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Plant lectins are useful targets for biophysical studies of protein-carbohydrate recognition, a process of general interest because of its many roles in human physiology. Here, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based structural and carbohydrate binding data on a two-domain fragment of the normally four-domain barley lectin protein are presented. The structural data, while preliminary, clearly shows that the recombinantly produced simplified model system, called BLBC, retains a nativelike fold. However, unlike the full-length parent protein, which is dimeric, BLBC is shown by pulsed-field gradient NMR diffusion studies to be largely monomeric. Still, the fragment retains nativelike carbohydrate binding properties. These properties are examined in some detail using heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) NMR spectroscopy on a uniformly 15N-labeled sample. Ligand-induced chemical shift changes in the 1H-15N HSQC spectrum are monitored as 15N-labeled BLBC is titrated with increasing concentrations of the unlabeled carbohydrate, N,N',N"-triacetylchitotriose. Well-resolved resonances from the individual domains show that BLBC binds ligand at two distinct and independent ligand binding sites, one in each domain. Binding constants of (1.1 +/- 0.2) x 10(3) M-1 and (0.6 +/- 0.2) x 10(3) M-1 are determined for the B and C domain sites, respectively. These results are discussed in relation to ligand binding studies that have previously been carried out on a highly homologous protein, wheat germ agglutinin.  相似文献   

Two black yeast isolates from plants from the Canary Islands (Spain) are described and illustrated. Absence of Woronin bodies at simple septal pores, local coralloid terminal hyphal cells, indeterminate thallus maturation, the presence of budding cells and local conversion to meristematic growth all indicate a relationship to the Dothideaceae (Dothideales, Ascomycota). Morphological properties were consistent with the genus Hormonema Lagerberg & Melin, as defined by presence of percurrent conidiogenous loci alongside undifferentiated hyphae, and results of PCR-ribotyping supported this classification. The isolates were judged to belong to a hitherto undescribed species, characterized in particular by curved conidia soon developing transverse septa. The physiological profile of this species is also described.  相似文献   

Various DNA components which were extracted with gentle cell fractionation from the HeLa cells after 4 h vaccinia virus infection were detected by dot hybridization technique. The virus DNA mainly exist in intermediate filament-lamina-nuclear matrix complex. With DGD embedment free technique and electron microscopic autoradiography, the newly synthesized virus DNA is found to be associated with intermediate filaments. The results of southwestern hybridization demonstrate that vaccinia virus DNA has specific affinity to intermediate filaments and some nuclear matrix proteins.  相似文献   

The insulinotropic action of meglitinide was compared to that of its analogs S 3075, A-4166, KAD-1229 and repaglinide. None of these hypoglycemic agents significantly enhanced insulin output from rat pancreatic islets incubated for 90 min in the absence of exogenous nutrient. However, all these agents, when tested at a 10 microM concentration, augmented insulin release evoked by either 7 mM D-glucose or 10 microM succinic acid monomethyl ester (SAM). In this respect, meglitinide was a less efficient secretagogue than the other non-sulfonylurea hypoglycemic agents. Moreover, in the presence of 7 mM D-glucose, the lowest concentration of the drug required to cause a significant increase in insulin output decreased from about 1.0 microM for meglitinide to 0.1 microM with A-4166, KAD-1229 or repaglinide and even close to 10 nM in the case of S 3075. The concentration-response relationship thus yielded the following hierarchy, S 3075 > KAD-1229 = repaglinide > A-4166 > meglitinide, there being a difference of more than two orders of magnitude between the weakest and most potent agent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic inhalation of glues containing n-hexanes produces neurofilament (NF) accumulation which induces sensory-motor polyneuropathy. In vitro assays have shown this toxic substance causes intermediate filaments (IF) aggregation in non-neuronal cells. OBJECTIVE: To describe intermediate filament changes in human pathology due to n-hexanes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sural nerve and skin biopsy samples from 2 patients who suffered from a severe sensory-motor polyneuropathy after prolonged inhalation of glue containing n-hexane were examined with electron microscopy and vimentin and phosphorylated NF immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: Abnormal accumulations of NF and NF-immunoreactive products occurred in nerve fibers and increased numbers of fibrils were observed in endoneurial endothelial cells of the sural nerve. In addition, abnormal vimentin-immunoreactive deposition was seen in fibroblasts and capillaries of the skin. The present results suggest that high doses of n-hexane cause a diffuse IF disorder in a similar form as occurs in giant axonal neuropathy. CONCLUSION: IF aggregation can occur in non-neuronal cells in humans, as has been previously proved in in vitro experiments. The presence of IF accumulations in Schwann cells, as seen in the ultrastructural examination, together with the electrophysiological findings showing an early decrease of sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities, suggests the existence of a primary myelinic disorder associated with axonal damage.  相似文献   

