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分析并总结了超宽带二维多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output, MIMO)面阵拓扑结构设计的两条原则——等效孔径的均匀性与无明显遮蔽性, 并根据这两条原则提出了一种用于超宽带近距离高分辨率成像的新型面阵拓扑结构.与尺寸、阵元数相同的MIMO面阵相比, 该新型面阵结构在仿真获取的方向图中具有更好的聚焦效果和旁瓣抑制能力.并且, 不同距离下的聚焦结果显示, 该面阵的峰值旁瓣水平均要低于另两个阵列2 dB以上.对复杂目标成像的实验结果进一步证明了该阵列良好的成像性能.结合其等效阵元数量较少的特点, 文中提出的这种新型MIMO面阵拓扑结构为高效、实时的超宽带近距离高分辨率成像应用提供了可能.  相似文献   

In this literature, a compact planar triple-band multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna with two monopole elements is presented. Each element includes a defective complementary open-loop resonator (COLR), two slots on both sides of the feedline, two stepped stubs and a monopole ground plane. This structure operates in the frequency bands of 2.22–2.54 GHz, 3.14–3.9 GHz and 5.3–5.7 GHz for WiFi, WiMAX and WLAN applications, respectively. The antenna is not based on a common ground plane, so antenna is low cost and compact. High measured isolation is achieved which is better than 34 dB in all operating bands without using additional decoupling structure. An equivalent circuit model is proposed to investigate the behaviour of the antenna. The envelope correlation coefficient of antenna is less than 0.001 and diversity gain is about 10. The proposed MIMO antenna is fabricated and there is a good agreement between the experimental measurements with the simulation results.  相似文献   

使用一个基于统计信息的CSIT模型:动态CSIT模型(dynamic CSIT model).首先根据最小化平均误码率Pe的设计准则,建立凸优化问题,通过变量代换,使用标准的凸优化算法推导出最优的线性预编码器.在此基础上,提出一种正交STBC和线性预编码相结合的传输方案.仿真结果显示,该方案可获得良好的性能增益和强健的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Polarimetric radar systems allow the flexibility of transmitting arbitrarily polarized waveforms that match the scattering profiles of the target. Since different types of targets have varying profiles, the advantages of a polarimetric radar system can fully be exploited only when the type of target is accurately estimated. However, accurate estimation requires a significant amount of training data, which can be expensive. We propose a polarimetric design scheme for distributed multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar target detection. We formulate the selection of transmit polarizations using a game theoretic framework by examining the impact of all possible transmit schemes on the detection performance with different available target profiles (see also Gogineni and Nehorai, 2011 [1]). This approach does not require training data, and we show a significant performance improvement due to the polarimetric design. Other radar design problems can also be solved using this game theoretic approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, a dual‐polarized multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna system suitable for indoor wireless access point is proposed. The presented MIMO antenna system consists of two coplanar‐waveguide‐fed monopole antennas with orthogonally polarized modes. According to the closely spaced structure of the MIMO antenna system, the mutual coupling between the ports is a big challenge. Therefore, a new structure of parasitic element is introduced in order to improve the mutual coupling between the ports. For the purpose of validating the simulated results, the antenna prototype has been fabricated and measured; the comparison of the results shows that there is an acceptable agreement between the measurement and simulation results. The proposed design covers the frequency bands of WiFi (2.4 GHz), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (2.3 and 2.5 GHz), and Long‐Term Evolution (LTE; 1.5 and 2.6 GHz) applications with a reflection coefficient less than −10 dB and a mutual coupling coefficient better than −15 dB. The MIMO antenna system provides an envelope correlation coefficient less than 0.15, polarization diversity gain more than 9.985 dB, and quasi‐omnidirectional pattern within the expected frequency band. In addition, LTE downlink throughput measurements show that the proposed antenna system delivers data rates close to the theoretical maximum for quadrature phase shift keying, 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and 64‐QAM modulations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a joint precoding and power allocation strategy to maximize the sum rate of multiuser multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) relay networks. A two‐hop relay link working on amplify‐and‐forward (AF) mode is considered. Precoding and power allocation are designed jointly at the base station (BS). It is assumed that there are no direct links between the BS and users. Under individual power constraints at the BS and relay station, precoders designed based on zero forcing, minimum mean‐square error and maximum ratio transmission are derived, respectively. Optimal power allocation strategies for these precoders are given separately. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed strategies, we simulate the uncoded bit error rate performance of the underlined system. We also show the difference of the sum rate of the system with the optimal power allocation strategies and with average power transmission. The simulation results show the advantages of the proposed joint precoding and power allocation strategies as expected. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对目前多输入多输出(MIMO)系统功率分配中只考虑在奇异值分解(SVD)前提下运用注水原理进行功率分配的缺点,采用满足一定性能的(QoS)服务质量,在奇异值分解和注水原理的基础上,根据是否满足服务质量来关闭某些子信道以节约发射功率和减少信道间的干扰,根据发射速率和发射功率的关系,将发射速率归一化到离散传输速率并在此基础上计算发射该速率所用的功率,将剩余功率按注水原理分配给各个子信道以提高信道性能。  相似文献   

