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Over 40 nonhuman primate (NHP) species harbor species-specific simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs). Similarly, more than 20 species of nondomestic felids and African hyenids demonstrate seroreactivity against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antigens. While it has been challenging to study the biological implications of nonfatal infections in natural populations, epidemiologic and clinical studies performed thus far have only rarely detected increased morbidity or impaired fecundity/survival of naturally infected SIV- or FIV-seropositive versus -seronegative animals. Cross-species transmissions of these agents are rare in nature but have been used to develop experimental systems to evaluate mechanisms of pathogenicity and to develop animal models of HIV/AIDS. Given that felids and primates are substantially evolutionarily removed yet demonstrate the same pattern of apparently nonpathogenic lentiviral infections, comparison of the biological behaviors of these viruses can yield important implications for host-lentiviral adaptation which are relevant to human HIV/AIDS infection. This review therefore evaluates similarities in epidemiology, lentiviral genotyping, pathogenicity, host immune responses, and cross-species transmission of FIVs and factors associated with the establishment of lentiviral infections in new species. This comparison of consistent patterns in lentivirus biology will expose new directions for scientific inquiry for understanding the basis for virulence versus avirulence.  相似文献   

Lesions were examined at different levels of the central nervous system (CNS) in 64 sheep with natural maedi-visna (MV) meningoencephalitis. All animals showed lesions in more than one of the CNS locations examined; the lesions in the cranial regions were periventricular, while those in the spinal cord affected the white matter funicles. Lesions were found particularly in the cerebellar peduncles (non-suppurative meningoencephalitis), followed by the corpus callosum, hippocampus and thoracic spinal cord. Vascular, infiltrative and malacic histopathological patterns were recognized. One pattern predominated in each section examined, although mixed forms occurred. Vascular lesions occurred with similar frequency at all CNS levels, but infiltrative and malacic lesions predominated at rostral and caudal levels, respectively. Cells consistent with macrophages and shown immunohistochemically to be associated with MV virus were seen in malacic and infiltrative lesions, at the periphery of damaged areas.  相似文献   

The bone-hydroxylapatite interface has been examined directly in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The bone-hydroxylapatite interface was characterized by using several electron microscopy techniques, including bright and dark field imaging, electron diffraction, high-resolution imaging, and energy dispersive analysis in the scanning-transmission electron microscope (STEM EDS). Mechanical grinding followed by argon-ion milling produced interface regions of unstained and undecalcified rat bone and hydroxylapatite that were transparent to electrons. Thus the exact location of the interface could be established and the bone at the interface studied. Conventional and high-resolution imaging in the TEM demonstrated direct chemical bonding between bone and hydroxylapatite. The bone at the ceramic surface was the same as normal bone away from the interface.  相似文献   

Fifty Foley bladder catheters that had been indwelling for periods ranging from 3 to 83 days (mean 35 days) were examined for the presence of bacterial biofilm. Scanning electron microscopy on freeze-dried cross-sections and fixed, critical point-dried longitudinal sections revealed biofilm formation on the luminal surfaces of 44 of the catheters. Culture of urine samples and sonicates from catheters revealed that the prevalence of bacteriuria was less than that of catheter colonization. A wide range of nosocomial species were found colonizing the catheters,Escherichia coli being most often isolated. The bacterial composition of the biofilms ranged from single species to mixed communities containing up to four species. There was no relationship between the length of time that the catheter had been in situ and the extent of biofilm formation. The biofilms varied in thickness from 3 to 490 µm and were visible as layers of bacterial cells up to about 400 cells deep, embedded in a matrix.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopical changes were studied in 23 valvular homografts and six pig aortic heterografts, which had been inserted into patients for lengths of time varying from three days to 54 months. Prior to insertion, eleven of the homografts had been sterilised by beta-propriolactone and freeze-dried, the other twelve had been sterilised by gamma-radiation. The morphological changes in the freeze-dried group were characterised by moderate to severe structural changes including gross vacuolation, fibrinoid degeneration and calcification in the absence of any significant cellular events. It is concluded that the structural changes were due to physico-chemical degradation of the collagen due to improper preservation of the graft, prior to insertion. The morphological changes in the homografts treated with gamma-radiation were fewer and less severe in that there was less vacuolation of the matrix, less fibrinoid degeneration and no examples of calcification. Clear-cut examples of graft regeneration were never observed in either group, but the significance of minor cellular infiltrates in two of the gamma-irradiated grafts is discussed in terms of abortive regeneration. The heterografts showed moderate to intense cellularity, predominantly of macrophages. It is postulated that graft rejection phenomena are responsible for the graft failure in this group.  相似文献   

