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一个海气耦合模式模拟的云辐射过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪方  丁一汇  徐影 《气象学报》2005,63(5):716-727
利用NCC/IAP T63海气耦合模式进行了20 a积分,详细分析了模式对云量及其辐射影响的模拟能力。结果表明,模式能够模拟出云量分布的基本特征,但同ISCCP卫星观测资料及ERA再分析资料相比还存在较大的差距,总体表现为模拟的云量偏小,尤其是海洋上部分地区出现了异常的低值区。通过对云量方案的改进,明显改善了两大洋东岸、夏半球副热带到中纬度海洋上空低云的模拟。但模式对热带印度洋到西太平洋地区云量的模拟仍然存在明显的偏差,这主要是由于模式对该地区强对流云模拟能力差,造成该地区高云模拟存在较大的误差。对辐射及其云辐射强迫的分析表明,模式对长波及其云辐射强迫的模拟要明显好于短波。短波辐射模拟的偏差主要是由于短波云辐射强迫模拟过小、耦合模式对积雪和海冰模拟较差、以及未考虑气溶胶的影响等原因共同引起的;而长波辐射模拟的差距主要是云量以及下垫面温度模拟不足造成的。相应于云量方案的改进,两大洋东岸、夏半球副热带到中纬度海洋上辐射(尤其是短波辐射)的模拟有了明显的改善,这也明显改进了这些地区的净辐射模拟。  相似文献   

海洋-大气耦合辐射传输模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文在已有的DISORT大气辐射传输模式基础上,耦合进一个海洋反射模式,在海洋反射模式部分,考虑了风生海表毛细波对海表双向反射的作用以及海洋中叶绿素、悬浮物、溶解有机物对海洋反射光谱的影响,同时,为应用方便,为此模式配套了完整的大气温、压、湿、微量气体、气溶胶及太阳地外谱数据集;此海洋反射模式和海洋-大气耦合辐射传输模式已与1995年9月5日黄海海面反射光谱的实测资料和飞行实验中的光谱仪测量数据进行了对比验证,模拟结果与实测数据基本上符合。  相似文献   

一维地气耦合模式及其在内蒙古草原的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文以内蒙草原大气边界层观测资料为基础,利用一个一维土壤—植被—大气模式对大气和地表进行耦合模拟。其中,地面过程采用NP89模式进行模拟,大气湍流参数化采用二阶闭合。运用观测与前人的研究成果对模拟结果的合理性进行验证,对比表明模式较好地解决了地表与大气的耦合,成功地对地表平坦的草原下垫面大气边界层进行模拟。分析表明,在半干旱内蒙草原草的生长季后期雨季8月,潜热通量占主导地位,最大可超过感热250 W/m2;在内蒙高原云的作用比较明显,影响不可忽略,模式对云的作用比较敏感。  相似文献   

一维地气耦合模式及其在内蒙草原的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以内蒙草原大气边界层观测资料为基础,利用一个一维土壤一植被一大气模式对大气和地表进行耦合模拟。其中,地面过程采用NP89模式进行模拟,大气湍流参数化采用二阶闭合。运用观测与前人的研究成果对模拟结果的合理性进行验证,对比表明模式较好地解决了地表与大气的耦合,成功地对地表平坦的草原下垫面大气边界层进行模拟。分析表明,在半干旱内蒙草原草的生长季后期雨季8月,潜热通量占主导地位,最大可超过感热250W/m2;在内蒙高原云的作用比较明显,影响不可忽略,模式对云的作用比较敏感。  相似文献   

