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浅谈矿区土地复垦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

针对我国国土资源和耕地资源人均数量少,被破坏的土地复垦率仅占2%左右的国情,文章以平顶山市郊区土地复垦为例,阐明了目前土地复垦研究概况及被破坏土地资源分类系统的编制方法及分类命名法;并以《河南省待复垦土地现状调查技术要点》为指导,进行了土地复垦的调查和现状图编绘研究。最后论述了平顶山市郊区土地复垦的研究方法及特点。  相似文献   

煤矿区土地复垦工程的理论和方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据近年来土地复垦领域的研究成果,结合我国矿区土地复垦实践的经验和特点,对矿区土地复垦工程的概念、研究对象、研究内容及研究方法等作了较为系统的论述。最后对新技术在矿区土地复垦工程中的应用作了介绍。  相似文献   

加拿大是个矿业大国,对于矿业开发结束后的矿山土地复垦十分重视,同时也有一套较为成熟的管理制度,矿区土地复垦与生态恢复贯穿于矿业活动的每一个环节。一、加拿大矿山环境管理体制与法规制度  相似文献   

焦作矿区塌陷土地复垦与可持续利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦作矿区的煤炭开采已逾百年历史,由于地下开采引起的地表塌陷坑遍布矿区,煤矸石堆积如山,它们占用和破坏了大量土地,造成矿区生态环境恶化,水土流失加剧,严重影响了矿区国民经济发展和社会稳定。如何科学开展煤矿区域塌陷土地的综合整治利用,已经成为矿区可持续发展战略研究的一个重要问题。文章在分析焦作矿区采煤塌陷土地特征的基础上,以国土资源部重点项目——焦作市中站土地开发整理复垦项目为例,提出了焦作矿区塌陷土地复垦模式与可持续利用的战略对策。  相似文献   

我国矿产资源丰富,但小型矿山多,资源分散,矿山服务年限短,矿山土地复垦难度大。矿山的土地复垦现状明显滞后于我国矿山的发展现状,且明显落后于西方发达国家,逐渐成为制约我国矿山开发环境治理的主要因素。在这种形势下,我国政府必须加强立法,完善土地复垦政策,借鉴先进的矿山土地复垦管理经验,实现我国矿山环境治理和土地复垦常态化。  相似文献   

巴音陶亥乡沿黄河两岸有1万多亩上世纪70年代因排水不畅而被盐碱渍化废弃耕地,一期工程土地复垦1,000亩,工程采取暗管排碱技术,排碱效果甚佳,千亩土地复垦工程成功,为今后盐碱地成功复垦提供了技术和经验.  相似文献   

矿区土地复垦与生态重建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着矿产资源大量开采导致的土地资源破坏、景观破碎化和生态系统退化等生态问题日益突出,矿山土地复垦和生态重建越来越受到专家学者和政府部门的重视。运用文献资料法、归纳分析法和比较分析法,探讨土地复垦与生态重建的关系,总结国内外土地复垦与生态重建的发展,分析土地复垦与生态重建的土壤重构、地貌重塑、植被重建、景观再造、生物多样性重现和生态功能维持等关键技术;借鉴国外发达国家土地复垦与生态重建的经验,提出强化土地复垦与生态重建的关键技术研发、加强土地复垦与生态重建的学科发展、打造土地复垦与生态重建的技术创新平台、加强土地复垦与生态重建的配套政策制定等相关措施,以期促进矿区的社会经济和生态协调发展。  相似文献   

陈建文 《西部资源》2019,(3):179-180
当今我国的经济飞速发展,使得对土地资源的需求日益增大,同时面临这很多的困境。很多地方的土地利用不够科学,存在很多荒废土地的问题。目前,在土地复垦和开发整理等方面急需进行科学管理,改变目前的现状,需要详细研究土地管理措施。本文基于土地复垦以及土地开发整理中的问题进行分析,以加强土地管理水平,提高土地利用效率。  相似文献   

文章结合在尉氏县的实际工作,阐述了土地整理、复垦、开发的涵义、原则、目标和潜力;分析、制定了尉氏县土地整理、复垦、开发规划方案  相似文献   

公众参与湿地的保护管理是公民自身权利义务的体现,同时也是湿地可持续发展的不竭动力,公众参与对于湿地环境可持续发展而言,意义重大。然而,在我国,公众参与湿地保护管理还存在参与机制不健全,参与缺少法律法规的保障,参与意识不高,形式单一等问题。在论述公众及公众参与的内涵、公众参与湿地保护管理的意义、现状、问题的基础上,提出了推动公众参与湿地保护管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

作为一种新的旨在刺激举办地经济发展的、具有潜在高风险的公共政策,奥运会、世博会等重大事件有广泛的公众参与要求.而事实上公众很少能参与重大事件的决策过程。本文从参与领域、途径和保障等角度.对国外重大事件公众参与的实践进行了分析,并得出最终结论:在重大事件管理的全过程(研究-申办-筹办-举办-事后管理).公众都能以不同形式参与进来;而且,只要是事件管理者主动吸收公众参与.他们大都倾向于使用较高级的参与形式。另外,对国外相关事件的公众参与经验进行归纳总结.也能给北京奥运会、上海世博会的组织者带来有益的启示。  相似文献   

This paper tracks the changing role of public participation in planning thought. In doing so, the paper shows that the role of public participation in planning is largely determined by the nature of the planning enterprise being undertaken. The definition of the planning problem, the kinds of knowledge used in planning practice, and the conceptualisation of the planning and decision-making context are the important determinants of the extent of participation offered to the public. The paper therefore contributes to thinking about how to evaluate public participation by showing that it can only be understood in terms of the decision-making context in which it is embedded. Specifically, it makes little sense to evaluate public participation in terms that are not shared by the planning model itself  相似文献   