介绍了MIMO OTA的基本原理以及辐射两步法(RTS)。辐射两步法:第一阶段,利用终端的上报功能,在暗室中测出待测件的辐射方向图;第二阶段,把在第一阶段中测到的方向图信息加载到信道仿真器中,模拟出包含了待测机天线特性的无线信道,基站仿真器输出的下行信号先与加载了待测件方向图信息的无线信道进行卷积,然后通过测量天线发射出来,进行接收机的性能测试。辐射两步法对于MIMO OTA的认证及研发测试均有重大意义。  相似文献   

提出了一种异步发射信号的MIMO系统模型:在V-BLAST系统各发射天线对应的数据流中人为添加时延,使得各发射天线的信号异步发射、异步到达接收机.基于该系统模型,提出了一种差分检测方法.解决了传统V-BLAST方法无法进行差分检测以及无法实现单天线检测的难题.仿真结果显示,该算法在不同的相对时延情况下的误码率性能不同.  相似文献   

针对多用户MIMO广播信道下预编码技术提出了发射端配置两根天线的改进T H预编码方案。该方法突破了传统TH预编码方案发射天线与接收天线数量的限制,并且得到 了很好的分集和复用增益。仿真结果表明,所提算法在容量上接近理论容量界,且当误码率 为10-2时,所提方案相比单天线THP有9 dB的增益。  相似文献   

Light emitting diode (LED) is one of the most important light sources in the 21st century and has broad prospects in the illumination.Currently,the white LED is used not only for illumination,but also ...  相似文献   

基于对线性多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的自适应盲源分离和盲均衡的研究,为了能够有效恢复输入信号,提出了一种在MIMO系统中引入抖动处理技术的修正抖动符号误差恒模算法.仿真结果表明,该算法可以在仅已知输入信号统计量的情况下跟踪信道变化,并且有效克服多个均衡器的输出可能锁定到相同的源信号问题,抑制ISI和MUI,恢复所有发射天线的发送信息.  相似文献   

Multiple‐input and multiple‐output detectors may rely on the complex and real signal models, yielding complex detectors for quadrature amplitude modulated signals and real detectors for pulse amplitude modulated signals, respectively. It is well‐known that the complex and real maximum likelihood detectors are equivalent. But relying on both the conventional real and pairwise real models, we show in this paper that some of the suboptimal real detectors are equivalent to their counterpart complex detectors, whereas some are not. The equivalence between the complex and pairwise real detectors also leads us to develop fast preprocessing algorithms for the real ordered successive interference cancelation and tree search detectors. Finally, we show that the preprocessing computations required by the equivalent suboptimal complex and pairwise real detectors are of the same complexity. When some practical preprocessing criteria are used, the real detectors may not detect the PAM signals in the pairwise manner. Such non‐pairwise real detectors outperform their counterpart complex detectors at the cost of higher preprocessing complexity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文提出一种多输入多输出(MIMO)天线系统中简单的扩展空时块编码(SSTBC)分集技术,采用沃尔什码来区分各天线发送数据子流。采用这种方法,在系统带宽一定时,不降低发送信息速率,同时接收机简单。不同天线的发送信息经过了所有收一发天线对之间的空间子信道,获得了所有路径的部分空间分集增益,仿真结果表明,这种增益的获得不受限于接收分集阶数,并且随发射天线的增加以一定的线性关系增加。  相似文献   