紫外辐射传输模式计算与实际测量的比较   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用改进的离散坐标法紫外辐射传输模式,应用各种可测得的实际大气物理参数,模拟了1993年7月24日德国加尔米希-帕特科琛(Garmisch-Partenkirchen,47.47oN, 11.07oE)地面紫外辐射的全天分布,并与1993年秋天第三次欧洲紫外辐射光谱仪比对活动期间通过了严格绝对标定的奥地利英斯布鲁克(Innsbruck)大学的紫外光谱仪的实际观测资料进行了比较,进行了余弦响应订正后,计算与测量的绝对值差别很小,最大误差对地面UVB通量(280~320 nm)是0.07 W/m2(正午的通量为3.2 W/m2)。对UVA(320~400 nm)最大误差是2.6 W/m2(正午通量为54 W/m2)。计算与测量的平均偏差为5%~13%,这表明,地面紫外辐射水平也可以利用其他大气观测资料通过模式计算间接得到。  相似文献   

中国地区云对地气系统净辐射强迫的气候研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘艳  翁笃呜 《气象科学》2002,22(4):416-424
本文利用地球辐射平衡试验(ERBE)和国际卫星云气候计划(ISCCP)提供的地气系统行星反射率,长波射出辐射(OLR)和云量资料,计算出中国地区年、月总云量对地气系统净辐射的强迫,分别讨论了其与总云量及地气系统晴天净辐射的关系。结果表明:地气系统净辐射云强迫与总云量有较好的抛线物关系,各月净辐射云强迫与地气系统晴天净辐射的曲线相关也很明显,如以曲线上净辐射云强迫为零时的晴天净辐射值代表各月曲线位置,则该值随天文辐射作规律性季节变化。地气系统净辐射云强迫的地理分布与总云量及地气晴天净辐射分布有关,其在各地的年变化则主要由天文因素及雨季进行退决定。  相似文献   

利用中国气象科学研究院的三维对流云模式模拟了 1 998年发生在我国武汉地区的特大暴雨过程中的对流云。在模拟云的成熟阶段 ,模拟结果和地面最大降水量实况及热带测雨卫星TRMM (TropicalRainfallMeasureMission)的降水雷达PR(Pre cipitationRadar)的零度层高度和降水粒子达到的高度较接近。将该云物理模式的输出结果输入到Liu的三维辐射模式的输入场 ,模拟了以TRMM的微波成像仪TMI(TRMMMicrowaveImager)的扫描角为入射角 ,频率为 85 5GHz和 37 0GHz的星载微波辐射仪接受到的亮温 ,模拟的结果表明云中各微物理量的分布对上行微波辐射的影响较大。  相似文献   

青藏高原地气系统云辐射强迫的气候学特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
王可丽  钟强 《高原气象》1997,16(1):16-22
利用ERBE-S4和ISCCP-C2月平均资料着重分析了青藏高原这一特殊气候区域地气系统云辐射强拓的气候学特征,分析结果表明,冬,夏季云对气系统辐射强迫的场分布形势有明显的差异,对于地气系统长波辐射,冬季高原主体云强迫高值区,夏季云强迫空间变化平缓,高原主体平均云的温室效应春季最大,秋季最小,云使地气系统射出长波辐射年平均减少45.6W/m^2对于地气系统短波辐射,冬季高原地区云强迫相对高值区,夏  相似文献   

青藏高原云对地气系统净辐射强迫的气候研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地球辐射平衡试验(ERBE)和国际卫星云气候计划(ISCCP)提供的地气系统行星反射率、长波射出辐射(OLR)和云量资料,计算了青藏高原地区云对地气系统净辐射的强迫,并讨论其与总云量及地气系统晴天净辐射的关系。结果表明:高原各季净辐射云强迫与总云量有较好的非线性关系,其中以暖季更明显;各月净辐射云强迫与地气系统晴天净辐射的曲线相关很明显,各条曲线均存在一个与净辐射云强迫零值相对应的晴天净辐射值  相似文献   

海气耦合模式FGOALS_gl模拟的水汽和云辐射反馈过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)发展的快速耦合模式FGOALS_gl对低纬太平洋区域水汽温室效应(Ga)和云辐射强迫特征的模拟能力,讨论了模拟偏差的成因.结果表明,FGOALS_gl能合理再现Ga、云辐射强迫的气候态空间分布特征,但也存在明显的偏差.模式低估了冷...  相似文献   