Malignant liver tumors of infancy are uncommon. In this report the histological and ultrastructural features of a congenital mixed hepatoblastoma in a female infant are described. The tumor was obtained by radical surgery at the eighth day of life. Histologically the mass was characterized by a mixture of variously differentiated hepatic tissue and mesenchymal tissue. The epithelial component is represented by liver cells of the embryonic and fetal type. Electron microscopical investigation revealed a changing organelle composition of the epithelial tumor cells showing a decreased number of cytoplasmic organelles in the cells of the embryonic type. At cellular junctions, however, these cells are connected by desmosome-like structures without lumina as well as empty canaliculi-developing structures of cholangiolar microvilli. At light microscopical level the former corresponded to pseudorosettes , the latter to so-called rosettes. Furthermore, in places sinus-like structures are encountered but in the absence of true sinusoidal channels with Disse's spaces. Some areas consisted of undifferentiated cells lacking cytoplasmic organelles and resembled a multipotential blastema. The ultrastructural findings suggest that hepatoblastoma may arise from an undifferentiated progenitor cell capable of various forms of differentiation.  相似文献   

In the present article, the detection and the development of a parasitic endocytobiont within host amoebae (Acanthamoeba sp.) recently isolated from the contact lens and the inflamed eye of a patient with keratitis is presented. An otherwise healthy 55-year-old female patient presented with keratitis in her inflamed left eye. She was a contact lens wearer and had no history of a corneal trauma. Acanthamoebae as well as other smaller free-living amoebae could be detected from the fluid of the contact lens storage cases by culture methods. A successful therapy could be provided consequently. Two of these Acanthamoeba strains showed intracellular aggregating organisms. Within 2 to 3 days, the host amoebae ruptured, and numerous microorganisms were released. We succeeded in detecting the mechanism of infection and intrusion of this organisms by using light and electron microscopy. Infection with this endocytobiont is a suitable model for studying the host–parasite relations while the parasites use their hosts as so-called Trojan horses (see Barker, Lambert, Brown, Infect Immun 61:3503–3510, 1992).  相似文献   

Projections to the basilar pontine nuclei (BPN) from a variety of hypothalamic nuclei were traced in the rat utilizing the anterograde transport of biotinylated dextran amine. Light microscopy revealed that the lateral hypothalamic area (LH), the posterior hypothalamic area (PH), and the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei (MMN and LMN) are the four major hypothalamic nuclei that give rise to labeled fibers and terminals reaching the rostral medial and dorsomedial BPN subdivisions. Hypothalamopontine fibers extended caudally through the pontine tegmentum dorsal to the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and then coursed ventrally from the main descending bundle toward the ipsilateral basilar pontine gray. Some hypothalamopontine fibers crossed the midline in the tegmental area just dorsal to the pontine gray to terminate in the contralateral BPN. Electron microscopy revealed that the ultrastructural features of synaptic boutons formed by axons arising in the LH, PH, MMN, and LMN are similar to one another. All labeled hypothalamopontine axon terminals contained round synaptic vesicles and formed asymmetric synaptic junctions with dendritic shafts as well as dendritic appendages, and occasionally with neuronal somata. Some labeled boutons formed the central axon terminal in a glomerular synaptic complex. In summary, the present findings indicate that the hypothalamus projects predominantly to the rostral medial and dorsomedial portions of the BPN which, in turn, provide input to the paraflocculus and vermis of the cerebellum. Since the hypothalamic projection zones in the BPN also receive cerebral cortical input, including limbic-related cortex, the hypothalamopontine system might serve to integrate autonomic or limbic-related functions with movement or somatic motor-related activity. Alternatively, since the cerebellum also receives direct input from the hypothalamus, the BPN may function to provide additional somatic and visceral inputs that are used by the cerebellum to perform the integrative function.  相似文献   

