorder may provide important diagnostic information, especially relating to a possible arrhythmogenic cause.  相似文献   

Cutaneous manifestations occur in a significant number of patients with Wegener's granulomatosis (WG); however, the presentation and histopathology of these lesions are highly variable and may present problems in diagnosis. We report the presentation of a single large skin lesion in a pediatric patient with a history of WG and the characterization of this lesion by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathology. MRI was helpful in delineating the extent of the lesion, although a skin biopsy was necessary to confirm the diagnosis of the vasculitic nature of the lesion.  相似文献   

In this report we describe two cases of fetal midline intracranial cyst presenting with ventriculomegaly at routine detailed second-trimester scan. In the first case, additional findings included a banana-shaped hypoplastic cerebellum and macrocephaly; autopsy after termination of the pregnancy revealed a glioependymal cyst. In the second case, subsequent follow-up examination revealed a progressive increase in cyst size and worsening of ventriculomegaly; termination of pregnancy was performed at 24 weeks and autopsy confirmed an arachnoid cyst. These cases document interhemispheric cyst as a cause for early ventriculomegaly in utero.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined the hypothesis that adenosine could provoke a vasovagal response in susceptible patients. Mechanisms of the vasovagal response were further explored by studying the adenosine-mediated reactions. BACKGROUND: Increased sympathetic activity is frequently observed before vasovagal syncope. Recent studies have demonstrated that adenosine, in addition to its direct bradycardiac and vasodilatory effects, can increase sympathetic discharge by activating cardiovascular afferent nerves. METHODS: The effects of adenosine and head-up tilt-table testing with or without isoproterenol were prospectively evaluated in 85 patients examined for syncope after negative results of electrophysiologic testing (51 men and 34 women, mean [+/- SD] age 61 +/- 17 years). Adenosine bolus injections of 6 mg and 12 mg were sequentially administered to patients in the upright position. The same protocol was implemented in 14 normal control subjects (7 men and 7 women, mean [+/- SD] age 38 +/- 10 years). RESULTS: Transient hypertension or tachycardia was observed in 57 (67%) and 20 (24%) patients after administration of 6 mg and 12 mg of adenosine, respectively, during the immediate phase (first 15 s), suggesting direct sympathetic activation. Hypotension and reflex tachycardia were observed in all patients during the delayed phase (15 to 60 s after adenosine injection), suggesting baroreceptor unloading. A vasovagal response was induced in 22 (26%) and 29 (34%) patients after adenosine administration and during tilt-table testing. Inducibility of a vasovagal response by these two methods was comparable (p = 0.12). Of the control subjects, one (7%) had a vasovagal response after adenosine administration and one (7%) had a positive response during tilt-table testing. CONCLUSIONS: These observations support the idea that adenosine is an endogenous modulator of the cardiac excitatory afferent nerves. Sympathetic activation by adenosine can be direct (i.e., cardiac excitatory afferent nerves) and indirect (i.e., vasodilation and reflex sympathetic activation). Adenosine could be an important modulator in triggering a vasovagal response in susceptible patients during examination for syncope.  相似文献   

A combined analysis of two polymorphic enzymes, glutathione S-transferase mu (GST M1) and q (GST T1) and their implication as cancer risk factors was performed in a case-control study of lung and bladder cancers. Using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method, the frequency of the homozygous deleted GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes was examined in 117 lung cancer patients, 67 urinary bladder cancer patients, and in a community-based sample of 248 healthy, unrelated individuals. In both cancer groups the frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype was higher in comparison with that of the control group (59% and 59.7% vs. 49.6%), but this increase did not reach statistical significance (p > 0.05). After grouping by the smoking status, among smokers in both cancer groups (62.1% in lung cancer and 71.4% in the bladder cancer group, respectively) there were statistically significantly (p < 0.05) increased frequencies of the GSTM1 deletion genotype as compared to the control group (49.6%). Smokers with absence of the GSTM1 gene were at an approximately 1.7-fold higher risk for lung cancer (odds ratio--OR = 1.67, 95% confidence interval--CI 95% = 1.0-2.7, p = 0.04) and an approximately 2.5-fold higher risk for bladder cancer (OR = 2.54, CI 95% = 1.2-5.5, p = 0.02). As related to GSTT1, our study demonstrated an overall GSTT1 effect on bladder cancer risk. Individuals with absence of the GSTT1 gene were at an approximately 2.5-fold higher risk of developing bladder cancer. In the lung cancer cases, the frequency of the putatively high risk GSTT1 null genotype was not increased as compared with controls. No effect of smoking was found on risk of lung and bladder cancer associated with the GSTT1 0/0 genotype. In combined analysis, the obtained results suggested that individuals who were both GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null may be at increased risk because they lack both enzymes. The findings suggest that the GSTM1 null genotype may be associated with susceptibility to lung and urinary bladder cancer in dependence on the exposure to carcinogens in cigarette smoke and that the GSTT1 null genotype is not a critical factor in mediating the risk of lung cancer, but may be associated with an increased susceptibility to bladder cancer.  相似文献   