The two major intermediate filament (IF) proteins from the esophagus epithelium of the snail Helix pomatia and the two major IF proteins from muscle tissue of the nematode Ascaris suum were investigated under a variety of assembly conditions. The lowest-order complexes from each of the four protostomic invertebrate (p-INV) IF proteins are parallel, unstaggered dimers involving two-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil formation of their approximately 350 amino acid residue central rod domain (i.e. long-rod). In the electron microscope these are readily recognized by their distinct approximately 56 nm long rod with two globular domains (i.e. representing the non-helical carboxy-terminal tail domain of the p-INV IF proteins) attached at one end, closely resembling vertebrate lamin dimers. The next-higher-order oligomers are tetramers, which are easily recognized by their two pairs of globular tail domains attached at either end of a approximately 72 nm long central rod portion. According to their size and shape, these tetramers are built from two dimers associated laterally in an antiparallel, approximately half-staggered fashion via the amino-terminal halves of their rod domains. This is similar to the NN-type tetramers found as the most abundant oligomer species in all types of vertebrate cytoplasmic IF proteins, which contain a approximately 310 amino acid residue central rod domain (i.e. short-rod). As a first step toward filament formation, the p-INV IF tetramers anneal longitudinally into protofilaments by antiparallel CC-type association of the carboxy-terminal halves of their dimer rods. The next step involves radial growth, occurring initially through lateral association of two four-chain protofilaments into octameric subfibrils, which then further associate into mature, full-width filaments. Head-to-tail polymers of dimers and paracrystalline fibers commonly observed with vertebrate lamins were only rarely seen with p-INV IF proteins. The globular domains residing at the carboxy-terminal end of p-INV IF dimers were studding the surface of the filaments at regular, approximately 24.5 nm intervals, thereby giving them a "beaded" appearance with an axial periodicity of about 24.5 nm, which is approximately 3 nm longer than the corresponding approximately 21.5 nm repeat pattern exhibited by short-rod vertebrate IFs.  相似文献   

The interaction between Leishmania parasites and Th1 cells is investigated using a simple mathematical model of immunological responses and parasite population growth within the host. The model generates patterns of resistance and susceptibility to infection that mirror observed trends in experimental infections of mice and of humans exposed to infection in areas of endemic transmission. The heterogeneity in outcome predicted by the model can arise either through differences in the values of the parameters that characterize the genetic background of the host or as a consequence of differences in the size of the infecting inoculum of the parasite. Detailed analyses of equilibrium states and of the time course of infection within a host suggest that a limitation in the availability of precursor T-cells, as a consequence of high levels of recruitment into the activated pool, may play a significant role in the progression of infection in susceptible hosts. A brief discussion is presented of the implications of model prediction for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The Intermediate Filament (IF) superfamily comprises several multigene families, of which the two keratin families are the largest. The keratin IF genes are expressed in epithelial tissues in differentiation-specific patterns and recently we reported the sequence and expression of a hair IF type II keratin gene (KRT2.9). Two related genes were present in the cosmid containing KRT2.9 and we have now sequenced one of them and found that it encodes a hair-like IF type II protein (KRT2.13). However, KRT2.13 is not expressed in the hair follicle. Interestingly there is significant sequence homology between introns 1, 5 and 6 of KRT2.13 and KRT2.9 to suggest gene conversion of these regions or possibly conservation of functional sequences.  相似文献   

To examine the potential of cytoplasmic portions ("tails") of desmosomal cadherins for assembly of desmosome plaque structures and anchorage of intermediate filaments (IFs), we transfected cultured human A-431 carcinoma cells, abundant in desmosomes and cytokeratin IFs, with constructs encoding chimeric proteins in which the transmembranous region of connexin 32 had been fused with tails of desmocollin (Dsc) or desmoglein (Dsg). The results show that the tail of the long splice form a of Dsc, but not its shorter splice form b, contains sufficient information to recruit desmoplakin and plakoglobin to connexon membrane paracrystals (gap junctions) and to form a novel kind of plaque at which cytokeratin IFs attach. By contrast, chimeras containing a Dsg tail, which accumulated in the plasma membrane, showed a dominant-negative effect: they not only were unable to form gap junction structures and plaques but also led to the disappearance of all endogenous desmosomes and the detachment of IFs from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Using antibodies and recombinant DNA techniques, we have identified plakophilin 2, a novel desmosomal plaque protein of M(r) 100,000 (estimated from SDS-PAGE), which is a member of the arm-repeat family of proteins and can occur in two splice forms (2a and 2b) because of the insertion of a 44 amino acid (aa)-encoding exon. In its aa sequence (837 and 881 aa, calculated pIs: 9.33 and 9.38, mol wts 92,750 and 97,410 kD), it is conspicuously related to the 80-kD plakophilin 1, with which it shares a central region of 9 repeats of the arm-motif, preceeded by a long head region and followed by a very short (11 aa) carboxy-terminal sequence. Plakophilin 2 and its mRNA have been detected in a wide range of tissues and cell types, including cells devoid of desmosomes. By light and electron microscopical immunolocalization, plakophilin 2 has been localized to plaques of desmosomes of one-layered ("simple") and complex epithelia, carcinomas, diverse epithelium-derived cell culture lines, as well as cardiac tissue and the dendritic reticulum cells of lymphatic germinal centers, i.e., desmosomes in which plakophilin 1 is not detected. However, plakophilin 2 has also been localized in the desmosomes of certain but not all stratified epithelia where it coexists with plakophilin 1. Remarkably, plakophilin 2 is also enriched in the karyoplasm of a wide range of cell types, including many that lack desmosomes and in which, therefore, the nuclear state is the only locally enriched form of plakophilin 2 present. We conclude that plakophilins 2a and 2b are basic nuclear proteins that in certain cell types additionally assemble with other proteins to form the desmosomal plaque and serve general nuclear functions as well as a function specific to many but not all desmosomes.  相似文献   