When the electron microscope was initially developed, pathologists thought that it would become the ultimate diagnostic tool for tumor diagnosis because the structure of subcellular organelles could be visualized. However, the role of diagnostic electron microscopy in tumor diagnosis diminished rapidly when it was noted that there were a finite number of diagnostic subcellular organelles and that immunohistochemistry could yield the answer to questions which related to tumor diagnosis more rapidly and cheaply. If diagnostic EM is to remain a viable entity, its future role in tumor diagnosis lies in exploiting the relevance of the correlation between structure and function of subcellular organelles. This correlation between structure and function of subcellular organelles is best accomplished in an environment in which the recent technologic advances in electronics are incorporated into the electron microscopy laboratory.  相似文献   

The primary immune response in the brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) to intramuscularly injected, chloroform-killed Aeromonas hydrophila reached an agglutination titer of 128 in 3 wk, and the response to the bacteria plus adjuvant reached a titer of 512 in 5 wk. Anti-Aeromonas hydrophila antibodies from brown bullheads were excluded from Sephadex G-200 and had an immunoelectrophoretic migration pattern toward the cathode. Cleavage of the macromolecule by 2-ME reduction and iodoacetamide alkylation yielded subunits that were resumptively heavy chains of about 50,500 daltons and light chains of about 22,500 daltons. Bullhead antibodies were assumed to be tetrameric in configuration and therefore to have an approximate molecular weight of 600,000 daltons assuming a J chain is present in both early (6 wk) and late (20 wk) immune sera. The agglutinating activity of the antibody was completely eliminated by exposure to 65 degrees C for 30 min. Immunoelectrophoresis showed a single antibody component that moved toward the cathode. The structure and molecular weight of bullhead antibodies appears similar to that observed in channel catfish and other closely related teleost fish.  相似文献   

In this article, the results of investigations concerning a parasitic endocytobiont within the host amoebae (Acanthamoeba sp.) are presented. The endocytobiont was recently isolated from the contact lens and the inflamed eye of a patient with keratitis. Light microscopy and electron microscopy were performed to provide morphological details: Light microscopy revealed the presence of ovoid microorganisms developing and proliferating within the cytoplasm of the amoebic trophozoites. Details of the unusual development of these endocytobionts within the amoebae could be studied and demonstrated by means of electron microscopy. Foldings and morphological reorganization of the microorganisms took place exclusively within the host cytoplasm. The intracellularly aggregating organisms led to the rupture of the Acanthamoeba trophozoites after proliferation. Numerous microorganisms were released, which were infectious and were subsequently ingested by hitherto uninfected acanthamoebic trophozoites. To evaluate the in vitro growth of the isolated endocytobionts (without their hosts), they were transferred to several different culture plates. There was no growth of these unique organisms on five different common cultural plates suitable for the growth of bacteria and fungi.  相似文献   

组织细胞性坏死性淋巴结炎的电镜和原位末端标记观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 从分子生物学角度,探讨组织性坏死性淋巴结炎的组织发生,提高认识,避免误诊。方法 对34例组织细胞性坏死性淋巴结炎标本行HE和原位末端标记TUNEL染色,光镜观察,其中4例做电镜检查。结果 显示多样的组织细胞主要为T淋巴细胞,以T淋巴细胞大量增生和凋亡为其特征。结论 必须抓住组织细胞性坏死性淋巴结炎的T细胞大量增生和凋亡的形态特征,才能确诊。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of three types of presumptive sensory receptors is described in the juvenile amphilinidAustramphilina elongata infecting the freshwater crayfishCherax destructor: a non-ciliate tegumental receptor, a ciliate tegumental receptor, and a non-ciliate receptor with two basal bodies. All receptors have electron-dense collars; they differ strongly from all receptors described in free larvae and young, developing juveniles of this species.  相似文献   

Methods for studying human neutrophils at the ultrastructural level by enzyme cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry are presented. The focus of these methods is on the analysis of the alkaline phosphatase-positive secretory organelle of these cells. These methods provide unique information which, when coupled with biochemical studies, provide for the most complete analysis of neutrophil structure and function.  相似文献   

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