To investigate the precision achieved by human measurement on a digitizing board, 100 healthy volunteers (46 women, mean age 36 +/- 12 years) were asked to measure 15 times on artificial pattern composed of 15 points. A high precision digitizing board (programmed to the technical accuracy of +/- 50 microns) was used, and mean and maximum errors in measuring the same distance repeatedly and relocalizing the same point repeatedly were obtained for each volunteer. A median mean and maximum error of 0.2 mm and 1.0 mm were found for repeated distance measurement. When simulating QT dispersion measurement (measuring the same distance 12 times), median value of 20 ms was obtained for ECGs of 25 mm/s paper speed. The study concludes that human precision of operating a digitizing board is rather poor. A recommendation is given to use either a computer screen for manual measurement of ECGs or to provide an operator of the digitizing board with an immediate feedback of the precision and measurement stability achieved so that erroneous measurement can be actively rejected.  相似文献   

We report a cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization study of a family in which a female child showed all the main characteristics of Angelman syndrome. Her karyotype revealed a translocation between chromosomes 5 and 15 with a partial deletion from 15pter to the Angelman region. Several members of her family appeared to be carriers of the same translocation, but showed no symptoms. The karyotypes showed a marker chromosome, that was not present in the female with Angelman syndrome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that the marker chromosome corresponded to material from chromosome 15. The present study is in agreement with the suggestion that genomic imprinting is one of the mechanisms involved in Angelman syndrome.  相似文献   

Transillumination (TI) is a safe and reliable technique for evaluating masses or the presence of free air in the thorax or abdomen. TI can also be of help in the accurate placement of catheters or needles in the chest, abdomen, bladder, or vessels. Its use in several hundred cases has been documented by this report.  相似文献   

We report a child with clinical findings consistent with Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (spinal muscular atrophy type I) who was found not to have the homozygous absence of the survival motor neurone (SMN(T)) gene observed in approximately 95% of spinal muscular atrophy patients. A quantitative PCR based dosage assay for SMN(T) copy number showed that this patient possessed a single copy of the SMN(T) gene. Heteroduplex and sequence analysis of the remaining copy of SMN(T) showed a 2 base pair deletion within exon 4 which produces a frameshift and premature termination of the deduced SMN(T) protein. This protocol of initial SMN(T) gene dosage analysis followed by mutation detection allows identification of SMA compound heterozygotes (patients lacking one copy of SMN(T) and having another mutation in their other copy), thereby increasing the sensitivity of SMA molecular diagnosis.  相似文献   

This article reviews the basic physiology of the reflexogenic areas of the heart and the mechano- and baroreceptors that regulate cardiovascular and autonomic homeostasis, all of which contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of neurally mediated syncope. The mechanisms of neurally mediated syncope may involve excessive activation of ventricular receptors that trigger severe hypotension and bradycardia. Thus, neurally mediated syncope may be the clinical expression of the Bezold-Jarisch reflex, which occurs in situations of increased sympathetic activity, perhaps as a result of heightened cardiac receptor sensitivity. The arterial baroreceptors exert a ubiquitous influence on the heart and circulation, and serve primarily to buffer transient changes in arterial pressure by transmitting sensory information regarding their stretch to the central nervous system. This information, in conjunction with cardiac receptor input, elicits alterations in neural efferent output from sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers to provide subtle, continuous regulation of beat-to-beat cardiovascular hemodynamics to an array of physiologic and psychological stressors.  相似文献   

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