Using NCC/IAP T63 coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM),two 20-yr integra- tions were processed,and their ability to simulate cloud and radiation was analysed in detail.The results show that the model can simulate the basic distribution of cloud cover,and however,obvious differences still exist compared with ISCCP satellite data and ERA reanalysis data.The simulated cloud cover is less in general,especially the abnormal low values in some regions of ocean.By improving the cloud cover scheme, simulated cloud cover in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic,summer hemisphere's oceans from subtropical to mid-latitude is considerably improved.But in the tropical Indian Ocean and West Pacific the cloud cover difference is still evident,mainly due to the deficiency of high cloud simulation in these regions resulting from deep cumulus convection.In terms of the analysis on radiation and cloud radiative forcing,we find that simulation on long wave radiation is better than short wave radiation.The simulation error of short wave radiation is caused mostly by the simulation difference in short wave radiative forcing,sea ice,and snow cover,and also by not involving aerosol's effect.The simulation error of long wave radiation is mainly resulting from deficiency in simulating cloud cover and underlying surface temperature.Corresponding to improvement of cloud cover,the simulated radiation (especially short wave radiation) in eastern oceans, summer hemisphere's oceans from subtropical to mid-latitude is remarkably improved.This also brings obvious improvement to net radiation in these regions.  相似文献   

影响地面紫外辐射的因素分析   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
通过作者改进的离散坐标法(DISORT)辐射传输模式和部分观测资料考察了臭氧总量及其垂直分布、二氧化硫、气溶胶及火山气溶胶、地表反照率、太阳天顶角对到达地面紫外辐射的影响,以及云与紫外辐射的相互作用,给出了一些最主要的结果。此外,还简要地介绍了国内外紫外辐射观测研究的一些进展,特别是欧盟委员会资助开展的“确定UV-B辐射观测网标准”的科学计划。  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of albedos are required in climate modeling. Accurate and simple schemes for radiative transfer within canopy are required for these estimates, but severe limitations exist. This paper developed a four-stream solar radiative transfer model and coupled it with a land surface process model. The radiative model uses a four-stream approximation method as in the atmosphere to obtain analytic solutions of the basic equation of canopy radiative transfer. As an analytical model, the four-stream radiative transfer model can be easily applied efficiently to improve the parameterization of land surface radiation in climate models. Our four-stream solar radiative transfer model is based on a two-stream short wave radiative transfer model. It can simulate short wave solar radiative transfer within canopy according to the relevant theory in the atmosphere. Each parameter of the basic radiative transfer equation of canopy has special geometry and optical characters of leaves or canopy. The upward or downward radiative fluxes are related to the diffuse phase function, the G-function, leaf reflectivity and transmission, leaf area index, and the solar angle of the incident beam. The four-stream simulation is compared with that of the two-stream model. The four-stream model is proved successful through its consistent modeling of canopy albedo at any solar incident angle. In order to compare and find differences between the results predicted by the four- and two-stream models, a number of numerical experiments are performed through examining the effects of different leaf area indices, leaf angle distributions, optical properties of leaves, and ground surface conditions on the canopy albedo. Parallel experiments show that the canopy albedos predicted by the two models differ significantly when the leaf angle distribution is spherical and vertical. The results also show that the difference is particularly great for different incident solar beams. One additional experiment is carried out to evaluate the simulations of the BATS land surface model coupled with the two- and four-stream radiative transfer models. Station observations in 1998 are used for comparison. The results indicate that the simulation of BATS coupled with the four-stream model is the best because the surface absorbed solar radiation from the four-stream model is the closest to the observation.  相似文献   