The cytoplasm of animal cells is structured by a scaffolding composed of actin microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments. Intermediate filaments, so named because their 10-nanometer diameter is intermediate between that of microfilaments (6 nanometers) and microtubules (23 nanometers), assemble into an anastomosed network within the cytoplasm. In combination with a recently identified class of cross-linking proteins that mediate interactions between intermediate filaments and the other cytoskeletal networks, evidence is reviewed here that intermediate filaments provide a flexible intracellular scaffolding whose function is to structure cytoplasm and to resist stresses externally applied to the cell. Mutations that weaken this structural framework increase the risk of cell rupture and cause a variety of human disorders.  相似文献   

The synovitis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of few pathological lesions in which B lymphocyte accumulation progresses to the extent of germinal centre formation. The present study was designed to assess the ability of synovial fibroblasts to express molecules implicated in B lymphocyte survival and differentiation, both in vivo, and in response to cytokines in vitro. Normal and diseased synovia were examined by indirect immunofluorescence. In all tissues synovial intimal fibroblasts showed co-expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF) comparable to that of follicular dendritic cells (FDC), but not complement receptor 2 (CR2). In rheumatoid synovia, subintimal cells showed variable expression of VCAM-1 and DAF, with bright co-expression of VCAM-1, DAF and CR2 in lymphoid follicle centres. B lymphocytes, some of which were proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive, were present in contact with subintimal cells expressing VCAM-1 with or without DAF or CR2. B lymphocytes were rarely present in the intimal layer, and, where present, showed fragmentation. In vitro, synovial fibroblasts exposed to tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in combination with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) showed enhanced expression of VCAM-1, in comparison with fibroblasts from skin and lung and, unlike skin and lung fibroblasts, also expressed DAF and CR2. These findings support the hypothesis that synovial targeting in RA involves an enhanced ability of synovial fibroblasts to support B lymphocyte survival. This appears to be dependent, not on the constitutive expression of VCAM-1 and DAF on intimal cells, but on the increased ability of subintimal cells to respond to proinflammatory cytokines, perhaps critically in the expression of VCAM-1.  相似文献   