Landscape values are a type of place value and are identified and mapped using public participation GIS (PPGIS). PPGIS engages nonexperts to identify important spatial information for environmental or natural resource planning. In 1998, we used PPGIS to identify landscape values for the Chugach National Forest (Alaska) plan revision process. In 2012, we conducted a longitudinal study of the same national forest using Internet PPGIS to identify changes in landscape values. The empirical results indicate stability in landscape values both in importance and spatial distribution. However, the use of different PPGIS methods (paper map vs. Internet) in the longitudinal study also introduced challenges in interpreting and explaining the spatial results. We discuss trade-offs in conducting longitudinal PPGIS research using mixed methods. PPGIS appears well suited for public lands planning, and national forest planning in particular, but barriers to use, such as regulatory approval, remain formidable.  相似文献   

通过构建最优控制模型及实证调查的方法,分析洪湖湿地恢复过程的公众参与与政府政策的可取之处及亟需进一步解决的问题。系统地探讨了洪湖湿地永续发展的管理模式并为其他地区的湿地管理提出建议。通过理论构建和实证调查提出以公众参与为主、政府政策为辅的环境管理模式,阐述了以公众参与为主、政府政策为辅的环境政策的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

海外土地利用规划中的公众参与及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公众参与是国际上土地利用规划的一个基本原则,公众参与不仅平衡了公众利益与土地产权主体权益的关系,而且为规划的实施打下了良好的基础.从公众参与的地位与作用、公众参与的制度化建设、公众参与的行为与积极性等方面对海外土地利用规划中的公众参与进行了分析总结,并结合我国的土地利用规划要求,提出要从调动公众参与积极性、加强制度化建设、改进公众参与方式方法等方面推进土地利用规划的公众参与,从而提高我国编制规划方案的质量.  相似文献   

Use of public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) studies that collect local knowledge in a spatial format is increasing as a tool in natural resources management. Qualitative PPGIS studies have been conducted as individual interviews, as workshops, and in focus groups. As the number of qualitative PPGIS studies increases, so does the need to understand their quality. Saturation, the point when the researcher determines that the collection of additional data will provide minimal new information as it relates to a particular issue, directly reflects on the validity of the study. While the concept of saturation is well established, it is still inconsistently assessed and reported. Furthermore, how saturation applies to qualitatively collected spatial data has not been addressed. A method is presented to assess spatial saturation of qualitative PPGIS data from 19 focus groups that were conducted to investigate important places for recreation, livelihoods, and the environment in the Florida Panhandle.  相似文献   

湿地保护是公众参与性很强的一项工作,湿地保护要以公众自觉积极参与作为重要突破口。选取三江平原最具科研历史和生态保护意识的洪河农场为调查对象,对不同参与主体(学生、居民、外来务工人员、媒体、中国科学院三江平原沼泽试验站和洪河国家级自然保护区领导)的湿地保护参与意识进行调查,了解不同参与主体对湿地的认知程度及其参与湿地保护的主动性和积极性,分析存在的问题,最后从生态学、社会经济学的角度提出促进人与湿地和谐共处,实现生态可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化遥感监测及时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
及时准确掌握区域土壤盐渍化信息对盐渍土治理和土地利用可持续发展有着重要意义。以阿拉尔垦区Landsat 7 ETM+/8 OLI影像为数据源,采用盐分指数(Salinity index,SI)和归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)构建遥感盐分监测指数(Salinization detection index,SDI)模型,对阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化进行反演,分析近10 a垦区土壤盐渍化空间分布特征。结果表明:SDI模型与土壤实测电导率拟合度R2=0.7579,该模型可反演阿拉尔垦区土壤盐量;2011—2021年非盐渍土和轻度盐渍土面积分别增加318.22 km2和0.80 km2,中度、重度土壤盐渍化面积减少229.87 km2,盐土面积增加68.61 km2;阿拉尔垦区北部和南部地区的土壤盐渍化程度得到明显转好,中部和东部地区土壤盐渍化程度加重,垦区土壤盐渍化总体得到较好改善。SDI模型能较好反演阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化时空特征,可为阿拉尔垦区经济与社会发展提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

Public participation is an important way to improve the overall effect and social recognition of rural environmental governance in water source areas. Public participation makes environmental governance measures more targeted and effective, contributes to protecting the basic environmental rights of the public, and makes it easier to meet the livelihood needs of rural people. Public participation in rural environmental governance in water source areas is characterized by complex behavior and is dependent on public willingness to participate. Amongst other factors, it is subject to the combined influences of both internal (psychological cognition) and external (environmental regulation) conditions. This paper builds a theoretical framework for understanding public participation behavior in rural environmental governance, and uses it to analyze a case in the rural area surrounding the Xiqin Water Works in Fujian Province. In the case study, the public shows high willingness to participate, but low actual rates of participation. At the same time, the willingness of villagers to pay for the control of pollution from livestock and poultry breeding varies greatly from village to village, and there are also noticeable individual differences in public participation in the use of public collection points for rural household waste. We found that gender, understandings of environmental protection and perception of environmental regulation, play a key role in influencing the willingness of farmers to pay for the control of pollution from livestock and poultry breeding. Individual awareness of environmental protection, environmental protection facility conditions, and environmental service quality had a significant influence on public participation in the use of public collection points for rural household waste.  相似文献   

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