A new mesoscale air-sea coupled model (WRF- OMLM-Noh) was constructed based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and an improved Mellor-Yamada ocean mixed-layer model from Noh and Kim (OMLM-Noh). Through off-line tests and a simulation of a real typhoon, the authors compared the performance of the WRF-OMLM-Noh with another existing ocean mixed-layer coupled model (WRF-OMLM-Pollard). In the off-line tests with Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Program’s Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA-COARE) observational data, the results show that OMLM-Noh is better able to simulate sea surface temperature (SST) variational trends than OMLM -Pollard. Moreover, OMLM-Noh can sufficiently reproduce the diurnal cycle of SST. Regarding the typhoon case study, SST cooling due to wind-driven ocean mixing is underestimated in WRF-OMLM-Pollard, which artificially increases the intensity of the typhoon due to more simulated air-sea heat fluxes. Compared to the WRF- OMLM-Pollard, the performance of WRF-OMLM-Noh is superior in terms of both the spatial distribution and temporal variation of SST and air-sea heat fluxes.  相似文献   

大气辐射计算的吸收系数分布模式   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
石广玉 《大气科学》1998,22(4):659-676
全面论述了大气辐射计算中的吸收系数分布(#FKk#FS分布)模式,包括均匀路径的#FKk#FS分布模式以及非均匀路径的相关#FKk#FS分布模式。重点是利用吸收系数重排计算大气吸收气体分布函数和相关#FKk#FS分布函数的方法。某些结果系作者第一次公开发表。  相似文献   

A hybrid coupled ocean-tmosphere model is designed, which consists of a global AGCM and a simple anomaly ocean model in the tropical Pacific。 Retroactive experimental predictions in-itiated in each season from 1979 to 1994 are performed. Analyses indicate that: (1) The overall predictive capability of this model for SSTA over the central-eastern tropical Pacific can reach one year, and the error is not larger than 0.8?C. (2) The prediction skill depends greatly on the season when forecasts start. However, the phenomenon of SPB (spring prediction barrier) is not found in the model. (3) The ensemble forecast method can effectively improve prediction results. A new initialization scheme is discussed.  相似文献   

The mean climatology and the basic characteristics of the ENSO cycle simulated by a coupled model FGCM-1.0 are investigated in this study. Although with some common model biases as in other directly coupled models, FGCM-1.0 is capable of producing the interannual variability of the tropical Pacific, such as the ENSO phenomenon. The mechanism of the ENSO events in the coupled model can be explained by "delayed oscillator" and "recharge-discharge" hypotheses. Compared to the observations, the simulated ENSO events show larger amplitude with two distinctive types of phase-locking: one with its peak phaselocked to boreal winter and the other to boreal summer. These two types of events have a similar frequency of occurrence, but since the second type of event is seldom observed, it may be related to the biases of the coupled model. Analysis show that the heat content anomalies originate from the central south Pacific in the type of events peaking in boreal summer, which can be attributed to a different background climatology from the normal events. The mechanisms of their evolutions are also discussed.  相似文献   

That a model has sensitivity responses to parameter uncertainties is a key concept in implementing model parameter estimation using filtering theory and methodology.Depending on the nature of associated physics and characteristic variability of the fluid in a coupled system,the response time scales of a model to parameters can be different,from hourly to decadal.Unlike state estimation,where the update frequency is usually linked with observational frequency,the update frequency for parameter estimation must be associated with the time scale of the model sensitivity response to the parameter being estimated.Here,with a simple coupled model,the impact of model sensitivity response time scales on coupled model parameter estimation is studied.The model includes characteristic synoptic to decadal scales by coupling a long-term varying deep ocean with a slow-varying upper ocean forced by a chaotic atmosphere.Results show that,using the update frequency determined by the model sensitivity response time scale,both the reliability and quality of parameter estimation can be improved significantly,and thus the estimated parameters make the model more consistent with the observation.These simple model results provide a guideline for when real observations are used to optimize the parameters in a coupled general circulation model for improving climate analysis and prediction initialization.  相似文献   

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