This investigation of domain-specific professional reading clarifies the way 12 teachers who are professionally active select and read the journals and research articles in their fields. Using verbal protocol analysis and interviews, the authors identified and classified reading think-aloud reports into 5 categories: using strategies, connecting to practice, monitoring, questioning, and evaluating. The teachers in this study created meaning in complex and personal ways as they read. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The intermediate filament (IF) proteins present in the normal and pathological exocrine human pancreas were studied by immunolocalization using antibodies to cytokeratins (CKs) and vimentin. Acinar cells of normal pancreas showed a presence of simple CKs 8 and 18. Duct epithelium consistently expressed CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19 whereas centroacinar cells were rather low in CK 7. A subpopulation of CK 4 cells was detected in inter-intralobular ducts. In addition, some ducts contained individual cells or groups of cells that were positive for the stratification-related CKs (CKs 4, 5, 13, 15, 16). All pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas regularly expressed CKs 7, 8, 18, 19 and were also positive for the 34 beta E12 antibody. Cytokeratin 4 was detected in a minor population of tumor cells. Pancreatic carcinoma also contained minor amounts of stratification-related CKs in variable combinations. Mucinous cystoadenocarcinoma showed the presence of CKs 7, 8, 18, 19 and was also positive for 34 beta E12, whereas the serous microcystic tumor presented CKs 8, 18, 19 and a variable amount of CKs 4 and 7. The duct-ductular alterations of the exocrine pancreas contained a different combination and distribution of CK isoforms similar to normal pancreatic ductal system. Mucinous hypertrophy and pyloric gland metaplasia reacted with antibodies to CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19. Vimentin was focally present both in normal and neoplastic tissue. Our results indicate that pancreatic ducts are characterized by an intrinsic "biliary-pancreatic duct type" immunoprofile (CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19), in contrast to acinar cells expressing exclusively CKs 8 and 18. We also detected a subpopulation of ducts regularly expressing CK 4. Surprisingly, several stratification-related CKs were detected both in normal and neoplastic exocrine pancreas. Moreover, the differentiation phenotypes of pancreatic tumors were reminiscent of normal cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The expression of intermediate filament proteins is remarkably tissue-specific which suggests that the intermediate filament (IF) type(s) present in cells is somehow related to their biological function. However, in some cancers-particularly malignant melanoma and breast carcinoma, there is a strong indication that vimentin and keratin IFs are coexpressed, thus presenting as a dedifferentiated or interconverted (between epithelial and mesenchymal) phenotype. In this review, two in vitro models are presented which recapitulate the interconverted phenotype in human melanoma and breast carcinoma, and allow, for the first time, unique observations to be made with respect to the role of IFs in cancer progression. These studies have provided direct evidence linking overexpression of keratin IFs in human melanoma with increased migratory and invasive activity in vitro, which can be down-regulated by substituting dominant-negative keratin mutants. Overexpression of vimentin IFs in the breast carcinoma model leads to augmentation of motility and invasiveness in vitro, which can be transiently down-regulated by treatment with antisense oligonucleotides to vimentin. Additional experimental evidence suggests that the mechanism(s) responsible for the differential expression of metastatic properties associated with the interconverted phenotype rest(s) in the unique interaction, either direct or indirect, of IFs with specific integrins interacting with the extracellular matrix. In this review, we discuss the observations derived from the human melanoma and breast carcinoma models to address the hypothesis that the ability to coexpress vimentin and keratins confers a selective advantage to tumor cells in their interpretation of and response to signaling cues from the extracellular matrix. The ramifications of these observations are discussed with respect to the patholophysiology of the respective in situ tumors.  相似文献   

The ninaC proteins are found in Drosophila photoreceptor cells. Their primary sequences suggest they are kinase/myosin chimeras, but their myosin head-like domain is the most divergent amongst all the myosin-like proteins described to date. To investigate possible roles of the ninaC proteins in cell structure, we examined the ultrastructure of the photoreceptor cells in various ninaC mutants, and tested the ability of the proteins to interact with actin filaments in a myosin-like manner. In flies lacking the larger ninaC protein, p174, an ultrastructural phenotype was evident before eclosion. The axial actin cytoskeleton of the rhabdomeral microvilli appeared either fragmented or as an isolated structure, without linkage to the microvillar membrane. Deletion of the myosin head-like domain or the calmodulin-binding domain of p174 resulted in a similar abnormal cytoskeleton. Breakdown of the rhabdomeres followed, although at different rates depending on the deletion. Lack of the smaller protein, p132, per se did not result in photoreceptor degeneration, but in older flies there was an abnormal accumulation of multivesicular bodies. Moreover, the presence of p132 retarded the degeneration that occurs in the absence of p174, even though the p132 remained outside the rhabdomere. Biochemical studies showed that both ninaC proteins bind actin filaments and cosediment with actin filaments in an ATP-sensitive manner. These results outline structural roles for the ninaC proteins, and are consistent with the notion, suggested by their amino acid sequences, that the proteins are actin-based mechanoenzymes.  相似文献   

The Internet has provided a new forum through which medical information can be obtained and discussed. We review methods available to take advantage of this resource and provide a glimpse of electronically available information and discussions. These methods are useful for beginning and experienced users of the Internet.  相似文献   

The expression of cytokeratins 7, 8, 14, 18, 19 and vimentin was examined in 100 cases of ductal invasive breast carcinomas. While the predominantly diffuse immunohistological positivity of simple epithelia cytokeratins 7 (in 93), 8 (in 100), 18 (in 100) and 19 (in 97) cases represents a constant feature of these tumors, cytokeratin 14 was detected in only 36 cases which were mostly of low grade and in a focal pattern. Vimentin positivity was found in 53 intermediate and high grade tumors and, again the pattern was also rarely diffuse. The ductal carcinomas can be grouped into four classes according to vimentin and cytokeratin 14 immunoreactivity. This grouping correlates well with tumor grade and with simple histological classification of ductal breast carcinoma, consisting of the low, intermediate and high malignancy categories, as proposed here. The types ofductal carcinomas can be sorted into prognostically different subgroups, according to ICD-O morphologic terminology and commonly adopted results of morphologic and prognostic studies.  相似文献   

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