文中介绍了一种双目标数字预失真(DPD)方案,并进行了实验研究。不增加系统复杂度的情况下, 可以有效地扩展MIMO 系统的线性化波束宽度。在发射机附近增设一个发射低功率信号的线性辅助转动装置,该 架构实现了MIMO 系统主波束线性化。实验平台由发射机系统和一个辅助转动装置组成,发射机天线阵列为1×4。 输入信号采用两个20 MHz 带宽峰均比分别为5. 7 dB 和5. 6 dB 的正交频分复用(OFDM)信号。实验研究结果表明, 采用了辅助转动装置的双目标DPD 方法后,邻信道功率比(ACPR)达到-50 dBc 以下的主波束线性化宽度可以扩展 到22°,同时信号归一化均方误差(NMSE)平均数值为-40 dB。该方案有效地拓宽了MIMO 系统线性化波束宽度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and give the performance of a novel uplink system based on the combination of multi-carrier (MC), code division multiple access (CDMA) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) techniques. First, we describe the interests of spread-spectrum multi-carrier multiple access (SS-MC-MA) scheme for uplink, especially compared to MC-CDMA. Classically, with SS-MC-MA, each user spreads its data symbols on a specific subset of adjacent or multiplexed subcarriers, to facilitate the channel estimation and reduce complexity at the reception. In order to compensate for the lack of frequency diversity of SS-MC-MA with adjacent subcarriers, we first combine it with an orthogonal space-time block code (STBC) and demonstrate the resulting spatial diversity gain. Then, we propose to allocate the subsets to the different users by applying a frequency hopping pattern (FH). In that case, each user benefits from the frequency diversity linked to the total bandwidth as with the multiplexed subcarriers solution, while keeping the advantages of the adjacent subcarriers solution. The gain provided by the use of the frequency hopping is stressed on. Finally, the performance of this scheme is evaluated over realistic MIMO channel with channel turbo coding for systems offering asymptotic spectrum efficiency of 1, 2, 3 and 4.5 bit/s/Hz. Thus, the efficiency of the novel proposed STBC FH SS-MC-MA system as a very promising multiple access and modulation scheme for the uplink of the future wideband wireless networks is successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于MIMO室内可见光通信系统的优化帧同步方法。阐述了优化方法的同步原理,给出了系统同步方法设计和优化方案同步流程。实验仿真结果表明,基于MIMO的多通道优化同步方法在牺牲有限同步建立时间的情况下,能大幅度降低漏同步概率,显著提高系统同步效率。  相似文献   

Spatial correlation is a result of insufficient antenna spacing among multiple antenna elements, while temporal correlation is caused by Doppler spread. This paper compares the effect of spatial and temporal correlation in order to investigate the performance of multiuser scheduling algorithms in multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) broadcast channels. This comparison includes the effect on the ergodic capacity, on fairness among users, and on the sum‐rate capacity of a multiuser scheduling algorithm utilizing statistical channel state information in spatio‐temporally correlated MIMO broadcast channels. Numerical results demonstrate that temporal correlation is more meaningful than spatial correlation in view of the multiuser scheduling algorithm in MIMO broadcast channels. Indeed, the multiuser scheduling algorithm can reduce the effect of the Doppler spread if it exploits the information of temporal correlation appropriately. However, the effect of spatial correlation can be minimized if the antenna spacing is sufficient in rich scattering MIMO channels regardless of the multiuser scheduling algorithm used.  相似文献   

赵伟  赵永波  李慧  刘峥 《电子学报》2014,42(11):2331
正交波形是多输入多输出雷达应用最广泛的波形,评价波形正交性好坏的重要指标是波形的自相关和互相关性能。针对正交频分线性调频信号的自相关存在主副比低且加窗抑制旁瓣会带来主瓣展宽和失配损失的问题,本文提出了正交频分非线性调频信号的模型和设计方法。仿真分析证明了该种波形比正交线性调频信号具有更好的相关性能。  相似文献   

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